
Critically discuss why some organisations may be better than others at designing and implementing a strategic approach to talent management, and why this might be more challenging in the current context.

Talent Managment

The following learning outcomes must be met in this section: Critically analyse HR Management theory, apply HR Management theory to practice-related issues, and reflect on your own current organisational practice.

Critically discuss why some organisations may be better than others at designing and implementing a strategic approach to talent management, and why this might be more challenging in the current context. Reflect on your own current organisational practice, illustrating your answer with appropriate theory and practice.

Choose the 1 which most caused you to reflect upon your personal reasons for learning biblical Hebrew. Discuss your thoughts on that 1 particular reason.

Discussion The Importance of Knowing Biblical Hebrew

In Chapter 1 of your Hebrew textbook, Dr. Roden has laid out 4 important reasons for knowing Biblical Hebrew. Choose the 1 which most caused you to reflect upon your personal reasons for learning biblical Hebrew. Then discuss your thoughts on that 1 particular reason. Use 300 words and you must support their assertions with at least 2 scholarly citations in Turabian format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last 30 years. Acceptable sources include commentaries, the textbook, scholarly journal articles, Hebrew dictionaries, lexicons, and concordances. English dictionaries and the Bible are not accepted as scholarly sources for this assignment.

What are some of the things that you do in your home to help with the reduction of food waste? Do you have any systems to share?

Week 3 Discussion

Reply to the following using at least 175 words per reply. Be professional and constructive in your reply. Be sure to use FULL APA references and in-text citations. Reply to each individually.

1. Leaders who bring empathy or any sense of emotional connection to the internal customers (employees) and the external customers is the key toward higher employee and customer satisfaction.

Integrating empathy when dealing with the customers and employees is highly effective. But, what is empathy, and do all leaders have it and/or more important, apply it? The ability of leaders, managers, and employees to understand, interpret, and respond to the emotions of others is key in serving others.

Are you familiar with emotional intelligence (EI)? In 1995, the concept of emotional intelligence was popularized after the publication of Daniel Goleman’s book “Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ.”

What is EI?

How is EI measured?

2. It is always fun to find relevant articles to support discussions, especially when I know the author! In Week 3, we shift specifically to customer service and process improvement. Since my background in in the food service industry, I thought this was a great article to share. My affiliation with a state Restaurant Association I was involved with the city water and waste program, specifically eradication of waste, so this topic is not new to me. The estimated economic cost of energy, fuel, water scarcity, labor, commodities, and miscellaneous for food waste is estimated as $2.6 trillion per year (The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States [FAO], 2014). Approximately 133 billion pounds of food is attributed to the food chain supply, one-third of that waste from restaurants. (Gollnhofer, 2017; Kowalska, 2017; Massow & McAdams, 2015). Granted there are some restaurant concepts that produce more waste than others and what is also important to note here is the type of waste. Grease is the worst! In the study by Blum (2020), the first step is to develop standardize protocols as a way to quantification measures. Specifically, restaurant leaders are encouraged to track and monitor food waste to identify where loss and waste is occurring. Strategies to reduce food waste and costs associated with waste include, but are not limited to, a system of regularly rotating food, using software inventory management, and waste recycling. Strategies to achieve waste reduction include setting measures, monitoring, staff engagement, and reduce overproduction (Blum, 2020). Restaurants are not the only operation that should be conscientious of food waste. What are some of the things that you do in your home to help with the reduction of food waste? Do you have any systems to share?

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). (2014). Food waste footprint: Full-cost accounting.

Gollnhofer, J. F. (2017). Normalizing alternative practices: The recovery, distribution and consumption of food waste. Journal of Marketing Management, 33, 624–643.

Kowalska, A. (2017). The issue of food losses and waste and its determinants. Logforum, 13, 7–18.

Massow, M. V., & McAdams, B. (2015). Table scraps: An evaluation of plate waste in restaurants. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 18, 437–453.

Blum, D. (2020). Ways to Reduce Restaurant Industry Food Waste Costs. International Journal of Applied Management and Technology. v19 (1).

Ways to Reduce Restaurant Industry Food Waste Costs – Business – ProQuest. (2020).

Discuss in 300 words which of the 11 character studies from this week’s Howell readings (OT Leaders) do you relate most in regard to your own leadership path?

Discussion Old Testament Leaders

Discuss in 300 words which of the 11 character studies from this week’s Howell readings (OT Leaders) do you relate most in regard to your own leadership path? How do you most imitate the character, and what do you add to your life to emulate this person. Your quotations should comprise no more than 10% of the total word count. You must incorporate at least 2 scholarly citations in Tubarian format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. I’m a mixture of Joseph, Joshua, Nehemiah and Moses.

What is the organization? What was the problem? Why does it matter? What was the organization’s solution? How was that solution realized?


Paper doesn’t have to written in any academic style but should have a professional tone to it.
Case Study must answer these questions:

What is the organization?
 What was the problem?
 Why does it matter?
 What was the organization’s solution?
 How was that solution realized?
 How do we know it was successful?
 How does it apply to other organizations?


How can classroom teachers ensure that students are prepared? Discuss any experience you have had with the assessments as a student, parent, teacher assistant, etc.

State Testing in MIssissippi

Mississippi requires students to take several assessments in K-12th grade. Using the MDE link provided in the CANVAS module, research, and write a description of each assessment (one well-constructed paragraph minimum for each assessment). (Links to an external site.)

