
Discuss the issues related to beginning special education teachers in terms of special education referrals, accommodations, and behavior management strategies.

1. Discuss the issues related to beginning special education teachers in terms of special education referrals, accommodations, and behavior management strategies.
2. Important factors to consider when developing classroom management plans; and describe the difference between positive and negative reinforcement.
3. Describe a scenario when a teacher inadvertently used negative reinforcement. It can be something you witnessed as a paraprofessional, student, or something you yourself did as a teacher. Now, complete the following:

Describe the scenario
What did you or the teacher you observed want or expect the student to do?
What did the student actually do?
What could either you or the teacher you observed have done differently?

What is an argument against Ford? How is utilitarianism useful and problematic when making decisions that affect others and how should a business determine what actions to take?

The Prompt: chose ONE of the following (whichever interests you most)

1) When Ford Motors decided not to spend money on improving the safety of the Pinto, they were severely criticized on moral grounds. Yet Ford’s defense was that they were making a sound moral judgment. It is impractical to expect an automobile to be 100% safe after all. What is an argument against Ford? How is utilitarianism useful and problematic when making decisions that affect others and how should a business determine what actions to take?


2) As we rely more and more on artificial intelligence to make difficult decisions for us, we become separated from the decision-making process. Since these decisions will increasingly affect human welfare, it is necessary that ethical considerations are imbedded in artificial intelligence architecture. From a consequentialist perspective, what are your concerns and hopes for increased application of artificial intelligence in our lives and what responsibility does businesses have when implementing AI?

Please do not include the header in the 500 word minimum.

Please include some of the key words:
*utilitarian cost/benefit analysis

Be sure to specifically refer to assigned materials to support and elucidate your answer.

professor says: It is not enough to simply assert your moral beliefs; you must give reasons in support of your answer.

You must use some of the provide document/videos (whatever you find interesting) and something from elsewhere. The document are attached and the videos are below.

How far do you agree with this assessment of the role of HRM?

Valerie Hughes-D’Aeth, Group HR Director at BBC, argues:
‘We are here in HR as an integral part of the BBC, providing support and
services to enable the contributions of our people to be maximised. No matter
what the business, for HR to function with integrity and impact, you have to
have strong operational foundations in place and an HR team willing to fully
commit to the organisation and to working together’ (Hughes-D’Aeth, 2019).
How far do you agree with this assessment of the role of HRM?
In answering this question, which should take the form of a properly structured short
essay, you should:
• provide evidence of engagement with relevant sources, concepts and
knowledge base acquired during the first part of the module – including your
reading and understanding of the nature of strategic HRM;
• discuss the key characteristics of the role of HRM emerging from her view
(e.g. relation between strategy and HRM; approach in managing employees)
• rely on illustrative examples and quotes from the full interview with Valerie
Hughes-D’Aeth (

What impact does palmitate have on the candidate gene and how does it influence the genes responsiveness to insulin?

Application of bioinformatics to the analysis of a candidate gene for insulin resistance in skeletal muscle                                       

An experiment was set up to analyse and compare the expression of genes in skeletal muscle of obese individuals, showing a high level of circulating fatty acids and insulin resistance, with a control group. Skeletal muscle biopsies were taken from participants within each group and total RNA was extracted and converted to cDNA. The cDNA from each group was labelled with different fluorophores and a microarray was conducted to allow the comparison of global gene expression within the two groups. The following candidate gene was identified as being differentially expressed between the two groups; therefore, further laboratory analysis was conducted to further investigate the regulation of this gene in vitro.

Promoter deletion analysis

An experiment was conducted in C2C12 murine muscle cells to assess the direct impact of palmitate +/- insulin on the promoter activity for this particular candidate gene.

A series of 5’ promoter deletions were generated from the sequence analysed above using restriction enzymes, all of the sequences contained the first 22 nucleotides of the transcribed gene and variable lengths of promoter sequence (see figure 1 below). The promoter DNA was inserted into a vector containing the reporter gene luciferase.

Candidate gene 5’ genomic DNA




Figure 1: Promoter deletion constructs of the candidate gene


Experiments were conducted to look at the impact of both palmitate (saturated fatty acid) and insulin on the promoter activity of the candidate gene. The overall aim of the experiment was to assess the impact of these factors individually and to determine if palmitate influenced the insulin responsiveness of this gene.

