
Critically analyze an organization, and its approach to human resource management decision making in supporting long-term business goals.

  Human Resource Management (HRM)

Critically analyze an organization, and its approach to human resource management decision making in supporting long-term business goals.

The assignment should be set out in a shortened report format. As with a full report, all published sources used should be acknowledged and correctly referenced, using the Harvard referencing system. Any diagrams relevant to the report content can be included in this assignment.

Title Section – this must include the name of the author and the date of the report.

Introduction – this section introduces and explains the topic, and demonstrates to the reader why the report is being made.

Main body – this is the main section where you will discuss your material. The facts and evidence you have gathered must be in relation to the assessment criteria (above) and should demonstrate analysis and discussion. Your analysis and discussion should be arranged in an order that is logical and easy to follow. Where necessary use sub-headings to create a clear structure for your discussion and analysis.

 Conclusion – this section should bring the introduction and main body to its conclusion, and should identify the main findings of the report.

 References – all published sources cited in the report must be referenced in alphabetical order, in line with Harvard referencing. These should be in alphabetical order.

 Appendices – this is where you should include all supporting information that you have used to support your analysis and discussion. The could include tables, graphs, questionnaires, surveys or transcripts.

Remember that if you do include appendices, to make reference to them in your report.

Is an ideal society one where people are free from interference or one where people are free from domination? Is colour-blindness an ideal that society should strive towards?

Ideals of Social Justice

1. Is an ideal society one where people are free from interference or one where people are free from domination?

2. Is colour-blindness an ideal that society should strive towards?

What are the tools with which we make decisions? How useful are these? Are there any limitation in diagnostic tools in pre-hospital setting? What mechanisms or diagnostic tools do we have to help? What are our choices of treatment? Do they follow guidance, and is that local or national? What is the evidence base behind our choices?

Prehospital management

How do we diagnose? (550 words)

  • How do we assess a patient? (Refer to Appendix -1)


-Primary survey-ABCDE negative or positive?

-Secondary survey – SOAP (subjective data, objective data, assessment, Plan) Why SOAP is important? (Appendix -2)

  • Data gathering tools. SAMPLER, SOCRATES

How effective are these tools? Does taking history only rule in/out a diagnosis? (Evidence research please for peer reviewed journal or book)

  • Consultation models and why they are useful?
  • (Such as; Cambridge model- structured well- how effective are they -in brief)


  • What are the tools with which we make decisions? How useful are these?


  • Are there any limitation in diagnostic tools in pre-hospital setting?


Diagnosis and Management: (650 words)

  • What mechanisms or diagnostic tools do we have to help? (Such as; News score 2/sepsis screening tool- relevant to a case study)


  • What are our choices of treatment?



  • Do they follow guidance, and is that local or national?


  • What is the evidence base behind our choices?



  • Referral of patients to an appropriate health care setting, medical practitioner or to other agencies.

Explain what you found interesting about the phenomena or linguistic ideas explained in class, giving specific examples.

Report instructions:

Explain what you found interesting about the phenomena or linguistic ideas explained in class, giving specific examples. 600 words minimum.

To what extent does it shape your personal identity? Are Africana women ‘s personal identities shaped by national, ethnic, or racial heritage more than others in America? If so, why? If not, why?

Personal identity

Think about your own national, ethnic, or racial heritage. To what extent does it shape your personal identity? Are Africana women ‘s personal identities shaped by national, ethnic, or racial heritage more than others in America? If so, why? If not, why?

Consolidate and critically review key theoretical and empirical knowledge on the key themes of gender, race/ethnicity, religion, class, disability and sexuality on a global scale. Critically apply intersectional thinking to the key themes of the module.

Injustice and Freedom

Formatting of assignment

Unless otherwise specified, assignments should be submitted as PDF or Word (.doc or .docx) files. You should use .5 line spacing, a sensible font in size 11 or 12, numbered pages, and must show a word count. Failure to do so may result in loss of some or all marks.


Careful referencing of sources is vital when making use of the work of others. You are expected to employ the referencing conventions recommended in the Course. These conventions apply to information taken from Internet sources, as well as books, journals and lectures. These are some of the points you should check before submitting your work:

-All direct quotations, from both primary and secondary sources, should be suitably acknowledged (placed in quotation marks or indented).

-You should provide full details of the source of the quotation, according to the referencing convention used in the Course.

