
Have you ever engaged in communication with someone who wanted to be more personal than you wanted to be?

Explain how you interpret the statement, “Interpersonal communication exists along a continuum.”
Have you ever engaged in communication with someone who wanted to be more personal than you wanted to be? How about less? How did you handle the situation?
What are your own guidelines for interpersonal communication in the workplace?

Nursing:Describe the role of Advance Primary Nurse (Nurse Practitioner) in the changing this trend.

According to the Center of disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Visits to the Emergency Department are up 23% over the past decade.Describe the role of Advance Primary Nurse (Nurse Practitioner) in the changing this trend. Also how Affordable Care Act has affected the ED increase visits.ONLY USA references allowed.

Need at least 5 pages of paper and title&reference page all to go along with it in APA format. Any question, ask.

How will you utilize reflection of your teaching practice and content knowledge to improve student learning?

Write a 350- to 700-word reflection on teaching English language learners, using the readings to make connections to your teaching philosophy and your understanding of ELL student needs.
Address the following questions in your reflection:

As an ELL teacher, what would you need to know about ELL terminology and the history of ELL education?
How does the information presented in the readings aid in your teaching philosophy? Which principle of language acquisition theory do you prefer?
What are the specific cultural needs of ELL students in your area? How would you address these needs in your curriculum?
What have you learned about ELL standards, and how will this knowledge impact your teaching?
How will you utilize reflection of your teaching practice and content knowledge to improve student learning?

What specific client advocacy, current public policy discussions, or ethical or legal issues may be related to this case study?


One of the best ways to learn is by using a dramatic experience, followed by reflective analysis. Case studies are designed to help counselors examine situations carefully, make initial assessments, and formulate hypothetical treatment plans. Case studies provide an appreciation of the complexity of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. It is a way to determine if the knowledge and skills the students are studying can be applied in a hypothetical case setting.

The cases themselves are composites of actual client cases or events. All the names of the actual cases have been changed, and only first names are used. Any relationship to actual people or events is purely coincidental.

Read the case studies individually and then discuss your reactions and interpretations with your Learning Team members.

Keys to Reading and Analyzing Case Studies

  • Read and interpret only the given information. Do not make up information not found in the case study text. If the case states someone is drinking alcohol, do not imply they are also doing cocaine if it has not been mentioned elsewhere.
  • Use only the given information. If you think a question was not asked, you can say, “I would want to ask him or her,” but do not fill in their answer.
  • Realize there may be no definitive or correct answer, but there may be some responses that are more appropriate than others based on the limited information provided.
  • Think of the person in each case as a real client sitting in front of you asking for help, and approach the case from several levels. View each case from the different course-related etiological perspectives you have been studying and consider the different clinical issues that might be involved.
  • Think about other resources and referrals this person and his or her family members might require.
  • Determine if there are other risk factors or other information that could be dangerous to the client, family members, or others.
  • Remember that an initial diagnosis or assessment and treatment plan can only be based on what is presented and determined at any given time and may likely need to be revised over time.

Case Studies

Case 1: Alan

Alan is a 25-year-old African American Army veteran who is introducing himself to you at the Veterans Hospital. He has been back home for 3 months after returning from his second 1-year tour of duty in Iraq, where he was in an infantry company in charge of maintaining security for local citizens. Alan was wounded in an explosion, and his lower right leg was amputated. He is awaiting final disability designation and benefits, and is getting increasingly frustrated. Alan is proud of his service, but finds it hard to show his feelings to others. He reports pain and PTSD symptoms, including nightmares, flashbacks, irritability, and anger. He is on prescription pain medication and antidepressants. Alan reports he is drinking more “as needed.” He is married and living with his wife of 3 years and their 2-year-old son. He reports his wife “doesn’t understand the pain I am in physically or psychologically.” Alan is not working and is worried about how he will provide for his family.


  • What would be your initial diagnostic impression of this case?
  • What risk factors and behaviors are present in this case?
  • What individual and family interventions might need to be considered?
  • What type(s) of treatment settings and strategies may be needed?
  • What cultural, ethnic, or special population factors may play a role in Alan’s treatment planning?
  • Assuming Alan has a diagnosable substance-use disorder, what specific challenges may need to be addressed to maintain recovery and avoid relapse?
  • What specific roles could or should healthcare providers, businesses, schools, and organizations play in Alan’s assessment, intervention, and treatment?
  • What specific client advocacy, current public policy discussions, or ethical or legal issues may be related to this case study?

Case 3: Tommy

Tommy is a 45-year old Caucasian male who ruptured a disc in his back while at work over five years ago. After failing to improve through physical rehabilitation, Tommy received a spinal fusion surgery which joined two of his vertebrae together. After Tommy’s injury he received a prescription for a acetaminophen/hydrocodone at 300 mg/5 mg. However. Tommy indicated that his pain levels continued to escalate. His prescription was increased to 300 mg/7.5 mg after 6 months. Post surgery, Tommy continued to complain of escalating pain and his prescription was increased to 300mg/10mg.

