
How does double consciousness affect affect the black people according to W.E.B Dubois?

Double Consciousness

How does double consciousness affect affect the black people according to W.E.B Dubois?

Pulling from the lecture, think about the different scales underlining the conflict around Line 3. What is causing the demand for these pipelines? Who’s land or water is likely to take the brunt of the damage in the event of a leak? What does all this have to do with the relationship between indigenous peoples and the nations of Canada and the US?

Human-nature relationships/ political ecology

Students must post 2 paragraphs — one where you explain the concept & one where you apply it. (remember, 1 paragraph contains 3-5 sentences on average). If you decide to answer both prompts, please use some form of subheading.

Responses are due before Friday, April 21st @ 11:59pm.

This is an extra credit opportunity, therefore no late submissions will be accepted. Also note, we will not count any edited submissions.

Discussion Prompt #1: Scale

Consider the dispute around Line 3 to think through the ways scale is used in geographic thinking. Line 3 is a pipeline expansion project that is to bring nearly a million barrels of tar sands per day from Alberta, Canada to Superior, Wisconsin. It was originally proposed in 2014 by the Canadian pipeline corporation, Enbridge — who wanted to build a pipeline corridor through the treaty territory of Anishinaabe peoples to the shore of Lake Superior. The Line 3 protest is similar to the protests that occurred in the Standing Rock Reservation against the Dakota Access Pipeline project, and are also related to protests against the Enbridge Northern Gateway project by the Wet’suwet’en First Nation in British Columbia, Canada. The Line 3 protests were unsuccessful, however, and Line 3 began operating October 1st, 2021.

Pulling from the lecture, think about the different scales underlining the conflict around Line 3. What is causing the demand for these pipelines? Who’s land or water is likely to take the brunt of the damage in the event of a leak? What does all this have to do with the relationship between indigenous peoples and the nations of Canada and the US? Whose jobs are at stake if it doesn’t go through? In essence, what are the different scales of regulation and contestation? How does the dispute and operation of the pipeline speak to global and local ideas of scale?

Discussion Prompt #2: Human-Nature Relationships / Political Ecology

In many countries, parks and protected areas have increasingly become a cornerstone of tourism. Ecotourism is defined by the IUNC as ‘environmentally responsible travel and visitation to relatively undisturbed areas, in order to enjoy and appreciate nature that promotes conservation, has low visitor impact, and provides for beneficially active socio-economic involvement of local populations’ (Ceballos-Lasurain, 1996). For example, safari excursions in Kenya and Tanzania, trips to Ecuador’s ‘untouched’ Galapagos Islands, eco-lodges and visiting rain forests in Central and South America, and the U.S.’s national park system all contain some form of ecotourism.

Pulling from the lecture, think about how can we think about ecotourism as a phenomenon both reflecting and reinforcing human-environment relations. How does the phenomenon of ecotourism speak to the social construction of nature? What are the implications for how we might understand parks and/or protected areas? Also consider the human impacts of ecotourism happening in a place. How might local populations experience or interact with ecotourism?

What have you heard about this topic that prompted your interest in it? How much time have you invested in formally researching this topic before? What do you intend to prove, or argue with support in your paper?

Critical thinking and reasoning

  • Describe your topic in one sentence. (be specific and narrow down)
  • Why did you select this topic?
  • What have you heard about this topic that prompted your interest in it?
  • How much time have you invested in formally researching this topic before?
  • What do you intend to prove, or argue with support in your paper?
  • Clearly state the argument and counter argument you will contrast in your paper.
  • How can you prove or support your argument in the best way possible?
  • What social and cultural influences may have influenced your point-of-view about this topic?
  • Do you have a pre-disposition toward this topic already? (i.e. existing attitudes, beliefs, opinions?) If so, state that belief in one sentence.
  • If you have an existing point-of-view on your topic, how did you reach the conclusion that you already have?
  • What people may have influenced your opinion of this subject?
  • What experience do you have in connection with this topic?
  • Have you ever studied the best arguments on all sides of this issue?
  • What may be the strongest part of one side of the argument?
  • What is the strongest part of the other side of argument?
  • Are you making an objective or subjective claim on your topic?
  • Are you making a deductive or inductive argument?