The constructs were individually transfected into C2C12 cells and were subjected to different experimental conditions. Cells were seeded into a 96-well plate, where some wells remained as controls and others were subjected to treatment with palmitate (0.6mM) for a 24-hour period. Selected wells were then stimulated with insulin (100nM) for 15 minutes before fluorescence was detected in all wells. Presence of the luciferase protein (detected by fluorescence) indicates that the DNA construct has promoter activity. A positive control was included in the experiment, which has strong promoter activity, alongside a negative control which is known not to initiate transcription; these were treated the same as control unstimulated cells. Fluorescence data for each sample was normalised to the positive control, which was set at 100% and is shown in figure 2.

Figure 2: Promoter activity of the 5’ deletion constructs under different treatment conditions. Positive and negative control represent strong and weak promoters respectively and were not included in the statistical analysis. Different lowercase letters above the bars indicate significant differences (P<0.05)

  1. a) Using the information that you gathered from the bioinformatics analysis of the core promoter and proximal promoter elements, what is your interpretation of the 5’ promoter deletion analysis in control cells +/- insulin stimulation? (20 marks) – 700words
  2. b) Outline the step by step changes in the insulin signalling pathway that would lead to an alteration in expression of this particular gene.(10 marks) – 400 words
  3. c) What impact does palmitate have on the candidate gene and how does it influence the genes responsiveness to insulin? (5 marks) – 300words
  4. d) What experiment would you conduct to confirm that it is transcription factors binding to the particular elements identified that are responsible for changes in promoter activity? (5 marks) – 300 words
  5. e) Investigators would like to continue to look at the function of the protein product produced by this candidate gene, as a potential drug target. Briefly outline an experiment you could conduct in C2C12 cells to investigate the functionality of the protein (Hint: You will want to overexpress your protein within cells and look at particular downstream targets). (10 marks) – 500words
  6. Background information on obesity and insulin resistance its link to type 2 diabetes, considering the role of saturated fatty acids (circulating fatty acid levels) in the development of insulin resistance in skeletal muscle. Consider cell signalling mechanisms (the insulin signalling pathway) in muscle and the use of AKT as a marker of insulin signalling pathway. Introduction to the Western Blotting technique for the analysis of phosphorylated proteins within cell signalling pathways, particularly AKT.4: Aim and objectives of lab (600words)

Identify the primary functions of a database and a data warehouse. Explain why enterprises need both of these data management technologies.

Use the course textbook AND outside primary sources to obtain data that support your answers. Follow the guidelines in the Module Review Questions Requirements section, including using current APA style and pasting the questions in bold before each answer.


  1. Companies create business records of many types and store the electronic files using an electronic records management (ERM) system. Explain why an ERM is a senior management issue and not simply an IT issue?
  2. Describe each of the four V’s of data analytics: variety, volume, velocity, and veracity.
  3. Identify the primary functions of a database and a data warehouse. Explain why enterprises need both of these data management technologies.


Companies create business records of many types and store the electronic files using an electronic records management (ERM) system. Explain why an ERM is a senior management issue and not simply an IT issue?

Describe each of the four V’s of data analytics: variety, volume, velocity, and veracity.

Identify the primary functions of a database and a data warehouse. Explain why enterprises need both of these data management technologies.

References (New page and no bold font)

Author, A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Journal or Website Title. Volume Number (if applicable). Retrieved from http://..

Discuss how you intend to construct the items, cognizant of the basic principles of item pool construction, the necessity of SMEs, the unidimensionality or multidimensional of the construct, etc.

For this task, complete the readings for this assignment, and then write a paper in which you complete the following:

Write an introduction that examines the construct, its conceptual definition/s, and related concepts.
Review the literature and the existing tools that measure the construct.
Provide justification for your original scale.
Discuss how you intend to construct the items, cognizant of the basic principles of item pool construction, the necessity of SMEs, the unidimensionality or multidimensional of the construct, etc.
Write at least 20 sample items that represent the construct you are planning to measure. You may construct negatively-worded items, but indicate these in a chart or table. If the construct you choose has two or more dimensions under it, write sample items indicating which items fall under which dimension. (See for example, the Life Position Scale that contained four dimensions I’m OK etc. at first, but after factor analysis the dimensions reduced to two—I and You.)
Argue for a specific method of running an item analysis procedure.
Argue for at least two specific methods of establishing your scale’s validity (Choose at least one method for construct validity, and another method for criterion-related validity. In criterion validation, it is not enough to simply write that you are planning to employ the method. Be sure to specify the variable(s) you will correlate your scale with.