There should be a heading for each of the following:

ACT State Testing
English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT)
Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA)
Literacy-Based Promotion Act Assessments (LBPA)
Mississippi Academic Assessment Program (MAAP)
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

For each assessment, include the following information:
Purpose of the assessment
Grades levels involved in assessment
How can classroom teachers ensure that students are prepared?
Discuss any experience you have had with the assessments as a student, parent, teacher assistant, etc.
State Testing in Mississippi Assignment

Design and implement complete solutions using massive amounts of data based on artificial-intelligence, machine-learning, or statistical-analysis methods. Design and implement new methods to capture and analyze massive amounts of data.

Applying for Master’s Degree of Data Science

The Master of Science in Data Science program, offered by the College of Science’s Department of Computer Science and Department of Mathematics and Statistics. This degree is designed for students with an undergraduate degree in the sciences or engineering, and it provides both mathematical and algorithmic foundational knowledge and practical programming skills for data science careers.

The CIP code for the MS Data Science is 30.0801. Per the current DHS posted list from 2016 [pdf] this is a STEM Designated degree program, making this program eligible for the STEM OPT extension program.

Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:

Design and implement complete solutions using massive amounts of data based on artificial-intelligence, machine-learning, or statistical-analysis methods.
Design and implement new methods to capture and analyze massive amounts of data.
Use and improve existing tools for capturing and analyzing massive amounts of data.
This degree assists those with a baccalaureate degree in the sciences or engineering to pursue a data science career by providing them with a rigorous and affordable education in mathematics, statistics, computer science and machine learning. Graduates will appeal to a number of data-based careers including but not limited to data scientist, data analyst, data mining specialist, machine learning engineer, and data and analytics manager.

Choose an organization with which you are familiar or one in which you have an interest. Research and analyze the organization’s human resource management programs, policies, procedures, OR initiatives.

Assignment 1: Selecting a Company

Choose an organization with which you are familiar or one in which you have an interest. Research and analyze the organization’s human resource management programs, policies, procedures, OR initiatives. Evaluate their effectiveness and select a program, policy, procedure OR initiative which you believe needs to be changed.

Write a one-page paper (Coversheet not included) in which you:

Assess the current human resource programs, policies, procedures, or initiatives in terms of effectiveness.

Hypothesize the changes that require improvement

Which measures operationalize “demographic characteristics”? Which operationalize socio-economic status? What concepts were you operationalizing with your questions in the issue matrix?

Questionnaire Analysis for Methods

Option 1: Survey Design
You will design a questionnaire that might be used in a survey to assess people’s attitudes toward governmental policy to reduce poverty. The survey should try to capture general attitudes about the role of government in reducing poverty rather than their positive or negative views of specific social welfare programs. Your questionnaire should obtain the following from each respondent:

• Their demographic characteristics, including race, class, and gender

• If they plan to vote in the 2020 presidential election (pretend the 2020 election has not yet happened) and who they would like to vote for (include Trump and Biden for nomination) (a 2-part contingency question)

• The issues that are most likely to affect their vote choice in the form of a matrix question, using Likert-type responses to five statements.

This project should be 3-4 pages long. The first page should be the questionnaire laid out in the format you would use if you were actually conducting the survey. Make sure that the format will be easy to read and will not be difficult for respondents to answer. Be sure to provide appropriate spaces for respondents to check or write in their answers.

Question-wording should be simple and straightforward: avoid double-barreled questions, loaded terms, and negations. Justify your choice of open or closed-ended question. For closed-ended questions, response categories should be exhaustive and mutually exclusive. Matrix questions using Likert-type responses should have a consistent scale.

In 2-3 pages, discuss these issues:
• Which measures operationalize “demographic characteristics”? Which operationalize socio-economic status?

• What concepts were you operationalizing with your questions in the issue matrix?

• Identify the level of measurement for each item and the rationale for using a close-end or open-ended question.

• You have obviously given considerable thought and care to the wording of your questions in order to avoid the common problems noted above and discussed in lectures/readings. Now, gives us 2-3 examples of alternative wording that would be problematic and tell us why.

• Explain why you asked the questions in this order. Did this ordering allow you to avoid some sort of bias? Help increase engagement.

• Put it all together for us. State one hypothesis that you could test by analyzing the data that you collect with this instrument. Refer to specific variables and the concepts that they are designed to capture.

Evaluate the sustainability of the EU’s current level of balance of payments. Discuss the benefits the United States has, given this unique position in the world economy, that would not apply to the EU, that may allow the United States to safely run persistent external deficits.

US Deficits

In Chapter 10 of International economics, Carbaugh asks, “Can the United States Continue to Run Current Account Deficits Indefinitely?” (p.349).

Apply the same concepts to the EU’s balance of payments.
Evaluate the sustainability of the EU’s current level of balance of payments.
Discuss the benefits the United States has, given this unique position in the world economy, that would not apply to the EU, that may allow the United States to safely run persistent external deficits.
Discuss the potential that persistent U.S. deficits in the current and payments accounts can be adjusted without bringing about economic recession or crisis.
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

Be four to six pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages.
Be formatted according to APA 7.
Include at least four scholarly or peer-reviewed articles.
Include a title page, section headers, introduction, conclusion, and references page.

Carbaugh, R. (2019). Trade policies for the developing nations. International Economics. (pp 247-248). Cengage Learning, Inc.