
In light of this statement, discuss the challenges faced by local governments in the age of globalization. What benefits do you think globalisation has created for local governments?

Public Management (MGT 324)

I Assignment 1        

Place of Submission: Students Grade Centre via blackboard.

Weight: 15 Marks

We expect you to answer each question as per instructions in the assignment. You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind. The assignment with be evaluated in terms of your planning, organization and the way you present your assignment. All the three section will carry equal weightage

Kindly read the instruction carefully and prepare your assignment accordingly.

1) Planning: Read the assignments carefully, go through the Units on which they are based. Make some points regarding each question and then rearrange them in a logical order.

2) Organisation: Be a little selective and analytical before drawing up a rough outline of your answer. Give adequate attention to the question’s introduction and conclusion.

Make sure that:

  1. a) The answer is logical and coherent
  2. b) It has clear connections between sentences and paragraphs
  3. c) The presentation is correct in your own expression and style.

3) Presentation: Once you are satisfied with your answer, you can write down the final version for submission. If you so desire, you may underline the points you wish to emphasize.

  “Globalization has changed the functioning of local governments”.

  1. In light of this statement, discuss the challenges faced by local governments in the age of globalization. (5 Marks)
  2. What benefits do you think globalisation has created for local governments? (5 Marks)
  3. With the help of examples, explain how local governments can raise their funds, meet future challenges and be able to convert their challenges into opportunities. (5 Marks)

Attend a live or virtual concert and write a paper of at least 600 words describing the music you heard and the experience you had.

Concert report

You will attend a live or virtual concert and write a paper of at least 600 words describing the music you heard and the experience you had. Please include the following:

Attach a copy of the program, if there was one.

  • Name of the artist(s), location, date.
  • What was the genre of the music?
  • What influences from the past do you hear in the music?
  • Why did you like or dislike the performance?

This paper must be well-organized and utilize correct grammar and spelling.

What do you consider to be the biggest threat currently facing the United States and (briefly) why? If you were a member of Congress (you decide with house, state, and party), what legislation would you propose to try to mitigate this threat and how would you guide your legislation through Congress to give it the best shot of passing?

Political Science Question

1) What do you consider to be the biggest threat currently facing the United States and (briefly) why? If you were a member of Congress (you decide with house, state, and party), what legislation would you propose to try to mitigate this threat and how would you guide your legislation through Congress to give it the best shot of passing? What road blocks would you expect to run into and how would you attempt to get around those barriers while operating within the law. Who will have an interest in preventing the passage of the legislation and how will the author either bring those interests on board or get around them? In other words, how would you maximize your ameliorating effect on the issue? Your response should draw on topics covered in the course material Relevant units include but are not limited to political parties, the media, the Congress, and the Constitution.

2) . A transgender state employee sues his state because the state employee health insurance plan has a blanket policy of refusing to cover surgeries and medical procedures related to gender transition. The employee argues that the procedures are medically necessary for the treatment of gender dysphoria. Your essay on this prompt should take a position on whether a state’s refusal to cover these medical treatments violates the Constitution. To make your claim, choose 2 civil liberties or civil rights that might be relevant to such a case and evaluate whether and how the government is or is not violating those liberties/rights.

Conduct research on a topic directly related to the course and then present their research in a five-page paper, plus references.

PC Hardware & O/S Architecture

Conduct research on a topic directly related to the course and then present their research in a five-page paper, plus references. Students will be evaluated on the selection and quality of their topic (more difficult topics will be given a higher grade than easy topics) as well as the quality of their research and paper. This project consists of a five-page paper on any topic related to the course, broadly computer hardware and software. A sixth page of references is also required.

How did you collect your data (e.g., survey, focus groups, in-depth interviews)? Describe the constructs you and your community partner have indicated are important to the program you are evaluating this semester.

Food Sheds program Final Project

  1. Cover Page (2.5 points)
    – Community partner name
    – Name of group with individual group names
  2. AbstractLinks to an external site.(5 points)
    – Should include Introduction, Methods, Findings, Conclusions
    – Should be no longer than 300 words
  3. Introduction & Background (15 points)
    • Write an introduction for your program and program evaluation (approximately 3 paragraphs).
    • This should include a brief literature review about the following: the public health issue (topic) your evaluation addresses and its impact on the population your community partner works with; who your community partner is and the gap their program addresses.
    • List and describe the intended outcomes of your evaluation (e.g., the short, medium, and/or long-term outcomes you’re measuring)
    • You should use 3-5 sources / references for this section.
    • NOTE: Previous research and citations should be utilized heavily in this section, just like in a research / evaluation article. I recommend using 5-8 sources here. This section should be approximately ½ to 1 page. You mustuse in-text citations and have a references page
  4. Methods (15 points)
    – Describe your program evaluation design (experimental, quasi-experimental, non-experimental)
    – Describe your participant recruitment techniques