-You should acknowledge the source of ideas not your own, even if you are not quoting directly from the source

-You need to avoid close paraphrase from sources. (Check that you are not presenting other people’s words or phrasing as if they are your own.)

4. Assessment criteria

Your assignment will be adjudged on your ability to:

1. Consolidate and critically review key theoretical and empirical knowledge on the key themes of gender, race/ethnicity, religion, class, disability and sexuality on a global scale;

2. Critically apply intersectional thinking to the key themes of the module;

3. Engage with different modes of resistance in reflective and creative ways.

As well as the Learning Outcome, your work is marked against the descriptors for the assessment criteria. The following criteria provides you with a good indicator of what we are looking for in your work at this level.

Discuss technology and how its evolved for the new organization. Discuss the different types of organizational structures and decide which structure is the best fit for “The New Organization”.

The New Organization


The New Organization consist of various generations in the workplace. Research the historical timeline of organizational
should consist of a complete historical analysis of organizational building. Include the following in your paper:

Differentiate the various generations and their characteristics. Include how those characteristics fit into “The New Organization

• Discuss technology and how its evolved for the new organization.
• Discuss the different types of organizational structures and decide which structure is the best fit for “The New Organization”.

Define the problem facing the client and summarize the key information in a problem definition worksheet. Create an issue tree to identify the potential key issues underlying Me clients problem.

Task 1: Fast Rood Restaurant RS mar.

The client is Beef Shake, a ‘Better Burger fast casual restaurant chain with 12 restaurants, located in London. The restaurants have a 1960s American diner dicor and the menu can be broken down Into 4 categories.

Beef/ Shake’s Menu

1 .Burgers and warm and cold sandwiches, including plant-based options, with a combination of 20 free toppings, served with fries.

2. Soft drinks, Unlimited refills from the ‘Freestyle’ fountain with 300 flavor combinations, some proprietary, from regular branded soft drinks or sparkling water, with or without extra flavorings, to exotic carbonated fruity drinks.

3. Fresh milkshakes, made with fruit and milkshake mix.ins to provide over LIAO varieties, some of which are proprietary and exclusive to !Beef Shake.

4. Desserts: cheesecakes, pastries, Ice cream and ‘bottomless’ frozen yogurt.


The first Beef Shake restaurant opened Its doors in May 2000 and, during the first 14 years of operations, the business grew rapidly. Between 2014 and 2019, Beef Shake still grew steadily but its growth rate did not match that of the previous years. The last restaurant opened in 2014.

The past two years have been difficult for Beef Shake. Successive Covid.19 lock-downs hit the business hard but profitability had already started to decline in 2019 and,according to the client, the restaurant Is steadily losing money. You have been contracted by the CEO of Beef Shake to discover the root of the problem.

Additional information:

• Beef Shake currently has a 696 market share of the London fast casual ‘Better Burger’ market.

• Beef Shake’s main competitors are:Shake Shack, Five Guys, Smashburger and, to a lesser extent,. Nando’s and Gourmet Burger profKhen.

• Compared to the sector average o BD to 125 seats, Beef Shake restaurants are more intimate and comfortably seat BOW BO people. Typical Beef Shake restaurant layout: 2 tables seating 6; 12 tables se .ng 4 and Stables se .ng i.e. an anrage of 72 seats and 20 tables per restaurant.

• Dinner service (Sprn-lOprn) average table tumover time is SO minutes, with a table turnover rate of 5, serving an average of 100 parties (based on 20 tables), whereas the average seat turnover rate is 4.5, serving an average of 2BB covers /based on an average of 64 occupied seats out of an average of 72 available seats). Table tu 0. r time, table tumover rate a. seat turnover rate are below sector benchmarks of 45 minutes, .7 ands respectively.

NB: Table turnover rate refers to the average number of times a table is flipped during service. Seat tumover rate refers to the average number of times a seat will be occupied during a serving peri.. A seat tumover rate that is lower than the table turnover rate means not all available seats at the table are filled e.g. a number of 4-person tables may be seating parties of 2 or 1

• Beef Shake has stated its main strengths and capabilities are related to its strong brand, high.. uality, menu a. customer choice, excellent customer service and the strong team dynamics among its employees.

• Employee turnover is 129w, which is below the hospitality sector average of 3095.

