
Florida animal portfolio:Describe adaptive strategies that relate to development of the young.

Florida Animal Portfolio



  • Student will photograph 25 different animal species. (insects, spiders, birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, snails, etc.)
  • Identify the animal by common name AND scientific name.
  • Show geographical distribution of the animal. (include migratory behavior if relevant)
  • Describe the general habitat that the animal is commonly found.
  • Describe adaptive strategies of the animal that relate to feeding
  • Describe adaptive strategies that relate to development of the young.
  • Describe adaptive strategies that relate to defense mechanisms.
  • Include interesting fact about the animal.
  • Describe key characteristics that aid in identification of this species.
  • This project can be done as a PowerPoint, Portfolio, or Poster.

What is the Southern strategy and how did it begin the criminalization of race associated with mass incarceration?

Race And Crime book PDF chapter 5 & 6 and for last questions their is a link I connected at the bottom of the 4th question and just based off the officers hostile approach, and the cop was not indicted on the charge.
1) How does urban renewal connect to crime control of the poor?
2) What is the Southern strategy and how did it begin the criminalization of race associated with mass incarceration?
3) What is postwar racial liberalism and how did it contribute to the beginning of mass incarceration?
4) In a paragraph, please reflect on Mr. Gerald Smith’s guest lecture and the opinion’s publication we handed out. What did you learn? What were you surprised by? And what connections did you draw to the content of our class?

Why is it sometimes difficult to trace the impact of star candidates in electoral polls?

Lab #6: Polls

Step 1: Consult the website

Step: 2: Answer the following questions in this document. Write one short paragraph (minimum 100 words) for each answer.

  1. Of the demographic data used in the Canada338 model (languages, age density curves, household income, etc.), which factor do you think is most useful in determining voting patterns? Please explain your answer.
  2. Are you convinced by the method (and formula) used in weighing polls? Please explain your answer.
  3. Why is it sometimes difficult to trace the impact of star candidates in electoral polls?
  4. Which electoral outcome did the Canada338 model MOST accurately predict: the Ontario 2018 election, the Quebec 2018 election, or the Alberta 2019 election? Explain your choice using exact statistics drawn from the websi
  5. Go to the “The site divides Canada into seven regions” section, click on “Quebec”, locate your home district for the 2019 federal election, and click on this district’s name. Using the information available about your district, and using your own observations of the 2019 federal election, explain why the winning party or candidate in your district defeated its rivals

What impact did “credit crunch” effect have on the UK stock market during the 2008 recession?


Your report can be based on one of the four topics discussed below. The report should be typed on A4 paper, Times New Roman, 12 point font, aligning text to both left and right margins, double spacing and should be no more than 1,000 words, excluding the reference page(s), bibliography and appendices (if applicable). Marks will be deducted for excessively short or lengthy reports. Separate word counts should be displayed on the first page of the coursework.


Discuss and critically evaluate one of the following questions/statements:

  1. What impact did “credit crunch” effect have on the UK stock market during the 2008 recession?
  2. Analyse impact of securitisation on banks’ liquidity and developments in the field of global securitisation in the post 2008 recession period.
  3. Can Vicker’s regulation in the UK and Volcker’s rule in the US prevent a next financial crisis?
  4. What is the role of CRA’s in debt capital markets and do these institutions have any conflicts of interest?


“Plagiarism is the practice of presenting thoughts, writings or other output of another or others as original, without acknowledgement of their source(s).” All material used to support a piece of work, whether a printed publication or from electronic media, should be appropriately identified and referenced and should not normally be copied directly unless as an acknowledged quote. Text translated into the words of the individual student should in all cases acknowledge the source. For further information please see:

Before submitting the essay, you should check through it to ensure that:

  • any material that has been identified as originally from a previously published source has been properly attributed by the inclusion of an appropriate reference in the text;
  • direct quotations are marked as such (using “quotation marks” at the beginning and end of the selected text); and
  • citations are included in the list of references.

