
What resources or assistance is needed to keep them from returning to trafficking?

Sex Trafficking: Victims Unique Experiences and Psychosocial Needs Post Trafficking
What resources or assistance is needed to keep them from returning to trafficking?

Does the city with higher level biking usage have less people diagnosed with physical health problems?

  1. In this question, we will continue to use the data we used in assignment 2. The dataset includes 184 US cities. 21 variables in the dataset, contain information ranging from city sustainability policy actions to population health status, along with local demographic information. The explanation for each variable is on sheet 2.

In the assignment 2, you picked one research question from three below and answered a few questions regarding the properties of dependent variable and independent variable in the question you picked.

Does the city with higher level biking usage have less people diagnosed with physical health problems?

Review your answer in assignment 2 first and answer the following question:(5 points)

For those who picked question I or II, based on the question you selected, please conduct simple regression analysis by Excel and report the results:

  1. Report the value of intercept and regression coefficient
  2. State the regression line equation
  3. Based on the equation, state how the dependent variable is going to be changed if there is one unit change in the independent variable
  4. According to the statistical results, is the relationship significant?
  5. Interpret R2
  6. Think about one additional independent variable from the dataset as the control variable, use one sentence or two to justify why you think the additional variable could jointly explain the dependent variable.
  7. Then, conduct multiple regression analysis and report the findings (regression line equation, state how the dependent variable is going to be changed if there is one unit change in the independent variable, holding constant the impact of another independent variable; are the relationships significant? Interpret R2 and F test)


Compute column percentage for the table to clarify the patter of the relationship. Which gender is more likely to prefer the Democrats?

  1. Many analysts have noted a “gender” gap in U.S. elections, with women more likely to vote for the Democratic candidate. A sample of university faculty has been asked about their political party preference. Do their responses indicate a significant relationship between gender and party preference for this group? (10 points)
Party preference Male Female Totals
Democrat 10 15 25
Republican 15 10 25
Totals 25 25 50


  • What is the column variable (independent variable)? What is the row variable (dependent variable)? (2 points)
  • What is the value of column marginal? (1 point)
  • In order to examine whether there is a significant relationship between gender and party preference for this group, please first state the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis (two-tailed) (1 points)
  • Since two variables are both nominal level variables, chi-square analysis should be conducted to examine the relationship between gender and party preference. Please conduct chi-square analysis and report the findings.
  1. Construct an expected frequency table (1 points)
  2. Construct a computation table and calculate the Chi-square value (see example on lecture week 11_chi-square, page 10). (2 points)
  3. Given the alpha level you selected and degree of freedom, compare chi-square (critical) and Chi-square (obtained), make the decision and state conclusion (1 points)
  • Compute column percentage for the table to clarify the patter of the relationship. Which gender is more likely to prefer the Democrats? (2 points)
  1. Occupational prestige score for a sample of fathers and their oldest daughter are presented below. Analyze the relationship between father’s and daughter’s prestige (5 points)


Family Father’s Prestige Daughter’s Prestige
A 80 82
B 78 77
C 75 68
D 70 77
E 69 60
F 66 52
G 64 48
H 52 57


  1. Compute the slop (b) and find the intercept (a) (Hint: construct the computation table as Table 13.3 in Healey’s book) (2 points)
  2. State the regression line (equation). (0.5 points)
  3. What prestige score would you predict for a daughter whose father had a prestige score of 72? (0.5 point)
  4. Compute r and r2 and interpret these two indicators in a sentence or two.

(2 points)


Evaluate the differences between marine and freshwater habitats found globally in separate graphs.


Please make it as much academic as you can.
1. Evaluate the differences between marine and freshwater habitats found globally in separate graphs e.g.(a graph for the Rockpools data and another for the Riverine data).
2. Discuss a range of processes that shape marine and freshwater habitats e.g.( pH, temp, dissolved oxygen and salinity) for the Rockpool’s part.
For the Riverine’s it would be ( pH, temp and dissolved oxygen).
3. Discuss the external factors that drive species adaptation and diversity within marine and freshwater habitats
4. Assess anthropogenic effects on aquatic systems and biota
5. Demonstrate the ability to plan, design and undertake fieldwork and record, analyse and evaluate field data
6. Develop identification skills for a range of marine and/or freshwater organisms.
* one more thing, please ignore any page that you find repeated in the file attached.
* there should be 9 data sets for the Rock pool (3g groups and each has 3 sites). Graph based on volume and number of species ( not individuals ).
Volume should be calculated by multiplying width by depth by length for each site.
* there should be 3 data sets for the Riverine.

