
Analyse the assessment data of the community using the chosen community assessment model. Provide a concise analysis of the assessment data. From your analysis you have the opportunity to formulate several community diagnoses. Write one clearly written community diagnoses.

Community Assessment and Diagnosis |

The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to conduct a partial community assessment and diagnose one area of need for health promotion related to an identified population.

Assignment Guidelines

The paper will begin with an overview of your selected population, providing the reader with a rational for the importance of the health assessment and will include demographic details to provide context for this work. Students will then conduct an assessment using either the Population Health Promotion Model or the Canadian Community as Partner Model. The student will provide rational outlining why the selected model was chosen before discussing either 3 determinants of health or 3 segments from the community assessment wheel. An analysis of the assessment data will be included. Assessment data will form the basis of a community diagnosis. This diagnosis will shape the basis for your health promotion program in Assignment 4. In Assignment 3 students will:

Describe and provide the rationale for the selected population/group you have chosen.

Include relevant demographic and epidemiological data.

Outline the assessment methods used:

Population Health Promotion Model, provide the rationale for your choice, select 3 determinants of health, and complete an assessment in relation to the group.


Canadian Community-as-Partner Model, provide the rationale for your choice, select 3 segments from the community assessment wheel, and complete an assessment in relation to the group.

Analyse the assessment data of the community using the chosen community assessment model. Provide a concise analysis of the assessment data.

From your analysis you have the opportunity to formulate several community diagnoses. Write one clearly written community diagnoses. Outline if it is a wellness or deficit diagnosis. The community diagnosis will frame your work in Assignment 4).

Provide rationale for the community diagnosis supported by the analysis of the assessment data for the community.

How effective is the partnership between IT and the business at Hefty Hardware? Identify the shortcomings of both IT and the business.

Case note

1. Overall, how effective is the partnership between IT and the business at Hefty Hardware? Identify the shortcomings of both IT and the business.

2. Create a plan for how IT and the business can work collaboratively to deliver the Savvy Store program successfully.

Review the article, “The Next Frontier in Strategy”

5 Principles on Using Information Technology to Improve your Business

Describe how you used and its effectiveness. It may have not been effective, partially effective, or very effective. Identify at least three skills you would like to focus on to improve your communication and identify how you will strengthen these skills.

Effective Communication Exercise and Analysis

Begin by identifying an issue about which you and another person have differing opinions or perspectives. The other person may be a co-worker, friend, partner, or spouse. It can be helpful to choose a dialogue partner with whom you feel comfortable seeking feedback after you have completed your conversation.

Arrange to discuss the issue with the other person and take this opportunity to exercise heightened awareness of your communication strengths and areas for growth. Listen to what you are saying and how you are saying it.

During the discussion, your goal is to come to understand the other person’s perspective and to effectively convey your own point of view. You do not need to reach a resolution of the issue.

After you have completed your discussion, analyze your use of each of the following communication skills:
• open-ended questions
• direct facilitative questions
• paraphrasing
• perception checks
• I-messages
• clear, descriptive language
• communication of ideas, feelings, and wants

If you were able to receive some concrete feedback from your dialogue partner, include this your assignment. Based on what you learn, identify skill areas that you would like to focus on to strengthen your communication skills as a manager. Indicate how you will go about strengthening these skills.

Summarize your analysis in 4–6 typed pages, double-spaced, and submit it through Blackboard.
You do not need a transcript of your conversation. Page count does not include the cover page, executive summary, or reference pages.
The best approach to this paper is as follows:

• Identify the issue.

• For each communication skill, provide an academic reference describing the skill.
Describe how you used (or did not use the skill) and its effectiveness. It may have not been effective, partially effective, or very effective. This does not matter as much as your analysis.

• Identify at least three skills you would like to focus on to improve your communication and identify how you will strengthen these skills.

Briefly outline the properties of monoclonal antibodies that make them useful as therapeutic options. Identify reservations or disadvantages about the use of monoclonal antibodies in the clinic.

Open book exam, need to write 1 page for 20 marks

SECTION A (60 marks)
1. Steroids are endogenous hydrophobic hormones generated from cholesterol.

