
Summarize and contrast the main arguments on both sides of the issue. Illustrate the two approaches with real world examples.

Regional Trade Agreements versus Global Trade Liberalization

In the globalized economy of the late 20th and early 21st century, liberalized trade was sought through regional trade agreements and broader global trade liberalization. The policy choices between these two approaches has created debates among economists and politicians concerning which is a better strategy for various countries and for the global economy as a whole, and whether the two approaches are complementary or contradictory.

Summarize and contrast the main arguments on both sides of the issue.
Illustrate the two approaches with real world examples.
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

Be four to six pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages.
Be formatted according to APA 7.
Include at least four scholarly or peer-reviewed articles.
Include a title page, section headers, introduction, conclusion, and references page.

Has the author put the results in context, and given feedback on the questions in the introduction? Is the essay a test of a theory or of concepts, or can one create concepts or perhaps a theory, of the result and if so, has the author done so?


The opposition is part of the seminar as a whole and each student will receive a grade for the part. The chair of the seminar will tell you how much time you have to carry out the opposition. It is you as the opponent who drives the conversation forward, not the seminar chairman. During the conversation, you should give the author the opportunity to answer your questions and reflections.

Opposition points:

1. Start with a brief overall description of the essay. Tell what the essay is about and then give the author the opportunity to answer if you have understood the content of the essay correctly. You can also ask if the author has anything to add (if the author himself wants to highlight something that others need to know about the essay).

2. Remember to set a positive basic tone for the seminar. Then go step by step through the following points:

3. The main problem of the essay. Describe the purpose and question (s) of the essay. Ask questions such as; Are the theme and the more specific research questions clear? Do these questions naturally follow one another, or do they seem fragmented? Will the questions be answered at the end of the essay?

4. Theory – theory testing or theory-developing ambition? Give a brief description of the theoretical framework. Ask questions such as; Has the author started from any perspective or theory for his work, or does the author have a theory-building ambition (ie to create aconcept or a whole theory?).
5. Method. Describe the method used in the essay. It is in the method chapter that the author describes how material has been collected, what delimitations have been made and how the collected material has been analyzed. Ask questions such as; Is the author’s method well justified? Are there other ways that would be just as good? Are these possibilities of choosing a method discussed by the author? Does the author seem to master the method chosen? Which methodological literature does the author refer to?

6. Material. Tell about the material that the author has used in the essay. Ask questions such as;

How did the author get hold of his material? Interview answers / books /

surveys / participatory observation or in another way? Has the material been used on one effectively way? Is there more information to retrieve that the author did not include? Is the material reliable (can you trust the lyrics)? Does the author seem aware of the limits of the material’s informational value? This is being discussed!

7. The analysis. Describe how the analysis was done in the essay. Ask questions such as; When the author makes his analysis of the material – is it well structured and easy to follow? Are the conclusions reasonable based on what the material offers? Is there any aspect that has been forgotten? Does the author base his claims?
8. Results and conclusions. Tell what the author has come to in the results and conclusion. Ask questions such as; Has the author put the results in context, and given feedback on the questions in the introduction? Is the essay a test of a theory or of concepts, or can one create concepts or perhaps a theory, of the result and if so, has the author done so? (Compare point 3 above!). Finally: has the author shown what you could go on with, “in the next essay” if you want to work further with the problem (suggestions for further research)?

9. The language and formalities of the essay. As an opponent, do not burden your opposition with misspellings, shortcomings in the music machine, etc. under each of the points above, but put these things in a special point within the opposition. (First or last). Give only one or two examples of which errors you want corrected and then leave a list (or the entire essay with your notes inserted) to the author stating what errors you have found. Also comment on the language, ie. the author masters itgenre which a scientific text constitutes? Feel free to give examples of good, and perhaps less good, formulations.

10. End your opposition by linking to your introductory words under point 1 above and thank the author.

What is the current status including the etiology, current treatments, problems with the current treatments (can be anything for e.g., DDI, narrow therapeutic index, dose titration, toxicity, food restriction, need for blood level monitoring etc).

