
Discuss results in terms of shear, and moments in various members and overall frame deflection.

Robot project 

Structural Analysis CE 332 Term Project

1 Learn a structural analysis software Robot or program of your choice (e.g. Robot, StaadPro or SAP 2000 or RISA 2D). Use available demos and training resources. You will be provided an introductory session to Robot and you need to learn only the analysis module.

This is a free and easy one: with a tutorial by an exstudent


2 Study portal and cantilever approximate frame analysis methods from your textbook (Chapter 12). Also, read Chapter 17 on Structural Modeling and Computer Analysis.

3 Solve the frame shown using both portal and cantilever methods. Compare your results for both methods to exact analysis using Robot or program of your choice. Assume baseplate connections as fixed support. All bays are 15ft wide. First floor is16ft high and the top two are each 12ft high.

  • a) Assume columns and beams have A = 50 in2, and I = 500 in4,
  • b) Repeat part (a) assuming beams moment of inertia is increased to Ibeams = 2,100 in4. Columns remain as Part (a).
  • c) Repeat part (a) assuming beams moment of inertia is decreased to Ibeams = 60 in4. Columns remain as Part (a).

Discuss results in terms of shear, and moments in various members and overall frame deflection. By deflection discussion it is meant how it relate to the moment diagram.

Prepare four multiple choice questions in a WORD document. Develop two from materials in Chapter 7 and two from Chapter 8.

CRIM235 writes a question

Prepare four multiple choice questions in a WORD document. Develop two from materials in Chapter 7 and two from Chapter 8. Make sure you identify the correct answer. each question should have 4 multiple choices like A,B,C and D.


Calculate the normal cost to complete the project given that the fixed cost amounts to $150 per day. Management may be under pressure to finish the project within 27 days. What would be the minimum cost for the project in this instance?

Network analysis


Munyash construction has tabled the following activities to be rolled out for the up-coming project in Midlands.

Activity Preceding Activity Normal time in days Crash time in days Normal costs S Crash costs $ A-B 5 3 650 850 A-C – 6 3 750 1 050 A-E – 8 7 950 1 050 B-C A 7 7 850 850 C-E A,B 11 8 1 250 1 550 B-D A,B 9 9 1 050 1 050 C-F A,B 10 10 1 150 1 150 D-F A,B,D 12 10 1 350 1 550 E-F A,B,C 13 10 1 450 1 750

a) Draw a network diagram and establish the Critical Path. (12 marks)

b) Calculate the normal cost to complete the project given that the fixed cost amounts to $150 per day. (4 marks)

c) Management may be under pressure to finish the project within 27 days. What would be the minimum cost for the project in this instance? (7 marks)


Describe the entrepreneur and the business Why did they start the business? What made them think the business would be feasible / successful? What personal tradeoffs did the entrepreneur have to make to start the business?


The best way to learn about entrepreneurship is to learn from the experiences of people who have started businesses.

Your assignment is to interview an entrepreneur who has either succeeded or failed and find out the key lessons their experience can teach you.

You should select an entrepreneur who started a business and obtained some form of outside financing (not self-financed / bootstrapped). Ideally, you select an entrepreneur that grew the business to at least $500k in annual revenue. You may interview Georgia Tech alumni, but students and direct family members are not permitted.

You will prepare an article from your interview for upload. Use what you have learned in this class as a framework for perspectives and insights – and focus on the early years of the business. You will be graded on the quality of the article, insights, and key learnings. Some of the questions you’ll be looking to answer in your interview and blog might include:

  • Describe the entrepreneur and the business
  • Why did they start the business?
  • What made them think the business would be feasible / successful?
  • What personal tradeoffs did the entrepreneur have to make to start the business?
  • How was the business financed?
  • Describe the growth and scale of the business
  • What were the biggest obstacles the entrepreneur faced?
  • What was the outcome? What were the key factors for success or failure?
  • What would they have done differently?
  • Describe the key lessons you learned in the interview

Discuss how developmental theories of psychology contribute to our understanding of child offenders.


Discuss how developmental theories of psychology contribute to our understanding of child offenders.

Using the template provided, calculate Caleb’s annual retirement income for Low Return, Medium Return and Hight Return.

Assignment 4-2

Celisteela Moonn met one of SchoolStreet’s clients, Caleb Jamal, to discuss his retirement income.

Moonn plans to invest Caleb’s money in a risky portfolio that might have a long-run low return of 1.0%, medium return of 5.0%, and a high return of 12.0%.

Caleb asked Moonn what would be his annual retirement income in the low, medium, and high return scenarios when saving with a taxable plan, a traditional IRA or 401(k) plan, or a Roth IRA or 401(k) plan?

Caleb provided following info to SchoolStreet:

  • Age 25 years
  • Expect to earn a constant salary of $50,000.
  • Planning to retire at age 65 and expects to live at age 85.
  • Caleb saves at a 10.0% rate.
  • Current tax rate is 18.0% and Caleb expects his retirement years tax rate to be 23.0%.

