
In the first paragraph of the paper, explain Nietzsche’s rejection of equality. In the the second paragraph of your paper, develop in detail what you take to be a criticism of Nietzsche’s view.


Nietzsche’s rejection of equality

In the first paragraph of the paper, explain Nietzsche’s rejection of equality. In the the second paragraph of your paper, develop in detail what you take to be a criticism of Nietzsche’s view.


Consolidated financial statements present the financial position and results of operations for controlling entity and one or more controlled entities. ‘Consolidated Financial Statement has some advantages but at the same time it is not free from limitations.’ Elaborate this statement.

Acct 302- 6469

  • Assume Large Corporation Invested $ 600,000 for Small Corporation and the estimated Fair Market Values of Assets, Liabilities and Equity Accounts are as follows:
              Assets Amount $ Liabilities Amount $
Account Receivable


LT Marketable Securities

PP & E







Account Payables

Retained Earnings

Commons Stock







Required:    (2+3 Marks)

  1. Determine the Amount of Goodwill or Bargain Purchase.
  2. What is the Journal Entry in the book of Large Corporation?


  • From the following Table pass Basic Elimination Entry under Equity Method in the book of Parent Company:        (5 Marks)

Book Value

= Common


+ Additional

Paid in Capital

+ Retained


Beginning Book Value

+ Net Income

–         Dividend





150 550 (100)





Book Value

750 150 550 50


  • Consolidated financial statements present the financial position and results of operations for controlling entity and one or more controlled entities. ‘Consolidated Financial Statement has some advantages but at the same time it is not free from limitations.’ Elaborate this statement. (5 Marks)

How do the topics of gender, marriage, family, and kinship affect you as a member of the human race?

English Question

Question: How do the topics of gender, marriage, family, and kinship affect you as a member of the human race?

(White male with Mom, Dad, Brother and baby sister)

Define new public management as an approach to performance management. Define new public service as an approach to performance management.

Interactive Activity Week 7

Section 1:

7.2 Action Required:

Watch the short video in the following link:

7.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

  • Describe the different phases of Project Management. Explain
  • Why Scheduling is important in Project Planning. Explain


Section 2:

MGT 324

7.1 Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand new public management as an approach to performance management
  • Understand new public service as an approach to performance management

7.2 Action Required:

Watch the video at the following link

7.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

  • Define new public management as an approach to performance management.
  • Define new public service as an approach to performance management.


Section 3:

MGT 325

7.1 Learning Outcomes:

  1. Familiarize with the factors firms use to evaluate the collaboration opportunities.
  2. Identify and explain the various forms of collaboration and the tradeoffs associated with each of them.
  3. Establish the factors that are crucial to a successful collaboration

7.2 Action Required:

  • Watch the short video in the following link

7.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

  • List the many types of collaboration, their tradeoffs, and an explanation of each type of collaboration.



Section 4:

MGT 422

7.1 Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this week’s activities, you will be able to:

7.2 Action Required:

Watch the short video in the following link and answer the questions that follows:

7.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

  • In addition to identifying and training good managers, what else could an organization do to increase levels of employee engagement?

Compose a Security Blueprint that contains at least 3 areas that you will be addressing. Describe at least two security education or awareness actions you would implement and what they would contain.

Company hiring a New CISO


A well-known company (you select the industry or the company that will help you design the plan) has suffered a breach and is concluding its return to normal operation after hiring a forensic firm. As a result of the intrusion, the CISO was terminated. The CEO and CFO are hiring you to be the new company CISO.

They have asked you to create a 90-day plan for the company that will address the issues of the breach and will implement a comprehensive security program. The CEO and CFO want a five (5) to ten (10) minute presentation of your plan that will be at the quarterly company board meeting. You must be able to submit your security program to the board-of-directors before the meeting.

At a minimum your security plan should cover recommendation regarding corrective measures and activities that will improve the company (you may make assumptions regarding the cause of the breach and the weaknesses of the organization, but, you must explain those assumptions):

  1. Create a 90 day plan (suggest use of a timeline) that includes the following components:
    1. Reference at least 3 CIS controls and the reason you need the control, how you would use the control and what the expected benefit will be to implement them and mitigate the weakness you identify (3 pages; one page per control maximum).
    2. Identify 3 Risks that might impact the company and your proposed mitigation plan (what are the 3 risks and what will happen to the company if they are not mitigated; remember they may not mitigated completely). (1 -2 pages maximum)
    3. Compose a Security Blueprint that contains at least 3 areas that you will be addressing. (any format you choose)
    4. Describe at least two security education or awareness actions you would implement and what they would contain. (1-2 pages)
  2. Prepare a 5 minute presentation to be presented in addition to the written document.

