
What is the proper technique for measuring a client’s weight? What is the proper technique for measuring a client’s height? What is the proper technique for measuring a client’s waist?

Height weight and range of motion skill

Height, Weight & Waist Measurement Skills and BMI Assessment Study Questions


  1. What is meant by the terms: standing scale, stretcher and chair scales?



  1. Nurses always assess for significant weight losses or increases. Identify what a weight gain of 2.3 kg (5 lb) in one day may mean


  1. How much weight loss is considered significant, in a month, and in 6 months?
  2. One month? Six months?


  1. Body Mass Index (BMI): Measures weight corrected for height and serves as an alternative for height/weight relationships.  What is a healthy BMI?


  1. Waist Circumference (WC): is a measurement used to determine health risk. What is the significance of waist circumference assessments?
  2. What is a healthy waist circumference for men___________ for women _____________?



  1. What is the proper technique for measuring a client’s weight? What is the proper technique for measuring a client’s height?
  2. What is the proper technique for measuring a client’s waist?


Critical Thinking

  1. Explain why it is important to weigh patients at the same time every day, on the same scale in the same type of clothing.


How did Arthur Miller use literary devices and/or stylistic techniques to convey a theme to the reader?

Stylistic techniques

How did Arthur Miller use literary devices and/or stylistic techniques to convey a theme to the reader?

Identify positive or meaningful relationships with kids your age and you are meeting with the school counselor in support of changing these dynamics .

Role play

A 17 year old from a lower , middle class , suburban a predominantly Caucasian high school. The teacher states that this student doesn’t seem to be growing physically , socially , emotionally or intellectually. The student present as withdrawn and isolative within their appearance (wears hoodies over head everyday of the year despite weather per parents report ) and hides face with hair either combed over eyes or covering faces .

In relation to the other students in the class , this student is noticeably shorter and has a smaller physical frame that can easily mistake you for being younger than 17 y. Knowing much teenagers are involved with peer culture , you have no identified positive or meaningful relationships with kids your age and you are meeting with the school counselor in support of changing these dynamics .

Provide a role play transcript for this assignment

Do you believe in paranormal activity? Have you ever been to a place that is haunted?

Informative Speech Outline

Specific Purpose: To inform my classmates of specific places in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, that are considered to be haunted.


Introduction: Do you believe in paranormal activity? Have you ever been to a place that is haunted? My personal opinion on this subject matter is open to question; however, there are a lot of people that have had firsthand encounters with the paranormal. Throughout the world there are countless places that are considered to be haunted by tormented souls that still lurk among us in search of a way to free their souls. Most places that claim to be haunted are intertwined with tales of battles and as a result many fatalities. Tragic times in history make for the perfect breeding grounds for the haunted places that exist today.


Thesis/Preview: Gettysburg is a city that is plagued by historical events that play a role in the manifestations that haunt Gettysburg today. These include locations at The Devil’s Den, Little Round Top, and the Hummelbaugh House.


  1. The Devil’s Den is considered a site for paranormal activity.
  2. The Devil’s Den has historical significance retained during the American Civil War.
  3. Location held heavy fighting during battle that took place on July 2, of 1863.
  4. The total death toll estimated during battle consisted of 800 for the Union and more than 1,800 for the Confederates.
  5. Some reported paranormal activity at the Devil’s Den.
  6. According to author, consultant, and lecturer Dennis William Hauck, he states in his book Haunted Places that if you stand outside at the Devil’s Den there can be the sounds of drum rolls and gunshots heard.
  7. According to many visitors there have been many people that claim to have seen and/or taken pictures of and had conversations with a friendly soldier who either disappears or doesn’t show up in photographs.


Transition: Spooky, unexplainable things happen at the Devil’s Den but there is also paranormal activity in another area of Gettysburg, Little Round Top.


  1. Another location said to be haunted is Little Round Top.
  2. Little Round Top’s historical significance.
  3. A site where Union soldiers held up to maintain an advantage over the Confederate soldiers.
  4. According to James Brann, an author from Civil War Magazine, this was a site Union Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain led his 20th Maine Regiment in perhaps the most famous counterattack of the Civil War.
  5. Manifestations at Little Round Top.
  6. During filming of the movie Gettysburg (1993), extras portraying Union soldiers were greeted by a man in the uniform of a Union private.
  7. Handed them musket rounds.
  8. Actual rounds that dated back to the Civil War.
  9. Ghostly solders can still be seen marching in formation and riding horses in the fight against their enemy.


