
Provide an opportunity to study a particular topic in depth. Show evidence of independent investigation. Critically consider and combine relevant theories and, where appropriate, suggest alternatives.

SBS Dissertation Module (MAN00111M) 20222023

The Purpose of the Dissertation Research Project
The dissertation is the final stage of the Masters degree and provides you with the opportunity to both gain and show that you have gained the necessary skills and knowledge to organise and conduct a research project.
It should demonstrate that you are skilled in conceptualizing, designing, managing and delivering a research project, involving: identifying an area, or areas, suitable for research and setting appropriate research objectives; identifying and critically reviewing relevant literature within the topic area; selecting an appropriate research methodology; locating, collecting, organising and critically analysing relevant primary and/or secondary data, drawing on relevant authoritative literature in the field; drawing conclusions; and, if appropriate, making relevant recommendations and indications of areas for further research.

Aims of the Dissertation Module
The aims of the dissertation research Module are to:

Put into practice theories and concepts learned on the Masters Course
Provide an opportunity to study a particular topic in depth
Show evidence of independent investigation
Critically consider and combine relevant theories and, where appropriate, suggest alternatives
Enable interaction with practitioners (where appropriate to the chosen topic)
Show evidence of ability to plan and manage a research project within deadlines

Learning Outcomes
Successful completion of the Module will demonstrate that you are able to:

Undertake an academic research project, involving defining, designing and delivering an academically rigorous piece of research

Understand the relationships between the theoretical concepts and models and their application in specific situations

Show evidence of a deeper understanding of your chosen subject area

Apply knowledge of research philosophy and methods

Critically analyze significant bodies of relevant literature in the chosen topic area

Undertake active research involving collection of primary and/or secondary data

Engage with ethical issues in undertaking academic research
Understand the process and decisions to be made in managing a project within strict deadlines and appreciate the significance of and gain experience of designing an appropriate research plan

Appreciate the practical implications and constraints of both practical academic research and your specialist topic area

To demonstrate a more rigorous and critical thinking perspective and skills, particularly in the selection and review of relevant literature, analysis of data, consideration of and engagement with different conceptual and knowledge perspectives, and preconceptions and assumptions of self and others

To learn strategies of, gain experience and develop skills in writing up a well presented and substantial piece of business, management and organizations academic research, in a way that demonstrates academic rigour and credibility, and is both persuasive and convincing; of ‘learning the craft of academic writing’

Critically reflect on research knowledge and skills achieved and their relationship to future development and employability.

If the response variable is (sorted by treatment and block), analyze the results. Is there a significant main effect at treatment group? Is there a significant block effect?

Stat 490 Group project

Due 04/26

In experimental design, designing an experiment is as important as analyzing the results. Through the semester we have learned 4 ways to design an experiment

  1. Design an experiment that is BIBD.
  2. Design an experiment that is an optimal design.

For these two types of designs you need to use R language to help you unless for simple cases. Even for the same input, you may end up different designs if you rerun the code. For example, the runs in the same treatment group may end up with different blocks. Or you may end up with different subset of the total runs that is still optimal.

  1. Design a blocked experiment with confounding structure.
  2. Design a fractional experiment with aliases structure.

For these two types of designs you can use either R or Excel to help you design the experiment. With the same confounding structure, same aliases structure, you will end up with the same design.

In this group project, you are asked to design 4 experiments and analyze the results. There is an excel file called “group_response.csv” on canvas, with two variables  and  in it. These will be the response variables for your analysis below.

Experiment 1

  1. Design a BIBD that has 6 treatment groups and 10 blocks. What is the number of runs in each treatment group? What is the number of runs in each block? What is the value of ?
  2. If the response variable is (sorted by treatment and block), analyze the results. Is there a significant main effect at treatment group? Is there a significant block effect?
  3. Analyze the residual to check whether there are any potential concerns about the validity of the assumptions.