At one year post surgery, Tommy continued to request increases in his prescription and his physician determined that Tommy had developed an opioid dependence. The physician refused to increase the prescription and referred Tommy to a substance abuse provider. Instead of seeking help, Tommy began to look for ways to supplement his prescription. He discovered that he was able to purchase heroin and that the injections provided him with pain relief. Tommy began with 300 mcg dosages of heroin injected into his body but quickly increased the dosages and his dependence upon the drug.

Eventually Tommy became homeless and was arrested for breaking and entering. He has been referred to you for a mandated substance abuse assessment from the courts. Tommy has been living in a shelter. He reported using heroin three times per day and that his last injection was 12 hours ago.



  • What would be your initial diagnostic impression of this case?
  • What risk factors and behaviors are present in this case?
  • What individual and family interventions might need to be considered?
  • What type(s) of treatment settings and strategies may be needed?
  • What cultural, ethnic, or special population factors may play a role in treatment planning?
  • Assuming Tommy has a substance-use disorder, what specific challenges may need to be addressed to maintain her recovery to avoid relapse?
  • What specific roles could or should healthcare providers, businesses, schools, and organizations play in Tommy’s assessment, intervention, and treatment study?
  • What specific client advocacy, current public policy discussions, or ethical or legal issues may be related to this case study?

Case 4: James

James is a 28-year-old Native American who has been referred to you for a mandated substance abuse assessment from the courts. He was arrested for the manufacturing and sale of methamphetamine, and is awaiting sentencing in the county jail. James works as a laborer at the Native American-owned casino, but lives off the reservation. He is very uncooperative and suspicious. James says he drinks, but does not use meth and reports he was “set up by some rednecks who hate Indians.” His court records indicate 2 arrests for drinking and driving and 3 investigations, but no convictions for domestic violence. James lives with a woman and her two young children. He also has three children of his own, ages 5, 8, and 10, from 2 women he rarely sees, although he says he does care about them.


  • What would be your initial diagnostic impression of this case?
  • What risk factors and behaviors are present in this case?
  • What individual and family interventions might need to be considered?
  • What type(s) of treatment settings and strategies may be needed?
  • What cultural, ethnic, or special population factors may play a role in James’ treatment planning?
  • Assuming James has a substance-use disorder, what specific challenges may need to be addressed to maintain his recovery to avoid relapse?
  • What specific roles could or should healthcare providers, businesses, schools, and organizations play in James’ assessment, intervention, and treatment?
  • What specific client advocacy, current public policy discussions, or ethical or legal issues may be related to this case study?


Case 5: Jose

Jose, a 45-year-old Mexican man referred to you by his minister, was recently arrested for possession and distribution of cocaine and marijuana. Jose presents himself as remorseful, embarrassed, and scared. He has no legal immigration status and little money. He was let go by the landscape company he was working for 6 months ago when there was no work. Jose admits he used pot and cocaine when he was working. Jose was later arrested after he agreed to help a friend of a friend set up a deal to make some money. He is married and has 3 children, ages 18 to 25, who are in the area but do not live with him. His wife is very religious and involved with the church, and Jose agreed to talk to the priest and do whatever he recommended. He is fearful of going to prison and being deported.



  • What would be your initial diagnostic impression of this case?
  • What risk factors and behaviors are present in this case?
  • What individual and family interventions might need to be considered?
  • What type(s) of treatment settings and strategies may be needed?
  • What cultural, ethnic, or special population factors may play a role in Jose’s treatment planning?
  • Assuming Jose has a substance-use disorder, what specific challenges may need to be addressed to maintain his recovery to avoid relapse?
  • What specific roles could or should healthcare providers, businesses, schools, and organizations play in Jose’s assessment, intervention, and treatment?

How do you intend to improve your cultural competence? Consider education, exposure, knowledge and skills that are required to develop.

Assignment Guidance

This assignment is a 2000 word – reflective discussion on personal cultural competence

A Reflective Discussion on Personal Cultural Competence

In this assignment you will reflect and analyse on your own cultural competence based on ONE experience from your practice learning to date.  This could include examples such as caring for a patient with diverse needs such as language, religion/spiritual beliefs that differ from your own. You may also choose to consider how gender and sexuality can impact on illness and disability.

The reflective discussion should be based on the Papadopoulos, Tilki, and Taylor (1998) model of cultural competence. This will be used to reflect on your own cultural competence and evaluate how this experience will influence your future nursing practice.