Critical Analysis Documentation

  • What process will you follow in finding the most reliable and accurate sources of information for your essay?
  • Why is it critical to locate and cite the most reliable information available on your topic?
  • Generally, what are some characteristics of the most reliable sources?
  • Identify two fallacies or rhetorical devices that you found in researching your topic. Briefly explain which fallacies they are and cite where they came from?

Locate at least five potential sources for your research paper and answer the following questions for each:

  • Cite the source in APA format.
  • What is the date of this research?
  • Who wrote this information?
  • What are their background, profession, and qualifications?
  • What type of source is this? (Academic, media, general, open source, other)

How does the desired performance relate to the mission statement? Is the problem organization-wide or isolated to one or a few individuals? Have organizational initiatives created the problem? Does the problem relate to individual performance issues?


Instructions: VERY IMPORTANT! If you have not already read the information in the Content Section (the link is located on the left-hand side of the classroom), you should do so without delay. You will find additional information there that will help you be successful in this class.

This paper will have an abstract and three main parts: (Abstract) Identifying the Client and (1) Identifying the Problem, (2) Conducting a Need Assessment (3) Solution Identification. You are to write as a 3rd party hired consultant. Do not make yourself a part of the “story”.

Abstract: Identify the Client: The first step is to identify a client for whom you will act as a consultant. The client can be your own work group or company, a family business you are involved with, a business you worked for previously, a volunteer organization you work for or have worked with, or a public company. The client you choose should be a small group or organization in which you can influence change in your role as a consultant. Please do not select “the military” or “the U.S. government” or “Giant XYZ Corporation.” However, you may choose a small entity, such as a workg roup, within any of the larger organizations. For example, if you are in the military, focus on your group. If you select a Giant XYZ Corporation, select the department.

Submit an abstract summary describing the client and your relationship with the client. The summary should be no more than a couple of paragraphs. The purpose of submitting a summary is to confirm your client and identified problem that fits the case study criteria.

Part 1: Identify the Problem: In this portion of the paper your goal is to identify a problem or issue that is impacting performance in the organization. With your knowledge of the client, you have identified and the learning you have acquired to this point, identify a management problem you will investigate and for which you will provide recommended solutions. If you are working with a supervisor or manager, you may want to consult with them to complete this step.

Instructions: Read the material at the sites listed in the Week 1 Content Section to help guide you in identifying a management problem in your work environment. Complete 2-3 pages discussing the client and the management problem you will explore during this course.

This will be part 1 of your Week 3 Paper.

Part 2: Conduct a Needs Assessment

Next, read the material at the sites listed in the Week 2 Content Section to help guide you in understanding needs in relation to your management problem. Complete a Needs Assessment by submitting a 2–3-page paper discussing the client’s needs with relation to the management problem you are studying.

Here are some questions you can explore to help you conduct a needs assessment:

  • What is the problem?

How is the desired performance related to the current performance?

  • How does the desired performance relate to the mission statement?
  • Is the problem organization-wide or isolated to one or a few individuals?
  • Have organizational initiatives created the problem?
  • Does the problem relate to individual performance issues?
  • Is training adequate to support the desired outcome?
  • Is the issue related to job design?
  • What criteria are used to measure performance?
  • Is performance criteria appropriate, i.e. attainable and measurable?

This list is not all-inclusive and is a guide to support you when completing a Needs Assessment. They are provided to help you get started and inspire questions to explore. Complete 2-3 pages discussing the needs assessment. This is Part 2 of your paper.

Part 3: Solution Identification

For solution identification read the material at the sites listed in the Week 3 Content Section to help guide you in identifying solutions to the management problem you have identified.

