
Discuss the impact of Hypertension on the human body systems, including cells, body chemistry and microbiology.

Assessment Task 2
Task Description
You will be provided with a condition, disease or disorder. Using the disease or disorder you will need to develop an essay that highlights the impact the disease or disorder has on human body systems, including cells and body chemistry and microbiology. Use the topics covered in the lectures from weeks 5 – 12 to develop your essay.
Chemistry in the body – homeostasis and body planes; Cell Biology/cell membrane – diffusion, osmosis and intracellular organelles; Body systems – cardiovascular system, tissues and nervous, renal and integumentary system; Body systems – skeletal, digestive, lymphatic and reproductive, bone tissue and muscles; Microbiology and infection; Systems working together
Condition – Hypertension
A.B. is a 57-year-old man who visits his GP clinic to see the Nurse to get his flu vaccination. He complains of headaches and general tiredness. The Nurse takes some measurements and calculates that A.B. has a BMI of 32. On further discussion A.B. tells the Nurse he smokes 30 cigarettes a day. He does very little exercise and eats mostly takeaway food. His father died of a heart attack. The Nurse takes A.B’s blood pressure which is 150/110 mm Hg.
You will need to undertake research on the specific disease or disorder and consider
• Which body systems are impacted by the disease or disorder
• How the normal functioning of each body system is changed or disrupted by the disease or disorder (there will be more than one body system impacted by the disease or disorder provided)
• Demonstrate the relationship between the systems impacted.
• Explain the changes in terms of the underlying mechanisms, such as homeostasis, that have been disrupted.

Intended learning outcomes assessed in this assignment
1. Identify and explain introductory human anatomy and physiology
2. Identify and explain introductory biochemistry relevant to the health profession
3. Communicate using bio-science and health profession terminology and information

Target audience
Fellow students, tutors, potential patients.
Your essay should be 1600 words on your topic plus your reference list.
As a suggestion you should
• Introduce your disease or disorder
• Describes the impact of the disease or disorder on the normal function of each of the body systems that your research indicates what is impacted by the disease or disorder
• Highlight how homeostasis is disrupted and the impact of this on the body
• Identify the relationships between the systems that are disrupted

Make sure that you use terminology appropriate for your audience (see above) and that you understand all the concepts and terminology used. You may find that some of your sources use specific terminology outside the scope of this unit and you must ensure that you explain any unfamiliar terms for your audience.
Additionally, you will need to ensure that you provide your references.

Adrenal insufficiency: develop a concept map which is a visual representation of interrelated concepts, systems, or processes .

1.Demonstrates in-depth knowledge of etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and collaborative (nursing and medical) management.

2.The map is nonlinear and treelike. Concepts and links are easy to follow and understand. The map demonstrates all appropriate connections between concepts and linking words accurately describe relationships. Map is clearly legible

3.The concept map is based on multiple (>10) references including material from professional journals and noncommercial (e.g., gov, edu, org) websites. Multiple current research articles are included in references. There are no errors in APA citations or references.

4.The concept map illustrates creativity in layout, use of shapes, use of color, and interconnectedness. Color is used to improve clarity.

Identify connections between scholarly research articles and your own doctoral goals. Construct an argument using scholar-practitioner communication skills.

1.1: Construct an argument using scholar-practitioner communication skills.

1.2: Write using APA style and format.

2.1: Create a complete and cohesive argument.

3.7: Identify connections between scholarly research articles and your own doctoral goals.

Steps of the “Scholarly Article Evaluation” Project Here is a printable version of  Project 1, along with the competencies you must meet. Links are marked so you can see where the learning resources, discussions, and other courserelated links and documents appear. Competencies 1.1 Construct an argument using scholar-practitioner communication skills.

1.1: Construct an argument using scholar-practitioner communication skills.

Articulate thesis and purpose clearly, Distinguish and transition smoothly between main points and supporting details, Present a complete argument that adequately addresses the scope of the thesis, Explain complex ideas clearly for stakeholders at all levels, Choose words and phrases so as to transmit a clear and accurate doctoral-level message, Adhere to Standard English rules of spelling, grammar, word choice, and mechanics.

1.2 Write using APA style and format.

Create documents with neat and consistent layout and formatting as per APA style, Organize ideas logically, using headings and other aids as needed, Cite all sources using APA-style in-text citations and references, Adhere to APA style of writing, Create a complete and cohesive argument, State the major claims to knowledge of the issue, Provide evidence to support the claims.

2.1: Create a complete and cohesive argument.

2.1.3 Link all evidence to the claims with a warrant.

Answer these 4 questions:

1)Did the author(s) clearly articulate their research purpose?

2)Are the methods clearly specified and justified?

3)Do the results justify the conclusions?

4) Do the authors achieve their research purpose?

