
Demonstrate an advanced level of analysis and understanding of the ways in which psychological perspectives underpin and inform communication theory?

A critique of a simulated interview


This assignment is based around video clip. watch it from 52:00 minutes till 1:02:19.

Below is the link for the video.

Introduction- Explain the scenario of social worker and the young child?

Paragraph one-
1 a) Demonstrate an advanced level of analysis and understanding of the ways in which psychological perspectives underpin and inform communication theory?

  • Carl Rodgers- what you understand of his theory?, how does this theory link to the video?
  • Bowlby -Theorist – how does this theory talk about communication? How does this link to the video?
  • Transition analysis- what is this theory? How does it link to the video? What are key faces of this theory throughout communication?
  1. b) demonstrate and in-depth theoretical understanding of the person-centred approach
  • Did this happen in the video? Was the child getting the help that was needed? Was she in the centre of social workers eye?
  1. c) Recognise theories on the impact of authority and power on interpersonal communication
  • Explain theory of interaction?- in the video the residential worker allowed  the resident to make her own choice. The social worker didn’t allow the child to make her own decision
  1. d) critique and appraise a range of communication skills theory.
  • Use non verbal communication – include Solar theory

Paragraph 2

Demonstrate an advanced understanding of interviewing skills and methods of communicating effectively with diverse groups of people(e.g. culture, age, language, disability)

  • Explain and analyze PCA?
  • Age- dealing with a 12 year old child?, age appropriate language?

Provide a critical analysis of the person- centered approach in its relation to social work practice?

Paragraph 3:

Demonstrate an understanding of how to communicate and listen actively to others, understand accurately their viewpoint and recognize personal prejudices/bias.

  • Social workers took time to understand the situation that the young girl was in
  • Understand impact of personal prejudices? Link to a theory?
  • Include how a person sits? Poor posture ( as shown in video) means that the social worker aint interested in what the child has to say?

Add theories to back the above points up. Who tells you about poor posture?

Demonstrate an understanding of theories of critical reflection and how you might apply these to your own practice?

  • Talk about the atkins & Murphy theory about critical reflection and back it up with the video


  • The video shows two different scenario of good and poor practice
  • What you have spoken about
  • How this interview could had been better? Poor communication took place between the child and the social worker? Include long term impact- will the child trust the social worker? Will she ask for help? Are the residential home staff better and more supportive ?
  • Poor opinion?

Obtain the matrix that represents spin squared, IS2], and show it commutes with IS,I, [Sy] and [S,I. What is the significance of this result?

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

The operator for the square of orbital angular momenturn, 1,2, has eigenfunctions and eigenvalues:

L2 Km(0, = 1(1 + 1),0 (0,)with / = 0,1,2 …

where Yin,(0, 0) are the spherical harmonic functions.

a) Obtain the energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions associated with the rotational motion of rigid diatomic molecules in terms of the rnoment of inertia of the molecule.

b) The presence of molecules in interstellar space canb detected using microwave spectroscopy. The detected microwave radiation is associated with the spontaneous transition of molecules frorn their first excited rotational state to their ground state. At what frequency would radiation emitted from SO molecules be detected.

You may assume the separation of the S and 0 atoms is d=1.48×10-1.rn and the atornic rnasses are 32 amu for S and 16 amu for 0, the moment of inertia of a rigid dimer is given as

In the matrix representation of intrinsic spin the cartesian components of angular momenturn are represented by the Pauli spin matrices given as:
= 10) [s,]=(° Pi) IS = (0 21)

c) Obtain the matrix that represents spin squared, IS2], and show it commutes with IS,I, [Sy] and [S,I. What is the significance of this result?

d) The general quanturn spin state of an electron is written as a vector (;). Three successive measurements of S,, Sy and S, are made and a positive answer obtained in each case. What are the spin states after each measurement?

e) A final measurement is then made of Sr, what are the possible outcomes of this measurement and discuss how the predictions differ from classical physics.

Define “marketing” and “sales” and explain how they are different from one another, and how they depend upon one another for successful marketing.

“Marketing concept” and the “4 P’s.”

Create and post an initial thread that addresses the following questions or issues:
The text defines the “marketing concept” and the “4 P’s.”

In your own words, explain both of these concepts, detail why both are important to a marketing plan.

