
Design the surface protection for the B3Sat to the moon.

The dimensions for the satellite will be constrained by ESPA ring attachment (4 point, ¼” attachments)
This mount is limited to 180 kg, 24 “ x 28 “ x 38 “. So, the satellite is an octagonal prism, 60 cm across, 90 cm in length. The solar panels stowed on the sides will be within the allowable envelope (72 cm) making them 60 cm x 90 cm panels.

Compare and contrast two models of supervision and evaluate the evidence for their effectiveness.

1: Give an overview of the challenges multidisciplinary healthcare teams face and discuss and critically evaluate the evidence for ways to overcome these barriers. Option

2: Critically evaluate the scientist practitioner model and discuss its relevance for Clinical Psychology training in the UK. Option

3: Compare and contrast two models of supervision and evaluate the evidence for their effectiveness.

What aspects of logical positivism can you specifically identify within the field of public administration today?

This essay examines the development of logical positivism and how scientific methodology has become a basis for public administration thought. Please begin by watching the videos below.
1. Examine how twentieth-century logical positivism challenged many of the suppositions posited by earlier philosophers.
2. What aspects of logical positivism can you specifically identify within the field of public administration today?
 Somerville, J., & Santoni, R. (2012). Social and political philosophy: Readings from Plato to Gandhi. Anchor.
350 words total
APA must use at least 3 sources including those provided. Videos count as one total.

How is it possible to reduce the rate of domestic and/or gender-based violence in Jamaica?

• What are the root causes of domestic and gender-based violence?
• How is it possible to reduce the rate of domestic and/or gender-based violence in Jamaica?

How does the poet deliver the meaning of the poem? What devices and techniques are employed? To what ends?

Essay II: Poetry
Assignment: Choose from any of the poetry we have read in class. Analyze the poem in depth
for your essay, being sure to include an argumentative thesis statement and textual evidence. You
will use your own close reading of the text to construct this essay — no outside research is to be
Please do the following:
● Create a question about the text in relation to your topic and use your analysis to answer
that question. (Question need not be stated in the actual essay; use it as a starting point)
● Develop an argumentative thesis statement that clearly establishes your essay topic and
● Organize the essay around your argument in order to enhance a reader’s understanding of
the text.
● Use literary terminology and in your analysis when applicable.
You are free to develop your own topic on this essay, so please feel free to follow whatever topic
has interested you most in class. Here are some questions to consider as you explore and develop
your topic:
● What is the meaning of the poem?
○ Remember to go beyond the obvious. Saying that Emily Dickinson’s poem “Title
Divine is Mine” is about marriage is obvious and is not an argument.
■ Instead, think about what the poem is saying about that topic, or what
attitude it has toward the topic, and how it’s delivered for a more focused
● How is the meaning of this poem conveyed?
○ How does the poet deliver the meaning of the poem? What devices and
techniques are employed? To what ends?
● What’s the weirdest, strangest, most confusing or mysterious part of the poem?
○ Sit in this moment. Just pointing out a confusing moment in a poem is not an
argumentative analysis, but providing clarity or making an argument for how the
poem should be interpreted is an argument.
● Do you notice any repetitions or emphases of concept or image, any pairings and
contrasts? What is the effect?
● What symbols or images are used in the poem? To what ends? What is significant about
the poem’s symbolism/imagery?
● How should the poem be interpreted?
Purpose: Produce an interesting and detailed analysis of a poem. Pose an interesting, complex,
significant reading of your chosen poem using textual evidence to support your argumentative
Format: Standard MLA Style (8 th Edition). Double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman Font, 1”
margins, MLA works cited page.
Research: None. Please do not use any research for this assignment. Rely on your own critical
thinking and interpretive skills.
Length: 3-4 pages double-spaced, not including Works Cited page; roughly 750-1000 words.
Due Date: The essay is due in the Canvas “Essay I” submission box at 8:00 am on Monday,
November 11th. You must also turn in a print copy. I will accept papers during my office hours
of 9:30-12:00 on Wednesday, November 13th with no late penalty. If your paper is not both
submitted to Canvas and turned in in print to me by the end of my office hours, it may be
subject to a late submission penalty.
You will receive a grade and written feedback on the paper copy of your essay you submit to me.
These comments will be useful in your future writing in this class, especially if you choose to
revise this essay later in the semester for your Revised Essay assignment. See Grading Rubric for
more information on evaluative criteria.
Additional Guidelines:
● Develop a clear, focused thesis that explicitly indicates your proposed interpretation of
the poem.
● You may need to provide a very brief summary to support your point, but you are not
writing a summary. Focus on analysis.
● For poetry, cite line numbers instead of page numbers. If you reference a word/phrase in
the third line, for example, cite it with “quotation” (Author 3).
○ (Exception: for Whitman, use both section and line number. For example, the
third line of section five would be 5.3; the fifteenth through seventeenth lines of
section 39 would be 39.15-17. Use page numbers for Citizen ).
● Use / to show line breaks when including quotations in your essay. For example: “You do
not do, you do not do / Any more, black shoe / In which I have lived like a foot” (Plath
● Use present tense when discussing literature.
● Be sure to include the poem and the author you are using in the introduction of your
essay in addition to your thesis statement.
● Always be sure to “unpack” your quotations and to provide proper documentation. All
quotes used as support must be adequately explained, developed, and cited. A quote
cannot stand alone in an essay.
● Do not use first- or second-person pronouns. When it comes to a personal interpretation
of fiction, you are the authority; however, phrases that begin with “I believe” and “I
think” detract from your authority and familiarity with the text and make your
interpretation look like simple personal opinion rather than informed, supported analysis.
● A works cited page in 8 th Edition MLA is required.
Developing a topic / questions to consider as you interpret your poem:
● What poem are you writing about?
○ Which details or aspects of this poem will you be focusing on? (Ex: Symbols,
word choice, etc.)
■ Can you easily point out these details?
■ Can you explain their significance? What do they mean?
■ What are these details doing ? What is their purpose in the poem?
● How do these details contribute to the poem’s larger meaning?
○ What is the poem’s larger meaning?
○ Why are these details and the poem’s larger meaning so
important for a reader to understand? What is at stake?
● As you study poetry, any time you think “________ might be saying/mean _______”
you’ve already developed a hypothesis — change your wording to a statement and you
have the beginnings of an argument: “____________ is saying/ does mean __________”
● Any time you’re able to identify something like a symbol, and image, or an interesting
contrast, etc., within a poem, even if you’re not entirely sure what that detail is doing or
what it means, you can use it as a starting point for an argument. What is that detail doing
in your interpretation of the poem?

