Explain the major trends in the commerce of information — what are the major changes in the distribution and sale of books, movies, music, and software?
Research paper: The written research paper will be 4-5 pages long and will use five scholarly sources. If you don’t know the difference between scholarly and popular level resources, take a look at this tutorial: http://www.library.arizona.edu/tutorials/scholarly_sources/
The definition of a scholarly journal is: “a journal that requires an article to be subjected to a process of critical evaluation by one or more experts on the subject, known as referees, responsible for determining if the subject of the article falls within the scope of the publication and for evaluating originality, quality of research, clarity of presentation, etc..synonymous with juried and refereed”. A “peer reviewed” journal is a scholarly journal. You may use scholarly books as well, but a portion of your paper should draw upon scholarly articles. News articles are not considered scholarly. If you have any questions about this, feel free to consult a librarian or myself.
The paper will utilize proper in-text parenthetical citation and use either APA or MLA formatting. If you are unfamiliar with either of these citation formats, see the online writing lab: liqps://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ or visit the Think Tank on campus. A correct MLA or APA works cited will be included.
The paper needs to be double spaced, without extra space between paragraphs. Use 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
College level writing will be assumed.
Topics to consider for your research paper.
1. Explain the major trends in the commerce of information — what are the major changes in the distribution and sale of books, movies, music, and software?
2. Explain how the standard laws of economics apply to the distribution and sale of information goods.
3. What are the roles of internet providers in the distribution of information goods and how should net neutrality apply to these internet providers?
4. Describe economic impact of the “long tail” theory and why it is important to the distribution of information goods.
5. Shapiro and Varian argue in their text Information Rules that although technology changes, economic laws do not. Do you agree or disagree with this thesis? Present an articulate defense of your position.