
Write a researched essay that formulates an original line of inquiry into a complex problem related to globalization, using your major areas of concentration to propose a solution.

How globalization impacts communicable diseases and noncommunicable diseases in public health.

Write a researched essay that formulates an original line of inquiry into a complex problem related to globalization, using your major areas of concentration to propose a solution.

You need to use at least 10 sources; at least 5 must be academic (peer reviewed) sources; the others can be reliable non-academic sources

Describe how the activities in this lesson are aligned to the learning outcomes and how the learning experiences will be differentiated to meet individual needs? How do you plan to give your students varied experience and keep them engaged and motivated to learn?

Pre-observation (Planning) Questions

Each prompt relates to the indicated component of the Danielson Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument.
Type on this form and email it to the observer prior to the pre-observation conference. Also, present artifacts (evidence) for Domains 1 and 4b during the pre-conference for review.

1. What is the academic relationship between this lesson with past or future lessons (Why this lesson? Why now?) (1a,1c)

2. What is the learning target (what you want the students to know and be able to do by the end of the lesson) for the lesson to be observed? (1a,1c)

3. Briefly describe the class, your greatest challenges with your students – including special needs – and the strategies you are using to meet those challenges? From what sources do you seek to learn about your students? (1b)

4. Describe the co-teaching model(s) that will take place, if applicable. (1b,1e)

5. What will students learn as a result of the instructional engagement? How do your selected outcomes reflect important learning and high expectations for students? (1c)

6. What options are available for students who need extra support and time to meet the instructional goals and for those who may have already mastered them? (1c)

7. What resources and/or modifications will/did you use to plan, prepare, and execute this lesson? (1d)

8. Describe how the activities in this lesson are aligned to the learning outcomes and how the learning experiences will be differentiated to meet individual needs? How do you plan to give your students varied experience and keep them engaged and motivated to learn? (1e)

9. How do you use multiple forms of assessment including checks for understanding, formative and summative to plan instruction and inform your work? What should I expect to hear your students say or do that would be evidence that they have met the learning target for the lesson? (1f)

10. How do you maintain instructional and non-instructional records? Records kept outside of Realtime should be presented to the observer during the observation or during the post-observation conference. (4b)

Compare and contrast the satirical aspects of Fernão Mendes Pinto’s Peregrination AND José Saramago’s The Elephant’s Journey.

PORTUGUESE LITERATURE – Comparison of Two Literary Texts

Compare and contrast the satirical aspects of Fernão Mendes Pinto’s Peregrination AND José Saramago’s The Elephant’s Journey. (2500 words). Find attached all the sources needed in order to write such essay, ALL OF THEM in English, just like the essay to be written which also has to be in English. Of course, knowledge on Portuguese literature appreciated. Quote, add footnotes and references. Be comparative, analytic, not too descriptive. Each paragraph should focus on a different subtopic within the book or the novels. For example, for ‘Peregrination’ each paragraph could focus on a different chapter or a different scene.

Present results in clear and neat excel tables pasted in your coursework document. Discuss both econometric and economic interpretation of your results. Start from simple baseline and then present results of more sophisticated models.

Econometrics-STATA software

This is a group project and I have to do the ‘results’ part (1000words). The topic of the coursework is ‘The local development in Mexico and how criminality has an impact on FDI and International Trade. Our indicator is the level of criminality within a location.’

Instructions for the Results part:

1. Present results in clear and neat excel tables pasted in your coursework document. Do not include screenshots or tables copy/pasted directly from STATA. Use the appropriate commands to extract results in Excel tables.

2.Discuss both econometric and economic interpretation of your results.

3. Start from simple baseline and then present results of more sophisticated models. (e.g. Simple Regression model,Multiple regression model,Panel regression, Test for Heteroskedasticity)

4. Link back to findings in previous studies.

5.Clear interpretation of estimated coefficients and statistical significance for the most important independent variables.

6.Briefly discuss additional results and robustness tests.

7.Discuss limitations of your study.

Discuss the differences between establishing and abolishing operations and explain why you might manipulate these Motivating Operations as part of planned behavior change. Explain each type of Differential Reinforcement (DRO/DRI/DRA/DRL), and provide a basic example of how two DR procedures can be used to promote changes in behavior.

Motivating Operations, Differential Reinforcement, Stimulus Class, and Verbal Behavior

For this assignment, you will provide a long answer essay response to each of the questions below. For each question, you are encouraged to use the peer-reviewed resources provided throughout the units to support your responses. Please do not copy and paste the whole question into the document. Rather, provide the question number (1-4) and a brief heading that correlates with each section of the grading rubric.