Quality Healthcare: Measuring NP Performance.

The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) (
It was formed to ensure quality of patient care and measurement of patient outcomes with set standards.
Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) is a performance measurement tool used by millions of health insurance plans. There are 6 domains of care:
– Effectiveness of Care.
– Access/Availability of Care.
– Experience of Care.
– Utilization and Risk Adjusted Utilization.
– Health Plan Descriptive Information.
– Measures Collected Using Electronic Clinical Data Systems
(NCQA, n.d.

As an APN, productivity will be an important measurement for the practice to determine reimbursement and salary. Fee-for-service practices will require a set number of patients per day to maintain productivity. A capitated practice will require the APN to have a large panel of patients but also will focus on controlling costs. This can be accomplished through effective primary care that is accessible, convenient for the patients and has a method of measuring quality of care.
You are now employed as an FNP in primary care. Choose one performance measure from one of the six domains of care. List and discuss three different patient interventions and how you would specifically measure the outcomes for that particular performance measure. How would these primary care interventions result in improved patient outcomes and cost savings for the practice? How can these interventions result in improved patient ratings?
(You need to go to the website and click on HEDIS measures. That will take you to the domains of care. If you click on the plus sign in the domain of care, you will find the performance measures. You can choose a performance measure and then think about what interventions would allow you to measure that performance measure. The interventions are not listed in the website, you would need to think of those yourself.)

Analyze the roles and responsibilities of members of an inter-professional team

Read the case study below and analyze the roles and responsibilities of all the members of an inter-professional team and apply those to a case study below. Additionally, explain how occupational therapists (OT) particularly are incorporated in the scenario explains the current professional role of OT plays a role in the IP team for this scenario.

One page should be in essay form, the second page should be a Lucidchart.

Use the following references for your analysis:
• Website: Florida Board of Athletic Training:
• Document: Florida Board of Nursing: Nurse Practice Act (PDF)
• Document: Board of Physical Therapy Practice Laws and Rules (PDF)

Case Study
You are employed at Johnson Ranch which is a camp established by Dr. Mitchel Johnson.
The purpose of the camp is to provide intensive, medically-monitored 12-week weight loss programs for obese and super obese adults in Orlando, Florida. The camp guarantees that campers will have “considerable” weight loss during the program. While the camp is owned and operated by a physician, he is rarely present on the campgrounds. He insists that medial issues are managed on the campus grounds.
The leadership staff of the camp is composed of 4 athletic trainers, a nurse practitioner and a health care administrator. There are several physical and occupational therapists on staff as well as mental health practitioners.

