
Summarize Kerry’s key points in his report to the Senate Committee. Consider what would be motivating a veteran to say the things he was saying. What was Kerry hoping to accomplish by focusing on the material he did in his report?

History Question

  1. Review the following,
  2. Read the documents carefully and respond to the following questions in a cohesive essay, with an introduction, a series of body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Be sure to use short, direct quotes from the documents to back up your ideas; avoid over-quoting.
    • Summarize Johnson’s justifications for American participation in the Vietnam War. In addition, explain how Johnson hopes to persuade his audience (both present and the wider audience who would hear this speech via television) that America really was doing the right thing.
    • Summarize Kerry’s key points in his report to the Senate Committee. Consider what would be motivating a veteran to say the things he was saying. What was Kerry hoping to accomplish by focusing on the material he did in his report?
    • Assess the positions of these two men. Were there points made by either that especially resonated with you or that you disagreed with? If so, which ones, and why did you feel this way?

Summarize Malcolm X’s ideas on how the black community should and should not respond to white oppression. Analyze how he makes his arguments. What would you critique and what would you support in what he is saying?

History Question

Assignment Instructions

  1. Review the following,
  2. Respond to the following questions in a cohesive essay, with an introduction, a series of body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Be sure to use short, direct quotes from the documents to back up your ideas; avoid over-quoting.
    • Summarize Malcolm X’s ideas on how the black community should and should not respond to white oppression. Analyze how he makes his arguments. What would you critique and what would you support in what he is saying?
    • Summarize Dr. King’s applications of Jesus’ command to ‘love your enemies’ to his audience’s present circumstances. Analyze how he makes his arguments. What would you critique and what would you support in what he is saying?
    • Consider how Malcolm X would critique King’s sermon and how King would critique X’s interview. Which critique would you side with, and why?

Who wrote this text? When did they write it? What do I know about the events being discussed? What is the author’s main idea? What is the text generally about?

Touchstone 1: Case Study Close Reading

ASSIGNMENT: For this Touchstone, you will select a source on a topic in U.S. history to read like a historian. As you learned, doing a close reading means reading the text multiple times, with a different set of questions in mind each time. You will then write and submit answers to a set of close reading questions:

  • Origin and context: Who wrote this text? When did they write it? What do I know about the events being discussed?
  • Meaning: What is the author’s main idea? What is the text generally about?
  • Argument: What is the author’s point of view? Are they trying to convince the reader of something? What evidence do they use to support their argument?
  • Skills: Is there evidence in the text of agility or problem solving skills being used? In what way(s)?

This Touchstone provides an opportunity for you to delve more deeply into a topic in U.S. history and practice thinking like a historian. It will also prepare you for later Touchstones, which ask you to research a historical question and create a presentation to help others understand how historical events can be applied to current issues. Lastly, it will develop your problem solving skills, because being a critical reader helps you to obtain and evaluate the information you need to solve problems.

Evaluate the arguments made by Beveridge and the American Anti-Imperialism League. Were there points made by either that especially resonated with you or that you disagreed with? If so, which ones, and why did you feel this way?

History Question

  1. Review the following,
    • The March of the Flag
    • American Anti-Imperialist League, 1899
  2. Respond to the following questions in a cohesive essay, with an introduction, a series of body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Be sure to use short, direct quotes from the documents to back up your ideas; avoid over-quoting.
    • Summarize Beveridge’s arguments for American imperialism
    • Summarize the American Anti-Imperialism League’s arguments against American imperialism.
    • How does each position try to persuade people that their own position is both grounded in American heritage and the truly righteous position?
    • Evaluate the arguments made by Beveridge and the American Anti-Imperialism League. Were there points made by either that especially resonated with you or that you disagreed with? If so, which ones, and why did you feel this way?

Write a paragraph about a Saudi Kabsa and why it is popular. Write a paragraph about a Mansaf food and why it is popular. Write a paragraph about a Curry Wurst (German Meal) and why it is popular.

My college 3; Level 2 , Unit 1

Level 2- Unit 1 – 6 different paragraphs, each paragraph consists of at least 11 sentences, with conditions applied

1 .Write a paragraph about a Saudi Kabsa and why it is popular .
2 .Write a paragraph about a Mansaf food and why it is popular.
3 .Write a paragraph about a Curry Wurst (German Meal) and why it is popular .
4 .Write a paragraph about the Saudi Tash Ma Tash series . Who usually watches the program? Why is it popular?
5 -Write a paragraph about Oprah Winfrey Show . Who usually watches the program? Why is it popular?
6. Write a paragraph about The Doctors Program . Who usually watches the program? Why is it popular?