NOTE A REFLECTIVE MODEL DOES NOT NEED TO BE USED TO STRUCTURE THIS ASSIGNMENT. There will be sections of this assignment where it will be acceptable to write in the first person – using ‘I’, however, where possible, in your analysis section try to write in the third person to maintain your academic style.


  • Approximately 250 words.
  • As with all assignment introductions this should inform the reader of the key aspects this assignment will discuss.
  • You may try to set the context for the assignment in terms of the importance of cultural competence in nursing.
  • You must remember to include an 2018 NMC confidentiality clause or the NMC code 2018if you refer to practice placements or patients etc. at any point within the assignment.

Main body.

  • Approximately 1500 words.
  • Use the literature and evidence to justify your discussion.
  • Define the key terms cultural competence and diversity. In this section you will explore the idea of a multicultural society and the need for nurses to be culturally competent.
  • Consider some questions such as ‘What is culture and cultural competence?’ ‘How do they influence or benefit nursing care and patient experiences and outcomes in health care?’ ‘What does it mean to be culturally competent?’ ‘What is the impact to patients if you are not culturally competent?’
  • Introduce the model of cultural competence (Papadopoulos, Tilki, and Taylor 1998). What are the benefits of this model and how can it be used as a benchmark for practice? Are there any critiques/comparisons regarding this model to consider?
  • Introduce a practice scenario (approx. 200 words) citing what happened, what were the implications? Was this a positive or negative patient experience and why?
  • Analysis of the scenario. In this section you will analyse cultural competence and the associated issues when caring for diverse patient groups in relation to your scenario.
  • Using literature, research and evidence, critique the scenario whilst considering some of the aspects below that are relevant to your particular experience-
    • Explore the patient’s specific culture or diverse needs – you may wish to use the literature to discuss how this governs how they live their lives, including their norms, beliefs, values and behaviours.
    • Explore organisational and legislative influences such as policy, guidelines, legal and ethical frameworks – do these factors positively or negatively influence culturally sensitive care?
    • Reflect on the personal factors that can influence cultural competence including awareness, attitudes, values and beliefs, knowledge and skills.
  • Refer back to the model (Papadopoulos et al, 1998) reflect on your own competence and evaluate how this experience will influence and inform your future ensuring practice.
  • How do you intend to improve your cultural competence? Consider education, exposure, knowledge and skills that are required to develop. It may be that your beliefs or attitudes have changed – how will this influence your future nursing practice?


  • Approximately 250 words.
  • As with all assignment conclusions – no new information should be included in the conclusion.
  • Summarize the key points discussed within your assignment.

What do you think caused the Civil War? Write a three- to four-paragraph essay opinion piece that explains your ideas.

Since the end of the Civil War in 1865, different historians have held various opinions about what caused the Civil War. Slavery, states’ rights, and regional economics are all disputed causes.What do you think caused the Civil War? Write a three- to four-paragraph essay opinion piece that explains your ideas. Use the events and your notes from the table above to support your opinion. You may also reference other events that took place during or after the Civil War to support your ideas.When developing your argument, keep the following factors in mind:Your opinion and argument should be well supported by your notes and any other research you have done. It should also focus on specific issues relating to the causes of the Civil War.Make sure you provide parenthetical, in-text citations for any information you use from outside sources. My thesis statement is, The cause of the Civil War was President Abraham Lincoln’s concern for the preservation of the Union.

Discuss an accomplishment,event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Discuss an accomplishment,event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

This is a topic from Common Apps, which is used to apply for US Universities. Can the writer help me to write an essay regarding the topic?

Write about how the Yahwist religion was intended for human psychology rather than ancient history.

Would you argue that the Yahwist religion of the ancient Israelites represented a sharp break with other religious worldviews and practices of the ancient Near East, or would you rather argue that it represents a gradual evolution out of earlier traditions? Or is the answer some third option? Also, write about how the Yahwist religion was intended for human psychology rather than ancient history. This is a history essay, but incorporate some philosophy and psychology. Essay should be well written and thought provoking. Feel free to use your imagination. The six pages do not include the words cited and cover page. Total pages should be eight. Should be at least four credible sources. Comments from Customer Discipline: Interdisciplinary

Describe the ways in which the character’s portrayal represents (or challenges) typical female stereotypes & gender roles.