      1. How were participants recruited?
      2. How many participants were recruited? (Remember you are using ALL data points, not only what your group collected / what you collected individually)
    • Describe your data collection techniques (Quantitative only, Qualitative only, Mixed Methods)
      1. How did you collect your data (e.g., survey, focus groups, in-depth interviews)?
      2. Describe the constructs you and your community partner have indicated are important to the program you are evaluating this semester.
  • Describe the instrument you used to collect data. How many questions were included? Describe the questions that were included.
  • NOTE: This should look similar to a methods section in a research / evaluation article. Should be approximately 1 – 1 ½ pages
  1. Analysis (10 points)
    – Describe the quantitative and/or qualitative data analysis methodologies you used in your evaluation (e.g., frequencies, chi-square, thematic analysis).
    – Describe the program(s) you used for data analysis.
    – NOTE: Should be approximately 0.5 pages
  2. Findings (20 points)
    – Describe your findings.
    – You should include at least five tables, figures or infographics displaying the data / findings. EACH construct that your community partner identified should be addressed.
    – NOTE: Each major finding should be clearly labeled. Consider using a sub-heading for each major finding content area. Should be approximately 1-2 pages
  3. Discussion and Recommendations (25 points)
    – Start this section off with a summary statement.

      1. Based on your findings, create 5 recommendations for your community partner! What is going well? What are areas for improvement?
      2. What gaps still exist? What is still unknown and needs to be researched / evaluated further? What are important next steps that your community partner should take to address these gaps / issues?
  • What actionable steps should the community partner take based off of your evaluation?
  • Are your findings similar or different to other programs that have been evaluated in the literature? Your recommendations should be based both on your data / findings AND based in current best practices and literature.
    1. Be sure to use peer-reviewed papers and cite properly!
  • Strengths and Limitations
  • HINT: It would be useful to use published evaluation and research articles to help form your responses to these sections. Refer to a discussion section in any article we have reviewed together to see how this is typically done! Citations should be utilized. This section should be approximately 1 page
  1. References & Citations (2.5 points)
    – No page count
  2. Overall professionalism and formatting (5 points)
    – Spelling and grammar
    – Sentence structure and report organization
    Note: Citations/References should be included throughout as necessary – failure to do so will result in point deduction

Discuss: “The equilibrium output is an efficient allocation of resources. Hence laissez-faire is the best policy”.

Discussion ECON201

Discuss: “The equilibrium output is an efficient allocation of resources. Hence laissez-faire is the best policy”.

Note:-You are required to reply to at least two peer responses to this week’s discussion question. Your replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature.

How did they get into airport operations (i.e. college degree, internship, career change, etc.)? Is there anything unique about the airport facility (i.e. runway layout, facility next to water, airport in mountain terrain, terminals connected by trains/people mover, etc.)?

Final Project – Interview Instructions

This project involves connecting with a real-world airport operations employee.  It includes interviewing an individual that is currently employed as an airport/airfield operations agent (or some title closely related-not airline/cargo).  The person must perform functions and inspections in order to fulfill Part 139 requirements.  It also includes a short summary of the airport the interviewee is employed at.

**DO NOT CONTACT AZO**  The Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport is off-limits for this assignment.   Reach outside of our area and make connections elsewhere.

You will reach out to an airport/s to find a representative to interview.  The airport can be anywhere and is your choice.  It may take some effort and trying of different airports in order to find someone who will speak with you.  Please start early and allow enough time to connect with an individual in order to complete the assignment.  Be prepared to use emails, phone calls, research to find an individual to speak with.

Start the assignment early in the semester so you complete it on time.

The purpose of this assignment is to give perspective about different paths which lead to airport operations, duties associated with this job, possibility of building your network, and you may learn how many different airports perform the same functions but operate in their own unique way.

Part 1: Airport Information

Please provide a summary of the airport your interviewee works at.   The summary should contain at least the following information:

  • Must be an airport in the U.S.
  • Full Airport Name.
  • Airport ICAO Identifier.
  • How many runways, runway layout (i.e. intersecting, parallel, etc.)
  • What commercial category is the airport – Large hub, medium, small hub, non-hub, non-primary? If it is not a commercial airport, state that it is a General Aviation airport and advise how many aircraft operations/based aircraft there are.
  • Include any information that pertains directly to your interview, or is interesting or relevant to your interview.
  • Include an FAA airport diagram. Retrieve from:

Format Criteria

  • Must be written in Times New Roman, 12 font.
  • Student MUST include all sources/cite where information was retrieved.
  • May write as essay format.
  • Must be at least 1 /2 page in length in text (NOT including a cover sheet or header/footer)
  • The airport diagram can be on the same page as the summary, or a separate page. Be sure to cite where you retrieved the diagram.
  • Double space.


