
What makes you a perfect candidate for FIT? Why are you interested in the major you are applying to?


What makes you a perfect candidate for FIT? Why are you interested in the major you are applying to?

We’d like you to tell us in an essay. This is your chance to tell us more about your experiences, activities and accomplishments.

What can leaders do to create a culture of social innovation? Discuss in terms of social innovation in the Indian culture with special attention to organization like Azim Premji organization and leaders like him.

Social Innovation and Leadership

What can leaders do to create a culture of social innovation? Discuss in terms of social innovation in the Indian culture with special attention to organization like Azim Premji organization and leaders like him. In the Indian corporate culture how is it that a culture of social innovation can be devoleped. Pick atleast two of the discussion points below in the same context and discuss as well.

• Leadership and the self

• Leadership and collaboration within socially innovative organisations

• Leading and coordinating stakeholders across organisation

• Critical approaches to leadership use only peer reviewed sources.

What is something new you learned while listening to the webinar that may change your practice as an advanced practice nurse. What is something new you learned when completing the learning activity that may change your practice as an advanced practice nurse.

ADHD Assessment

Application of Learning Activity:

Review the assessment below and think about either your own child, someone in your family or someone that you know.

Student Time Allocation:  Approximately 6 hours each

  • Webinar attendance – 1 hour
  • Suggested readings – 2 hours
  • Application of learning (independent field experiences) – 2 hours
  • Debrief including written reflection– 1 hour



Answer the Following Questions:

  1. What is something new you learned while listening to the webinar that may change your practice as an advanced practice nurse.
  2. What is something new you learned when completing the learning activity that may change your practice as an advanced practice nurse.
  3. Reflect on how you will apply what you have learned to educating nursing students or if you are in a professional development role, nursing and hospital staff.

Student Documentation of Learning:

  • Students will enter the Direct Care Application Activities on the Practicum Log
  • Students will attend or engage with all of the following:
    • Webinar
    • Assigned Reading
    • Field experiences to put learning into practice
    • Debrief to include written Reflection
  • Student will complete the above questions on this document and upload this document along with the practicum log to get credit for the webinar.

Write an essay based on the filmed interview will assess the students’ ability to demonstrate their social work skills through reflective learning about their own communication skills and models which enhance direct practice.

Developing social work skills for Practice

Assignment Brief

Students are required to pass both elements of the assignment brief in order to pass the module

Element 1: Skills Portfolio

A portfolio of evidence demonstrating learning from the module. The portfolio will contain the following:

2. A reflective account of a service user presentation. The reflective account should be c3based on one of the presentations provided as part of the module and should include an understanding of the service user or carer experience.

3. Completed personal and professional development plan (PPDP)

A 2000 word essay based on the filmed interview will assess the students’ ability to demonstrate their social work skills through reflective learning about their own communication skills and models which enhance direct practice.
Both assignment elements need to be passed to achieve 100%. All module learning outcomes will be assessed in the portfolio and the essay.

Describe how information systems support management decisions at different levels within organizations. Describe theories, methods and techniques which relate to the design and development of IT solutions.

Information Systems & IT Solution

1. Content, Introduction, Conclusion, References.

2.Describe how information systems support management decisions at different levels within organizations.

3. Describe theories, methods and techniques which relate to the design and development of IT solutions.

4. In business, good decision making requires the effective use of information. You are hired by an organization to examine how information systems support management decisions at different levels within organizations. You are also assigned to investigate the methods and techniques which relate to the design and development of IT solutions. Your research has been divided into different tasks. The findings from Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 can be submitted in a portfolio format.

5. TASK1 Describe theories, methods and techniques which relate to the design and development for TWO of the IT solutions listed here: (i) McAfee; (ii) Moodle; (iii) Canvas; (iv) MS Office.