Experiment 2

  1. Suppose that factor A has 3 levels, factor B and C each has 2 levels. Assuming you only have budget to have 30 runs, design a D-optimal experiment with these 3 factors such that a model with all first order term and second order term for A can be estimated, and there are 3 replicates in each treatment combination.
  2. If the response variable again is (sorted by treatment A, B, C), analyze the results. Is there a significant main effect at factor A, B or C?
  3. Have appropriate interaction plots and explain whether the interaction is significant or not. Develop the final regression model and have relevant contour plot from your final model.
  4. Analyze the residual to check whether there are any potential concerns about the validity of the assumptions.

Experiment 3

  1. Design a blocked experiment. Choose two three order or higher order interactions to be confounded with the blocks. To choose the confounded interaction terms, use the names from every member’s name. Pick one distinct letter (A-E) from each person’s name and form the interaction.
  2. If the response variable is (sorted by the order from the output from function, that is the order of Blocks, E, D, C, B, A), analyze the results. Identify the significant factors and develop your model.
    1. Be careful that when you run Yates analysis the data should be in standard order, while the output from function is not in standard order.
  3. Is there a significant block effect?
  4. Write down the complete confounding structure. Confirm the confounding structure using SS.
  5. Analyze the residual to check whether there are any potential concerns about the validity of the assumptions. Analyze dispersion effect if there is any.

Experiment 4

  1. Design a To choose the generators for the design, use the names from every member’s name. Pick one distinct letter (A-G) from each person’s name and form the generator.
  2. If the response variable again is , analyze the results. Identify the potential significant factors and develop your model.
    1. Use the same order as your data in experiment 3, that is you can just add two more factors to your experiment 3 data using the generators you have
    2. Be careful that function is based on 0/1 coding, while defining relation is based on -1/1 coding.
  3. Write down the aliases structure for the main effects and two order interactions (ignore higher order interactions) and confirm the resolution of the design.
  4. Analyze the residual to check whether there are any potential concerns about the validity of the assumptions. Analyze dispersion effect if there is any.

What do you consider to be the two most interesting aspects of the chapter and why? Make sure you relate those most interesting aspects to a current event, or trend in policing.

Criminal Justice Question

You will write a 200-word critical essay on each chapter. Each power point is a different chapter. There are 6 chapters in total. It will be a minimum of 1,200 words. The following chapters are attached below; Chapters 7-12. This assignment is very easy, if you have read the chapters as required. You can also do research on each powerpoint to add more to that chapter. Please read the following instructions thoroughly:

Write a 200-word critical essay on each chapter/unit addressing the question at the end below.

Question: What do you consider to be the two most interesting aspects of the chapter and why? Make sure you relate those most interesting aspects to a current event, or trend in policing.

What estimator and statistical test should you use to test if survival curves of two groups are significantly different from each other? How many dummy variables you would need to include in the regression analysis to represent a variable with k categories?

Easy stats questions

1.What is VIF test used for?

2.When should we use a Poisson regression?

3.When should we use mixed-effects model?

4.What estimator and statistical test should you use to test if survival curves of two groups are significantly different from each other?

5.Explain what an interaction is.

6.Explain why a test with 100% specificity might not be a perfect test (or might not even be a good test).

7.Give an example of interval-censored observation in survival analysis.

8.How many dummy variables you would need to include in the regression analysis to represent a variable with k categories?

2-3 sentences for each. do NOT use outside sources

Describe how the messages will be communicated to the internal audience. Be specific. Using your knowledge of internal communication channels, apply at least seven internal communication channels in this context. Be creative.

Internal Communication Plan written report format

A manufacturing company is facing challenges in effectively communicating with its employees. The company has grown rapidly in recent years and has a diverse workforce of 6,500 people in 7 branches spread across multiple locations. As a result, there are communication gaps and misunderstandings among employees, which have led to lower morale and productivity. Additionally, the company is planning to implement a major change, such as transitioning to a more automated manufacturing process, and is concerned about how this will be received by employees.
The company recognizes the importance of clear and consistent communication to maintain a positive and productive work environment and is seeking to develop an internal communication plan to address these issues.
As the Internal Communications Director for this company, you have been asked to create an Internal Communication Plan.