Were there errors in punctuation, grammar, or spelling? Did your paper conform to the formatting requirements?

You have the option of submitting one written assignment. The assignment is to conduct a
psychobiography in which you will think more critically about course content and apply it in an
insightful way. Specifically, you will use theories, models, and/or perspectives (approx. 3) in
personality psychology (e.g., Big 5 or HEXACO model, change/stability over time, psychoanalytic
theory, attachment, motivation, gender, culture, adjustment, personality disorders, or
subcomponents of theories/perspectives depending on the breadth and focus) to describe, analyze,
and interpret the personality of a person. Students may choose any individual, including themselves
(although this can prove to be the most challenging case study for some), a family member, a friend,
a public figure (e.g., a celebrity, a political leader— with the exception of the case studies reviewed in
class ), or a fictional character (e.g., a character from a novel or movie). Students may choose to focus
on the individual’s personality development, their current state, and/or a specific aspect of the
individual. The audience should be someone who has completed PSYC-305A .
PAPER ORGANIZATION: The paper should be organized as follows: Start with a brief introduction to
the person or character. Provide important background information, such as date and place of birth,
date of death, residence, family characteristics, etc. In the case of a fictional character, also briefly
describe the source. The introduction should end with a thesis statement describing the goals or
purpose of the paper. [Approx. 3⁄4 to 1 page for intro.] You will then analyze the person’s
personality, applying theories and research (learned in class, presented in the textbook, and/or from
other sources) but avoiding lengthy reiterations of course content. Ensure that your analysis is
thoughtful and in-depth. You may include interpretations of scores (i.e., ratings of yourself or
another) on personality questionnaires to support analyses. [Approx. 6-8 pages for body of paper.)
You should then make some concrete conclusions, in which you integrate and connect your analyses,
compare and contrast theories and models, discuss limitations of theories and models, and/or
formulate broader conclusions about the subject of your analysis. [Approx. 1-1.5 pages for
PAPER REQUIREMENTS: The written assignment must be typed, double-spaced, in 12-point Times
New Roman or similar font, and 8-10 pages in length (not including title page and reference
section) with 1-inch margins. Your paper should also include a title page and a reference section,
but not an abstract. First-person perspective and direct-quoting are acceptable for this assignment,
although the tone should remain formal and non-colloquial (i.e., non-conversational). Although it is
not necessary that you use sources of information beyond the lecture material and textbook, the use
of additional resources generally strengthens a paper. Accordingly, you are encouraged to cite
additional resources (e.g., books, peer-reviewed papers). Note that Wikipedia may be used *only* to
cite information about celebrities or fictional characters. Any sources of information that are
referred to in your paper should be referenced according to the guidelines provided by the American
Psychological Association (i.e., APA). If you are not familiar with these guidelines, please refer to the
APA Publication Manual or inquire at the University Library for further information. The library has a
handout summarizing APA citation procedures available at A tutorial on APA style is available at Headings are optional (but often
helpful). When citing lecture content , please use the following formatting:
In-text citation: (King, year)
Example : As was noted in class (King, 2019), Freud’s theory ….
Reference section: King, D. (year). Lecture number [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from http://URL.
Example : King, D. (2019). Lecture 11 [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from
Use lower case letters to distinguish among different lectures in both the in-text citation and
reference section: Example : As was noted in class (King, 2019a), Freud’s theory …. In contrast,
Maslow noted… (King, 2019b).
PAPER GRADING: The paper will be graded for content—that is, how effectively you analyzed the
individual’s personality. For example, did you provide a sufficient and accurate review of the theories
that you selected? Did you accurately interpret the theories in your analysis of the individual? Did
you support your claims with appropriate and sufficient biographical evidence? Did you exhibit
thoughtful, independent thinking in your analysis? Were you creative, demonstrating new ways to
think about the theories? Did you note the strengths and weaknesses of the theories that you used?
Did you compare and contrast the theories in your paper? The paper will also be graded for style,
mechanics, and formatting—that is, how well your paper was written. For example, did your paper
contain a clear statement of its purpose or objectives (i.e., thesis statement)? Was your writing clear,
concise, and easily understood, with appropriate word choice and university-level academic tone?
Was your paper well organized, characterized by effective transitions between ideas and a logical
flow? Were sources of information paraphrased appropriately and integrated effectively into your
writing (if applicable)? Were there errors in punctuation, grammar, or spelling? Did your paper
conform to the formatting requirements? Were all sources of information referenced according to
APA guidelines? Your paper should be at an advanced level and reflect a high degree of critical
PAPER SUBMISSION: Hard copies of assignments must be turned in at the start of class on the due
date noted in the course schedule, and cannot be emailed or given to me or a TA outside of class.
Because this is an optional assignment, no late papers will be accepted in any circumstance and no
special accommodations will be made. All papers must ALSO be scanned by “TurnItIn” by 11:59
PM on the day of submission .
TURNITIN: TurnItIn is a service designed to detect and deter plagiarism.
Through this service, students’ papers are scanned and compared to over
5 billion pages of content located on the Internet or in TurnItIn’s own
proprietary databases. The results of comparisons are compiled into
customized “Originality Reports” that are forwarded to instructors and
contain several measures of plagiarism. Papers that have not been scanned by TurnItIn by midnight
on the due date will not be graded and will receive a grade of “0.” Please submit your paper in the
exact same form as the hardcopy submission (i.e., do not remove your title page or reference
section). Originality reports of 30–40% or higher should be of concern . If you are worried about
potential plagiarism in your paper, it is strongly advised that you submit your paper early to TurnItIn
and, in the case that your paper demonstrates significant overlap, make appropriate changes before
the final submission. Students will be able to view their originality reports and resubmit before the