That is, overall, if you were a leader making a decision, would you accept the conclusions of the article as valid evidence? Why or why not? Keep your evaluation to the elements addressed by these four question and ensure that all of your claims are well-evidenced.

2.1.4 Combine all parts of the argument in a cogent way.

For example, if you want to make a claim that yes, the authors did clearly articulate their research purpose, you would then need evidence to support that claim. It is your job to explain how the purpose is clear by building a cogent, well-evidenced argument. This would require you to set a benchmark for what “clear” means: What does it mean for a research purpose to be clear? How do you know that? A little reading on research purpose would provide criteria regarding what makes a clearly articulated research purpose, need to find evidence for other claims you make.

3.7 Identify connections between scholarly research articles and your own doctoral goals.

3.7.1 Explain one or more goals for your doctoral program of study

3.7.2 Describe the role of scholarly research within your doctoral program goals, that is,Identify connections between scholarly research articles and your own doctoral goals and Describe the role of scholarly research within your doctoral program goals.

Blood Cells and the Hematopoietic System:What are the ethical issues raised by the mother refusing blood products for her daughter?

A 16-year-old involved in a motor vehicle accident is brought via ambulance to the emergency room you work at. She needs an emergency blood transfusion. Her mother, a devout Jehovah’s Witness, refuses to give permission for her daughter to receive blood products because it goes against her faith.

In your initial post answer the following questions:

As a culturally and religiously sensitive nurse, how might you explain to this mother why her daughter needs blood?
What are the ethical issues raised by the mother refusing blood products for her daughter?
If the mother continued to refuse to allow her daughter to receive blood products, as a provider, what would you do?

INTERNATION BUSSINES:Cultural assessment of your target country before you engage in product development, sales or negotiations.

You will need to undertake a cultural assessment of your target country before you engage in product development, sales or negotiations.

Complete the following activities:

1. Research your target country’s history and geography. Indicate how these factors have influenced this country’s culture.

2. Research your target country’s major religion. Indicate how this religion could influence the business practices in this country. Give specific examples.

3. Use the internet to find the major languages spoken in this country. Identify any types of non-verbal communication that should be avoided.

4. Use the internet to research Hofstede’s cultural measures for this country. Specify how these measures will impact your marketing plan.

Identify discrepancies between identified practice standards and current practice that may adversely impact patient outcomes. 

Root Cause Analysis Scholarly Writing Paper

Purpose: The nurse participates in establishing, maintaining, and improving the healthcare environment, through utilization of a Root Cause Analysis to correct a clinical health problem.


  1. 1. Utilize the root cause process to identify a health care problem within the organizational structure.
  2. Determine the relationship between different root causes for a problem.
  3. Discuss improvement methods to promote quality, safety and social justice while reviewing a root cause scenario
  4. Identify discrepancies between identified practice standards and current practice that may adversely impact patient outcomes.

Required Reading:  

Optional Resources:


  1. From the perspective of the Risk Manager, describe your specific health care event. What happened, who was involved?
  2. Collect Data from your peers in your color group to help determine the root cause of the problem.
    1. What is the sequence of events? Use the RCA Sequence of Events tool. Complete these factual events in order to help make sense of the story leading up to, during and after the event. Include times as much as possible. Do not include opinions or interpretation of the events.
    2. Categorize possible causes and develop a Fish Bone Diagram (Ishikawa) including a minimum of one cause in each of the 6 fish bones on the diagram. Include all probable causes as appropriate.
    3. Individually, categorize possible causes for the problem/event. Fill out three 5 Why’s forms– Start with the problem on each form and then drill down on three separate forms of this tool to obtain three possible causes. (These 5 forms are part of the Appendix and will be turned in at the first due date for faculty feedback. See Step 11 prior to submission.)
  3. In the body of the paper, explain the sequence of events/data collection. Describe your thought process while categorizing all possible causes on the Ishikawa Diagram. Focus on the 3 most probable causes for the problem. Refer to the Ishikawa diagram and your 5-Why’s. Why did they happen? Identify which conditions allowed the problem to occur.
  4. Next, identify one of the three probable causes as the primary root cause and explain why you believe this is the primary root of the problem. Discuss how various roots could interplay to cause the problem.
  5. Identify a national benchmark or standard of care that should be met in this scenario as it relates to the primary root cause.
  6. Identify your expected outcome (SMART) that would help this color group meet the national benchmark or standard of care.
  7. Cite your credible source to support the benchmark or standard of care and the goal/outcome.
  8. Intervention – What should be done to prevent the problem from recurring? Formalize your realistic plans for implementing change that looks directly at the primary root cause you identified. Also discuss barriers to implementation.
    1. How will you implement this change?
    2. Include an expected timeline.
    3. What are the risks and/or barriers of implementing the change?
  9. Evaluation – When would be a good time to evaluate whether or not your changes had the desired effect? Did your interventions achieve the desired outcome?
    1. What criteria will you measure so you know the Outcome was achieved?
    2. Who (title of person) is responsible for the final Outcome?
  10. The conclusion should not have any new data presented.
    1. Summarize the problem, the missed benchmark, and your prevention plan.
    2. How does this incident apply to your probable future nursing practice? In other words, what did you learn?
  11. References – Research a minimum of five sources (within the last 7 years); at least two must be peer reviewed health care journals.
  12. Include the Sequence of Events, three separate 5 Why’s, and the Ishikawa diagram as appendices at the end of your paper. Refer to the data presented in each within your paper. g. See Appendix B which describes the … Also remember to follow APA formatting when deciding on the correct order in which to place the forms of the appendix.
  13. Proof read your scholarly paper and compare to the rubric.