Identify similarities and differences between the multiple molecular targets of endogenous steroids in humans. In your answer, focus on the:
a) Primary sequence comparisons of the molecular targets for the endogenous steroids
[3 marks]

b) Signalling characteristics of the molecular targets for the endogenous steroids [4 marks]

c) Tissue locations of the molecular targets for the endogenous steroids [3 marks]

Identify TWO different diseases/disorders for which named drugs in use in the clinic target enzymes which regulate the levels of endogenous steroids.

For EACH disease,

d) Describe the pathology associated with the disease/disorder and identify the enzyme targetted;
The substrates and products of the enzymatic reactions;
How the drug acts at molecular, cellular, organ and organismal level to treat the disease/disorder;

Disadvantages or common adverse effects of the use of the drug;
How the drug has been developed from predecessor versions to improve its usefulness
[20 marks]

2. Antibodies have become increasingly widespread as therapeutic alternatives to treat diseases/disorders.

a) Briefly outline the properties of monoclonal antibodies that make them useful as therapeutic options. [2.5 marks]

b) Identify reservations or disadvantages about the use of monoclonal antibodies in the clinic. [2.5 marks]

c) Identify TWO antibodies designed to target named G proteincoupled receptors, the tissue/cellular locations of those targets and the disease/disorder the antibodies are used to treat [2.5 marks]

d) Identify TWO antibodydrug conjugates and outline how they differ from simple’ monoclonal antibodies. Identify the molecular/cellular targets for their use, as well as the disease/disorder they are intended to treat [2.5 marks]

e) Discuss the treatment of cancers using antibodies and related biopharmaceuticals.

In your answer, compare the use of antibodies with small molecule drugs.
Making use of specific named examples,

Describe the pathology associated with the cancer, which is targetted by treatment with those antibodies/drugs;

How the antibody/drug acts at molecular, cellular, organ and organismal level to treat the cancer;

Contraindications, disadvantages or common adverse effects of the use of the antibody/drug;

How the antibody/drug has been developed from predecessor versions to improve its usefulness [20 marks]


SECTION B (40 marks)

3. Calcium is an important regulator of cell function.

Outline the pathways through which calcium levels inside the cell can be regulated and what impacts elevating intracellular calcium can have in different cell types.

Describe how named drugs can modify intracellular calcium levels for therapeutic gain in specified diseases/disorders.
[20 marks]

4. Describe adaptations evoked by longterm exposure to receptor agonists and antagonists in clinical use. In your answer, identify desirable and unwanted effects of the named ligands used. Describe any mitigating approaches during therapy to account for the adaptation phenomenon and strategies to deal with cessation of medication. [20 marks]

Discuss key theoretical concepts and make sense of your experiences, by analysing concepts and experiences. 



  • In the reflective essay you are required to explore your experiences of working within your team. As this is an academic essay your work should start with an introduction identifying the focus of your work. Within the main body of the essay, ensure you discuss key theoretical concepts and make sense of your experiences, by analysing concepts and experiences.  As reflection must result in action, in your conclusion include some indication as to how you plan to use insights gained, to enable you to develop your own practice and ways of working.


In the reflective essay the use of the first person is appropriate

Throughout, you must demonstrate a level of critical thinking and avoid merely describing what happened or what you might do.


  • Consider ways in which you can develop practice and the process and challenges associated with this
  • Relate the theoretical concepts discussed during the module to you experiences of working in a team.
  • Through a process of reflection identify ways in which to develop you own practice.

What are the implications for Indigenous peoples / non-Indigenous peoples to also have the stories of resilience and resurgence as part of their discourse and the public discourse? How is social work been implicated in the stories of colonization and resurgence?

Decolonizing Critical Reflective Analysis (DCRA) – Colonization, Resilience Resurgence

The following requires you to engage in a Decolonizing /Decolonializing Critical Reflective Analysis.

Be sure to work with relevant course readings and materials as you engage in your reflections and analysis.

Corntassel, Chaw-win-is & T’lakwadzi (2009) point out the “danger in allowing colonization to be the only story of Indigenous lives” (p. 139) as it inherently centers the colonizer’s power. To counter this risk, they argue that we also must bring to light Indigenous stories of “resilience and resurgence” (p. 139).