Required Mr Task 1 (Comments for task 1 should not exceed 500 words in Mak}

1. Define the problem facing the client and summarize the key information in a problem definition worksheet.The words contained in Me problem definition worksheet are not part of the word limit.

2. Create an issue tree to identify the potential key issues underlying Me clients problem.

Clearly outline which area would you like to maintain as it is and which one’s require fundamental changes and point out briefly how you would launch any change initiative.

Leading Globally 


Description of Assignment:

Selecting an organization

For this individual assignment, select any ONE of the following 9 organizations. If you wish to conduct analysis on another firm, which is of personal interest to you, you are allowed to do so.

Name Industry
Amazon Online Retail


Remember: You should aim to select the organization in which you have a strong personal interest.


Analysing the Organization

You should use publicly available information to begin your analysis: the organization’s Web site and corporate section is often the best starting point. Remember, however, that you are using the Web site as a source of data for the analysis; do not simply copy material off the Web site. Your assignment is an analysis, not a data-dump. In addition, the Factiva,, Wall Street Journal, or Lexis-Nexis database provides useful material on many organizations.


Questions to cover in your Analysis:

Your analysis should lead you to answer the following two questions:

> Question 1:

Describe your chosen organization paying specific attention to (a) its value proposition (b) how the value proposition has met the test of COVID-19 challenge- from March 2020 to first two weeks of 2022 – in home and global markets. (c) the challenges the organization has faced in the early and later stages of pandemic (d) how the firm is currently organized to deliver excellence paying specific attention to its organization culture and decision – covering aspects such as how the organisation approaches creating good jobs, diversity & inclusion, innovation, and performance, and the leadership/management styles it nurtures (e) how the firm views the role it plays as a socially responsible organization.

> Question 2:

Drawing upon the lessons from the course, outline the recommendations you would like to make to the board of your chosen organization post June 2022 to (a) strengthen excellence in your value proposition in both home and/or global markets and (b) organize your firm better to deliver that excellence (i.e.,  culture, diversity & inclusion, team and organization structure, leadership/management you covered in the first question) (c) redefine its role as a responsible organization with a clear mandate to create value through good jobs strategy and integrating social responsibility in its business model.

While making your recommendations:

  • clearly outline which area would you like to maintain as it is and which one’s require fundamental changes and point out briefly how you would launch any change initiative.

Important: Your submission should be in the form of a management report. For instance, it is good practice to have table of contents, start with an introduction and then have a solid conclusion. Consider the test:  If a senior manager of your chosen organisation came across your report, would they find it good enough to forward it to a forthcoming board meeting?


Maximum Word limit: 1500 words. There is 10% (+/-) flexibility in the word limit. Should be typed in 12 font Times New Roman. Single Space.

Use of Appendix for referring to figures and tables is optional and does not count towards word limit.

You will be assessed on (a) the depth of insight (b) justification of your argument, and (c) quality of course content application. Simply answering the questions is generally worth up to 60%; additional observations referencing material gleaned from your primary and secondary research and applying class lectures and readings are worth an additional 40% of the weightage assigned for this assignment.

Identify the governmental agency or authority responsible for regulation of the safety of the airline’s flight operations in its home nation.

Delta Airlines, INC.

2. Select a specific commercial airline headquartered anywhere in the world, then:

a. Describe the airline, its aircraft fleet, route structure and number of employees.

b. Determine whether the airline is organized as a corporation with private ownership or is owned by the national government.

c. Identify the governmental agency or authority responsible for regulation of the safety of the airline’s flight operations in its home nation.

d. Describe the certification requirements, including minimum flight time, if any, for commercial airline flight deck crew members in the airline’s home nation.

e. Identify the governmental agency or authority, if any, empowered to regulate the routes flown, rates charged, and other economic aspects of the airline’s flight operations.

f. Determine the extent to which the airline’s fleet consists of owned vs. leased aircraft

g. Identify and describe all accidents involving an aircraft operated by that airline since 1/01/2000, including the probable cause of each.

h. Determine whether the airline’s pilots and maintenance personnel based in the airline’s home nation are represented by a labor union or unions and identify and describe any strike activity that may have disrupted airline operations since 1/01/2000.

i. If neither the airline’s pilots nor its maintenance personnel are represented by a labor union or unions, discern whether a law of the airline’s home nation accounts for that and, if so, briefly describe that law.