Part 2: Interview with airport operations personnel

Questions to be answered by interviewee:

  • Interviewee Name.
  • Date of interview.
  • Interviewee contact information (this will not be shared and only I will see it)
  • Name the airport at which your project/interview takes place.
  • Job Title of interviewee.
  • What is their work experience? How long has the individual been in airport operations? Has it always been at that specific facility, or did they work at other airports as well?
    • Describe their work experience.
  • How did they get into airport operations (i.e. college degree, internship, career change, etc.)?
  • Is there anything unique about the airport facility (i.e. runway layout, facility next to water, airport in mountain terrain, terminals connected by trains/people mover, etc.)?
  • Describe your duties on an average work day? What does a ‘normal’ day look like?
  • Describe an incident you were involved in at the airport? What was the incident (what happened), what was your role, what was the incident outcome?
  • What is your favorite thing about working in airport operations?
  • Ask them anything else you find interesting or relevant.
  • Thank them and try to use this experience as a way to build your network and gain perspective into airport operations.

What are the activities and tasks given to you during this month?


(Report Components)

Task(s) What are the activities and tasks given to you during this month?
New skill(s) What skills did you learn through the month?
Meeting(s) How many meetings did you attend?
Difficulty/ Challenge(s) What are the difficulties you had this month?
How did you overcome these difficulties?


Learning What did you learn from completing the tasks
What did you want to learn more?



  1. This report is a summary of the training activities performed.
  2. You may attach additional pages if needed. And student can attach any extra note to this form.


Chapter 8, you learn about the social media age. Compare between User 1.0 and User 2.0.

Social media age

Action Required:

6.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

  • Chapter 8, you learn about the social media age. Compare between User 1.0 and User 2.0.

Where is the company positioned today? Is it a favorable position? Or is it an unfavorable position? What does this position mean for the company?


1 Briefly describe the purpose of the matrix ——–> 2 to 3 paragraphs. 400-500 words. Need (3) Three in-text citations and (3) three references.

2 Select dimensions/categories for X -axis and Y- Axis. ——–> 2 to 3 paragraphs. 400-500 words. Need (3) Three in-text citations and (3) three references.

3 Develop two Perceptual Maps.

4  The 1st map should show how the company is perceived today. Show the Matrix and its results. • To support your analysis, be sure to cite sources ——–> 2 to 3 paragraphs. 400-500 words. Need (3) Three in-text citations and (3) three references.

5  Copy and paste the Matrix with its results to the body of the Word document.

6 Evaluate the results with strategic implications for the company.——–> 2 to 3 paragraphs. 400-500 words. Need (3) Three in-text citations and (3) three references.

7  The 2nd map must show how the company should be perceived tomorrow. Show the Matrix and its results. • To support your analysis, be sure to cite sources ——–> 2 to 3 paragraphs. 400-500 words. Need (3) Three in-text citations and (3) three references.

8 Copy and paste the Matrix with its results to the body of the Word document.

9 Evaluate the results with strategic implications for the company.——–> 2 to 3 paragraphs. 400-500 words. Need (3) Three in-text citations and (3) three references.

Use the MBA Perceptual template provided in the Excel sheet attached. With the following instructions:


You may include up to 10 product categories in this Template’s Perceptual Map.


Enter the X-axis and Y-axis dimensions. For example, if developing a map for frozen foods, your X axis could range from “low calorie” to “high calorie,” while the Y axis ranges from “low cost” to “high cost.”


Enter in the products you wish to compare (up to 10); in the example, these products would be different brands of frozen foods available for purchase. After entering in the products, rate each factor on a scale of 1 to 9. In our example, extremely low calorie would receive a score of 1 or 2, and likewise extremely high calorie should receive a score of 8 or 9.


To enhance this analysis, you could mentally draw a line (or two lines) of best fit (through products) and identify areas along the line that do not have (in this example) frozen food products near the line. In this analysis, blank areas of the map are typically the most advantageous for new product creation. Any products that fall well above or below the line, may be over or under serving customers and should be examined closely. Do not blindly follow this rule of thumb however since, for example, a very expensive product may be well off the projected best fit line and yet serve its small customer base quite well. You may with this Template wish to develop several perceptual maps changing your X and Y dimensions. For example, if you are a large food processor, you could examine frozen foods on dimensions other than the ones used here, or you could examine dairy products or any other related products. Simply cut and paste your existing map into Power Point then enter your data for a new map.

To write the Strategic implications, you must ask these questions and answer them with 2 to 3 paragraphs. 400-500 words. Need (3) Three in-text citations and (3) three references.

Based on the results,

– Where is the company positioned today?

– Is it a favorable position? Or is it an unfavorable position?

– What does this position mean for the company?


Note: If the company is in a significantly unfavorable/bad position, then this is something you would need to present solutions and recommendations. APA references