
Explain the major trends in the commerce of information — what are the major changes in the distribution and sale of books, movies, music, and software?


Research paper: The written research paper will be 4-5 pages long and will use five scholarly sources. If you don’t know the difference between scholarly and popular level resources, take a look at this tutorial:

The definition of a scholarly journal is: “a journal that requires an article to be subjected to a process of critical evaluation by one or more experts on the subject, known as referees, responsible for determining if the subject of the article falls within the scope of the publication and for evaluating originality, quality of research, clarity of presentation, etc..synonymous with juried and refereed”. A “peer reviewed” journal is a scholarly journal. You may use scholarly books as well, but a portion of your paper should draw upon scholarly articles. News articles are not considered scholarly. If you have any questions about this, feel free to consult a librarian or myself.

The paper will utilize proper in-text parenthetical citation and use either APA or MLA formatting. If you are unfamiliar with either of these citation formats, see the online writing lab: liqps:// or visit the Think Tank on campus. A correct MLA or APA works cited will be included.

The paper needs to be double spaced, without extra space between paragraphs. Use 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
College level writing will be assumed.

Topics to consider for your research paper.
1. Explain the major trends in the commerce of information — what are the major changes in the distribution and sale of books, movies, music, and software?

2. Explain how the standard laws of economics apply to the distribution and sale of information goods.

3. What are the roles of internet providers in the distribution of information goods and how should net neutrality apply to these internet providers?

4. Describe economic impact of the “long tail” theory and why it is important to the distribution of information goods.

5. Shapiro and Varian argue in their text Information Rules that although technology changes, economic laws do not. Do you agree or disagree with this thesis? Present an articulate defense of your position.


Explain the specific ways that you enacted the genre norms of this publication’s articles in your writing, using the list from question 1 as a guide. How does the magazine describe its approach and their specific readership? Explain what additional information you know about your audience.

Researched Argument for Change (+Post-Script)

For this essay, you will use your annotated bibliography work (and likely some additional research) to write an article for a national publication in which you take an arguable stance on a specific problem or issue. For example, maybe there is a need for consensus that the problem must be addressed or a solution for which you can advocate.

Your genre is a magazine article, and you must select a specific publication to write for that is appropriate for your topic/argument and contains some in-depth researched articles. Your audience is the readers of that magazine—and you’ll need to think about how to appeal to those specific readers and engage them in this issue. Your main purpose as a writer is to make a nuanced, complex argument that adheres to the genre features of this magazine.

Post-Script Questions

This is informal writing, but it must be submitted with your essay.

  1. List the magazine that you are writing for, hyperlink the articles you used as models, and explain what you have observed about the articles in your selected magazine: What common features do you see in this publication’s articles in regards to style or typical language; writing conventions; content and structure, including opening and closing moves; use of rhetorical appeals; design; and use, documentation, and integration of evidence?
  2. Explain the specific ways that you enacted the genre norms of this publication’s articles in your writing, using the list from question 1 as a guide.
  3. How does the magazine describe its approach and their specific readership? Explain what additional information you know about your audience.
  4. Explain at least three specific ways that you shaped your writing to appeal to the specific readers of this magazine.

Design a simple processor called “X” using a Hardware Description Language (HDL) such as Verilog or VHDL.

Design a simple processor called “X”

Overview: In this assignment, you will be designing a simple processor called “X” using a Hardware Description Language (HDL) such as Verilog or VHDL. The processor should be able to perform basic arithmetic and logic operations. The detailed description of X can be found at the end of this document.

The goal of this assignment is to help you understand the basic concepts of HDL and how to design a simple yet functional processor using HDL.



Identify which of the seven dimensions of ABA are present in the behavior analytic article. Analyze why the other article is not behavior analytic. How do you know the seven dimensions are not present?


Learning Goal: Working on a psychology writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.


Your assignment should also meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines. Review the Evidence and APA section of the Writing Center for more information on how to cite your sources.
  • Resources: 1–2 scholarly or professional resources (in addition to the assigned readings).
  • Length: 2–3 double-spaced pages, in addition to the title page and references page.