• Consider the implications for focusing/not focusing on the story of colonization? For colonization to be the ONLY story in Indigenous lives?

• Consider resilience and resurgence at the micro and macro levels?

• What are the implications for Indigenous peoples / non-Indigenous peoples to also have the stories of resilience and resurgence as part of their discourse and the public discourse?

• How is social work been implicated in the stories of colonization and resurgence?

• How can the medicine wheel as a theoretic framework help us understand colonization and its effects and Indigenous resurgence /resilience? Be mindful of your own reactions (thoughts, feeling, actions). Link them to your own worldview(s).

• Consider the cultural, political and social influences on yourself, your experiences and your thinking.

• Consider how your experiences and your thinking / understanding/ meaning making may be similar/different from Indigenous experiences and perspectives.

What am I trying to achieve? How will my audience react to what I am trying to achieve? Will my message be resisted? What do I know about my audience that will help me tailor my message?

Unit VIII Mini Project

  • Weight:11% of course grade


For this assignment, you will create a communication strategy that fosters change and innovation in an organization. Explain the context in which it occurs and the options that are available. Develop a solution that will solve the organizational issue and meet the needs of the people involved.

Feel free to use the same organization you researched for the Unit VI and Unit VII Assignments. You are not limited to this organization, but it may be easier to complete the assignment since you have already researched it for Unit VI and/or Unit VII. You can use the same sources for all assignments, if applicable.

In the report, you will provide a potential audience analysis, create a purposeful message, and discuss a type of channel that you could use for feedback. Include answers to Neal’s (2010) communication questions, which are listed below:

  1. What am I trying to achieve?
  2. How will my audience react to what I am trying to achieve?
  3. Will my message be resisted?
  4. What do I know about my audience that will help me tailor my message? (p. 40)

Do not include the question/answers in a bullet or list format. Instead, integrate the responses in your paragraphs.

Use the standard five-paragraph format (introduction/body/conclusion). Include at least two academic sources. APA format should be used. The assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length. Content, organization, and grammar/mechanics will be evaluated.


Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

Playing the drums

1.Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

– For this prompt, the idea that is engaging would be playing the drums.

Analyze your issue or event in technology through the first two lenses introduced in this course: history and the humanities

4-2 Final Project Milestone Two: Analyzing an Issue or Event in Technology through the Lenses of History and the Humanities

Analyze your issue or event in technology through the first two lenses introduced in this course: history and the humanities. This will provide you with a chance to practice analyzing your issue or event through these lenses. You will receive feedback on this practice attempt.

What will be the elements of the conversation? How might the other person respond? What could go well? What might derail your success in meeting your communication goal?

Introduction: Communication Change Challenge (CCC)

In Week 2 of your CCC, you will be laying the foundation and putting together a plan for the change you will implement in Week 3. The challenge you identified and had approved in 1E during Week 1 is the challenge that will be your focus for Weeks 2 and 3.

Note: The headings identified below and detailed on your template must be used to keep your submission organized.

Project Timeline
The following is a breakdown of what will be covered in each part of the project: Describing communication pattern, analyzing goal, and developing a plan.

Before you try to repair the communication challenge identified in Week 1 Part 1E, you first need to identify a pattern and understand where the breakdown takes place. Consider your encounters over the last few weeks. When did this challenge occur? If you have selected as your challenge "keeping a calm voice when instructing my children," then identify when you did not keep a calm voice. Next, identify your challenge as a behavioral pattern. Here is this challenge stated above as a behavioral goal, “I want to keep a calm voice when instructing my children. Now it is your turn, write your behavioral challenge as a behavioral goal that begins with the phrase, “I want to….”

Next, put yourself in someone else’s shoes. . . someone who has the same communication challenge you identified in 1E in Week 1. Answer the following questions as if you were watching the challenge take place.

What did that person do to escalate the communication challenge?
What could that person have done to de-escalate the communication challenge?
What must that person be saying and/or doing for me to say that he/she has achieved the communication goal that he or she shares with you?