Self esteem is the construct that you would develop a scale in this task. I would want you to do a research on this construct. There are many scales already available measuring self esteem. How will your scale be different from the existing ones? Also what are the new directions in self esteem research? Also think about the reliability methods that you can use for the test you will construct in this task.
Scale Construction Proposal
Your proposal is similar to a research proposal that expresses intent to perform a scientific investigation. However, unlike a research proposal that first establishes the existence of a gap in the knowledge and proceeds to argue for a relationship between or among variables, the scale construction proposal is just a scaled-down manuscript that discusses your intention to construct a psychological scale.
Nevertheless, it should contain an introduction that discusses the construct of interest and a review of the existing tools created to measure it. It should also be ideal to explain why you intend to construct an original scale that measures your chosen construct or why the existing tools do not satisfy the purpose of your dissertation. What follows this should include specific methods that you will employ to construct the items, to weed out bad items and retain good ones, to establish item reliability and consistency, and a proposal to establish the scale’s validity. In establishing validity, you must be specific in the methods that you will employ and the variables that you will correlate with your chosen construct. Also, be specific in the variables that you expect to correlate highly with your construct and those that should yield weak correlations with it (as what you will expect in a Multi-trait, Multi-method matrix, page 287 in Kline).

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Compare and contrast the articles by examining the main claims (most important pieces of evidence) and determine which article makes the strongest argument on a common theme and why.

Follow instructions including the attached instructions.

You will write a 4+ full page analysis essay that exams the arguments, main claims and themes of the following articles: “The Allegory of the Cave” and “New Superstitions for Old.” The essay should be entirely your opinion and should accomplish one of the following:

Compare and contrast the articles by examining the main claims (most important pieces of evidence) and determine which article makes the strongest argument on a common theme and why. This must be a thorough look at the main claims/evidence. Each body paragraph should contain at least one main claim or piece of evidence from each article for analysis.
Construct your own argument on the shared theme of these articles. Your essay should put your own twist on the importance of abandoning old traditions or leaving your own personal (or community) cave in order to grow as a human being. Your argument should be supported by what you believe to be the strongest, most illuminating claims (pieces of evidence) from each article.
Your essay should follow the paragraph-by-paragraph guidelines provided below. How well you accomplish the tasks below will determine your grade.

What type of local, state planning would you focus on to protect your city from an unconventional attack on the public transit system?

DHS was established shortly after 9/11. It brings together 22 different agencies to protect the United States “to ensure a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards.

Imagine you were placed in charge of the disaster planning office for a major U.S. city (e.g., Chicago, Atlanta). What type of local, state planning would you focus on to protect your city from an unconventional attack on the public transit system?
Suppose an ISIS cell attacks a hospital (e.g., Walter Reed at Bethesda or A Veteran’s Administration hospital or St Jude’s Children’s Hospital). What federal resources would be available to prevent, respond, and recover?

In 500-750 words, describe the components necessary to create an effective professional identity and explain why professional networks are essential for professional development.

In 500-750 words, describe the components necessary to create an effective professional identity and explain why professional networks are essential for professional development.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to the beginning of the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

Research, outline, discuss, and evaluate the best practices for collective bargaining strategies; Research, outline, discuss, and evaluate the arguments against and for collective bargaining.

You are the president of the Local Union 312 Chapter. As the president of the union, you are the chief spokesperson and representative of the Local Union 312 to management. Next month, you will start the collective bargaining process with management to get your union members greater wages and benefits and better and safer working conditions. Write a 3–5-page research paper using APA style outlining the collective bargaining process, including the following:

Define and discuss what collective bargaining is.
Research, outline, and discuss all of the steps of the collective bargaining process.
Research, outline, discuss, and evaluate the best practices for collective bargaining strategies.
Research, outline, discuss, and evaluate the arguments against and for collective bargaining.
Use correct APA style, grammar, sentences, and punctuation.
Support your research paper with at least 4 different scholarly sources, such as research journals, research studies, and government or accredited educational institutions’ Web sites.