Academic Portfolios:Reflect on strategies that you can pursue in developing portfolios or portfolio elements that focus on academic achievements.

In the realm of marketing, a successful branding strategy is one of the most important contributors to organizational success. A solid branding strategy can help add visibility and credibility to a company’s products.

Similarly, nurse-scholars can build a personal brand to add visibility and credibility to their work. You can begin building your brand by developing and maintaining an academic portfolio. Such an activity can help share the results of your efforts and contribute to your success. This Module’s Discussion asks you to consider and share strategies for building your portfolio.

To Prepare:

Reflect on strategies that you can pursue in developing portfolios or portfolio elements that focus on academic achievements.
Review one or more samples from your own research of resources focused on portfolio development.

Post an explanation of at least two strategies for including academic activities and accomplishments into your professional portfolio.

Explain and contrast the different models/approaches to mental ill health in relation to the individual (Medical and Moral Models).

You are required to identify a fictional or actual individual with whom you have developed a professional rapport, and review the past, present and future care and treatment in relation to the care environment (Elderly people – care at home or care home settings – Dementia). This case study should be sensitive to confidentiality and written in a way that does not lead directly to any actual persons involved.
Following points should be included in your report and applied to your identified individual (elderly people – dementia): 
Clear definition of mental health and wellbeing and explanation of the illness affecting the individual. 
Describe at least two perceptions of mental health issues and explain how these affect the individual (Labelling, Stigma, Stereotyping etc.)  Identify and discuss at least one theory of mental health that exist and the impact on the individual (Social Learning Theory Bandura, Skinner – Operant Conditioning, Beck – Cognitive theory, Seligman – Learned Helplessness, Rogers – Humanistic Approaches)

Explain and contrast the different models/approaches to mental ill health in relation to the individual (Medical and Moral Models)
Discuss how mental health problems have an effect on the individual’s normal functioning within society
Outline and develop the factors which cause or have the potential to lead to the deterioration of mental health and wellbeing of the individual. This should include at least one example from each group of factors: social, physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual.
You will compile a report of 1,200 words +/- 10%. Your work should be accurately referenced in Harvard Style throughout and you should include a bibliography, front cover and word count.

Discuss the process through which the EU has changed environmental laws among its member states and the process and timeline equability (or not) of enactment across member states.

The European Union (EU) has provided a comprehensive range of environmental legislation and regulation since its inception. Discuss the process through which the EU has changed environmental laws among its member states and the process and timeline equability (or not) of enactment across member states. Utilise appropriate and relevant examples of EU legislation spanning the last twenty years.

Who is responsible for determining the allocation of community resources to fighting specific criminal behavior?

Examination of Resource Allocation as it Relates to Crime Trends.

Individual communities across America are confronted with different crime patterns and trends. In this exercise, you will be asked to discover the relationship between local crime trends and the decision-making process that is followed in order to address that criminal behavior. It is important for all criminal justice students to begin to appreciate the process that local authorities use to assign tax dollars and man-power to different types of criminal behavior based upon current data analysis and resource generation.

Your assignment, then, is to contact someone within your local criminal justice agencies (police department, sheriff’s department, or state or federal agency). Once you have established contact, please interview this individual (or their appropriate referral) by asking these questions:

How are local crime fighting decisions made? What percentage of local tax resources are made available to local agencies to address criminal behavior?
Who is responsible for determining the allocation of community resources to fighting specific criminal behavior?
What data sources are available to assist in making those allocation decisions?
Based upon current data and information, what criminal behavior is on the rise in our community and which criminal behavior is on the decline?
What kind of assessment data is available to determine the effectiveness of local crime fighting measures?

When you have completed the interview, prepare a paper that summarizes your findings and makes recommendations for change to the current process. Include in your paper the contact information, agency, job title and responsibilities of the interviewee.

This written assignment requirement is for a paper submitted in APA format, using 12- point font, double-spaced, and attached to the link as a .doc or .docx file. Your assignment must include an introduction, body, and conclusion and it is anticipated that a thorough examination of this topic will result in approximately 5-7 pages of text. In addition, your paper must include a cover page, abstract, and reference page. A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources must be used.