Create a class called ”Illegal Roman Numeral Exception” that extends ”Illegal Argument Exception” as shown in lecture.

Use a GUI to open the file for displaying the Roman numerals

Modify your Roman Numeral GUI so that it will be a complete JFrame with a menu bar and menus.
There should be two menus: one called File and another called Convert. The File menu should have the menu items Open and Quit. The Convert menu should have one menu item that says “Roman to Arabic”. When chosen, a dialog box should be displayed asking the user to type in a Roman numeral. After receiving the Roman numeral, another dialog box should display the Arabic value. If the Roman numeral is not valid (see below) a dialog box should say so.

You will need a handler for the File menu, and another handler for the Convert menu. As mentioned in lecture, be sure when opening a file with the file menu handler that your ask for the absolute path to the file rather than just its file name (getAbsolutePath() rather than getName()).

Create an exception for illegal Roman numerals
Create a class calledIllegal Roman Numeral Exception” that extendsIllegal Argument Exception” as shown in lecture. This exception should be thrown by the constructor of a ”Roman Numeral” if there is an invalid the console, not placed in the GUI. This exception may be thrown when constructing a Roman numeral read from the file, or when trying to convert from Roman to Arabic.

Use numerical simulations (Aspen Plus) to determine the best reactor system and conditions for maximizing gross margin (Total Sales of Product – Total Cost of Reactants).

ChE 321 – Design Project 2

The Scenario:

Professor Lite’s research group has continued to study their new catalyst that increases the rate of the reaction

(1)        Toluene + Methanol   p-Xylene + Water

They quickly noticed, however, that the rate of p-xylene production was less than the rate at which toluene was consumed.  Many experiments later, they concluded that the following side reactions were also occurring on the catalyst.

(2)       p-Xylene    m-Xylene

(3)        p-Xylene + Methanol  Trimethylbenzene + Water

(4)        m-Xylene + Methanol  Trimethylbenzene + Water

with     k1 = 697 exp(-3180/T)             {mol/h-g-atm2}

k2 = 1.04×105 exp(-7200/T)     {mol/h-g-atm}

k3 = 112 exp(-1500/T)             {mol/h-g-atm2}

k4 = 335 exp(-1620/T)             {mol/h-g-atm2}

KPXY = KP = 0.070 exp(2500/T)          {1/atm}

Having heard about these results, ABC Chemicals has contracted UND to develop a catalytic reactor system for producing p-xylene using their promising new catalyst.

Process costs can be significantly reduced by avoiding high pressure and temperature conditions, and by minimizing the amount of unwanted products and unreacted feed that must be separated from the p-xylene.  Bulk chemical pricing information for feed and product compounds is listed below to help you make a preliminary economic analysis.  (Warning- these prices, as with other parameters in this project description, have been adjusted to provide a better learning experience. You should not use them for design work outside of this class)

Chemical                     Price ($/lb)

Methanol                     0.25

Toluene                       0.45

p-Xylene                     0.85

m-Xylene                    0.55

Trimethylbenzene        0.30

Your Assignment:

Use numerical simulations (Aspen Plus) to determine the best reactor system and conditions for maximizing gross margin (Total Sales of Product – Total Cost of Reactants).

Write a short project report for the engineers at ABC Chemicals documenting your findings.  It should include the following information:

  • Criteria for optimization
  • Proposed system design (reactor type, reactor + separator + ??, how connected? feed, product, recycle streams? Explain and justify your design compared to other alternatives – no calculations or simulations required, just describe qualitatively)
  • Recommended operating conditions (reactor T, P, feed flows, catalyst weight, and resulting outlet flows)
  • Discussion of the effects of operating variables (what happens when T increases/decreases and why, etc.)
  • Preliminary profitability estimate. You only need to consider the gross margin between feed and product streams. You do not need to include other operating costs, equipment costs, etc. (No, not realistic, but you’ll have opportunities to learn and practice that in Plant Design)
  • Supporting equations, calculations, figures, etc. used in your analysis (only those necessary to illustrate your findings)
  • Sample Aspen Plus input/output documentation

Aspen Plus HELP

  • Please see Aspen Plus Tutorials (Tutorial 6 for reactors, Tutorial 3 for sensitivity)
  • The catalyst density in the reactor is 1000 kg/m3.
  • This means your rate constants have the same value when expressed in units of (/g) or (/ft3).
  • Variables you will want to change are Feed Composition, Feed Temperature, Reactor Pressure and Reactor Volume, and Reactor Type (CSTR or PFR).
  • Note that for every set of T, P, and feed composition conditions there will be an optimum Reactor Volume!
  • You may/should include separators. Since the focus of this assignment is not to model the separators you should use the Sep tool and assume perfect separation.  Use 1 Sep block to remove each component.
  • Use the Sensitivity tool to vary multiple parameters.
  • A little thinking will save a lot of simulation work.