Select a fictional character from television, movies or English literature and come up with a tentative DSM-5 diagnosis (and using all relevant DSM-5 specifiers). Describe the individual and give a brief history of the presenting problem, then present your diagnostic impressions.

DSM-V Diagnosis Chuck McGill from Better Call Saul

Essay prompt: DSM-5 Diagnosis of Fictional Characters. Please read the following carefully!

Select a fictional character from television, movies or English literature and come up with a tentative DSM-5 diagnosis (and using all relevant DSM-5 specifiers). First describe the individual and give a brief history of the presenting problem, then present your diagnostic impressions. Be sure to provide evidence to justify your judgments that the necessary criteria have been met. Avoid real-life personalities. A differential diagnosis (rule outs) with three (3) appropriate DSM-5 disorders and thorough rationale as to why they can be ruled out must also be included. You must include relevant DSM-5 criteria to support your diagnosis and why this individual meets criteria. You will include various forms of social-environmental stressors/problems, medical conditions, and functional impairments in the individual’s life that could impact the development/course/severity of the mental illness(es).

You are required to find one peer reviewed article to support your argument (of the particular diagnosis) and cite using APA style in your paper. This can be done through searching psychology database (PsycInfo) on the library’s website ( Ask your instructor if you need additional help. You must also include your textbook as a reference AND cite appropriate DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for the disorder you are diagnosing and those that you are ruling out.

Each paper should be at least two pages (not including a title and reference page; no more than 4 pages), double spaced, with a simple header including your paper’s title and your name, and an APA style reference page. References should be placed on page three (or page 4 if you include a title page) of your document and should begin at the top of the page. Be careful to avoid plagiarism! References should be cited in-text and referenced using APA style. Papers will be run through an electronic plagiarism program. Avoid copying words written by others without using proper quotation style (from APA manual) and citations. Feel free to reach out to your instructor or your TA for APA style support and resources.
Each paper is worth 100 points. Papers must be submitted via D2L prior to 11:59 p.m. on the due date. If the paper is one class period late, 10 points will be taken away. Papers will not be accepted later than one class period following the deadline (i.e., a grade of 0 will be given for that assignment). Returned papers will include specific feedback on ways to improve written expression. Grading guidelines are as follows:

95 to 100 points: The paper is meritorious, clearly exceeding the requirements for the assignment. An A+ paper includes all of the following: Includes extra sources that are relevant to the argument and provides evidence supporting the student’s main points. Goes beyond what is presented in the articles/citations (i.e., not merely a summary of the articles but also includes student’s own thoughts, opinions, knowledge, or personal experiences). Near perfect grammar (i.e., must show evidence that the paper was proofread carefully and that the student used spellcheck or other grammar aides). Correct APA style (no title page needed, but must use correct font type (Times New Roman), size (12 pt font throughout), formatting of in-text citations and references, reference page, etc.)

80 to 94 points: The paper is meeting expectations for the assignment.

60 to 79 points: The paper is lower than the expected standards for this class. Paper does not include one or more required components (e.g., reference page, in-text citations, supplemental peer-reviewed source, etc.).

Below 60 points: The paper is sloppy and poorly written. Paper was not turned in, or it was turned in more than one class period late, or the student plagiarized some material.
Remember, essays should use APA style formatting with in-text citations AND a reference page.
Edited to add information regarding citing a series or film in APA style:

Since you are using a fictional character from a film or other media, it would be appropriate to cite that media source in-text and in your reference section of your paper. Here is a link from the

Purdue Owl website on how to cite media in APA style:
Here is a link that demonstrates how to cite motion pictures or a television series in APA style:

Is it likely that your solution will be implemented? Is it going to be a very controversial solution? Is there any controversy? Are there any possible negative impacts of implementing your solution?


Here are the basic instructions:

Each student must submit a 4-page (double-spaced) paper on the topic of an institutional solution that would make American democracy better. Several institutional solutions will be discussed thoroughly in class before the paper topic is due. Students will be sorted by preference into the most popular institutional solutions among the class before Fall Break.