(Ex. 1. Motivating Operations and Differential Reinforcement)

1. Discuss the differences between establishing and abolishing operations and explain why you might manipulate these Motivating Operations as part of planned behavior change. Next, explain each type of Differential Reinforcement (DRO/DRI/DRA/DRL), and provide a basic example of how two DR procedures can be used to promote changes in behavior. Finally, discuss how other procedures might be incorporated to support a differential reinforcement approach as part of a behavior reduction component to the plan.

2. First, define stimulus and stimulus class and provide an example that demonstrates your understanding of the concept. Next, define the concept of stimulus control and how stimulus control is established, differentiating between generalization and discrimination of stimuli. Finally, review Jasmine’s Case Example (transcript attached below) to examine how you would use response and stimulus prompt fading to transfer stimulus control to a more relevant stimulus, including the application of differential reinforcement, as part of a maintenance plan for a target behavior.

3. First, discuss the basic concept of Verbal Behavior as an operant paradigm. Next, discuss each of the elementary verbal operants, categorizing them according to their properties of point-to-point correspondence, formal similarity, and appropriate reinforcement according to each operant’s specific function. Finally, provide a unique example of each verbal operant to demonstrate your understanding of how each is applied to the development of language.

4. Discuss the concept of Derived Stimulus Relations as it applies to the development of language and cognition. Explain the similarities and differences of how derived stimulus relations and verbal behavior contribute to the development of an individual’s language and cognition. Finally, identify the three parts of stimulus equivalence, and explain how each part applies to the development of derived stimulus relations in language.

What are the main points of the literature in relation to your research question? Are there any themes coming through? Or What themes have been identified? Compare and contrast any emerging themes. Is there a reliance on a particular theme(s)?

How can a healthy lifestyle prevent or reduce type 2 diabetes in older adults?


Guidelines for the Implementing Best Evidence Summative Assignment
‘Summative Assessment: 3000 words assignment will be on your Chosen area of Evidence-based practice,
You are required to submit a journal style paper outlining your chosen area of evidence-based practice.

Assignment Guidelines

All assignments will be submitted electronically through Moodle according to the guidance below:

Document Layout

* 2.0 line spacing

* Size 12 font Arial

* Page number as a footer on all pages

* Your name must not be on any part of your script

The Paper Title

The title should provide outline of your chosen area of evidence-based practice.

As the title is one of the first indicators your readers will get of your research and concepts, it should be concise, accurate, and informative.

An introduction is a pivotal part of the paper writing process. Therefore, it should introduce your topic and stance on the subject, provide a clear intent statement, and signpost the essay.

Research question

Rationale for asking this question-why are you asking this?

Is there a lack of evidence in the existing literature?

Introduce how you formulated your question.

You must use PICO/PEO to define your question clearly.


You need to look at the evidence base for your chosen topic. This will require good literature searching skills and a clear account of the search strategy you used. 6-15 papers are recommended, but there may be depending on your question. Describe your search terms. Outline how you performed your literature search i.e. what database(s) you used, Keywords and Boolean Operatives, inclusion and exclusion criteria, any other filters used and provide a clear rationale for these decisions with references.

Search strategy
Describe your findings and use a table and PRISMA chart to depict results and place them in appendices.

Quality Appraisal
Use an appraisal tool to appraise the papers you have selected. Then, put this information in your appendices and refer to it.

Mention bias in terms of research methodology for the papers you have selected.

Summary and synthesis of the papers
What are the main points of the literature in relation to your research question?

Are there any themes coming through? Or What themes have been identified?

Compare and contrast any emerging themes. Is there a reliance on a particular theme(s)?

Issues of Implementation
For the last quarter of the assignment (roughly) you are encouraged to use a framework such as PARIHS to explore implementation issues.


Like the introduction and literature review, some journals prefer a combination of findings and discussion, whereas others want them separate. Regardless, your goal here is to present a clear and coherent discussion, which should include:

The factors that will influence the implementation of the best evidence found in your literature review using an evidence-based practise model and reference to leadership, change management, and quality improvement methods.

How best evidence can be communicated effectively to service users and colleagues and reflect on how implementing best evidence in practice can affect the service users and their families’ experiences

The limitations of evidence found in the literature and draw conclusions about the best evidence for practice.

The Essay Conclusion

Complete the essay with a brief conclusion drawing together the key ideas that specifically met the aim of your review and, finally, the implication of your findings for practice.


The reference page must be presented clearly with no numbers or in bullet format.

LSBU Harvard system of reference is required

Does Costco need to look at promoting their online site more in order to compete with Amazon and Walmart?

Amazon and Walmart

Does Costco need to look at promoting their online site more in order to compete with Amazon and Walmart?