One of your campers is Susanne Jones.
• She is 30 years old
• She is 5’ 4” and weighs 350lbs
• She has a history of diabetes and hypertension
• She also has a history of depression
• Prior to attending the camp, she tried Weight Watcher ® and Jenny Craig® without success
• She shared that she has not been “into exercise”
• Due to her size and activity tolerance, she has difficulty with self-care
• She smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day
• She denies alcohol use.
Two weeks into the camp stay, Susanne Jones suffered a left knee “strain”. This has led to her not participating in any weight loss programming events. While she has no edema, she complains of pain when she runs. She is no longer compliant with her dietary restrictions and is seen walking to her car frequently for “smoke breaks”. She is not interested in discontinuing the program and has approached the camp leadership several times about her weight loss “guarantee” requesting her money back.

As a healthcare team, create an evidence-based plan to address Ms. Jones’ weight loss plan Refer to Florida’s Practice Act for
• Physical therapy
• Occupational therapy
• Registered nurse/nurse practitioner
• Mental health practitioner
• Athletic training
• Health care administrator
Utilize the National Guideline Clearinghouse to locate a clinical practice guideline on the treatment of obesity.

For page 2 create a Lucidchart diagram for the case study. The Lucidchart should show you made a good effort to research the roles and took the time to understand each scope of practice of all the professionals/personnel involved in the case study provided, clearly, explain your viewpoint and how you analyzed the case study. It should delineate each person’s individual role in this case and how these roles would interact to respond to the scenario and how they would work inter-professionally in an effort to result in the best possible outcome for the patient.

Referencing: As you complete this assessment, be sure to reference the resources used to support your decisions for this case study. In order to do so, you should reference within your Lucidchart using standard in-text citations in APA format. For example, (Perry, 2018). Then, attach a reference list page in APA format, just like you would any other paper.”

Demonstrate accurate grammar and mechanics in writing

Task: Create an annotated bibliography of four sources that could be used for your research project, including at least two articles from scholarly journals.
Length: Four citations, each with an annotation of 150 +/- 25 words (125-175 words each). The entire completed assignment should be at least 600 words.
Sources: Four sources related to your research question, including at least two from scholarly journal articles. All four sources should be high-quality sources that you can use in your research project. Refer to Week 3: Selecting Sources Wisely. You may decide to use some or all of the sources that you posted in Week 3, Discussion 1: Identifying and Evaluating Sources.
Due date and grading: This assignment is due by the end of Week 4. This assignment will be graded with a rubric and will count for 20% of your course grade. To view the grading rubric, access the assignment through the Assignments area of the classroom.
Outcomes you should achieve by completing this assignment
The annotated bibliography contributes to the research project by helping you collect and analyze your sources. The outcomes for this assignment are listed below, with the associated course outcomes in parentheses:
Identify valid and reliable sources that can be used in the composition of a research paper (Course outcome 4)
Explain the nature of selected sources and their relevance of sources to the research paper (Course outcome 4)
Set up an annotated bibliography in APA format (Course outcome 4)
Demonstrate accurate grammar and mechanics in writing (Course outcome 3)
The annotated bibliography is part of your research project, which examines a current issue or event in the news from the perspective of your field of study. The annotated bibliography builds on your work from the first few weeks of class selecting an appropriate topic and then developing a more focused research question. Indicate your research question at the top of your annotated bibliography, just below the title.
What to do
Following the explanation in the videos posted in class (The Annotated Bibliography) and the Sample Annotated Bibliography, create an annotated bibliography of four sources. For each source, include:
Reference citation in APA format
Annotation of 150 ±25 words, formatted in a single paragraph, with
You may (but do not have to) use CiteFast to create your reference citations. If you use CiteFast, be sure to check for accuracy and make any necessary corrections.
Formatting your assignment
Incorporate these elements of APA style:
Use one-inch margins.
Double space.
Use an easy-to-read font between 10-point and 12-point.
Reference citations should be formatted with a hanging indent.
Organize the annotated bibliography in alphabetical order, according to the first word of each reference citation.
Remember to include your research question below your title.
Format each annotation in a single paragraph.

Analyze the relationship between SMEs’ innovation and environment sustainability practices.

General instructions:

-Format:  essay format will be one essay (Introduction, paragraphs of answer of both questions and Conclusion)

-Referencing:  to use the Harvard referencing style for in-text referencing and list of reference at the end as well add links for all references. (you need also use recommended reading provided below as references)
*exclude Wikipedia as references

-Add Table of contact


-total words count is 2750 (1250 for question 1 and 1250 for question 2 and remaining words for introduction and conclusion)



This assignment has two questions. Student should answer both of them. Both questions require student to access examples of real practice using secondary or primary sources (such as interviews). Answer should cover different sustainability practices of SMEs and relating them to size, business activities and innovations of SMEs. The answer of each question should cover two parts:


First, Theoretical foundations: In this theoretical part, students should critically define and highlight concepts emphasized in the questions. Also, it should provide critical review on factors affecting adoption of environment sustainability practices (attached Chapters). In this part students are expected to use references from the list of recommended reading provided below.