1. Identify a problem in American government. Consider answering the following questions:

  • a. Why is this the problem you think needs to be solved?
  • b. How does it affect democracy and why should we care?

2. Identify your solution. Describe your solution in detail and explain why it is the best choice to help with the problem you identified. Consider answering the following questions:

  • a. Why is this solution better than others?
  • b. If your solution requires lots of choices (like how to redistrict in a new way, or how to reform the Supreme Court, etc) why did you make the choices you did?
  • c. What obvious impact will your solution have on the problem? Are there other possible impacts, long term impacts?

3. Identify any limitations regarding your solution. Consider answering the following questions:

  • a. Is it likely that your solution will be implemented?
  • b. Is it going to be a very controversial solution? Is there any controversy?
  • c. Are there any possible negative impacts of implementing your solution?
  • d. Why is it still the best choice, even if there are limitations?


What was the significance of the 1850 fugitive slave act?

1850 Fugitive slave act

What was the significance of the 1850 fugitive slave act?


Label an erythrocyte, leukocyte, and thrombocyte (platelet) in your drawing.

Lab 14: Blood and Blood Typing


The cardiovascular system includes three main components: the blood, blood vessels, and the heart. The heart serves as a pumping mechanism to distribute blood through the blood vessels and deliver nutrients, oxygen, and other important components to the tissues while removing waste and carbon dioxide. In order to operate effectively, all parts of the cardiovascular system must be functioning. In this lab, we will examine the anatomy of human blood using a microscope and explore how blood typing is performed.


Part 1: Blood Cells

Preliminary Information

Human blood is composed of plasma and cells. Plasma is the liquid part of the blood made up of water. Other components found in plasma include proteins, glucose, and hormones. There are three different types of blood cells: red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), and platelets (thrombocytes). Each of these has different shapes and functions.

Some diseases can be diagnosed by looking at the appearance of blood cells or the relative number of blood cells. Sickle-cell anemia is a disease in which the erythrocytes become sickle or crescent shaped when oxygen levels are low. The crescent shaped cells can get caught in smaller blood vessels and, as a result, oxygen delivery is impaired. The term leukemia is a reference to a group of cancers that impacts the leukocytes. In a healthy individual, there are actually relatively low numbers of leukocytes in the blood compared to erythrocytes. Most leukocytes remain in other areas like the red bone marrow or other organs like lymph nodes or the spleen. With leukemia, there is an overproduction of abnormal leukocytes in the red bone marrow and the excess leukocytes end up moving into the blood. The abnormal leukocytes do not function normally and the overabundance of them in the bone marrow crowds out the normal blood stem cells causing various health complications, including anemia.


Lab Objectives

  • Discuss the main components of blood and their importance in the human body.
  • Differentiate between the blood of a healthy individual and that of someone with a blood disorder such as leukemia and sickle cell anemia.



Construct a hypothesis regarding the visible differences between the healthy blood cells and those on the sickle cell anemia slide:




Construct a hypothesis regarding the visible differences between the healthy blood cells and those on the infected blood slide:





  • Reliable Internet
  • Colored pencils



  1. Go to the website listed below and view the human blood smearthat represents a healthy human blood. Click on the image to make the image larger. Draw a small, but representative section of what you see in the area provided. Be sure to use colored pencils, markers or crayons.

If for some reason this link does not work, Internet search prepared individual microscope slide human blood smear

  1. Label an erythrocyte, leukocyte, and thrombocyte (platelet) in your drawing.Erythrocytes will appear round and red.  The main function of erythrocytes is to carry oxygen and iron. Erythrocytes are also the most abundant cells in the blood.


All leukocytes are round and purple with a nucleus. However, the size and shape of the nucleus varies.  There are five different types of leukocytes found in the blood: neutrophils, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils, and lymphocytes. Some leukocytes contain granules in their cytoplasm which makes them appear grainy. The main function of the leukocytes is to protect the body from infections. They are the main players in our immune system.