Define “marketing” and “sales” and explain how they are different from one another, and how they depend upon one another for successful marketing.

Does “marketing” have a function in church operations? Explain and support your answer.
Generational trends lead to distinctly different attitudes, values, and behavioral patterns that must be considered when developing a marketing plan.

Describe in detail the “generational cohorts” according to the text, and explain the different values and motivational factors between them.

When opening a new ice cream store in your hometown, how would your advertising messages differ from one generation to the next? Describe in detail how you would create appeal to each of the groups.

Explain how the Scripture “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Heb. 13:8) relates to all demographic groups.

What does the prevention of disease look like within the context of epidemiology? How does the natural history of disease (prepathogenesis and pathogenesis, active versus passive signs and symptoms) speak into prevention of disease?


What does the prevention of disease look like within the context of epidemiology? How does the natural history of disease (prepathogenesis and pathogenesis, active versus passive signs and symptoms) speak into prevention of disease?

Briefly outline an example of research that has been used to support the distinction between declarative and procedural memory. Describe and evaluate the evidence for Bowlby’s claims about maternal deprivation.

Take Home Exam

Instructions to candidates
Ensure that your student ID number is clearly visible at the top of your first page. Complete your exam paper as a ‘Word’ document. Make sure that you clearly identify which question(s) you are answering and start each answer on a new page. All your exam answers must be saved in a single file. You can upload only one file.
There are four questions in this exam and you should answer all of them. Each question should be 350 words in length (+/- 10%) and is worth 25% of the exam.

You should include a short reference list at the end of each question (this will not be part of your word length).

Answer all questions.

1. Briefly outline an example of research that has been used to support the distinction between declarative and procedural memory.

2. Describe and evaluate the evidence for Bowlby’s claims about maternal deprivation.

3. Compare and contrast the James-Lange Theory and the Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion.

4. Using empirical evidence, distinguish between reinforcement and punishment.

What was the most significant message you got from viewing the resource videos on the criminal justice response to victims? What are two things you believe the criminal justice system can do to be more responsive to the needs of domestic violence victims?

Domestic Violence

Review the Discussion 1 required resources before addressing these questions. Those resources are located in Module 1 under FIRST WEEK in the “Module I – Part 1 Overview and Learning Materials” folder. They are listed under the heading, REQUIRED Discussion Resources. Purpose of Discussion 1 Writing Assignment: To analyze how myths occur, increasing awareness about the types of false beliefs, explanations and definitions about domestic violence. Critically explore how myths relate to and influence the frustration by criminal justice professionals and can lead to revictimization of the victim by our system of justice. Encourages students to think about remedies to prevent revictimization, emphasizing the importance of viewing domestic violence not just as a crime but as a human rights issue.

Assignment questions (6) should be 2 to 3 pages long in paragraph form and not include the instructions/questions.

“Think About it” Videos

• Children Model What They See-Tea Party

• Whose Problem is it?

REQUIRED Video Resources for Discussion 1*

Us versus them | Kim Bogucki | TEDxPennsylvaniaAvenue

Discussion 1 Questions: “Victims and the Criminal Justice Response – Do No Harm: Avoiding Revictimization”

1. What is ONE common belief about domestic violence that you believe is NOT true?

• Why do we believe it and why do you think it is false?

2. What was the most significant message you got from viewing the resource videos on the criminal justice response to victims? Be sure to justify why you viewed it as most significant.

3. What are two things you believe the criminal justice system can do to be more responsive to the needs of domestic violence victims?

• Justify why you chose those two areas as a priority and describe what they will accomplish.

• Which one is your top priority and why?

4. Review the 12 minute film, “Us vs. Them” and explain how the approach presented applies to domestic violence and a criminal justice response. Include an analysis of how the video approach connects to an effective criminal justice response.

5. Global Perspective: On January 28, 2017, the USA Today – The Arizona Republic published an article titled, “Russian parliament decriminalizes domestic violence.” Russia Parliament voted 380 to 3 to decriminalize domestic violence cases when it does not involve “substantial bodily harm” and does not occur more than once a year. In the article, a survey by a state-run pollster found that “19% of Russians said ‘it can be acceptable’ to hit one’s wife, husband or child ‘in certain circumstances.'” For more information go to

• What is your opinion about this article?

