
Write a 2400 words APA-style paper on Demand Management in the supply chain.

Demand Management in Supply Chain

Write a 2400 words APA-style paper on Demand Management in the supply chain.

The report should be well-written and organized (use clear headings). Your report should begin with an executive summary (simply summarize the major ideas in the report into around half a page to a page). Use at least 7 scholarly sources, at least 1 chart and 2 pictures. Provide a general explanation of what it is, what are its types/components, what are its benefits in general, what are examples of it in business, how companies have benefited from it both in general and specifically in their OSCM activities. Providing specific company examples and business cases are highly encouraged.






Identify a research topic of interest in global information technology. Formulate a research question. Follow the instructions provided to detail how you selected the topic.


  • Prompt: Examine a research topic in global information technology and identify areas of future research. The steps you should follow and different sections of the paper should include the following:
      • Identify a research topic of interest in global information technology. Formulate a research question. Follow the instructions provided to detail how you selected the topic.
      • Conduct a review of the literature (refereed journal articles only) on the topic.
  • When reviewing literature, address issues of rigor and relevance – were these met or not met.
  • Identify gaps in the literature. Present two or three areas of future research.
  • Use tables and figures where necessary.
  • Note: Summarize and paraphrase. Do not copy material from research papers.
  • Use the APA format for the paper, including citations and references. Include at least eight references.

Choose any case from list of closing cases in your textbook.Write a report on this case and its company.

BCOR2710 Group Case Analysis Project Report Guidelines

Choose  any case  from list of closing cases in your  textbook.Write a report on this case and  its company. Your group must choose a case title from the list by week four  of  the semester.

Report Requirements:

  • Cover page, and table of content with the title and group member’s full names.
  • Body of the report should be 10 to 12 pages double spaced with a 12 point font.
  • At least 8 in-text citations in APA Style (see the APA Style guide for format).
  • At least 8 references(Peer-Reviewed Articles)in APA Style (see the APA Style guide for format).
  • Report Outline:
  1. Executive Summary
  2. Company Analysis
  • Company History/Background Information/Problem/Issue with the company from Management Information Systems  Perspective.
  • Information Technology Solution for the Company
  • SWOT (Stengths,Weaknesses, Opportunites, Threats)Case Analysis. (e.g. Analysis of WalMart Corporation)
  • Benefit/gain from solution
  • Answer all the questions at the end of closing case
  • Conclude/Recommendation
  • References(Peer-Reviewed Articles)









Create a base which could be augmented and built on in the future.

CS1410 Object oriented programing

Create a base which could be augmented and built on in the future. Whether it be for assignments to come, classes to come (for example AI), or even just for fun (if you think genetic algorithms are fun).

Essentially, what you will be building here is a world with creature objects in it. This creature object will need to be built in such a way that one day it could move, sense, eat, starve, etc. But to begin with it just needs to be created, die, and reproduce based on preset odds.’

So in terms of proper requirements this assignment must include, in both the UML diagram and code, the following:

  1. At least three classes and/or interfaces (3 total not 3 of each).
  2. At least two relationships.

As For a potential prompt you could read these requirements in these terms:

  1. A creature class with space for creature attributes and methods (eg. chances of replicating and dying). Required creature specific methods:
    1. die()
    2. reproduce()
  2. A world class with world and environment attributes and methods (eg. chances of spawning new creature without replication). Required World specific methods:
    1. createCreature()
    2. This method might hit the names.txt file in this project to get a random name for your creatures.
    3. spawnFood(), etc.
  3. Support for multiple creatures within the world.
  4. Main loop where these chances are ‘rolled’ for a number of times in a row.

You may, however, build any sort of system you wish as long as it has 3 classes and/or interfaces and 2 relationships. Use LucidChart

Links to an external site.,

Links to an external site., or any other preferred diagramming tool to create your UML diagram.

This assignment will be submitted in two pieces, you will need to create a UML diagram showing how you plan to implement a coded solution to this prompt as well as the actual code. The UML diagram will have a separate due date and submission dropbox within canvas while the code will be submitted here in GitHub .