Design Project 2 Grading Criteria

Initial Analysis                                                           10 points

selection and justification of optimization criteria


Mathematical Equations                                           25 points

Aspen report

accuracy of results


Economic Analysis                                                    10 points

profitability calculations

profit estimate


Optimization                                                              15 points


recommended conditions


System Analysis                                                         25 points

sensitivity to operating conditions

explanation of system behavior


Presentation                                                               10 points





Reflection                                                                   5 points

project coordinator

what worked

what could be better



TOTAL                                                                      100 points

How is their life different than yours? What about their experience is unimaginable in your life? What issues, struggles, or goals from the book feel familiar to you? Are any strategies the subject uses to cope with these issues similar to those you use in your life? How are their strategies different from yours?

American Buddhists

Choose one biography or memoir of an American Buddhist (or a Buddhist who has had a significant impact on American Buddhists) to read. Book is attached below


You will eventually write a response explaining what you learned from your book (at least two total pages, double-spaced). Please practice being as specific as possible in your written response. Better to offer lots of detail about one or two questions, episodes, or passages than to summarize lots of material. This is intended to be low-pressure work.

Questions to Consider as You Read:

  • How is the subject’s life similar to yours?
  • How is their life different than yours? What about their experience is unimaginable in your life?
  • What issues, struggles, or goals from the book feel familiar to you?
  • Are any strategies the subject uses to cope with these issues similar to those you use in your life? How are their strategies different from yours?

In “nature and sex” in Smith, how was science used to justify a particular agenda of acceptable sexual behavior? What does Smith mean by queer theory? How does it fit into the scope of the discipline of women’s studies?

Study guide

In general, each response should be at least five sentences long and include all relevant citations. Your response should also include any relevant examples and demonstrate that you are familiar with the concept discussed in the prompt. Consult with your instructor to confirm the exact requirements.

Chapter 8:

  1. How does Smith explain that the term “sexuality” or “sexuality studies” is significant in women’s studies?
  2. In the section “gender and body politics,” Smith explains ways that governments sought to control women’s sexuality, and women’s efforts to have control over their own sexuality. In this particular section, what did you find to be most surprising?
  3. How does Smith explain the importance of various disabilities as a subfield in women’s studies?
  4. What is “embodiment?” How does Smith use this term, and what do you think she means by it?
  5. When Smith writes about “compulsory heterosexuality and the lesbian experience,” do you think this concept logically fits into the field of women’s studies?
  6. In “nature and sex” in Smith, how was science used to justify a particular agenda of acceptable sexual behavior?
  7. What does Smith mean by queer theory? How does it fit into the scope of the discipline of women’s studies?

Chapter 9:

  1. According to Smith, how are women affected by various citizenship issues? What is an example of this that she cites in the text?
  2. Smith said, “The classroom is a chilly place for those who are not white, male, and straight.” (p. 139). Do you agree with her assessment?
  3. What does Smith mean by “conscious-ness raising?” How does she define it? What is an example of this notion?
  4. Smith names several contentious issues that are raised in the classroom that are of particular interest to women. Choose one and discuss why you think it is important.

Chapter 10:

  • According to Smith and the related video, there are some scholars who argue that the discipline of women’s studies should end. Why do they argue this? Do you agree or disagree with this notion?
  • How does Smith define post-feminism? Do you agree with this theory?
  • Smith raises the question in chapter 9: “Has the world really changed all that much?” Why does she ask this? What is your opinion — has it?
  • What are some “burning issues that remain,” according to Smith? Choose one and discuss it.
  • How has the internet been useful to women, according to Smith?
  • Student’s choice: What is one topic that we covered during the last two weeks that was not brought up previously on this quiz? This can come from the Smith text or any other additional materials that your instructor requires you to read or view. Give details about it and explain why this is significant to you. Five sentences minimum. Cite fully.

What do you think are some barriers to receiving treatment? In other words, what are some of the obstacles getting in the way of families hoping to pursue treatment for their child? How can we fix that?

Discussion question :

  • Unfortunately, not every child who needs treatment receives it. What do you think are some barriers to receiving treatment? In other words, what are some of the obstacles getting in the way of families hoping to pursue treatment for their child? How can we fix that?
  • One common dilemma faced by child psychologists is determining who the “client” is. Given that children are typically brought to treatment by their parents, how would you handle a child who confides in you some illicit behavior and asks you not to tell his or her parents?