What are the facts of the case? How did it end up at the Supreme Court? What are the arguments on each side? What authority does each side cite to support their argument?

You will need to write a 10-14 page paper on a Supreme Court case using the following guidelines.

  1. Choose a case from the list below that interests you. You may want to do some brief research on a few of the topics before committing to one.
  2. Your paper should expand on the case brief elements we have been discussing this semester. Your paper should cover the following:
    What are the facts of the case? How did it end up at the Supreme Court?
    What are the arguments on each side? What authority does each side cite to support their argument?
    What do other cases say about this? (You may want to discuss this prior to discussing each sides’ arguments.)
    What is the Court’s analysis?
    What is the Court’s conclusion… who wins, and why?
    What do you think? Include your own thoughts, such as: What will the implications of this decision be on businesses in the future? …On citizens? Do you agree with the outcome? Do you think the political make up of the Court influenced this outcome? Does the evolution of the law on this topic support that notion? Do you think this decision will be overruled in the future, and if so, why? These are just a number of prompts for you to think about; you can include other thoughts you might have on the subject. This section should be at least 2 pages, and closer to 4.
  3. You will be graded on the accuracy of the information you provide, the clarity of your writing, your grammar, and whether your paper demonstrates thoughtfulness, effort, and understanding of the issues. Sloppy papers written a day or two, or even a week, before the due date will likely earn a low grade. Papers that are plagiarized will receive zero credit and will be referred to the Dean.
  4. To avoid plagiarism, you should cite your work appropriately. Legal writing follows its own citation style, which is esoteric and beyond the expectations of this course. However, I do expect you to credit ideas to the original authors using the type of citation format you are most comfortable with. When you are providing the background information and summary of arguments from the case, you do not need to cite the case after each sentence, but if you directly quote language from the case, you should make sure that it is in quotation marks to indicate as such.
  5. The last page of your document should be a references sheet, which does not count toward the overall page count of your paper. Your references sheet should consist mostly of court cases, and not secondary sources such as news articles or television clips.
  6. All work MUST BE SUBMITTED IN .PDF, .DOC, OR .DOCX FORMAT.  Any other formats, such as .pages, will not be accepted after the deadline. If you accidentally submit an early draft, submit your final draft before the deadline. I will only look at the last submission.