Example vid: (49) Why do things exist? Setting the stage for evolution. – YouTube

Create a Virus Total Client-Extract the files provided in the, into a directory named: TARGET

Create a Virus Total Client

you will be creating a simple VirusTotal Client.

1. Extract the files provided in the, into a directory named: TARGET

2. Your script will process each file in the TARGET folder. In other words you will generate an md5 hash for each file (the contents… not the file name (string)).

3. Your script will submit each hash value to VirusTotal for analysis

4. For the data your script returns to the screen from VirusTotal, copy it to a file.

You will submit your script and the resulting file.

Create a new organizational structure/chart for the company; explain how the new organizational structure/chart is improved.


The name of the textbook is as follows.Be sure to include it in the reference page and in at least one in-text citation:

David, F. R., David, F. R., & David, M. E. (2020). Strategic management: A competitive advantage approach, concepts and cases (17th ed.). Pearson.…

In this unit, you will continue researching the company that you selected for your final project. For this assignment, you will create a new product or service line for your firm. In your analysis, include the following items:

  • Provide a brief description of the product or service.
  • Explain how the new product or service line fits into the firm’s strategy and new mission statement.
  • Create a new organizational structure/chart for the company; explain how the new organizational structure/chart is improved.
  • What are the company’s short-term and long-term goals?

Find the customer with the most rented movies- What is the employee job description with the most employees

Database management systems final project of about rental cars

Before Netflix existed, there were stores where you rented a movie in either a video cassette (VHS) format or a compact disc format (DVD). But then, in 1997, Netflix was founded by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph as a DVD-by-mail rental service. The company initially offered a subscription service where users could rent DVDs and receive them by mail. Netflix distinguished itself from traditional video rental stores by eliminating the need for customers to leave their homes to rent movies.
Imagine you are back in the nineties and the early 2000s; imagine that VideoFlick is a video rental store that rents out movies in VHS tapes format. You are given a dataset of video rental records kept by several employees. After each employee rents out a movie/movie to a customer, they enter the transaction information into an Excel sheet. Even though VideoFlick is a one- branch store, they are trying to expand by opening more stores. The company’s leadership
realized that keeping records using an Excel sheet is not an efficient way of storing information. So, they decided to hire programmers to design and build an information system that would help employees enter the information for each transaction quickly and help in business decision-making by applying data mining algorithms to the database. The
programmers decided first to build a relational SQL database that would allow the creation of a graphical user interface and a data analysis application.
The programming team was given the Excel sheet attached to this document as an example of how employees used to keep records. Each movie has a number as a unique identifier. Also, each movie has multiple copies with copy numbers. The combination of movie number and copy number creates a unique identifier for each VHS tape in the store. Each customer might rent multiple movies, and they would all be counted as one transaction. The rental fee for each movie rented is per day. If the return date is the same as the rental date, this is considered one day. If it is the next day, this is regarded as two days. The customer must pay the fee when they

2 Dr. Islam Ebeid MCIS 5133 Database Management Systems Final Project return the movie or movies they rented. The transaction is closed only after the customer has returned the movie. If the movie were returned late, an additional fee would be applied. Each transaction has a unique identifier. Also, each transaction stores employee information, customer information, and rented movies information.

Your task
As one of the programming team, you are tasked with:
1- Studying the dataset and exploring it.
2- Designing a relational data model that would replace the Excel sheet that the employees
used before to record information.
3- Implementing the ER model you created using the MySQL database management
system and MySQL Workbench.
4- Answering the queries provided below using SQL select and join statements.

What to submit
1- A Conceptual Level model: An ER diagram describing your entities, relationships, cardinalities, and attributes.
2- A Logical Level model: A Class diagram describing your entities as classes with attributes and methods and the relationships between them, including inheritance. For example, your database might have 2 separate tables: employee and customer. Yet, in your class diagram, you might have a third class called a person from which both
customer and employee inherit, even though there might not be a table person in your database. The class diagram will be used to build other applications on top of the database in the future.