Draw and briefly discuss the signalling pathway delineated in this study and how this adds to what was previously known about HIF regulation. What are the physiological, pathophysiological and therapeutic implications of this study? 

Structured evaluative piece of writing based on a research paper.

Structured evaluative piece of writing based on this research paper: UCHL1 provides diagnostic and antimetastatic strategies due to its deubiquitinating effect on HIF-1α Goto, Y., Zeng, L., Yeom, C. et al. UCHL1 provides diagnostic and antimetastatic strategies due to its deubiquitinating effect on HIF-1α. Nat Commun 6, 6153 (2015).

Full paper:


Questions to be answered;

1. Briefly summarise the main findings described in this paper   (Indicative length approx. 150 words)

2. In Figure 1C the authors use siRNA to reduce UCHL1 levels in cells. Briefly describe how siRNA can reduce UCHL1 expression and suggest two alternative approaches the authors could have used, outlining how they work, their benefits and their limitations.   (Indicative length approx. 250 words)

3. Pick the figure (relates to an entire figure (e.g Fig 1 or Fig 2 etc) and not the individual panels (e.g 1A, 1B or 1C etc)) that you think is the most important. Describe the results, the experimental approach(es) used and why you think that it is the key figure in the paper.   (Indicative length approx. 300 words).

4. Draw and briefly discuss the signalling pathway delineated in this study and how this adds to what was previously known about HIF regulation.   (Indicative length: Figure plus approx. 300 words)

5. What are the physiological, pathophysiological and therapeutic implications of this study?  (Indicative length approx. 300 words)



– Answer the five questions separately.

– When writing your answers for the 5 separate questions, it is important to ensure that each individual answer is well structured, coherent and well-argued. This may involve including short introductory or concluding statements in some answers, but this will likely not be necessary for all of the questions. Indeed, having an introduction and conclusion for each question would probably result in a lot of unnecessary repetition.



Which week had the highest total training load? What was the range of sRPE scores for her 60-minute runs? What types of individual characteristics could be responsible for the different sRPE scores when she runs the same distance and time in multiple sessions?

Training load

Finally, use the data in Figure 8.3 to answer the following questions about Rebecca’s training load derived from sRPE:

  1. Which week had the highest total training load?
  2. What was the range of sRPE scores for her 60-minute runs?
  3. What types of individual characteristics could be responsible for the different sRPE scores when she runs the same distance and time in multiple sessions (e.g. 29 November vs 20 December)?


  1. Week 2 – Rebecca’s total training load was 2115.
  2. Her sRPE scores for 60-minute runs ranged from 2 to 10.
  3. Rebecca’s health, level of fitness, nutrition, hydration and sleep, or the weather, could all be reasons why she rated the same run easier or harder on different days. You will learn more about these types of factor later, in Unit 10.


Thinking back to Activity 8.2, you can see how sRPE and the training load calculated from it can help us to understand how much fatigue might be experienced from a single session.

What factors can increase an individual’s chance of becoming dehydrated? What impact can dehydration have on performance? What methods require few resources and could be used to help an athlete with their hydration if there is no access to a lab?

Global wellness

Finally, answer the following questions:

  1. What factors can increase an individual’s chance of becoming dehydrated?
  2. What impact can dehydration have on performance?
  3. What methods require few resources and could be used to help an athlete with their hydration if there is no access to a lab?
  4. What strategies did Tim suggest Ben could use in the future to help his hydration status?



  1. The environment is the obvious factor, with heat increasing our sweat loss. However, the number of training sessions the individual has conducted in the heat will dictate how accustomed they are to the environment. The individual’s drinking behaviours can also play a significant role in their risk of becoming dehydrated. If they rely on thirst rather than a drinking strategy that is personalised to their fluid needs, they will often not drink enough.
  2. Dehydration can impact on motivation, neuromuscular control, accuracy, power, strength, muscular endurance and overall performance. With the next two units in mind, it is crucial that, when we begin to analyse technique using biomechanical methods, the athlete is hydrated prior to and during testing.
  3. As with other monitoring tools, there are a large number of methods to choose from, ranging from the more complex to the relatively simple. More sophisticated methods of hydration assessment you read about in the module book and saw in the video included the measurement of urine specific gravity and the use of a sweat patch to analyse sweat sodium content. However, simpler hydration assessments that are accessible to everyone include observing urine colour as an indicator of hydration status and measuring body mass pre- and post-exercise to assess sweat loss and drinking behaviour.
  4. Tim suggested a couple of different strategies to replace the fluid and electrolytes Ben was losing during his tennis sessions. One strategy involved just fluids and the other involved food alongside fluids to help replace the sodium and fluid lost.