Second, Evidence from real practices: This part should be supported and validated with relevant data collection tool such as interviews or/and secondary data represented in census or published material from trusted sources. Interviews protocol or/ copy from any used secondary source should be provided in the appendix. Link to any website used should be referred to in this part by inserting the URL to support your answer.


Question 1 

Analyze the relationship between SMEs’ innovation and environment sustainability practices. Support your answer with examples of real practice. 1250 words

Question 2

Discuss how factors affecting adoption and implementation of environment sustainability practices might differ between large business and SMEs. Support your answer with examples of real practice. 1250 words


*(you need use real practices large company and SME company to cover two parts of questions) you find the company from Saudi Arabia country


Explain the benefits and challenges of working with OTA’s.

215LON Financial Planning & Revenue Management for Hospitality & Tourism

Coursework 2 Case Study

The Woods is a 150-room resort hotel just 25 miles from Central London.  Facilities include an 18-hole golf course, spa with 12 treatment rooms, 2 restaurants and 2 bars, and extensive meeting and event space.

The hotel is currently owned & operated by the Woods family which began the property’s development 6 years ago and opened the business in 2017.  The hotel attracts a mix of local members, business and leisure customers.


The hotels budgeted average room rate is £312 with an average spend per day from hotel guests of £75 and £90 for spa and golf per person

The hotel’s current organization structure is shown below

Historically the Executive Committee above have collaborated in the setting of room rates, but Brenda is now considering hiring in a revenue manager.

Your task

Answer the following questions making sure to reference academic journal articles and current trade journals. Include a reference list at the end.

There are calculations required in this assessment. Where required please show calculations and formulae in appendices and results in the main body of work


Question 1

Discuss the roles, responsibilities and reporting line of the Revenue Manager.  Evaluate how the Revenue Manager might determine a competitive set for this property. (450 words)

Question 2

Discuss how the scope of the Revenue Manager’s role is likely to extend past the Rooms Department in this property.  (350 words)

Question 3

The hotel’s owners think that there are opportunities to join a brand or consortium.  Discuss the benefits and challenges of the hotel working with a global brand or consortium. (450 words)

Question 4

Among the concerns the owners have is in maintaining ethical practices in setting prices and revenue management.  Assess the areas where ethics in revenue management may arise. (250 words)

Question 5

Historically the property has not worked much with OTA’s preferring to work closely with direct bookings and specialist travel agents.

There are gaps in mid-week (Tuesdays & Wednesdays) in February and March 2020. (8 weeks)

As of October 2019, there are 50 rooms on the books each Tuesday & Wednesday during this period @ £310 per night with 50% double occupancy.  Fixed costs are £40 per night. For these full rated customers variable costs are £20 per guest.  These guests are expected to spend the additional £70 on f&b and £90 on sports & spa per person.  Estimate a 5% commission on these rooms.

There are 2 options to push the occupancy up

  1. A series of corporate meetings with 80 rooms at £220 single occupancy (net of commission), with £100 on f&b and £20 on sports & spa spend per person
  2. Opening the business up to OTA’s with an attractive mid-week room rate of £290 based on double occupancy. Expected f&b spend is £50 on f&b and £75 on sports & spa per person.  The commission on OTA booked rooms is 20%

Create a table outlining the options and their profitability.  You will need to estimate the number of rooms coming through OTA’s for this option to be realistic.

Explain the benefits and challenges of working with OTA’s.  (350 words) 

Question 6

Both the brand and consortium that the Woods is considering joining has recommended some additional investment in the property’s rooms.

The Woods family is looking at the refurbishment in the following detail.

Capital investment £18,000,000

Profit required after tax 30%

Tax rate 25%

The interest payable on the loan taken to pay for the work will be £2,000,000

Other non-operating expenses will be £500,000

Fixed costs will be £1,750,000

Variable costs per occupied room will be £50 per room

Operating income from F&B is expected to be £1,000,000 and from no-rooms departments £1,500,000

What will the additional room rate that we need to charge do we need to charge to achieve the required return on investment for a year with occupancy of 75%?  Use the Hubbart room rate formula and show calculations.  What if occupancy were 90%?

Explain why the Hubbart formula works well here.  (150 words)

Assignment Guideline


You have been asked to produce a report.  It should contain the following:

  • Title Page, including the given title in full.
  • Contents Page
  • Introduction
  • Main body, which should also be organised under appropriate headings.
  • Conclusion
  • Appendices, which should be numbered.
    • Make sure you refer your reader to them as required.


Your work should be word processed in accordance with the following:

  • Font style, Arial, font size 12
  • 1.5 line spacing.
  • The page orientation should be ‘portrait’
  • Margins on both sides of the page should be no less than 2.5 cm
  • Pages should be numbered