3- A Physical Level model: A Database ER Schema diagram generated using MySQL Workbench after you create your tables describing the tables, attributes, relationships, and cardinality that corresponds to your ER diagram. This diagram should include primary and foreign keys, data types, data sizes, and resolved many-to-many relationships.
4- A separate description of each table and its attributes and relationships in the ER and
the Database Schema diagrams

3 Dr. Islam Ebeid MCIS 5133 Database Management Systems Final Project
5- A separate description for each class and its relationships in your Class diagram
6- The DDL Create tables statements as a separate .sql file
7- Insert the data provided in the Excel sheet into your newly created database, then give
the insert statements as a separate .sql file
8- Your SQL answers to each of the queries below
9- The results of your SQL queries as images, as some of you have done in the previous

Important notes
1- The ER diagram should be at least in the 3rd Normal Form
2- Use Chen notation for the ER diagram
3-Use UML notation for the Class diagram
4- Use UML notation for the Database ER Schema diagram describing your tables
5- You can insert the data in the Excel sheet using import in MySQL Workbench, but you
will have to preprocess the data a bit.

1- Find all the movies with the word “earth” in their titles.
2- Find all transactions that happened on April 18th, 2011
3- Find all transactions that happened after April 18th, 2011
4- Find how many transactions each movie has in the database.
5- For each customer, find out how much they spent.
6- Find how many transactions each employee has in the database.
7- Find the customer with the most rented movies.
8- What is the employee job description with the most employees?
9- Who is the newest employee?
10- What is the most profitable movie/movies in the store?




Critical literature review and comparison of this book to others similar. indepth.

Book review of senses of the soul by gurumeher

Critical literature review and comparison of this book to others similar. indepth.

Is critically evaluate the following opinion article from Ensia. In your answer, provide a discussion of the claims and advice given by the author of the article.


Is critically evaluate the following opinion article from Ensia. In your answer, provide a discussion of the claims and advice given by the author of the article. Drawing upon what psychologist know about peoples attitudes and actions in relation to environmental crisis and human decision-making processes. Is the advice given supported by relevant psychological theory?

Using an appropriate database, determine the share that the Port Macquarie-Sydney route has in the passenger throughput of Port Macquarie Airport between 2009 and 2019. Using calendar annual data, draw a line graph of this share between 2009 and 2019. Comment on the movements that you see in the graph

Analysis of the Port Macquarie-Sydney Route

Answer the following questions:

(a) Using an appropriate database, determine the share that the Port Macquarie-Sydney route has in the passenger throughput of Port Macquarie Airport between 2009 and 2019. Using calendar annual data, draw a line graph of this share between 2009 and 2019. Comment on the movements that you see in the graph. (5 Marks)

(b) Use an appropriate database to find the calendar annual seats operated on the Port Macquarie- Sydney route between 2009 and 2019. Graph the rate of change in Port-Macquarie-Sydney seats against the percentage change in passengers. Research the use of the “=correl (Datarange 1, Data range 2)” function in Microsoft Excel and find the correlation between passenger growth and seats growth for the route. Comment on your findings, discussing what is likely to be driving the strength of the correlation. (7 Marks)

(c) Use an appropriate database to find the monthly movement in Port-Macquarie-Sydney route passenger numbers between February 2008 and the most recent month. If there is no data available for particular months leave the observation point blank. Draw a line graph of the passenger numbers and comment on the seasonality, including the peak and off-peak months and why these months are peak and off-peak. (5 Marks)

(d) Use the monthly passenger data from (d) to comment on the recovery of the route from the impact of the Coronavirus. (3 Marks)

(e) Assume that the fuel cost per ASK for the market is 2.5 AU c/ASK and the non-fuel cost is 17.5 c/ASK. Also assume that the EBIT margin for the route is 10%. Use this information to find the 12 following for the aggregate of all airlines operating on the Port Macquarie-Sydney route for Calendar 2019: (i) the total operating costs, (ii) the total operating revenue, (iii) the level of EBIT, (iv) the passenger seat factor, (v) the RASK. (5 Marks)