Preliminary Stages of Prosecution:Are these proceedings overly repetitive, or do they serve different purposes?


An arrest, a preliminary hearing, and grand jury indictment all focus on determining whether some form of probable cause indicates that the accused committed a crime and should be brought to trial.  Are these proceedings overly repetitive, or do they serve different purposes?  Support your opinion with actual facts from credible sources.
Minimum Requirements:
2-3 pages in length
Provide a 750-word minimum essay.
Use property APA formatting and citations, including ‘in-text’ citations.
Reference at least 2 outside credible resources.

What effect is this having on the population, patients, and organisation?



The Task

You are required to develop a 2,200 word Business Case based on a scenario/situation that is provided to you below.

You will be required to analyse the information and circumstances that are provided in the scenario and develop an evidence-based solution for a portion of the new funding of $47 million.

Your proposal needs to be on micro and macro reform that is required to drive changes to diabetes management for Indigenous Queenslanders.


A healthcare organisation – SIM Health (a background/information paper has been provided to you about SIM Health) – has identified through a Government (Health Monster’s) program opportunity announcement that funding is available for new or additional services in the State of Queensland to support Indigenous members of the community dealing with the challenges of diabetes.

SIM Health’s Chief Executive has identified that it would be appropriate that a business case should be developed and submitted to get funding for how SIM Health might use new resources for services to address the targets of the new initiative.

SIM Health’ Chief Executive has tasked you with the responsibility of preparing the business case for SIM Health to submit.

In the scenario information there are various items (such as emails from key staff members in SIM Health; the funding announcement etc) that you will need to piece together the opportunity; your approach to developing your business case etc.  Also attached is a template used by the SIM Health organisation in developing and presenting business cases in this organisation.

This scenario situation is quite usual in the health system: a funding/policy body sets out a call for interest and application from service providers; someone (you) takes charge to manage the process of preparing a business case based on information available or information and facts that need to be found out.  Several people within your organisation may have information, advice and suggestions to contribute to the process of developing a business case.  The quality, calibre, depth, novelty and alignment of your organisation’s approach or model to the goals and requirements of the invitation needs to be reflected in the business case prepared and submitted by your organisation (SIM Health).

A range of information, communications and detail about SIM Health; the funding proposal; your Chief Executive’s task given to you etc are attached here.

Read and review all this material and develop your plan for the preparation of the required business case document. Development of an evidence-based business case and strictly use only the below template when writing. The business plan must include 15 references and strictly include only peer-reviewed journal articles.

Use the business case template to prepare your business plan.

Date and Document version number goes here

Summary Statement

Short summary of two or three paragraphs needs to be provided.  You need to include:

Brief description of the current problem
Background information
Assessment of the situation
Funding requested
1.    Introduction

Briefly describe the problem including what has happened in the past and what the current position is.

Set the scene for the business case.

Why is a change required?

Assessment of the Situation

Problem Statement

Identify the likely cause of the problem.

What effect is this having on the population, patients, and organisation?

Evidence of the problem

Summarise evidence of both the cause and effect of the problem. Attach documents if required. Evidence might include:

demand forecasts with assumptions;
a report or published paper
key performance indicators (KPIs) on current performance levels; and
examples of the problem.
Benefits of this proposal
Benefits to be delivered

Identify the key benefits that will occur if the problem is solved. Show how this investment will help the organisation to meet Queensland strategic objectives. Include both financial and non-financial benefits.

Measuring the outcomes

Summarise how you will measure the outcomes using the table below. Include around 4 or 5 key outcome measures.