Thrombocytes are cellular fragments and have no nucleus. They will appear as small purple specks/spots.  The main function of thrombocytes is to stop bleeding by clotting the blood.


  1. Count the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and thrombocytes that you see in one field of view (one field of view is the entire area you see in the light). To count the erythrocytes, divide the field of view into quadrants (4 sections) and count the number you see in one quadrant and multiple by 4. Write your results in Table 1 within the Data section.


  1. Go to the website listed below and view the sickle-cells blood smearthat represents the human blood of a person with sickle cell trait or sickle cell disease. Draw a representative section of what you see in the area provided and be sure to include the sickle shaped red blood cell. Be sure to use colored pencils, markers or crayons.

If for some reason this link does not work, Internet search Sickle Cell Anemia Blood Smear

  1. Label a SICKLED erythrocyte, a leukocyte, and a thrombocyte in your drawing.


  1. Countthe number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and thrombocytes that you see in one field of view. Use the quadrant method explained in step 3 to estimate the number of erythrocytes. Write your results in Table 1 within the Data section.


  1. Note differences in the shapes and sizes of the blood cells compared to the healthy human blood slide.  Emphasize these differences in your sketch.


  1. Go to the website listed below and view the of a leukemia blood smearthat represents the human blood of a person with an infection. Draw a representative section of what you see in the area provided.


If for some reason this link does not work, search for Leukemia Blood Smear 


  1. Label at least 1 erythrocyte, leukocyte, and thrombocyte in your drawing.


  1. Countthe number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and thrombocytes that you see in one field of view. Use the quadrant method explained in step 3 to estimate the number of erythrocytes. Write your results in Table 1 within the Data section.


  1. Note differences in the shapes and sizes of the blood cells compared to the healthy human blood slide.  Emphasize these differences in your sketch.



Table 1.  Number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and thrombocytes in microscope slides.


Microscope Slide Number of erythrocytes Number of leukocytes Number of thrombocytes
Human Blood Smear
Sickle-cell Anemia Blood
Leukemia Blood



Conclusion – Discussion

  1. In the healthy blood smear, which cells were the most abundant?




  1. When compared to the erythrocytes in the healthy slide, what was different in the sickle cell anemia slide? How do you think that will affect the health of the individual affected?




  1. When compared to the leukocytes in the healthy slide, what was different in the leukemia blood slide? How do you think that will affect the health of the individual affected?




  1. Warfarin (aka Coumadin) is used as a blood thinner despite the fact that it does not thin the blood. Instead, it works to impair the process of clotting. What type of blood cells do you expect to be impacted by warfarin?




  1.   Why would someone who has had a heart attack or stroke be prescribed warfarin? Explain your






Part 2: Blood Typing

Preliminary Information

All human cells contain markers called surface antigens built into the plasma membrane. These act as identification tags and allow the immune system to recognize the cells of an individual as ‘self’. For example, red blood cell membranes have surface antigens that determine blood type.  Blood type is represented as a combination of the ABO blood antigen (Type A, B, AB, or O blood) and the Rh blood antigen (Rh+ (positive) when the Rh surface antigen is present, negative otherwise). For example, if a person has Type A+ blood, the red blood cells have the Type A surface antigen as well as the Rh antigen.

In order to protect the body, the immune system produces antibodies, proteins that attach to and attack ‘foreign’ antigens. Antibodies circulate in the blood and will cause a reaction if they encounter ‘non-self’ cell surface antigens. For example, if you are Type A+ blood, your immune system produces antibodies which will bind to and destroy any red blood cells that have the Type B surface antigens. These anti-B antibodies cannot bind to Type A surface antigens and do not attack red blood cells with Type A surface antigens. Table 2 outlines the major blood types of human blood.