• Should we be concerned with what happens in other countries related to domestic violence and victims?

• Is domestic violence a human rights issue? Justify your position.

6. Word Profile: The importance of victim empowerment has been introduced and will be reinforced throughout the class. Empowerment is a broad word and can come in many forms. Helpful Hint – Doing research on the definition of empowerment will be helpful in addressing these questions.

• Why is empowerment important when dealing with domestic violence victims?

• Provide an example of an empowerment approach relate to victims of abuse.

• Describe what it accomplishes and how is promotes empowerment.

Find information in your text and on the Internet identifying how decisions are made regarding which measures to use. Identify ethical considerations stated on different websites in the use of prenatal monitoring procedures.

Prenatal Assessment Risks

This assignment requires research for AT LEAST TWO REFERENCES IN ADDITION TO THE TEXT.

The text is… Rathus, S. A. (2020). HDEV. (6th ed.). Cengage Learning.

Assignment papers are to be a minimum of 500 words not including the title page or reference page. Be sure to use correct grammar and APA format. Also make sure you cite the website and include its web address.

Find information in your text and on the Internet identifying how decisions are made regarding which measures to use. Look up and identify ethical considerations stated on different websites in the use of prenatal monitoring procedures.

Identify the risks associated with the following various prenatal assessment measures:

Maternal blood analysis, AFP screening (high risk of false positive result).

Amniocentesis (risk of losing the pregnancy to miscarriage).

Chorionic villus sampling (some concern about fetal limb abnormalities, increased risk of miscarriage).

Critically discuss the characteristics of the victim (write on domestic violence see please attached powerpoint prior to start writing)- client group of your choice, the classification systems and theories of crime.

Characteristics of the victim

You will critically discuss the characteristics of the victim (write on domestic violence see attached powerpoint prior to start writing)- client group of your choice, the classification systems and theories of crime.

Essay should include the followings (see below)

1 introduction ( no abstract)

2 the prevalence, statistics

3 the needs, why we investigate it

4 the contribution to psychology and the object

The research will discuss the followings:

1 Victim characteristics- victims factors- associate these factors to one or two theories.

2 the impact, the consequences (is it ptsd? (post traumatic stress disorder?), is ot about the family?, the society?) Critically discuss these consequences…

3 primary prevention or both

4 conclusion, summarize the main arguments.

5 References APA Style

Why do you consider yourself an early childhood professional and what does “professionalism” mean to you? What attracted you to the early childhood field or caring for young children and why have you chosen to work with young children and their families?


For this assignment, you’ll conduct an interview with an early childhood education professional, such as a center director, a teacher, or an assistant teacher. To prepare for the professional interview, reread pages 88–90 in Foundations of Early Childhood Education: Teaching in a Diverse Setting, by Janet Gonzalez-Mena, which discuss the role of a professional in the field of early childhood. According to the reading, the classroom is much like an orchestra but, unlike an orchestra, the role of the professional isn’t necessarily that of the leader wielding a baton behind a podium. If you’ve ever spent time in a classroom, you’re probably already aware of this!

Using the points made in the preparatory reading, think over what you want to accomplish and what you’ll need to know from the person you interview. Using the guidelines in the next section, prepare your approach and compose your interview questions.

Assignment Instructions
There are several steps to complete the assignment successfully:

Contact an early childhood professional that has a minimum of an associate degree (in ECE) and make arrangements to conduct your interview. While normally conducted in person, options that meet best practices for social-distancing guidelines include setting up a Zoom, Skype, or Facetime interview or conducting an interview over the phone. The interview will likely be completed in the course of one hour.
Conduct the interview using the instructions outlined below. Make sure you’ve asked permission to take notes during the interview or, if possible, record the session.
Prepare a written account of your interview to submit for evaluation.
There’s a list of questions you’re required to ask during the interview, and you’ll write at least five original questions of your own. The five questions you decide on in advance won’t be follow-up questions used to clarify or draw out the mentor’s response to earlier questions, but should instead invite the person to share responses on new topics. In total, you’ll ask at least 20 questions, and likely more if you must ask them to elaborate on any responses that are too brief, vague, or off-topic. Your additional questions should clarify your purpose or help the reader appreciate your understanding of roles the professional must take on to “make beautiful music” in the classroom.