How much of cash dividends did your company pay out each year reported in the current 10-K report? In which financial statement does your company report these amounts?

Use the most recent 10-K report of your (new) assigned company.  Show your work if you are required to compute a numeric value.

  1. Copy and paste your company’s most recent 2-year balance sheets.
  2. As of the most recent fiscal-year-end:

1) Number of all classes of common stock authorized

2) Number of all classes of common stock issued

3) Number of all classes of common stock outstanding

4) Compute the average issue price of your company’s common stock (if you have more than 1 class of common stock, compute the overall average issue price for all classes of common stock).

5) Compute the average repurchase cost of your company’s common stock.

6) Compute the total amount of contributed capital, net of treasury stock.

3a. How much of cash dividends did your company pay out each year reported in the current 10-K report? In which financial statement does your company report these amounts?

3b. Compute the annual dividend payout ratios for the most recent 3 years.





What is the conclusion of each study? What relationships can you infer? Did any themes appear?

Assignment : Complete Partial Literature Review

Points: 100


The purpose of this assignment is to write partial literature review for critique by the instructor.


In a literature review, you are synthesizing information not reporting it as in an essay. Watch the video and complete this assignment

Writing an Article Synthesis (6:18 min) (Links to an external site.)
Writing an Article Synthesis transcript (Links to an external site.)

Follow these guidelines:

  • Use the outline you created previously. Now, elaborate on your outline to include a synthesis of what you found about your topic. Discuss this in at least 3 main well developed themes. The following sub points will help your identify your themes:
    • Identify relationships among the research you found.
    • For each topic and subtopic you outlined, determine what the articles have in common and what is different.
      • Are any different? How are they different? Do they contradict each other?
    • What is the conclusion of each study? What relationships can you infer? Did any themes appear?
  • Critique of the evidence and discuss strengths and weakness of the studies.
  • Explain gaps identified in the research.
  • Discuss the comparison of your own practice with the research.
  • Conclude with the answer to your PICOT question.

Note: This is a partial literature review draft. Your Final paper is still ahead due in week 8.

Similarity Score

  • After submitting your assignment, select Submission Details to view your similarity score.
  • Your similarity score will appear as a percentage next to your submitted file.
  • It may take up to 24 hours for your similarity score to appear.

Rubric: Please follow closely this rubric!!!!!

Partial Literature Review

Partial Literature Review
Criteria Ratings Pts
Introduction and Search History 3.0 pts
Integration/Synthesis of the Evidence

Present 3 “themes” across the studies (Similarities in results? Dissimilarities of results?). Within each theme, present the evidence from the studies.

15.0 pts
Critique of the Evidence

Discussion of your overall impression of the quality of the evidence (refer to the critique guidelines in the Melnyk book). Synthesized

7.0 pts
Gaps in the Evidence

What is missing from the evidence? What areas need further study?

7.0 pts
Comparison To Your Own Practice

How does what you found in the evidence (specific findings) align with your own experience/practice? Feasibility of changing practice, if warranted? Barriers to changing practice?

3.0 pts

Restate key points from synthesis; implications for practice/research.

5.0 pts
Spelling, Grammar, and Editing

Use 10 primary research articles for this review

2.0 pts

Topic sentences, clarify, logical flow, development/coherence, and paraphrasing/quotes.

5.0 pts
APA Format

Title page, headings, citations in text, references, and copies of articles included.

3.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0


As a healthcare manager, describe the role of informed consent? Is it mandatory to protect the privacy of the patients?

Research on new medical technologies requires informed consent from participants in the studies.

1. As a healthcare manager, describe the role of informed consent? Is it mandatory to protect the privacy of the patients?