Identify three out of five skills or competencies you have acquired through participation in general education courses that will help you meet your academic and career goals. Describe your three chosen skills and explain which activities, assignments, or courses helped you acquire them.

Introduction Post

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read The Value of General Education blog post, What Is the Purpose of Taking General Classes for a College Degree?, and Integrated General Education: A Brief Look Back articles, review the What Is CRAAP? handout, and view the Integrating Researchtutorial and Picking Your Topic Is Research! video.

Before writing your introduction, review the five learning outcomes for this course:

  • Apply ethical theory and moral reasoning to academic knowledge and societal concerns.
  • Utilize principles of critical thinking in problem-solving.
  • Communicate through investigative research and writing.
  • Utilize information technology skills appropriate to interdisciplinary studies.
  • Articulate the responsibility of global citizenship and multicultural understanding with regard to academic and professional pursuits.

After reviewing the five learning outcomes, post an introduction in which you

  • Identify three out of five skills or competencies you have acquired through participation in general education courses that will help you meet your academic and career goals.
  • Describe your three chosen skills and explain which activities, assignments, or courses helped you acquire them.

Explain what the Fourteenth Amendment was—how it was passed and what its consequences were in terms of how it affected the relationship between the branches of government, how it affected the power of states, and how it affected the lives of black people in the South.

Chapter Evaluation Assignment #1:

Chapters 16, 17, 18, and 19

The following questions correspond to the chapter readings in The American Nation: A History of the United States, Volume 2: Since 1865 textbook.

Chapter 16 Questions. Choose four questions to answer.
16.1 Why did President Abraham Lincoln offer such lenient terms for the reconstruction of the South?

16.2 Explain what the Fourteenth Amendment washow it was passed and what its consequences were in terms of how it affected the relationship between the branches of government, how it affected the power of states, and how it affected the lives of black people in the South.

16.3 Explain the complicated Northern white attitudes toward the process of Reconstruction. What were the hopes for many Northern whites concerning the process of Reconstruction in the South?

16.4 In what ways was sharecropping an advance over slavery for black freedmen, and in what ways was sharecropping similar to slavery?

16.5 What were some of the reasons why Reconstruction ended when it did?

Chapter 17 Questions. Answer all four questions.
17.1 How did American settlers and the transcontinental railroad affect American Indian tribes west of the Mississippi in the later nineteenth century?

17.2 What was ‘Custer’s Last Stand’? Why did it happen and what were its consequences?

17.3 Compare and contrast the experiences of ranchers and farmers in the transMississippi West.

17.4 What were some of the ways railroads shape the growth and development of the American West after the Civil War?

Chapter 18 Questions. Choose four questions to answer.
18.1 What made iron, oil, electricity, and the railroad industry so important for economic growth?

18.2 Compare the effect of competition on railroads with that of competition on steel.

18.3 Explain laissezfaire economics and describe the grounds on which William Graham Sumner defended the idea of laissezfaire economics.

18.4 How did Americans try to impose regulations on big business in the late nineteenth century?

18.5 Compare and contrast the Knights of Labor with the American Federation Labor. Which organization had made its peace with the new economy of industrial wage work?

Chapter 19 Questions. Choose four questions to answer.
19.1 How did American society and culture undergo a process of “incorporation” in the late nineteenth century?

19.2 What differences existed between skilled and unskilled workers outside their capabilities on the job?

19.3 How did nativeborn, largely AngloSaxon Americans react to the growing number of immigrants from southern and eastern Europe in the late nineteenth century?

19.4 What new technologies and innovations aided the modernization of American cities in the late or at the turn of the century?

19.5 What motivated advocates of the Social Gospel, and what did they focus on doing?

Modify the regular expression in problem 1 to use a group, so that we can print all the digits that occur in a string that contains multiple occurrences of the pattern. Write all the code required to accomplish this (create a pattern and matcher etc.).

JAVA Advanced System Development.