In your report, in addition to an introduction and a conclusion, you’ll write a dialog based on the questions and answers from the interview. To ensure that you have all the information you need, prepare a sheet listing the questions and leave room for the notes you’ll take on the professional’s answers.

For clarity, we’ve included this sample of how to format your interview dialog.

Student (Put your first name here, for example Mary): Thank you so much for agreeing to help me with this assignment, especially since you’re staying after hours to do it.

Mentor (Add the name of the person you’re interviewing here, for example, Joan or Ms. Smith): It’s my pleasure. I’m so glad to help out a future daycare professional.

Mary: Well, let’s get started. What attracted you to daycare or wanting to care for children?

Joan: It seems I’ve always wanted to take care of kids. Even when I was a little girl, I was lining up my dolls and playing teacher. In grade school I always organized all the kids on the playground, and if anyone got hurt, I was the one who took care of them until an adult came. By high school, I was baby-sitting and taking courses at the “Y.” I guess it was destined.

Mary: Wow, you mentioned courses. That actually leads me to my next two questions, in a way. How long have you been a “professional” and what courses have you taken?

The interview process and your dialog should continue in this same back-and-forth pattern.

Required Questions
While there are some required questions, remember that the interview is a conversation with someone in your field and an opportunity to learn. By preparing possible follow-up questions, depending upon the professional’s answers, you’ll learn more and keep the conversation rolling in a natural way. If there are additional topics you’d like to ask about, prepare the questions before you go to the interview and write them down along with the required questions.

The following are the required questions for your interview:

Why do you consider yourself an early childhood professional and what does “professionalism” mean to you?
What attracted you to the early childhood field or caring for young children and why have you chosen to work with young children and their families?
Which teaching methods and strategies do you use most often, and who are the philosophers and theorists who have influenced your work?
What, if any, formal education do you have in this field? How do you continue to grow your skills and knowledge in working with young children? (This is a great opportunity for follow-up questions!)
How do you measure your own effectiveness in helping children achieve developmental and learning outcomes?
Do you feel your role as a professional has changed since you first entered the field? If so, how? (This is a great opportunity for follow-up questions!)
What are some challenges you face as a childcare provider, and what solutions do you believe are needed?
Beyond teaching and learning, what do you think your role is in the classroom and in your community? (This is a great opportunity for follow-up questions!)
What do you believe child-centered learning is, and how to embrace a holistic approach to teaching and learning? (This is another great opportunity for follow-up questions!)
How do your curriculum, daily schedule, environment, and materials support your objectives for children’s development and learning?
What are some of the developmental and learning outcomes you want children to achieve in your care? What are your objectives for their growth and development?
In your opinion, why is the period of early childhood development special?
How do you engage in reflective teaching and professional development?
What surprises you most about your work in early childhood education?
What advice or guidance do you have for someone earning a degree in early childhood education?
Additional Questions
You must prepare a minimum of five of your own questions for the interview based on what you’ve learned about the role of the professional in early childhood education or child care and your own experiences and goals. You may also ask spontaneous follow-up questions during the interview to clarify the professional’s answer or follow a line of thought. Those might come naturally, but make sure you prepare several questions that reflect your own interests in early childhood. Ensure you have prepared at least five (5) additional questions to be asked during the interview.

Choose your favorite character from Beowulf, Grendel, or Le Morte d’ Arthur. What modern values and/or universal themes are evident in the character? What does this tell us about how literature reflects society, culture, place, and/or history?


Choose your favorite character from Beowulf, Grendel, or Le Morte d’ Arthur. What modern values and/or universal themes are evident in the character? What does this tell us about how literature reflects society, culture, place, and/or history?

You may choose to address this prompt in a 400-500 word essay or a 15 slide minimum presentation (Prezi, Swipe, Sway, or Powerpoint). Be sure to justify your thoughts with text evidence (cited in-text) and research from academic sources. The presentation should contain effective visual components that complement and support your analysis

Plagiarism/Grammar Check

MLA Citation

The paper should be Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double-spaced. Click here for an example paper in MLA. Click here to see a sample Works Cited page. Need further assistance on how to cite? View this short video: How to Format Your Paper and Create Works Cited Page