2. Discuss the four areas required to have informed consent.

Please write 2-3 full pages precisely and concisely, answer these questions following the APA style format, including an introduction, headers, and a conclusion. A cover page and the reference page are needed to submit it. Please cite at least three updated current high-quality within the last five years.

Please use ethical theories to support your answers!!!

Demonstrate an ability to evaluate the principles of criminal law and formulate responses to various hypothetical scenarios.

This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:

1. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate the theoretical principles underlying criminal law;

2. Utilise a wide range of specialist skills in order to analyse and evaluate the principles of criminal law and relevant case law as applied in practice;

3. Demonstrate an ability to evaluate the principles of criminal law and formulate responses to various hypothetical scenarios.

4. Demonstrate the ability to analyse and evaluate proposals for reform (where applicable) and to generate ideas.

This assignment is an individual assignment.

Please write an essay on the following problem-based question:

John has a very bad relationship with his neighbour Gill. John has often asked Gill not to play loud music, as this compromises his rest. Not only has Gill never fulfilled John’s request, but she’s always been quite rude and scornful to him.

One day, John sees a courier delivering Gill a brand-new stereo system, including a giant subwoofer. Gill notices John and smiles spitefully at him and says: “Party time!”. Irritated by Gill’s behaviour and afraid that the new stereo system will put an end to his sleep for good, John waits until Gill leaves to go to work and then breaks into her house carrying a big hammer. Once inside, he finds the subwoofer in Gill’s living room and smash it with multiple hits of his hammer making it completely useless.

At that point, he hears the front door opening. Gill has come back sooner than expected due to a train strike. As soon as he sees Gill on the doorstep, John runs towards the door himself to try to escape. Seeing John running towards her with a hammer in his hand, Gill pushes him with her hands on his shoulders. The push is not strong enough to injure John, but it causes him to lose his balance and accidentally trip over the steps out of the door and falls down the stairs. During the fall, he violently hits his head on one of the steps and dies instantly.

Discuss the criminal liability of John and Gill for any possible offence and any relevant legal issue, including (but not limited to) the availability of any defences. Support your analysis with adequate legal sources – cases and legislation – and academic materials – namely, books and journal articles.

What is the context of their work? Cultural? Spiritual? Political? Historical?


You will select one of the major, heard-of artist mentioned in the textbook as a subject for your research paper.

Step 1: Research the artist and a theme within their work

  • This paper should be more than just being “about” the artist. More than a biography.
  • Identify a theme or central idea about the artist or his/her artwork (your thesis) as it relates to a theme explored in Module 4 (Part 4 of the textbook) and then build the paper around that idea.
  • Select an artist from the list below:
    • Ana Mendieta
    • Chuck Close
    • Robert Mapplethorpe
    • Faith Ringgold
    • Kehinde Wiley
    • Carrie Mae Weems
    • Judy Chicago
    • Cindy Sherman
    • Yasumasa Morimura
    • Shirin Neshat
  • The expectation is that the research should represent information from several sources (at least four — websites will only count as sources if they are online versions of print material) and that any direct borrowing of wording from these sources will be indicated by quotation marks and listed on the works cited page.

Step 2: Write the analysis

  • Draft your thesis (remember, this is not a biography paper so your thesis needs to be about the art)
  • Research information about the artist and their background
  • Identify a common theme within the artist works
    • What is the context of their work? Cultural? Spiritual? Political? Historical?

Step 3: Before you submit… make sure that you have the following:

  • The analysis length should be a minimum of 3 pages. (Not including the Works Cited page)
  • The paper should meet normal standards for documentation (citations and works cited such as found in the Modern Language Association, 8th ed.).
    • Use MLA format (Times New Roman 12-point size font, double-spaced, appropriate in-text citations, Works Cited page, etc…)
  • At least four sources — websites will only count as sources if they are online versions of print material


Are there examples of large companies surviving without bureaucracy?

– Provide with real examples of large companies surviving without bureaucracy?
-Total words no more 275
– Use one of source: Clegg, S., Kornberger, M., Pitsis, T., and Mount, M. (2019) Managing & Organizations. An Introduction to Theory and Practice.
– Put provoke question at the end