Here are some tips to help you create your solutions:

  • Solutions should focus on the problem, be accepted by the team and be achievable.
  • Find opportunities to allow the individuals to meet to work out the differences, respectfully. Focus on strategies that can build trust in the relationship.
  • Look at the tasks that the individuals are responsible for and explore whether or not they have had adequate training or resources to be successful in performing their tasks (so the solution is to provide additional training and/or mentoring to help your folks be successful).
  • Evaluate the conditions under which these two works (are they sitting right next to the community coffee pot or the photocopy machine or with poor ventilation or no natural light? Is the environment affecting their behavior?) The solution may be to fix the problem by moving them or making some other change.
  • Is it financially feasible? Can it be completed in a reasonable time? Can it be done within financial cost structures? What is the return on investment?

This course is designed to provide hands-on experience that utilizes the learning from previous courses. With your knowledge of the client, you have identified and the learning you have acquired to this point, identify a management problem you will investigate and for which you will provide recommended solutions. If you are working with a supervisor or manager, you may want to consult with them to complete this step. Some questions you can explore to help you are:

  • What are the goals of the company/division/workgroup?
    • In considering the goals, where does progress halt?
    • Is there data to substantiate this or is it a perception of the manager?
    • Who is involved…the manager, the employees, stakeholders?
    • How long has this problem existed?
    • What and how are expectations and requirements communicated?
    • When expectations or key deadlines are missed, what happens?
    • What factors contribute to the problem (politics, structure, decision-making factors)?j
    • Are technical skills or training contributing to the problem?
    • Are there ethical issues relating to the problem?
    • If so, how have those issues been handled to date?

    These questions do not all need to be answered nor is this list all-inclusive; they are provided to help you get started and inspire your own questions to explore while completing this assignment.

    As you think about this consider:

    When relationships experience roadblocks of any sort we can say there is a problem in the relationship. This is true for both personal and professional relationships. When identifying and analyzing potential problems one would start first with the symptoms of the problem. This is sometimes a difficult process as it can be easy to confuse symptoms with the problem. For instance, perhaps as a manager, you are dealing with a lack of acceptable productivity with two of the ten people who work in your area of responsibility. Maybe one of those people is cranky and difficult to work with.

    In this case, the problem you need to solve as a manager is one of increasing productivity in your area to an acceptable level. Managers respond to this issue in many different ways depending upon their skill, ability, knowledge and maturity. Some managers may transfer some of the work from the two problem employees to some or all of the eight other employees. This solution will, in turn, produce additional symptoms that now are visible in the behavior and productivity level of the other eight employees in addition to the original two employees. You can see that this solution will only continue to affect productivity in a negative manner and never really solves the problem. This is why, during the problem identification stage, one ought to be certain they are looking at the problem and rather than trying to reduce or eliminate symptoms.

Complete 2-3 pages discussing the Solution Identification. This is Part 3 of your paper.

Turn in: A 10–12-page paper in a word document, submitted to your Week 3 “Identify the Problem” Assignment folder in the classroom. This is due by midnight on Sunday of Week 3. The Title Page, Abstract, and Reference pages do not count towards the 10–12-page minimum paper length requirement.

Your paper should be in APA Format 7th Edition and contain:
Title Page
Abstract (Identifying the Client)
Part 1: Identifying the Problem
Part 2: Conducting a Needs Assessment
Part 3: Solution Identification


NOTE: Research is required for this and all of the papers in this class. You must have a minimum of 6 unique sources (use APA format) none of which can be Wikipedia

Connect your review of the film with the cultural and social ideas we address in class. How do you think audiences relate the narrative on screen with other narratives in the press or entertainment media?

Film Worksheet

Art Education 1600
Art and Music since 1945

For this assignment, you are to see a film this semester and fill out your worksheet. Use the skills you learned for the Art Worksheet, but now you have to analyze the combination of sound and moving images.

Step 1 Select a Film

Selecting a film to watch is more than picking a movie with favorite actors or a genre you like (science fiction, superheroes, detective mysteries, romance). The film you pick should have enough interesting content to write about. It helps to inform yourself with two kinds of film reviews. First, professional critics have seen many movies and write from a well-informed point of view, but theirs is just one point of view. Beyond the perspective of Professional critic, there are the reviews from moviegoers, like yourselves, who post their responses on blogs and theater websites. Viewer reviews can be just as valid as professional reviews, so long as they explain why they feel the way they do about a film. Both kinds of reviews can help you narrow your choice of a film, and in the end, pick a film you feel like writing about.