6. TASK 2 Explain the systems below with relevant examples:

I. DSS (Decision Support System)

II. ESS (Executive Support System)

III. TPS (Transaction Processing System)

IV. MIS (Management Information System)

V. KSM (Knowledge Management System)7. TASK 3 What is Globalization? What are the effects of IT on Globalization?

8. TASK 4 Give an example of one digital infrastructure; define it, list advantages and disadvantages of it.

9. TASK 5 What are the risks associated with information systems outsourcing? Why is IT infrastructure so critical to digital transformation?

10. It is expected that the Reference List will contain between 10 and 18 sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include 2 refereed academic journal and three academic books.

What is meant by organisational politics? How could you reference the theory? and what role does organisational politics play in the real-life organisational example(s) you have chosen?

Business management

A critical review of Power and Modern Leadership Practices using practical examples from business ( 1500 words) this does not include reference and appendices

1. Introduction (approx 250 words). You need to state the aims and objectives of your critical review. Introduce the key concepts, ideas, theories, theorists you will use in relation to power, politics and conflict. Identify which real-life examples you will use from industry to apply the theory to.

2. Academic Analysis (approx 1000 words), where you briefly evaluate all of the three concepts ( see below) we have studied in relation to practical business cases and examples e.g. Apple/ Samsung

Power – Discuss the concept of Power in leadership and business. Drawing on the leader you used in your video as well as texts/ case examples used in the module apply the key concepts to show your understanding e.g. Machiavelli, French and Raven’s 6 Bases of Power, power in negotiation

Politics – what is meant by organisational politics? How could you reference the theory? and what role does organisational politics play in the real-life organisational example(s) you have chosen?

Conflict – What is the nature of the conflict? How was it created and what impact does it have on the outcome for the organisation?

Use relevant Harvard Business Referencing

Linking Theory to Practice – How can you use your real-life organisational examples to demonstrate how the theory on Power, Politics and Conflict is reflected in real business life?

Conclusion (approx. 250 words)

Bring together the ideas and theories you discuss in relation to the real-life business examples. State how you have achieved the aims and objectives of your review. You should identify the core the issues in relation to Power, Politics and Conflict. Write how the assignment has helped you understand the theory and how this is applied in a business setting.

Critically reflect on the process of your group work to complete the task. Critically reflect on your individual contribution in the group task. Discuss your individual learning process within the group work while carrying out the task.

Individual Reflective report – a Strategic Financial Management Report for a Multinational Company (Tesco)


Introduction – In this section, you should provide a short summary of your group work and the approaches taken to complete the group work.

Reflection – In this section you need to address the elements request in the individual reflective report task as per the following:

1) Critically reflect on the process of your group work to complete the task.

2) Critically reflect on your individual contribution in the group task.

3) Discuss your individual learning process within the group work while carrying out the task.

4) Critically reflect on the strength and weakness of working as a group.

5) Discuss alternative methods in carrying out the group report if given the chance to do the group task again.

Conclusion– In this section, you need to summarize the main discussions of your reflective report.

– construct an argument using appropriate academic references ,journal articles, models, theory and practical case examples to illustrate your points.

– The group experience was on of the best, everyone was participating and handling their part in good way. Although 3 members of the group got covid which affected our work for 10 days, we all helped each other and worked to finish before our deadline to have a well constructed work. This group taught me discipline and dedication in all aspects.

What are the advantages of having formed the company as a corporation? What other organizational structures would have been appropriate? Could Interact Systems qualify for S corporation status with the IRS? Why or why not? What is the intellectual property involved in Interact Systems’ business model?

Case Study


Interact Systems, Inc. has developed software tools that help hotel chains solve application integration problems. Interact’s Application Integration Server (AIS) provides a two-way interface between central reservations systems (CRS) and property management systems (PMS). At least two important trends in the hotel industry are relevant. First, hotels are shifting away from the manual booking of room reservations and electronic bookings will continue to increase as more bookings are made over the Internet. Second, competitive pressures are forcing hotels to implement yield management programs and to improve customer service. By integrating the CRS and PMS through Interact’s AIS, inventories can be better managed, yields improved, and customer service enhanced.