Table 2. Blood Type, Surface Antigens, and Antibodies

Blood Type Red Blood Cell Surface Antigens Antibodies Produced
A- A Anti-B


A+ A, Rh factor Anti-B
B – B Anti-A


B + B, Rh factor Anti-A
AB – A and B Anti-Rh
AB + (universal recipient) A and B, Rh factor None
O – (universal donor) None Anti-A



O + Rh factor Anti-A


Blood typing is particularly important from a medical perspective because there are many people who need donations of blood (blood transfusions) due to illness or injury. If an individual is given the wrong type of blood in a transfusion the immune system will attack the donated blood. This reaction by the immune system is called a transfusion reaction. The antibodies cause the donated red blood cells to clump and lyse (pop), which can lead to kidney failure and even death. When determining the types of blood that an individual can receive, it is important to focus on the red blood cells from the donated blood and to focus on the antibodies that the recipient possesses. You do not need to worry about the antibodies in the plasma from the blood of the donor because the antibodies are so diluted in the recipients blood that they do not usually cause an issue.


Lab Objectives

  • Understand the importance of blood type in blood transfusions.
  • Experience how blood typing is conducted.




Conclusion – Discussion


Complete the table below. One is done for you as an example.

Person’s Blood Type Types of Blood Individual Can Receive Blood Type They Can Donate To
A+ A+, A-, O+, O- A+, AB+


  1. Why is blood type O- considered the universal donor? Be sure to use the vocabulary antigens and antibodies in your explanation, but do not copy from any Internet or other source.



  1. Why is blood type AB+ considered the universal recipient? Be sure to use the vocabulary antigens and antibodies in your explanation, but do not copy from any Internet or other source.



  1. Explain why it would be dangerous for someone who has a blood type of A- to receive a blood transfusion of AB- blood. Be specific. Be sure to use the vocabulary antigens and antibodies in your explanation, but do not copy from any Internet or other source.



  1. Monitoring the blood type of a pregnant female is very important because anti-Rh antibodies can cross over the placenta. Would a mother be concerned with this happening if she was Rh positive or negative?  Explain your answer.



  1. The ABO blood system has 4 main blood types: A, B, AB, and O.  Type A and B blood are both dominantly inherited, whereas, Type O is recessive.  A couple has a baby and the man doesn’t think that the baby is his because the baby doesn’t look like him. His blood type is A and his partner’s blood type is O. The baby’s blood type is O and he is sure that proves this cannot be his baby. Using a Punnett Square, show the man whether or not this baby can be his or not.



Possible Genotypes of the Offspring =



Possible Phenotypes of the Offspring =



Probability of these 2 parents having a child with O Blood Type =



  1. The ABO blood system has 4 main blood types: A, B, AB, and O.  Type A and B blood are both dominantly inherited, whereas, Type O is recessive.  Construct a Punnett square to predict the probability of having a child with Type O blood if your spouse has Type AB and you have Type O blood.  Be sure to show the Punnett square, genotypes, and phenotypes.  Once you’ve figured it out, write the probability of having a child with type O blood based on the given information.


Possible Genotypes of the Offspring =




Possible Phenotypes of the Offspring =




Probability of these 2 parents having a child with O Blood Type =




Calculate the total volume of medication administered ——– ml (lido) ________ ml ( arti).

Dose calculation

A clinician-administered 1.5 ml for the Gow Gates, 0.2 for a cross-over infiltration between # 24-25, 1.7 ml for the PSA, 0.9 ml for the AMSA ( used 4% Articaine for this injection only) to SRP the left side of the mouth. The clinician used 2 % lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine and there were no adverse reactions but a positive aspiration on both the lingual and the AMSA. Calculate the total volume of medication administered ——– ml (lido) ________ ml ( arti)

calculate the total milligrams of articaine administered ———-mg

calculate the total milligrams of Articane administered ——–mg

calculate the total of both mediations milligrams of epinephrine adminetered ———-mg

How does she apply this to Black femininsm? What does Michelle Wallce, Joan Morgan, and other scholars have to say?


In Chapter 6 Pough writes about love. Deconstruct, compare and contrast the Ethic of Love vs The Ethic of Domination. How does she apply this to Black femininsm? What does Michelle Wallce, Joan Morgan, and other scholars have to say? How does Mary J. work enter this discussion