The Internal Communication Plan will include steps to ensure that all employees are informed and updated on the changes and that their concerns and questions are addressed. The company also aims to improve communication among employees across different locations and to create a culture of open communication and feedback.

The Internal Communication Plan should be written in report format and include enough details and specifics that the internal communication team of the organization could directly implement the plan if they choose to. Provide references (APA style) wherever applicable and if you cite information that is not common knowledge.

Be as specific as possible when addressing each of the following points: 1. (10 marks)

1a. Brief introduction of the organization including its history, structure, culture, etc. Here, describe the situation that calls for the internal communication plan, including the SWOT analysis of the organization if applicable. (8 marks)
1b. Also, what are the internal communication issues/problems? (2 marks )

2. (20 marks)
2a. IC Plan objectives: Propose at least three goals/objectives for the internal communication program
. (6 marks)

2b. What are the expected outputs, outtakes, and outcomes? (9 marks )

2c. Audience Analysis (Who are the target audience for the internal communication program? How is the audience segmented? (5 marks )

3. (15 marks)
3a. Strategic role (Identify the strategy or strategies for the communication plan
. (5 marks).
3b. What are the overall concepts, approaches, or general plans to achieve the goal(s) and objectives? (10 marks)

4. (15 marks)
4a. Key Messages: (Create three key messages for this communication campaign, What do you want the employees to know, remember, think about, or do? (3 marks)

4b. Tactics/Channels: Describe how the messages will be communicated to the internal audience. Be specific. Using your knowledge of internal communication channels, apply at least seven internal communication channels in this context. Be creative. (12 marks )

5. (15 marks)
5. Evaluation: Discuss how the internal communication efforts will be evaluated (7.5 marks) and what will be evaluated. (7.5 marks)

SUBMISSION: One pdf of the Internal Communication Plan to be submitted on BBL.

Explain the philosophy of edgar alan poe. Include references in your text It should be brief but detailed enough.


Explain the philosophy of edgar alan poe. Include references in your text It should be brief but detailed enough.

What type of statistical procedure is this? Describe the findings, including interpretation of all values in the column for parameter estimates and whether or not they are significant.

5 questions

1. A study looked at whether pack years of lifetime smoking (smokepy) can predict the level of C-reactive protein (CRP), an inflammatory marker, after controlling for age, socioeconomic status (SES) and education. SES and education were numerical variables; CRP was normally distributed. The results of analyses are shown below.
Significance criterion is set at p<0.05.

R-squared = .43
Adjusted R-squared = .41

Parameter Estimates
Variable DF Estimates Standard
t value p-value
Intercept 1 169.39 7.92 21.39 <.001
Smokepy 1 -0.38 0.05 -7.49 <.001
Age 1 0.03 0.04 0.77 .44
SES 1 1.41 0.67 2.1 .04
Education 1 -1.66 0.87 -1.91 .06

A) What type of statistical procedure is this?
B) Describe the findings, including interpretation of all values in the column for parameter estimates and whether or not they are significant.
C) After controlling for model complexity (i.e. number of independent variables), what is the proportion of variability in CRP explained by this model?

2. An investigator conducted a study to find the relationship between the number of decayed, missing, or filled teeth (DMFT) and sugar consumption. The investigator produced an estimate for the correlation coefficient and provided the following statement: “The correlation between DMFT and sugar consumption is 0.7. There is a strong correlation between DMFT and sugar consumption. Therefore, it is recommended that patients be advised to reduce sugar consumption to prevent tooth decay.”
State why you are or you are not confident about this investigator’s conclusion. In other words, explain if something is missing from this investigator’s analysis, or if all you need is provided.

3. You are conducting a study to analyze gender differences in neurocognitive impairment (NCI) within a sample of cocaine-dependent methadone-maintained patients. You found 3 demographic characteristics that produced significant effects on NCI. They are gender, race, and age.

A) What statistical analysis would you use to see simultaneously the contributions of socio-demographic variables (gender (male/female), race (White, Black, Latino, Asian), and age (in years) on self-reported NCI, a normal continuous outcome (higher scores indicate higher NCI)?
B) How many independent variables will there be in your model? Describe (1) what they are, (2) how you would create them, and (3) interpretation for each coefficient.