Part 1: Identifying Patterns (2 pages)
Sometimes, stepping outside yourself and viewing the communication challenge objectively can help you to see trigger points and strategies more clearly. Now that you have had an opportunity to do that, brainstorm a minimum of three strategic steps that could be taken based on what you have learned thus far from the textbook. You will need to search through the textbook for specifics, and those specifics will need to be cited within this section using APA in-text citations.

Strategic Step 1:
Strategic Step 2:
Strategic Step 3:

Based on the three strategic steps you have identified above, now it is time to write out some declarative statements. Following each declarative statement, you will need to share what will help you and what will hinder you as you move toward reaching your own communication challenge goal. Ex.

Declaration 1: In order for me to achieve my goal of . . ., I will . . .
Declaration 2: In order for me to achieve my goal of . . ., I will . . .
Declaration 3: In order for me to achieve my goal of . . ., I will . . .

Remember to follow each declaration with a paragraph that provides further insight.

Part 2: Plan and Practice (1-2 pages)
Now that you have a clear goal and declarative statements, it is time to plan a rehearsal. A rehearsal can be helpful when you need to think through all the details needed for a production to go well. You are not putting on a play, but you are moving toward your event in Week 3 when you will apply all that you have been doing and learning. So, let's consider what is needed for your rehearsal.

A covert rehearsal is an effective way of trying out new communication behaviors. Think about a time and place that will allow you to practice your new interpersonal communication skill to meet your goal as outlined in your new behaviors listed in Part 1 (above). By covertly rehearsing in your mind, you make it much more likely that you will perform the behavior comfortably and effectively in real life situations. For example, if you are planning to initiate and maintain a conversation with your neighbor, you should think through a number of possible topics and questions before finally choosing what you perceive to be the best options. In other words, think before you speak. Plan what you will say and do in a particular situation where you can practice your goal.

If you are having a hard time talking to people in your mind, speak to yourself out loud or speak to your reflection in the mirror. Think about the following:

Identify the situation you would like to practice. Do you want to plan a new conversation, or replay a past situation but change the outcome?
Where will you have this conversation – in the kitchen, on the bus, in the cafeteria at lunch, at school in a classroom, in the board room, in your managers office, or at a friend’s house?
Consider how your physical surroundings will affect your rehearsal.
Consider the conversation: What would make it effective? What would need to change?

Now that you have thought through this conversation scenario, you are ready to select a communication event, related to your goal, for which you will prepare covertly. Choose a communication event that mirrors the communication goal you have selected, then you will begin to prepare for this event privately or secretly – covertly. As you imagine yourself practicing your new skill, focus hard on specific interactions. Actually think about what you would say and how the other person might respond. Don’t just go through the motions. Really see yourself asking specific questions, making specific comments, and hearing the other person replying. As you imagine the sequence, apply principles you are learning so that you can practice precisely what you want to say and how you want to say it. Experiment with what appears to be the most effective and comfortable way for you to implement the new behaviors you have been learning.

Now it is time to do some writing. In this section, you will submit a detailed narrative that identifies your selected communication challenge and the potential plan you want to implement in Week 3. Include the following:

2A. Surroundings
Describe the potential surroundings – specific room, physical surroundings and so forth. Include an explanation of how your physical surroundings might affect your plan negatively, positively, or both.

2B. People
Describe the people who will potentially participate in this communication event

What will be the elements of the conversation?
How might the other person respond?
What could go well?
What might derail your success in meeting your communication goal?

In a quiet place, begin thinking about the plan for your conversation event; consider how you would like to see it evolve. When you hit rough spots, try a variety of options until you find a response that pleases you. If you are having trouble with this, pretend you are an author planning to write the dialogue for a reality TV episode, or you are composing lines for characters in a play or movie or book. Use the mirror technique and take turns role-playing both people in the conversation. You can also use puppets, stuffed animals, socks on your hands, or different hats or coats to take the parts of two people having a conversation.

Practice through the plan using different scenarios. In your imaginary practice, make sure that you are always aiming toward achieving your communication goal.

2C. Reflection
In a well-written paragraph, explain how your covert rehearsals helped to equip you for implementing your plan in Week 3.