
What data valuable to an investigation is created by each device? Other than the device itself, where might data from the IoT device be stored and how can it be acquired? How are drones being used by criminals and terrorists and what can law enforcement do to combat the use of drones in illegal activities?

Assignment 3 – CCJS 321 7380 Digital Forensics in the Criminal Justice System


Assignment 3

  • Describe two ethical dilemmas that may be encountered by a digital forensic practitioner and what steps they should take to ensure their integrity isn’t called into question.
  • Research and describe three IoT devices. What are their functions and what problems are they designed to solve for the user?
  • What data valuable to an investigation is created by each device?
  • Other than the device itself, where might data from the IoT device be stored and how can it be acquired?
  • How are drones being used by criminals and terrorists and what can law enforcement do to combat the use of drones in illegal activities?
  • Where do drones store their data and what types of valuable information can be found?
  • Research new and developing technologies to determine what devices, software, or capabilities are emerging. Select two. Describe this new technology, how it can be used by criminal or terrorist networks, and how authorities can combat the threat.

Identify the main classes and represent these in a UML class diagram. Identify methods and attributes for each class in the class diagram. Identify relationships between classes.

Business analysis and design

The Tasks

Write a report, with complete details, of the proposed logical analysis for the Global Logistic Company L.LC

The following must be included in the report:


  1. Introduction
  2. Review of Software Methodology (10 marks)
  3. A Process Model comprising of                                              (20 marks)
  • A Context Diagram
  • A set of Dataflow diagrams of Level-1 and Level-2 depicting the current system including
  • External entity definitions
  • Dataflow descriptions
  • Datastore contents
  • Process descriptions


  1. A Data Model detailing the data structure required to support the current information and process requirements comprising of: (20 marks)
  • An Entity Relationship Diagram.
  • Entity Descriptions.
  • Appropriate attributes for each entity indicating primary and foreign keys.
  • Specify the optionality, cardinality, and nature of the relationships between entities.


  1. 5. Construct a High Level Use Case Diagram (20 marks)
  • Identify the main actors.
  • Identify main functions.
  1. 6. Class Diagram (20 marks)
  • Identify the main classes and represent these in a UML class diagram.
  • Identify methods and attributes for each class in the class diagram.
  • Identify relationships between classes.


  1. 7. Additional marks will be awarded for the professionalism of the report, format, references, citations, and adherence to reporting standards. (10 marks)


Additional instructions:


  1. Upload your draft assignment into MS Teams for formative feedback.
  2. Upload the final report to Turnitin on or before the final submission date.

Write in your own words the Cognitive, Behavioral, Affective symptoms, any cultural factors and what you believe the diagnosis to be and why.

Week work

1. The goal of this DQ is to use your growing critical thinking skills to evaluate a conspiracy theory. Conspiracy theories are a growing phenomenon, encouraged by social media and increasingly partisan politics, and therefore it is important for us to develop skills to evaluate their rationality and plausibility.

  • Watch the following video on Youtube, starting at time point 56:00 minutes. Watch about five minutes of it (although you can watch more and might find it difficult to stop watching!).
    Joe Rogan Experience #1255 – Alex Jones Returns!
  • Put on your critical thinking hat and post 2 questions or comments you have about Alex Jones’ claims, and explain each in depth. You may choose to evaluate or ask questions about his evidence. You may choose to apply some of the cognitive concepts we’ve discussed in a previous lecture. Make sure your reflection on this video is thoughtful and critical, rather than just an emotional or knee-jerk reaction to things that he has said. Please use list format number each of your two points for clarity.

2. Write in your own words the Cognitive, Behavioral, Affective symptoms, any cultural factors and what you believe the diagnosis to be and why.

You will write this in sentence/paragraph form


How effective is large group interventions from your point of view? Discuss some of the issues associated with organization process interventions. Briefly explain Organization Confrontation Meeting in your own words and discuss why it is important.


Subject MGT325

Action Required:

Watch the short video in the following link


  • List the many types of collaboration, their tradeoffs, and an explanation of each type of collaboration.


Subject MGT403

Action Required:

  • Watch the short video in the following link and answer the question given in test your knowledge section.


  • Q: Briefly describe the main points highlighted in the video.


Subject MGT404

Recommended Readings:

Lambrechts, Frank & Grieten, Styn & Bouwen, R. & Corthouts, Felix. (2009). Process Consultation RevisitedTaking a Relational Practice Perspective. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. 45. 39-58. 10.1177/0021886308326563.

Cox, Tom & Taris, Toon & Nielsen, Karina. (2010). Organizational interventions: Issues and challenges. Work and Stress – WORK STRESS. 24. 217-218. 10.1080/02678373.2010.519496.


  • How effective is large group interventions from your point of view?
  • Discuss some of the issues associated with organization process interventions.
  • Briefly explain Organization Confrontation Meeting in your own words and discuss why it is important.