Measurement Description Baseline Measure
What is the current state? Target Measure
(Include interim targets. Consider $, FTE, rates, target budget, etc.) When will measurement occur?

What is the measure? Start Date Frequency End Date


This section is to outline, explore and analyse the possible solution to address the problem.

Description of Option

Describe the potential option that have been identified.  One of these options should be your ‘do nothing’ or Status Quo option.

Option 1 –        Current situation (Do nothing new or status quo)

Option 2 –        The preferred option


Comparison of Options

Compare the options by summarising the benefits, risk, costs, timeframes and other relevant criteria.

Criteria Option 1 Option 2
Community or patients

Community or patients


Time to implement



State your recommendation/s and briefly explain your reasoning. Your reasons might include;

Benefits to patients, staff and organisation
Risks to patients, staff and organisation (if any)
Estimate of the set up costs (if any) – non recurrent costs
Estimate of the ongoing costs – recurrent costs
Time it would take to implement the option
Estimated Costs

Provide your best estimate of the costs involved and funding required. Identify any potential sources of revenue or any cost savings that will be achieved by this proposal.


Non-recurrent(set up costs) Recurrent(ongoing running costs)
Estimated expenditure·         Labour Costs·         Non-labour Costs·         Capital Acquisitions
Estimated revenue / cost savings (if any)
Estimated net cost to simHealth


Criteria Marks
1.      Incorporates relevant concepts and theorieso   Addresses the subject and the issues raised in the questiono   Demonstrates an appropriate level of understanding of the theoretical principles and conceptso   Relevant principles and concepts are used with appropriate application to support argument.

2.      Use of resourceso   Evidence of an appropriate level of research regarding the various conceptso   Evidence of a range of relevant resources are used and integrated into the discussiono   Appropriate and accurate referencing

3.      Communicationo   Ideas are clearly articulated and coherently structuredo   The paper/business case is presented in an acceptable academic formato   The paper/business case is structured logically and clearly with an appropriate conclusion.


Is a sample of five mortgages adequate to access the relative magnitudes of the effects of the variables? What sample size would you recommend?

Read the following case study:

A major financial services company wishes to better understand its mortgage approval process. In particular, the company is interested in learning about the effects of credit history (good versus fair), the size of the mortgage (<$500,000 versus >$500,000), and the region of the United States (western versus eastern) on the amount of time it takes to get a mortgage approved. The database of mortgages approved in the last year is accessed, and a random sample of five approved mortgages is selected for each of the eight combinations of the three variables. The data are shown in the table

Mortgage Approval Time Study

Credit History Mortgage Size Region Approval Times (Days)

Good <$500,000 Western 59 50 64 62 47

Fair <$500,000 Western 81 58 69 65 74

Good >$500,000 Western 38 52 58 60 65

Fair >$500,000 Western 146 159 133 143 129

Good <$500,000 Eastern 28 26 38 41 21

Fair <$500,000 Eastern 42 53 40 50 64

Good >$500,000 Eastern 49 31 49 42 38

Fair >$500,000 Eastern 106 115 126 118 138

First, conduct an analysis using the following steps:

Use the data shown in the table to conduct a design of experiment (DOE) in Microsoft Excel in order determine the nature and magnitude of the effects of the three variables on mortgage approval times. What are the key drivers of this process?
Determine the graphical display tool (e.g., Interaction Effects Chart, Scatter Chart, etc.) that you would use to present the results of the DOE that you conducted in Question 1. Provide a rationale for your response.
Assess the data sampling method. Our sample contained only five mortgages per combination. Under what circumstances would it have been appropriate to select a larger sample? Is a sample of five mortgages adequate to access the relative magnitudes of the effects of the variables? What sample size would you recommend? What could you learn from a larger sample size? (Hint: Look back at chapter 2, 3, 5, and 6 for discussion of sampling.)
Provide other variable responses that might be of interest to measure and study. (Hint: If you were getting a mortgage or a loan, what are the two and most important measures of the process you would have to go through?)
Propose one overall recommendation to the financial services company, based on the DOE, that could help reduce mortgage approval times.
Use to identify at least two (2) quality references to support your discussion. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Second, create a PPT presentation to communicate the data analysis you completed. Your presentation must follow these formatting requirements:

A PPT presentation with at least 10 slides that include the answers to questions 1 through 5.
A reference slide which follows APA format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Formatting of the slides should be consistent and easy to read.
Cover slide containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.
Please figure and analyze the problem.