11 pts: State the title of the film you chose and a write brief synopsis of the film in your words (90 to 100 words):

I choose Arnold Laven helmed the 1960 romantic comedy A Date for Dinner. Bob and Carol, a young, ambitious couple, are the movie’s focus as they work to realize their aspirations. While Bob attempts to break into the advertising industry, Carol is a struggling actress. They decide to take a trip and rent out their home to make ends meet. As they come home, they discover that Bob’s boss, Mr. Benson, and Leonard, Carol’s ex-boyfriend, have rented their house. The pair is observed throughout the film as they seek ways to escape their difficult situation. It is one of the films that has satisfied its audience by providing comprehensive information.


Citations and References

If you decide you use ideas from the film reviews  or any source, write the name of the source here AND Cite the source(s) where you use them:





  1. You must view the film for this worksheet this semester. As film theaters may have closed or are operating in limited capacity, because of COVID restrictions, you may opt to see a film online. Any fairly recent film will do, or you may opt to see a classic film made in 1945 or later.
  2. Connect your review of the film with the cultural and social ideas we address in class. How do you think audiences relate the narrative on screen with other narratives in the press or entertainment media? Superheroes, for example, save the day when complicated agencies of government and military fail.
  3. Look over the Film Worksheet before you watch the film, so you know what to look for.

Late Paper Policy:

You will lose points for assignments turned in late after the final deadline.

1 day late: 20%

2 days late: -40%

3 days late: -60%

4 days late: -80%


Step 2 Organize your data

This step is about your experience of viewing the film and how the director kept you engaged.

Step2.1: The audience and the space, and you

Your experience as a movie viewer is as important as the film itself.

State where you saw the film.

Analyze and describe the environmental conditions and how your circumstances affected your perception of the film.

25 pts: Type your response below in at least 200 words:


Step 2.2 The director and you

An important part of film critique is how the director holds the audience’s attention

In the classic film Pulp Fiction, the director manipulates the pace of the film, switching between 1) scenes where two characters have a long conversation and the camera is still and 2) lots of action fast camera work. When the film slows down you become aware of how long even one minute can seem, but when the pace picks up, time is compressed and you don’t notice the minutes passing.

All the effects and drama of the film play with your attention span (and your imagination) to help you forget where you are. Every piece of equipment from the huge screen, to the sound system supports the director’s attempts to take you into their world. This is one of the reasons we require you to attend a theater.

So, how do you think the director pulled you into the world of the film you viewed? Were there surprises that kept your attention? Were effects overstated? Were they tiresome or ridiculous?

25 pts: Type your response below in at least 200 words:


Step 2.3 Analyze the film technically

To help you pick out aspects of the film that you can analyze, read the following list and include the vocabulary and examples from the film in your responses. Pick at least two aspects from each category (i.e., Literary, Dramatic, and Cinematic). Scroll down to write your response.

Pick two Narrative aspects

* Narrative (the story, story line, what the storyline is based on; binary oppositions; disruption of an equilibrium and how a new equilibrium sets in).

* Characters (heroes, villains, helpers, main characters, supporting characters, and how characters function and contribute to our understanding of the story).

* Setting (physical environment in which filming occurs, indoor or outdoor setting, its significance).

* Plot

Pick two Production Design aspects

* Acting (the performance of actors, whether it is convincing or not).

* Costumes (formal clothes, informal clothes, their color, and their contribution to the film).

* Make-up (style, color, whether it is exaggerated or plain, the effect it creates, colors).

Pick two Cinematic aspects

* Camera angles, movements, and positions (low camera angle, high camera angle, close-up, extreme close-up, tilted camera, and how these affect our understanding).

* Sound and vision (sound effects, soundtrack music, visual effects).

* Lighting (illumination in a scene. Soft light harsh light and shadow, colors manipulated? ).