How do you think this Graduate Degree can help you achieve your career goals? Describe your greatest achievement. What motivates and inspires you?

Applying for Master of Administrative Science – Global Technology Administration at FDU

Fairleigh Dickinson University uses the answers to these questions to evaluate if the applicant is the right fit for the program. FDU also uses it to evaluate their writing skills. Please write a genuine response to each of the following questions.

1. How do you think this Graduate Degree can help you achieve your career goals? (400 or more words)

2. Describe your greatest achievement (only 150 words)

3. What motivates and inspires you? (only150 words )

How is the concept of glocalization useful in the study of cultural adaptation in the creative industries?

Cultural adaptation in the creative industries

How is the concept of glocalization useful in the study of cultural adaptation in the creative industries? Use at least two examples of cultural adaptation in the creative industries and remember that the concept is differently defined by different authors.

In words, state what the monotonicity assumption means in the context of randomizing the location of VCT centers where the experimental participants could get their HIV test results? What do you think about the plausibility of this assumption?

Designing Experiments Homework #4

Individual Questions

Thornton estimates the CACE (LATE) using two-stage least squares regression, which allows her to take advantage of the fact that she randomized (i) whether people received an incentive, (ii) the incentive amount, and (iii) the distance to the voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) centers where they could obtain their test results. These randomized variables are forms of encouragement (instrumental variables) that affect exposure to the treatment, i.e., individual obtaining a test result. So, in effect, when Thornton says she’s estimating a CACE (LATE), she is correct, but what she
is not making clear is that her CACE is a weighted mix of different complier groups. For example, the people who are Compliers at high incentive values may be Never Takers at low incentive values. Or, even more complicated, Compliers at high incentive values and close clinic distances may be Never Takers at high incentive values and far clinic distances. The advantages of randomizing multiple forms of encouragement are (1) you can estimate the ATEs of each form of encouragement (often, getting people to takeup the treatment is an important objective in itself; we want to learn, for example, if paying people to get their test results is more costeffective than bringing the VCT center closer to them); (2) you make it more likely that you will generate an increase in the probability of exposure (i.e., avoid a “weak” instrumental variable problem that we talked about in class, which can lead to bias in your CACE estimator); and related to (2), (3) you make it more likely that your Complier subgroup will be a larger fraction of your overall approach is that it’s harder to interpret the causal effect: we know it’s an ATE for the Complier” subgroup, but it’s hard to communicate who comprises this subgroup (i.e., how are they different from the rest of the population in the experiment).

In this homework, we’ll just use the binary versions of the incentives (any = 1 if the individual received any positive incentive) and the distance of the VCT (under = 1 if distance of the VCT is under 1.5 km).

1. a. Estimate the CACE of getting the HIV test result (D=got) on condom purchases (Y=numcond) using the randomization of incentives (Z=any). Just estimate the CACE; you do not have to estimate its standard error. [Hints: Section 6.2 of your book explains how to estimate CACE, as did lecture. You do not need regression analysis to answer this question. You need to calculate 4 numbers from the data and use those numbers to calculate the ratio that yields the CACE estimate]

[Note: If you are using Excel to do your calculations, I recommend you Save the file with a new name and drop all the individuals who are missing numcond data (missing values in that cell). Just sort the data by numcond and delete all rows that have missing numcond values.]

1. b. Describe in words what this CACE represents. Pretend you are explaining it to your boss, who knows nothing about twosided noncompliance, what the number means, and for what population it’s relevant.

2.a. Estimate the CACE of getting the HIV test result (D=got) on condom purchases (Y=numcond) using the randomization of VCT center distance (Z=under). Just estimate the CACE; you do not have to estimate its standard error. [Hint: Read the hint for Q1]

2.b. Describe in words what this CACE represents. Pretend you are explaining it to your boss, who knows nothing about twosided noncompliance, what the number means, and for what population it’s relevant.

2.c. The CACE estimated using under as Z is different from the CACE estimated using any as Z. What are potential reasons for this difference?

3. a. (i) In words, state what the monotonicity assumption means in the context of randomizing the location of VCT centers where the experimental participants could get their HIV test results? (ii) What do you think about the plausibility of this assumption? There is no single correct answer. Good answers show some thought and an understanding of monotonicity.

3.b. (i) In words, state what the exclusion restriction (the assumption of excludability) means in the context of randomizing the location of VCT centers in order to estimate the effect of getting test results on risky behaviors? (ii) What do you think about the plausibility of this assumption. There is no single correct answer. Good answers show some thought and an understanding of excludability.