1. Write a regular expression that will match a string that starts with a series of letters. The letters must be followed by a period. After the period, there must be a series of digits. The string “kjisl.22” would match. The string “f4.12b” would not. Use the following string to test your regular expression:

  • String problem1 = “abcd.135”;


2. Modify the regular expression in problem 1 to use a group, so that we can print all the digits that occur in a string that contains multiple occurrences of the pattern. Write all the code required to accomplish this (create a pattern and matcher etc.). Use the following string to test your code:

  • String problem2 = “abcd.135uvqz.7tzik.888”;

There are three occurrences of the pattern we looked for in problem 2. When you run your code, you should see 135, 7, and 888 printed to the console.


3. Let’s suppose we are reading strings that match the patterns we used in problem 1 and 2 from a file. Tabs are used to separate the matches, with one exception. The last match is followed by a newline. Our revised problem 2 string would look like this:

  • String problem3 = “abcd.135\tuvqz.7\ttzik.888\n”;

Revise the regular expression accordingly and extract all the numbers, as you did in problem 2.


4. Instead of printing out the numbers themselves, print out their start and end indices. Use the same string you used for problem 3. Make those indices inclusive. For example, the start index printed for 135 should be 5, and the end index should be 7. Hint: You will need to look at the documentation for the

  • Matcher.start() and Matcher.end() methods. There is more than one version of these methods. The documentation is here:


5. Suppose we have the following string containing points on a graph within curly braces. Extract what is in the curly braces.

  • String problem4 = “{0, 2}, {0, 7}, {1, 3}, {2, 4}”;


6. Write a Java program to remove the specific letters from a string and return the new string. Specific letters: “p”, “q”, or “r”.

  • If the given string does not contain “p”, “q”, or “r”, return “Not found.”

7. Write a Java program to check whether a string contains only a certain set of characters (in this case a-z, A-Z and 0-9).

Using the data provided, compute the location quotient for each industry in King County, Washington.What industries are the most important for this local economy? Calculate the employment multiplier for this local economy.


King County, WA United States
  2016 2016
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 3,055 916,300
Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction 2,476 1,416,500
Utilities 1,557 605,300
Construction 84,999 10,096,300
Manufacturing 111,454 13,103,700
Wholesale trade 72,408 6,935,800
Retail trade 161,916 19,390,100
Transportation and warehousing 70,436 7,169,400
Information 102,763 3,357,900
Finance and insurance 70,930 9,871,600
Real estate and rental and leasing 86,959 8,983,500
Professional, scientific, and technical services 180,099 13,712,200
Management of companies and enterprises 33,309 2,499,300
Administrative and support and waste management and remediation services 86,565 11,877,800
Educational services 40,044 4,716,600
Health care and social assistance 168,317 21,944,300
Arts, entertainment, and recreation 46,878 4,323,300
Accommodation and food services 117,856 14,415,800
Other services (except public administration) 81,422 11,388,700
Federal government civilian 20,340 2,852,000
Military 7,345 1,927,000
State and local government 157,642 19,521,000

A. Using the data provided, compute the location quotient for each industry in King County, Washington.

B. Compute the basic employment for each industry as follows:

  • If LQ < 1 then the basic employment is 0
  • If LQ >1 then the basic employment = [(LQ-1)/LQ] x Industry Employment in 2016

C. What industries are the most important for this local economy?

D. Calculate the employment multiplier for this local economy.View keyboard shortcuts

Create a presentation for the conference identifying realistic ideas for reducing teacher turnover.

Combating Teacher Turnover


Implement strategies for personnel management and staff development.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


You have been an early childhood director in the same childcare program for ten years. You are well respected within the early childhood community. You have a reputation for hiring and maintaining a professional, well-educated staff. Many of your staff have been employed at your center for a minimum of five years. The early childhood coalition within your state has asked you to give a short presentation at the state’s annual conference. The topic will be “Combating Teaching Turnover.”


For this deliverable you will create a presentation for the conference identifying realistic ideas for reducing teacher turnover. You can be as creative as you want! You can create a physical tri-fold tabletop display, set of handouts, flyers or a brochure, or even as a video presentation with PowerPoint, Prezi, or another tool.

Presentation Guidelines:

  • Include your name and a pretend center name.
  • Include at least two graphics and/or pictures.
  • Provide details for at least five specific ideas for reducing teacher turnover.
  • What exactly do YOU do at your center? What are you doing that might be different from other centers?
  • Describe three strategies used enhance the teacher experience in your center.
  • Describe three specific ways you demonstrate appreciation for your staff.
  • Describe three strategies used to support your staff in their own professional growth and development.