Select a female character from a TV show, movie, book, or fairy tale and apply 1 theoretical concept from class to understand the character’s feelings, thoughts, or behaviors from a gendered perspective. Also discuss how her portrayal represents (or rebels against) typical female gender expectations. This paper should be approximately 3-4 double-spaced pages. Do not exceed 4 pages. The paper should include the following sections:
• Provide a brief description of character such that someone who does not know who she is gets a clear picture of her. This includes describing her physical and personality characteristics, her behaviors, what role she plays when interacting with others, her sense of self, her abilities & achievements, etc. (1 paragraph)
• Define and apply 1 of the theoretical perspectives on gender discussed in Chapter 2 of the textbook (e.g. Social Learning Theory or Gender Schema Theory) to explain the psychological impact this character’s role might have on viewers. Be sure to reference readings where appropriate in order to demonstrate your understanding of them. (2 paragraphs)
• Describe the ways in which the character’s portrayal represents (or challenges) typical female stereotypes & gender roles. Be sure to reference the readings where appropriate in order to demonstrate your understanding of them. (1-2 paragraphs)
• Describe two ways in which the character could improve/strengthen/diversify its portrayal of women. Why are these improvements important? (1-2 paragraphs) Customer files

How successful do you feel you were in linking your soldiers experience with historical information?

Rubric for the paper:
The student: i. consistently uses a wide range of terminology effectively ii. demonstrates excellent knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through thorough, accurate descriptions, explanations and examples.
The student: i. formulates a clear and focused research question and explains its relevance ii. formulates and follows a substantial action plan to investigate a research question iii. uses research method(s) to collect and record appropriate, relevant information iv. evaluates the process and results of the investigation.
The student: i. communicates information and ideas effectively and accurately by using a style that is completely appropriate to the audience and purpose ii. structures information and ideas in a way that is completely appropriate to the specified format iii. consistently documents sources of information using a recognized convention.An EXPLICIT link between the topics that you chose to investigate you soldier.
Here are some suggestions of the topics you could investigate based on your soldier’s experience and how he was influenced by the war:
⦁ Developments in technology
⦁ Medicine
⦁ Origin of the soldier
⦁ Conditions of soldiers
⦁ Types of warfare/weapons
⦁ Physiological problems
Don’t feel limited to these suggestions if you find something else that interests you from your soldier’s record, but please check it with your teacher first.
You will need to write a reflection on the experience of writing this report. You should address the following topics. Does it influence your historical perspective by researching the individual? What issues. Setbacks or difficulties did you face during this process? Discuss how you planned your investigative process. How successful do you feel you were in linking your soldiers experience with historical information?
⦁ 2000-2500 Words
⦁ MLA 8 style works cited list
⦁ Personal reflection
⦁ Report is uploaded to Managebac
⦁ Report is to be submitted in class during the week of 2-6 of December. Check Managebac.
Helpful resources
World War One Pictorial Honour Role of Australians
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Guide to WW1 Battlefields and History of the First World War
Official Histories of the First World War
In Flanders Fields-Names List- Name Search (Provides information in the Battalion that your soldier was in)

Marking Criteria
⦁ Use a wide range of terminology in context
⦁ Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject specific content and concepts through developed descriptions
Mark I can…
0 Not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

1-2 ⦁ Use limited relevant terminology.
⦁ Demonstrate basic knowledge and understanding of content and concepts with minimal connection to WWI and personal experience during conflict.

3-4 ⦁ Use some terminology accurately and appropriately.
⦁ Demonstrate adequate knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through satisfactory connections to WWI and personal experience during conflict.

5-6 ⦁ Use a range of terminology accurately and appropriately.
⦁ Demonstrate substantial knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through accurate connections to WWI and personal experience during conflict.

7-8 ⦁ Consistently use a wide range of terminology effectively.
⦁ Demonstrate excellent knowledge and understanding of content and concepts through thorough, accurate connections to WWI and personal experience during conflict.

Mark I can…
0 Not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.

1-2 iv. make a limited evaluation of the investigatory process,

3-4 iv. evaluate some aspects of the process and result of the investigation

5-6 iv. evaluate the process and result of the investigation

7-8 iv. thoroughly evaluates the investigation process

⦁ Communicate information and ideas effectively using appropriate style and for the audience and purpose
⦁ Structure information and ideas in a way that is appropriate to the specified format
⦁ Document sources of information using a recognised convention
Mark I can…
0 Not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
1-2 ⦁ Communicate information and ideas in a way that is not always appropriate to the audience and purpose.
⦁ Organize information and ideas in a limited way.
⦁ List sources of information inconsistently.
3-4 ⦁ Communicate information and ideas in a way that is somewhat appropriate to the audience and purpose.
⦁ Somewhat organize information and ideas.
⦁ Create an adequate reference list and sometimes cite sources.
5-6 ⦁ Communicate information and ideas in a way that is mostly appropriate to the audience and purpose.
⦁ Mostly structure information and ideas according to task instructions.
⦁ Creates an adequate reference list and usually cite sources.
7-8 ⦁ Communicate information and ideas in a way that is completely appropriate to the audience and purpose.
⦁ Structure information and ideas completely according to task instructions.
⦁ Creates a complete reference list and always cites sources.