4. Make sure you’ve read Section 7.4 in your textbook, which discusses bounding average treatment effects when we have attrition (the topic of the chapter assigned for this week). In Thornton’s study, only 1524 of the 2812 individuals were located at followup and asked how many condoms they wished to purchase. Thus, we have attrition in this experiment. Thornton argues that the attrition is random (or random conditional on covariates) and thus is not a threat to the internal validity of the experimental design (i.e., not a source of bias in her estimator of the CACE). Let’s imagine we don’t believe her argument and want to put bounds on the estimated CACE in Q1a. Using the minimum number of condoms purchased (0) and the maximum (18) as the extreme values for the range of plausible potential outcome values, calculate lower and upper bounds on the CACE. To make this question easier to answer, you should make the assumption your textbook makes and assume everyone responds the same to the treatment (homogenous treatment effects). In other words, Compliers, Never Takers and Always Takers all respond the same to the treatment (get). With that assumption, we can then assign best and worst case scenarios for those people with missing Y values (“attriters”).*

Hint: First, assume the “best case” scenario for the attriters in terms of the largest possible positive treatment effect. In other words, using the max (18) and min (0) numcond values, fill in the missing condnum values for treated (get=1) and untreated (get=0) attriters such that you will get the largest positive CACE possible. Then assume the “worstcase” scenario for the attriters in terms of the largest negative CACE.

* Why are we making this assumption? Remember, we cannot identify the Never Takers in the noincentive group: they are mixed in with Compliers to form the group of people who do not obtain their test results. And we cannot identify the Always Takers in the incentive group: they are mixed in with Compliers to form the group of people who obtain their test results. So, to do the bounding analysis, we must assume all participants respond the same to the treatment.

What was unique about the leader? How did they rate overall on an empirical scale? How does biology impact their personality traits? How does their personality trait impact their leadership development and engagement?

Trait Theory

Select and research 2 athletic leaders of your choice. One leader should be someone that you like and the second leader should be someone that you dislike. Apply the Five-Factor Trait Theory to analyze both leaders on each of the 5 parameters.

Write a 1-page blog post that examines the personality traits of both leaders. Address the following:

  • What was unique about the leader?
  • How did they rate overall on an empirical scale?
  • How does biology impact their personality traits?
  • How does their personality trait impact their leadership development and engagement?
  • Compare and contrast the personality traits of both leaders.
  • Does this analysis give you any insight into why you like one and are against the other?
  • What are some strengths and weaknesses of the Five-Factor of Trait theory?

Create a two-way frequency table of Smoker and Sex and draw the bar diagram. Write the comment on it.

Department of Applied Statistics & Research Methods

Attempt all the questions (Follow the instructions)

Question 1

Create a two-way frequency table of Smoker and Sex and draw the bar diagram. Write the comment on it. (10 points)


Download student survey data file from CANVAS

  • Step I. open Statkey click on two categorical variables
  • Step 2. click on upload data. Select sex and smoke from the data. Hit ok. You wits see  visualizations and two-way table.

Question 2
Create a live-number summary of SAT score along with its’ mean and cons tilts of Comment on the shape of the distribution of SAT score. Also write the summa °f re’s .e number summary. (10 points)


  • Step I. Open Statkey click on one quantitative variable • click on upload data. Select SAT from the data. Hit ok. You can be able to create
  • Step 2 histogram and five number summary


Question 3

Create a five-number summary of GPA by gender. Create the side by side box plot of GPA score by gender. Comment on your results. (10 points)


  • Step 1. Open Statkey click on one quantitative and one categorical variable
  • Step 2. Click on upload data. Select GPA and SEX from the data. Hit ok. You can be able to create five number summary and side by side box plot.

Question 4
Test the hypothesis, if student survey data provide the evidence of difference in GPA score of male and female? (10 points)

Instruction (Hypothesis Test)

  • Step 1. open Statkey click on test for difference between means (under Randomization
  • Step 2. Click on upload data. Select GPA and SEX from the data. Hit ok. You can able to find test statistics and p-value.

Question 5
Test the hypothesis, if student survey data provide the evidence of non-smoker’s GPA is higher than smoker’s GPA? (10 points)


  • Step 1. open Statkey click on test for difference between means (under Randomization Hypothesis Test)
  • Step 2. Click on upload data. Select GPA and SMOKE from the data. Hit ok. You can be able to find test statistics and p-value.

Question 6

Write the summary of your finding from question 1 through 5 in one paragraph (don’t include any numbers) (1 0 points)


Identify a real life process and produce a presentation (about 20 pages in PowerPoint) or a written report.

Lean Six Sigma Project Description

The final project for this class requires students to identify a real life process and produce a presentation (about 20 pages in PowerPoint) or a written report (5 pages single space) covering the following aspects:

  • Process description.
  • Lean Six Sigma Tool(s) applied.
  • Results or expected results.
  • Any other information that helps understand the process or tool(s).

This real life process can be what you would do to improve a process using Lean and Six Sigma tools or a case study of a project conducted by a team in an industrial or service setting.