Respond below:

  1. Narrative Aspects – Type your response here in at least 100 words (5 pts)

The plot of A Date for Dinner adheres to the structure of a traditional romantic comedy.

Bob and Carol, the two characters, are in a loving, committed relationship, yet their goals and ambitions keep them apart. Leonard, a third party, is attempting to come between them. The narrative follows them as they struggle to overcome challenging circumstances and find a solution. The story also features a subplot about Bob and Carol seeking to break into the acting and advertising industries (Old TV Time, 2015). There are some binary oppositions in the story as well. Bob and Carol’s personalities are the antithesis of Leonard’s. Leonard is the careless one, whereas Bob is the responsible one. Leonard is the realist, while Carol is the dreamer. These conflicts heighten the tension in the narrative and advance the plot.


  1. Production Design Aspects – Type your response here in at least 100 words (5 pts)

A Date for Dinner’s production design is standard for a romantic comedy. The vibrant

and vivid clothing that Bob and Carol, the two main characters, wear reflect who they are as people. Carol is dressed in a dress and heels, while Bob is in a suit and tie. The other characters’ outfits contrast with the two central partnerships by being less extravagant and more muted. A romantic comedy’s conventional character makeup is also used here. Both Bob and Carol have been created in a way that draws attention to their best characteristics and increases their appeal. On the other hand, Leonard has makeup that makes him appear less appealing and more criminal (Old TV Time, 2015). A Date for Dinner’s set design is characteristic of romantic comedies. The settings are all colorful and well-lit, which makes them feel upbeat. The contrasts between the characters are also highlighted by how the settings are made. Compared to Leonard’s setups, Bob and Carol’s are cheerier and cozier.


  1. Cinematic Aspects – Type your response here in at least 100 words (5 pts)

A Date for Dinner’s cinematography is characteristic of romantic comedies. The low-

angle camera perspectives highlight the personalities and their interactions. Also, the camera regularly switches between close-ups and broad vistas to convey the characters’ proximity and separation from one another. A Date for Dinner’s sound design is similarly typical of a romantic comedy. The lighthearted and peppy soundtrack creates an energetic environment (Old TV Time, 2015). The sound effects are also employed to highlight the characters’ feelings, as when suspense is built with the sound of a ticking clock. A romantic comedy’s fighting style is also in A Date for Dinner. yasticoncretedo asticoncretedo asticoncrete. Also, the pastel and muted colors evoke nostalgia.


Step 3. Analyze the film

In this step, you will interpret the film and tell the significance of it, along with how you would describe its audience.

Choose THREE of these questions to answer, which best fit your analysis so far.

24 pts: Enter responses after each question, below, each response in at least 200 words. Include examples from step 2.3.


  1. Who is telling the story? Why is it being told? Does it appear to have a purpose? In Jurassic Park, for example, we see the film through the eyes of children as they watch adults face consequences and lose control of prehistoric animals. Other films may have a narrator, whose words tie sections of the film together.

(media agencies, authorial voice, influences from marketing, economics, ideology)


  1. Who is likely to view this film, why? Does it have an audience following and what are they like? (i.e., Trekies that follow Star Trek)


  1. What genre? What genre does this film fit into, and what makes you say that? A ‘genre’ refers to clearly understood type of film, such as a ‘western,’ a ‘romantic comedy,’ a ‘horror,’ or a ‘science fiction’ film (note that some films overlap and combine genres–for example, Alien can be said to be both a science fiction and a horror film). What aspects of the film tell you that it fits into a genre or genres (the narrative, the character types, the production design, the visual language)?

The romantic comedy A Date for Dinner is a classic. It has a happy ending, a love

triangle between the two main characters and a third person, a conflict between their aims and goals, and all the other elements of a romantic comedy. Bob and Carol’s relationship is the subject of the story’s opening, and the two return together in conclusion. The movie also has a traditional romantic comedy plot.


  1. How is it made? What film technologies are used? is the film a one-time story or part of a sequence of films?


  1. How does it convey meaning? Film language is broader than the convention of written literature. Look for codes and conventions, content “between the lines.” Are there symbols we see throughout, but are never put into words? Body language? Other visuals or sounds other than words?


