Explain what, if anything, is Jenbury Financial currently not doing that it needs to be in order to flourish and thrive at their stated aims as a company? Explain what, if anything, Jenbury Financial must consider when promoting this new course?
Integrated Marketing Communications In The Digital Age
Section 1: Campaign Plan (25 marks)
1. Defining the problem statement. (7 marks)
• Briefly introduce the brand, position, industry.
• Explain what, if anything, is Jenbury Financial currently not doing that it needs to be in order to flourish and thrive at their stated aims as a company?
o Make any necessary reference to competitors, industry factors and trends, and technological changes or advancements which may help you define the problem.
o Relate to the brand’s position and existing communication strategies. Highlight any issues of confusion or positioning as relevant.
• Explain what, if anything, Jenbury Financial must consider when promoting this new course?
• Briefly preview (1 sentence) how your campaign will help address this problem.
2. Indicate and justify a target audience for your campaign. (8 marks)
• Some targeting details will be given you to after Assignment 1, prior to starting work on this assignment. Instead of starting a new profile, you will be asked to:
o Briefly explain/justify why this target is suitable
o Justify any additions or alterations you make to this profile
o Indicate where/when these consumers are receptive to marketing communications
o Outline their level of awareness when it comes to the brand and to financial services
(Hierarchy of Effects / Week 4 and 5)
3. Outline your campaign objective and more narrow communication goals. (10 marks)
• What is the broad marketing communications objective to this campaign? (week 5)
o Who/What/When format
o Why this objective – it must clearly relate or be justified back to the problem statement and/or to the target segment.
• Outline the more specific communication goals, for example: (5 marks)
o What do we want our target audience to think at the end of this campaign?
o What do you intend to change? Their perceptions? Attitudes? Etc? In what way?
o What action do we want our audience to take as a result of this campaign?