What do you think about the results? How might you explain any differences?

The MHA 608 course has focused on the development of healthcare
administrators who are poised to deal with not only current issues in the
healthcare arena, but also to develop visionary leaders who can handle future
issues in healthcare administration. This final paper requires a comparative
analysis of multiple hospital or health systems in their applicability as it relates to
various issues encountered by the healthcare administrator.
o Access the following website: This site was created and is
maintained by The Commonwealth Fund, which is a private foundation focused
on development of high performance health systems. It is a free resource for
health care professionals interested in tracking performance on various measures
of health care quality. It is used by organizations to compare their performance
against peers and competitors on a range of benchmarks over various periods of
time. The link for the site is: (
o Select a minimum of 3 hospitals (from the left menu box – “Compare Hospitals”)
in your home state and at 3 hospitals in least 2-3 other states in order to make
comparisons. It is recommended that your choice of the other 2-3 states be states
that have similar characteristics (i.e. demographics or population) as your home
state. Your selections are not required to be neighboring states.
o Once the list appears based on your selected state (under the matching hospitals
menu), click on the arrow icon next to the hospital to add them to the box on the
right (“add to report”). Do not leave this page until all of your hospitals and
states have been selected. Your choices will not be saved. Look back to the left
menu box and select your next state and hospitals until all of your choices have
been selected.
o Once all selections have been made, click on “View Report.” You must click on
the site terms of agreement in order to proceed. You will also need to give your
report a name. Any name will suffice. Click on “View Report” again. You may
get a popup menu that asks again for the agreement to the terms of use. Please
read this information. It also illustrates how to cite your report. You will need this
citation information for the reference page of your report.
o Your report will be displayed. Click on the “change category” link in order to
produce reports on the following characteristics.
 Patient Experience
 Mortality Rates
 Readmission Rates
 Health Information Technology
o It is recommended that you print the chart reports from each category. If you
desire, you can create a free account to save your reports. However, if you do not
create the account before you do the report, you will lose your report. It may be
more feasible just to print out your reports.
o If you select hospitals that do not have enough to measure the four required
characteristics, it is advised that you select other hospitals. The purpose of the
assignment is to compare facilities.
o After reviewing the reports from each state, students will develop a comparative
analysis paper. The paper will explore the four (4) required areas of comparison;
describe the findings, and present ideas for improving the data findings.
o Requirements: The body of the paper should be between a minimum of 8 pages
not to exceed 12 pages (3500-4000 words), typed and double-spaced in Times
Roman font using APA standard. The page length requirement does not include
the title page and reference pages.
Format for the paper:
 Title page
 Introduction – This section of the paper should describe the states selected and
rationale for their selection.
 Comparative Analysis – This discussion should give a narrative of the results
of the comparisons for each state based on the specified characteristics.
 Reflections – Discuss your personal and professional reflections on the
findings. (What do you think about the results? How might you explain any
differences?) This discussion should be supported by references from the
assigned readings and external sources.
 Conclusions – Discuss how the selected hospitals might improve their scores
on each of the characteristics. This discussion should be based on concepts
and principles learned from the MHA 608 course.
 Christian Worldview – This section of the paper should also address how your
Christian worldview perspective impacts or frames your ideas and discussions
related to the issues presented in the paper.
 Reference page – APA format. Resources for APA formatting are included on
the Graduate Online Student Center.