The theme of A Date for Dinner is tenacity and grit. Bob and Carol’s characters encounter

many challenges in their quest to realize their aspirations, but they never give up. They can make it work and accomplish their objectives (Old TV Time, 2015). Bob and Carol never give up on each other, which is another example of the movie’s commitment and devotion theme.


  1. How does it represent its subject – especially with reference to a time period? Do you recognize stereotypes, familiar or strange representations of the past? Does it ridicule or glorify a stereotype? Are characters exaggerated? Diminished?

What is the name of the supplement? What is the cost per pill? Is the supplement complete (does it contain all vitamins and minerals with established DRIs)? If no, what is missing?

Comparing Supplements Label to Label

Answer these questions for supplement #1 and # 2 on a separate sheet of paper (20 points):
1. What is the name of the supplement?

2. What is the cost per pill?

3. Is the supplement complete (does it contain all vitamins and minerals with established DRIs)? If no, what is missing?

4. Are most vitamins and minerals present at or near 100% of the DRIs? Exceptions include biotin, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which are rarely found in amounts near 100% of the DRI. List any vitamins or minerals that are present in low amounts or in dangerously high amounts.

5. Does the supplement contain unnecessary nutrients or no nutrients? If yes, list them.

6. Is there “hype” on the label? Does the label use the terms “natural,” “organic,” “chelated,” “no sugar,” “stressreliever,” etc.? List any terms used.

Choose two things (particular artwork, an event, a person, a piece of music) from each of the last two chapters that you can connect to your keyword. One selection must be from the textbook, the second can also be from the textbook or from any of the additional materials posted, including the slide presentations.

Humanities Question

As you read the chapters and work through the weekly materials, pay particular attention to information that you can connect to your keyword. Keep a list. Every two weeks, for your reflection, choose two things (particular artwork, an event, a person, a piece of music) from each of the last two chapters that you can connect to your keyword. One selection must be from the textbook, the second can also be from the textbook or from any of the additional materials posted, including the slide presentations.

Then write about 200 words on:

  • A. How your choices connect to your keyword.
  • B. For your second and third reflection only: how you see your selections as connected to other examples of your keyword.

Write a research project paper on IoT AI Face Recognition Bot/Technology that is 3500 to 5000 words in APA format.

Artificial Intelligence Question

Write a research project paper on IoT AI Face Recognition Bot/Technology that is 3500 to 5000 words in APA format. Refer to the PowerPoint attached for a guide, the areas in the research paper should include: –

  • Introduction – What is IoT Face Recognition Bot – Face Recognition throughout the Decades – How it works – Benefits – Why we use it – Faults – Future –
  • Conclusion

Are all three proposals eligible for award? If not, why? Assuming all eligible offers were determined technically acceptable, which of the offerors is the apparent successful contractor?

Far Acquisition

Assume the Contracting Officer determined the FD examinations were outside the scope of SGM’s existing contract and recommended a new contract award. Solicitation W912QR- 21-R-3520 was issued, stating award would be made to the responsible offeror that submitted the lowest priced technically acceptable offer. Three proposals were received in response to the solicitation. Review the proposals (U7S3 Artifacts) and answer the following questions.

  1. Are all three proposals eligible for award? If not, why? (2 pts)
  2. Assuming all eligible offers were determined technically acceptable, which of the offerors is the apparent successful contractor? (2 pts)
  3. Which price analysis technique would be most appropriate to determine the price of the apparent awardee fair and reasonable?
    Why? [HINT: See FAR 15.404-1(b) (2)] (2 pts)

Factory overheads of a factory are Rs. 60,000. 30 workers worked for 25 days in a month for daily 8 hours. What shall be the direct labour hour rate?

Short and straightforward

1. Factory overheads of a factory are Rs. 60,000. 30 workers worked for 25 days in a month for daily 8 hours. What shall be the direct labour hour rate?

2. Cost of sales is Rs. 3,60,000. Amount of profit is Rs. 40,000. State the percentage of profit on sales?