Transition: It seems that a lot of landmarks are haunted but there are also structures known to be stricken with paranormal activity.


III. Hummelbaugh House is a non-battlefield place for ghost-sightings.

  1. Historical significance of Hummelbaugh House.
  2. The house is located on the east side of the city and was just behind the Union lines.
  3. It was used for a hospital and because of the times amputated limbs would be thrown out the windows resulting in a huge pile of body parts.
  4. Paranormal activity at the house.
  5. The windows in the house often startle people with loud vibrations.
  6. The calls for help from soldiers can still be heard in and around the house.


Conclusion: In closing, according to the Battle of Gettysburg was one of the biggest in the Civil War, resulting in over 150,000 causalities. With these statistics it is no surprise that lost souls still lurk the eerie grounds of this historical place. Whether it is vibrating windows or actual encounters with soldiers from 1863, Gettysburg has more than enough encounters with the paranormal to convince the biggest of doubters. Going to Gettysburg would guarantee a chance to literally step back in time and encounter something that is only remembered in history books. So believer in the paranormal or not, Gettysburg is a place to go to experience a part of history whether it be historical sites or a random run in with a ghostly soldier.



Brann, J. R. (1999). The full story. America’s Civil War, 12(5), 34.


Hauck, D. (1994). The national directory of haunted places. Athanor Press. Battle of Gettysburg. (2019, May 20). https://

What are you aiming to study or show? Why do you think the question is relevant? What political/ historical/ social power struggles or alignments are you planning to reveal in your answer?

This assessment seeks to:
• Test your skill to formulate a question on war/ peace/ transitions or all of these phenomena through a political economy framework
• Test your ability to identify the methods of data collection and the academic literature that will help you answer the question you have chosen
• Test your skill to clearly organise your thoughts


What you need to do in writing your outline:
• Pay close attention to what the question asks and answer it directly / have a clear thesis.
• Outline the key components of your argument. These components are the reasoning behind your thesis (they will constitute the spine of your essay around which you will construct your analysis when writing your essay).
• Indicate what kind of evidence you would offer in support were you writing a full essay.
• Refer to relevant literature, using a shortened citation (e.g. Cramer 2018).
• Avoid direct quotes
• If you are in doubt of how you will structure your submission, aim for a 250-300 word abstract on your chosen question: what are you aiming to study or show?; why do you think the question is relevant?; what political/ historical/ social power struggles or alignments are you planning to reveal in your answer?
• Another 150- 200 words for describing the methods of data collection.
• You are encouraged to identify a few of the core readings that you will base your essay.

What is the narrator saying in simpler language? What theme or commentary is the narrator making about Aylmer or about humankind in general?

The Birthmark

Answer TWO (2) of the following prompts in your initial post of a maximum of 250 words.

Make sure to incorporate quotes from the text (CITE THEM), and if needed, a secondary source into your posts to support your opinions.
Use the MLA format (Times New Roman 12-point font, double spaced, at least TWO (2) indented paragraphs, developed with 5-7 concise, concrete, complete, and grammatically sound sentences.)

1. Aylmer’s assistant, Aminadab, laughs twice at the end of the story. The first time he laughs, he seems to be laughing with triumph that Georgiana’s birthmark is fading. But after Georgiana dies, he laughs again. Why is he laughing that second time?

2. Aylmer creates a plant that quickly grows, blooms into a flower, and then dies in the hands of Georgiana. What does this plant and its quick demise symbolize? Find three examples throughout the story that foreshadow Georgiana’s death. Cite them. Explain them.

3. Other than being a vain jerk who wants a “perfect” wife, why is Aylmer trying to rid Georgiana of the birthmark? If he succeeds, what will it mean to him? Again, Hawthorne tells you right in his story. Find it. Cite it. Explain it.

4. Analyze the following excerpt of what the birthmark symbolizes: “It was the fatal flaw of humanity which Nature, in one shape or another, stamps ineffaceably on all her productions, either to imply that they are temporary and finite, or that their perfection must be wrought by toil and pain.” So what does this mean in simpler language? Find another excerpt or phrase in the story that suggests what the birthmark symbolizes. Cite it and explain it in your own words.