All reservation traffic is routed from the CRS to individual hotel properties. This allows Interact Systems to create a database that can be used to track customers and to facilitate marketing programs, such as frequent stay or VIP programs, as a way of increasing customer satisfaction. Interact forecasts application integration expenditures in the hospitality industry to exceed $1 billion by 2021.

Greg Thomas founded Interact Systems in 2015 and developed the firm’s middleware software and hospitality applications. He has twelve years of systems applications experience and currently is Interact’s Chief Technology Officer. Eric Westskow joined Interact in early 2018 as President and CEO. Prior to that time, he worked in sales and marketing in the software industry for over twenty years.

Address the following questions in detail?

A. What are the advantages of having formed the company as a corporation?

B. What other organizational structures would have been appropriate?

C. Could Interact Systems qualify for S corporation status with the IRS? Why or why not?

D. What is the intellectual property involved in Interact Systems’ business model?

E. What methods of protection are available for Interact Systems’ intellectual property?


What are the basic epistemological and ontological assumptions, features, and debates on which quantitative and qualitative research is based? On what philosophical basis do these two main approaches differ? What are the main points of discussion on differences?

Methodological Distinctions and Controversies in Sociological Research

The primary purpose of research conducted in social sciences, in general, is to reach valid and reliable information about social facts and events. As a social science, sociology aims to deal with the form, internal dynamics, and interaction of social phenomena and events using the most scientifically appropriate methods. However, there are various debates about what research method should be followed to reach scientific data in social sciences and sociology. Another discussion in social sciences is about the concepts used in scientific research methods and techniques. So much so that the concepts of research method, research technique, and research design are frequently used interchangeably in the social science literature. Research method can be defined as the path followed to achieve the purpose of the research. In this context, what are the basic epistemological and ontological assumptions, features, and debates on which quantitative and qualitative research is based? On what philosophical basis do these two main approaches differ? What are the main points of discussion on differences? How do these discussions affect the research design and process? Why should the researcher be aware of these discussions when choosing a research model?


How did the material on a Homeland Security issue affect you? Did your learning about the material on a Homeland Security issue change your mind about something? Has the material on a Homeland Security issue left you with any questions? Were there any unaddressed critical issues not covered by the material on a Homeland Security issue?

Patrol Methodologies & Community Policing


The goal of this paper for you to write your opinion on a Homeland Security issue that we did not previously cover in this course without using first or second person. In this paper, you get the opportunity to write your point of view on the material reviewed during the week – and the best part is that there is no wrong answer! This paper is your opinion, and as such, it is your job to express your thoughts in a manner that is comprehensible and clear for any and all readers. Feel free to write your thoughts freely, without any constraints.

After you finished the readings you selected for the week, it is time to brainstorm. Some simple brainstorm techniques for writing reflection papers can involve you answering some of the basic questions below:

How did the material on a Homeland Security issue affect you?

Did your learning about the material on a Homeland Security issue change your mind about something? If so, how.

Has the material on a Homeland Security issue left you with any questions? If so, what are they.

Were there any unaddressed critical issues not covered by the material on a Homeland Security issue?

How will the material on a Homeland Security issue impact your future in Homeland Security?

Components of the Reflection Paper

Introduction – specifies what you are reflecting upon.

Body Paragraphs – examines the ideas and experiences you have had in context to your topic. Be sure that each new body paragraph starts with a topic sentence. Remember that your paper must be at least 2½ pages long and no more than 3 pages so clear and concise writing is critical.

Conclusion – summarize what you have learned from the material. Tell the reader how this knowledge affected your overall understanding of the subject. Describe the feeling and overall lesson that you had from the material on a Homeland Security issue.

Technical Requirements:

Your paper must be at a minimum of 2½ pages and a maximum of 3 full pages. It is important that you do not fall under or exceed the required page length since in the world of Homeland Security your readers, Homeland Security professions and decision-makers have limited time to spend on a paper and learning to write concisely, and presenting your paper in a manner that matches there reading style is critical.