4. We ran an inference test to study if gender (0=female; 1= male) is associated with a diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (t2dm: 0= absent; 1=present) on a group of patients, controlling for age. Results table are shown as below:
Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates
Estimate Standard
Test statistic p-value Exp(B)
Intercept -12.77 1.9759 41.8176 <.0001 ———-
Gender 0.41 0.124 10.9799 0.0009 1.5
Age 0.0948 0.0305 9.6883 0.0019 1.09

A) What type of model is this, and why is this type of analysis appropriate in this case?
B) Describe the finding: is gender associated with diagnosis of t2dm, why or why not (provide the test statistic and p-value)? Interpret the coefficient for gender and age.

5. In 1998, there was a major ice storm in Maine. Researchers wanted to know whether there was an association between generator location (inside or outside) and CO poisoning after an ice storm. Results from their case-control study are summarized in the table below (cases are observations that have experienced the CO poisoning, controls are observations that have not experienced the CO poisoning):

(A) What type of table is this?
(B) Name at least 2 tests you can perform to investigate the association between generator location and CO poisoning after an ice storm.
(C) Calculate the odds ratio and risk ratio based on this table. Which one is more appropriate for this type of study design?

What information is needed for the report? 6. Is there anything particularly helpful and/or harmful about the manner in which your state deals with reporting elder abuse and/or abuse against a person with disabilities?

Discussion post

Discussion one: Domestic Violence Class
RAINN (Under Search type in “State Law Database” then choose your state. Click on “Mandatory Reporting: The Elderly”)

National Domestic Violence Hotline

National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse

Choose a state that you are interested in and respond to all of the following questions and at least 2 of your classmates’ posts.

Name of state:
Who are the mandated reporters?

Who is exempt from reporting (if applicable)?

What is the definition of an “adult”?

What are the penalties for failing to report?

What information is needed for the report?

Is there anything particularly helpful and/or harmful about the manner in which your state deals with reporting elder abuse and/or abuse against a person with disabilities?

Discussion 2:
Present the advantages and limitations of Rational Emotive Therapy; in which situations do you feel it would be useful? Provide a few examples and some of the techniques you might utilize to reach your treatment goals?

What is a learning organization? Discuss why is this approach to strategic management better than the more traditional top-down approach in which strategic planning is primarily done by top management.

Learning organization

What is a learning organization? Discuss why is this approach to strategic management better than the more traditional top-down approach in which strategic planning is primarily done by top management. 3 marks (max 350 words)

Give an example of a learning organization from the SAUDI market. Describe the mission statement and vision of this organization. In which way this organization is considered a learning organization? Is it successful? What are the main problems faced by this organization to implement this approach? Justify. 5 marks (max 350 words)

Question 2. (7 marks)

Refer to Porter’s forces driving industry competition to answer the following questions: (max 500 words)

  • In your opinion, what is/are the most important force(s) in Porter’s industry forces? Why? 1 mark
  • What determines the level of competitive intensity in an industry? 1 mark
  • How can a decision maker identify strategic factors in a corporation’s external international environment? 1 mark
  • What are the main limits and drawbacks of Porter’s forces? 1 mark
  • Choose an example of an organization from the Saudi market and draw the matrix of Porter’s forces. What is the main force in this case? Assess the competitive advantage of your chosen organization in relation to these forces. Suggest solutions to improve its position in the market 3 marks


Note. To improve your answers, you are requested to use at least 5 recent scientific references, following the APA style.

What can the use of a long, complex selection process symbolize to job seekers? How do you think this would affect the organization’s ability to attract the best employees?

Economics Question

Some organizations set up a long and complex selection process. In some people’s opinion, not only is this kind of selection process more valid, it also has symbolic value.

  • What can the use of a long, complex selection process symbolize to job seekers?
  • How do you think this would affect the organization’s ability to attract the best employees?
  • Share your past experience as an interviewer or interviewee as you respond to these questions.