5. Analyze the last few lines of the story:
Thus ever does the gross fatality of earth exult in its invariable triumph over the immortal essence which, in this dim sphere of half development, demands the completeness of a higher state. Yet, had Aylmer reached a profounder wisdom, he need not thus have flung away the happiness which would have woven his mortal life of the selfsame texture with the celestial. The momentary circumstance was too strong for him; he failed to look beyond the shadowy scope of time, and, living once for all in eternity, to find the perfect future in the present.

What is the narrator saying in simpler language? What theme or commentary is the narrator making about Aylmer or about humankind in general?

How does healing differ today from New Testament healing? Does any relationship exist between sin and disease? What is the value of “confessing your sins one to another”?

Healing Today

Type an essay in response to the following questions. Do necessary research to complete.

1. How does healing differ today from New Testament healing?
2. Does any relationship exist between sin and disease?
3. What is the value of “confessing your sins one to another”?

WHY is this study interesting to you? WHAT experiment is taking place in this study? In other words, what intervention is being applied and withheld and what variable is being measured for change?


Professional literature is filled with articles documenting research studies that have been done on topics of great value to health professionals.

For this assignment, you will choose one of two articles that are listed below, and are available through the SPC library. I have provided the information that you will need to locate the articles in the SPC databases. Please browse through each of the studies and select one that you are interested in carefully analyzing over the next few weeks.

Note that you will use your chosen study for this assignment as well as for both of the Analysis Assignments.

Your selection must be from these two studies – do not find your own study to use for the assignment. Only choose A or B below. Do not delay retrieving the article from the library. Be sure that the articles that you locate and browse to make your selection exactly match the information that is provided for each of them below.

Choose either A or B for your Select a Study Assignment and the Analysis 1 and Analysis 2 Assignment:

A.Effect of canine play intervention as a stress reduction strategy in college students by Cheryl Delgado, Margaret Toukonen, and Corinne Wheeler. This article is published in Nurse Educator, Volume 43, Number 3, 2018. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000451

B. Effects of large financial incentives for long-term smoking cessation. A Randomized Trial, by Jean-François Etter and Felicia Schmid. This article is published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 68, Number 8, 2016. doi: (opens in new tab)

You will not receive credit if you do not follow the instructions for choosing your article or completing the assignment.

For this assignment, please use the research study that you selected from the two that were provided and following each of the steps below:

Write a 250-300 word paper detailing fully:

WHY is this study interesting to you?

WHAT experiment is taking place in this study? In other words, what intervention is being applied and withheld and what variable is being measured for change (outcome or dependent variable)?

WRITE an APA formatted reference citation for your study at the end of your paper.

Here is an APA Style Paper Format Example

Paste the correct HSA Assignment Rubric 10pts to the end of your paper.

Describe the setting and people involved in your exchange that was your implementation of your CCC plan.

Communication challenge

Introduction: Communication Change Challenge (CCC)
This is your week to put into action what you have been learning regarding the communication challenge that you would like to change. You have put a plan in place, and now you will be implementing that plan. The goal is successful change.

Part 1: Beginning of the Week (1 paragraph)
For this CCC, you should have chosen a person with whom you share regular communication. So, you should have a few occasions this week to apply your plan. Under this heading for your submission, write down what you project will be your opportunities to implement your plan. You need to be on the look-out for when you will be putting your plan into place.

Part 2: Middle of the Week (1-2 paragraphs)
In this section, you will describe the setting and people involved in your exchange that was your implementation of your CCC plan. Include enough details so that the process of the exchange is understood.

Part 3: End of the Week
Under this heading, you will have the opportunity to reflect on the process that you went through for your Communication Change Challenge. Use the following sub-section headings for your responses (see template). You will evaluate the impact of the project as it relates to interpersonal communication and the course objectives (COs). It is important here that you clearly demonstrate your understanding of the course concepts through application to your course project.

Remember that your patterns for communicating interpersonally have been developed over many years. Therefore, you should be neither surprised nor discouraged to find that changing your interpersonal communication behavior takes time. In order for you to take this project to its fullest potential, you may need to continue to modify, implement, and reinforce these new behaviors for far longer than the duration of the project. It is possible, however, to modify the way you communicate because the payoff is improvement to our communication and relationship outcomes. Changing interpersonal communication for the better is worth the effort.

3A. Topic Selection Reflection (1 paragraph)
What course material did you use to help guide your particular communication change? Cite the information you found helpful as you write your paragraph summary of texts used.

3B. Implementation Analysis: Satisfaction (1 paragraph)
Consider the implementation of your new approach to communication and share which of your communication changes particularly pleased you?