Using the template provided, calculate Caleb’s annual retirement income for Low Return, Medium Return and Hight Return for:

  • Taxable Investment
  • Traditional IRA or 401(k)
  • Roth IRA or 401(k)

Critically and analytically discuss a minimum of four applications made between the topics reviewed throughout the semester and the character’s experiences by comprehensively exploring issues, ideas, artifacts, and events before accepting or formulating opinions or conclusions.

A report on perks of being a wallflower analyzing the main character and psychological concepts regarding development

The purpose of this assignment is to use critical, analytical, and creative thinking to provide an informed discussion on the main character of “Perks of Being a Wallflower” by Stephen Chobsky, by applying the main ideas and concepts of: bronfrenbernners ecological model, importance of biological, social, psychological development during ages 6-14, theories of behaviorism and social cognition and its role in development, cognitive psychology, knowledge construction and processing, Identify risk and resilience in children and how to promote positive youth development, and memory model in developing ages, while problem solving how learning and development can be more accurately depicted through the main character as the premise unfolds. Critically think and provide an informed reaction to the novel based on the information learned in the course including how this information impacts their understanding of the main character’s learning and development. Reactions must be based on the guided questions provided.

Expectations for this assignment:

1.) Critically and analytically discuss a minimum of four applications made between the topics reviewed throughout the semester and the character’s experiences by comprehensively exploring issues, ideas, artifacts, and events before accepting or formulating opinions or conclusions.

2.) Creatively break down the main character’s persona based on these applications including examples of specific times throughout the novel when the author’s portrayal of the character coincides with the knowledge obtained in this course. Students will (1) combine or synthesize existing ideas, images, or expertise in original ways and (2) think, react, and work in imaginative ways, characterized by innovation, divergent thinking, and risk taking.

3.) Problem solve how the author could have altered the premise of the book to incorporate a more accurate depiction of learning and development by providing alternate solutions to the character development and considering how the outcome might differ as a result of this change. Students will design, evaluate, and implement a strategy to achieve the desired goals.

4.) Produce well-organized, well- developed statements that reflect appropriate use of language to clearly present these specific ideas/concepts. The reflection should be a minimum of four pages long (double-spaced, one-inch margins, Time New Romans 12-point font). It must be evident that the guided questions were reflected on for each of the topics discussed and evidence from the material reviewed during the course must be used in support of the reaction and character break down. It is expected that students be working on this assignment throughout the semester. Quality of writing will be assessed. It is expected that grammar, spelling, and punctuation be reviewed prior to submission

Did you implement the intervention as planned? If not, what were the reasons?

Week 10 project

Evaluation of Plan Effectiveness Criteria

Over the past nine weeks, you selected an aggregate and conducted a risk assessment of its health, developed a care plan to address those health risks, planned to implement one intervention in a small group from the aggregate, and considered the effectiveness of the intervention on the health of the small group. It is time now for you to present your final submission of this Capstone project.

There are two parts to this assignment.

Part 1: A 10-15 slide power point presentation addressing the following:

  • A detailed description of the aggregate including strengths and weaknesses
  • A risk assessment of the aggregate
  • Diagnoses based on the risk assessment
  • A detailed care plan for the aggregate
  • A description of at least one intervention that was implemented (or the implementation itself if presented as a power point)

Part 2: In a Microsoft Word document of 3-4 pages formatted in APA style, you will describe the evaluation process of the intervention(s) you implemented.

Include the following in your paper:

An evaluation of the effectiveness of the intervention:

  • Did you implement the intervention as planned? If not, what were the reasons?
  • Interview/measure outcomes for two or three members of your group to determine/measure the effectiveness of the intervention(s).
    • Include transcripts of the interviews with the participants from the group in the appendix of your paper.
  • Finally, compare the projected effectiveness of your plan before implementation with the actual effectiveness after implementation.
    • Are there visible signs of success (for example, reduced health issues)? If yes, describe. If no, describe what signs you would anticipate and rationale for no change.
  • You may want to use the responses to the above two criteria to measure the actual effectiveness of the intervention.


  • Cited at least two scholarly references

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format.

Which two are you focusing on for this discussion? How have they challenged and confronted you? How have they opened your eyes and expanded your perspective? How do these selections challenge and confront the larger culture?

Gender Outlaws

For the two chosen selections from part 2 which have been attached from Gender Outlaws personally reflect on these passages.

  • Which two are you focusing on for this discussion?
  • How have they challenged and confronted you?
  • How have they opened your eyes and expanded your perspective?
  • How do these selections challenge and confront the larger culture?
  • How do they offer the larger culture new ways of thinking, seeing, being and doing?

Be specific and support your statements with references to the reading selections of your choice.

Choose the life cycle stage (from pregnancy through infancy, toddlers through adolescence, older adults) that had the most impact upon you and your understanding. Provide a thorough and detailed outline of the nutritional requirements for this life cycle and include the reasons why this stage of life is important to you.

Discussion 6

You have researched and studied the various changes in nutritional requirements throughout the life cycle.

Choose the life cycle stage (from pregnancy through infancy, toddlers through adolescence, older adults) that had the most impact upon you and your understanding. Provide a thorough and detailed outline of the nutritional requirements for this life cycle and include the reasons why this stage of life is important to you.

Remember to respond to two other classmates submissions as you have done in your previous discussions.

Include citations utilized in your research as in your previous discussions.