3C. Implementation Analysis: Dissatisfaction (1 paragraph)
Consider the implementation of your new approach to communication and share which of your communication changes particularly displeased you.

3D. Implementation Analysis: Additional Changes (1 paragraph)
Consider the implementation of your new approach to communication and share which of your communication changes you still want to work on.

Note: For each section, be detailed and specific. You need to use several course materials from different chapters, course outcomes, videos, assessments, articles, etc. Your course project evaluation will be graded for comprehensive content, analysis evaluation, application of the course material, organization, and so forth. Please consider its weight when you place value on its importance to your final course grade.

Introduction: Communication Change Challenge (CCC)

This is your week to put into action what you have been learning regarding the communication challenge that you would like to change. You have put a plan in place, and now you will be implementing that plan. The goal is successful change.

Part 1: Beginning of the Week (1 paragraph)

For this CCC, you should have chosen a person with whom you share regular communication. So, you should have a few occasions this week to apply your plan. Under this heading for your submission, write down what you project will be your opportunities to implement your plan. You need to be on the look-out for when you will be putting your plan into place.

Part 2: Middle of the Week (1-2 paragraphs)

In this section, you will describe the setting and people involved in your exchange that was your implementation of your CCC plan. Include enough details so that the process of the exchange is understood.

Part 3: End of the Week

Under this heading, you will have the opportunity to reflect on the process that you went through for your Communication Change Challenge. Use the following sub-section headings for your responses (see template). You will evaluate the impact of the project as it relates to interpersonal communication and the course objectives (COs). It is important here that you clearly demonstrate your understanding of the course concepts through application to your course project.

Remember that your patterns for communicating interpersonally have been developed over many years. Therefore, you should be neither surprised nor discouraged to find that changing your interpersonal communication behavior takes time. In order for you to take this project to its fullest potential, you may need to continue to modify, implement, and reinforce these new behaviors for far longer than the duration of the project. It is possible, however, to modify the way you communicate because the payoff is improvement to our communication and relationship outcomes. Changing interpersonal communication for the better is worth the effort.

3A. Topic Selection Reflection (1 paragraph)
What course material did you use to help guide your particular communication change? Cite the information you found helpful as you write your paragraph summary of texts used.

3B. Implementation Analysis: Satisfaction (1 paragraph)
Consider the implementation of your new approach to communication and share which of your communication changes particularly pleased you?

3C. Implementation Analysis: Dissatisfaction (1 paragraph)
Consider the implementation of your new approach to communication and share which of your communication changes particularly displeased you.

3D. Implementation Analysis: Additional Changes (1 paragraph)
Consider the implementation of your new approach to communication and share which of your communication changes you still want to work on.

Note: For each section, be detailed and specific. You need to use several course materials from different chapters, course outcomes, videos, assessments, articles, etc. Your course project evaluation will be graded for comprehensive content, analysis evaluation, application of the course material, organization, and so forth. Please consider its weight when you place value on its importance to your final course grade.

Provide the name “States” to your Sheet at the bottom left corner. State the cell range of this dataset. What is listed in cells A1, B1, C1, and D1 in your spreadsheet?

Exel Data

Download the Excel data file (Links to an external site.) that we’ll use for this assignment.

On Spreadsheet 1, Dataset 1, review all the information on the spreadsheet.

Review the menu: Alignment, Number, Cells, and Editing Tabs.

Format the spreadsheet by using the Bold function to darken the variable names at the top. Also, fit the variable names into the columns.

Provide the name “States” to your Sheet at the bottom left corner.

State the cell range of this dataset.

What is listed in cells A1, B1, C1, and D1 in your spreadsheet?

Using conditional formatting, format each of the regions with a different color.

Using the AVERAGE formula, calculate the average obesity rate and average median household income across the United States. Report the results in Cells C53 and D53 respectively.

Report the state with the:
Highest and lowest obesity rate(s)

Highest and lowest median household income

Sort the data by region. [Hint: Use Data Tab!] Take a screenshot and add it to the Word document with your answers to previous questions.

Filter the data by region. Take a screenshot of all the states in the South region and add it to the Word document with your answers to previous questions.

Use the COUNTIF function to create a table like the one below and report how many states there are in each region.

Number of States Per Region
Number of States
Southern Region
Western Region
Northeastern Region
Midwestern Region
Save the dataset on your thumb drive/computer and keep a copy of your dataset.