Convulsive Motor Seizures; current status and unmet needs

Need to write a white paper on current situation on MAjor motor (convulsive seizures) as What is the current status including the etiology, current treatments, problems with the current treatments (can be anything for e.g., DDI, narrow therapeutic index, dose titration, toxicity, food restriction, need for blood level monitoring etc) and also mention major impediments/adverse effects that limit their use (tabular format)

For non-medication anti-seizure therapies, include rationale/MOA,
target population for selection, adverse events, treatment success and failure rates; and general acceptance of these therapies.

and finish with discussing unmet needs

Complete the affinity diagram action steps outlined in the “Brainstorming With an Affinity Diagram” resource, including the Five Whys Root Cause Analysis section.

Affinity Diagram and Root Cause Analysis

The purpose of this assignment is to identify an organizational problem to solve within your current workplace or industry and use an affinity diagram to brainstorm the root causes of the organizational problem and potential solutions for addressing it. (The organization problem I’d like to use is ineffective leadership) However, I am open to other ideas. :)

For this assignment, the first step is to identify an organizational problem to solve within your current workplace or industry. This is an opportunity for you to apply your learning while addressing a real-world problem. After you have identified a possible organizational problem, complete the “Brainstorming With an Affinity Diagram” resource to help you narrow and specify the root cause for the problem. Completing the affinity diagram will not only help you identify the root causes for the problem but also to determine the scope of influence you can have in reaching a potential solution. Keep in mind that this exercise is meant to identify a viable solution within the scope of influence in which you are directly involved and will ultimately allow you to be an agent of change.

Complete the affinity diagram action steps outlined in the “Brainstorming With an Affinity Diagram” resource, including the Five Whys Root Cause Analysis section. This can be done using online mind mapping resources like those found in the study materials, by using post-it notes, or through the use of Excel or Word documents and tables. When constructing the affinity diagram, be sure to complete all six steps described on the resource. You will reference these root causes again within your final business proposal in Topic 8.

Submit both the affinity diagram and the five whys root cause analysis to your instructor. Evidence of revision from instructor feedback will be assessed on the final business proposal.

How important do you think the use of language will be in learning counseling skills and in understanding and supporting students, parents, and educators as a school counselor candidate?

Reflect Paper

1. How important do you think the use of language will be in learning counseling skills and in understanding and supporting students, parents, and educators as a school counselor candidate?

2.If you were in a counseling session with one of the students, their parents, and an educator, what questions would you ask them so that you can better understand their individual and collective experiences?

Write five questions for each person member of the system ( 5 student, 5 family, 5 educator = 15 questions).

What are your beliefs regarding the effects of media on human behavior? How have they changed after completing this week’s reading? How has media influenced your local community, the national community, and the international community?

Wk 1 – Media Influence Reflection

Media is all around us; smart phones, television, and the Internet are a large part of how we communicate with others. In this first assignment you will consider your personal experience with media and the role it plays in the various aspects of your life and community.

NOTE: Answer the following questions in 90 words each:

What are your beliefs regarding the effects of media on human behavior? How have they changed after completing this week’s reading?
How has media influenced your local community, the national community, and the international community?
What forms of social media have had a significant impact on human behavior?
What are 3 positive and 3 negative impacts that media has on human behavior?


Write a paper on Mid size bank performing a GRC platform selection + design and implementation of risk management program into the tool.

GRC Platform Evaluation

Paper on Mid size bank performing a GRC platform selection + design and implementation of risk management program into the tool. (ERM, ORM RCSA, 3 lines of defense).

Prepare a presentation for the class that reviews the IOM recommendation, your personal interpretation of how this will positively impact the nursing profession (supported by evidence), what changes have been made as we approach the end of the year, and what changes are still necessary.

Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training.

Prepare a presentation for the class that reviews the IOM recommendation, your personal interpretation of how this will positively impact the nursing profession (supported by evidence), what changes have been made as we approach the end of the year, and what changes are still necessary. Include a minimum of three scholarly sources in your paper. The presentation may be in whatever format you prefer but you must upload the presentation with an outline to Canvas. Please see the rubric for specific details on completion.

“Utilitarianism can be seen as favoring a short term goal over a long term goal.” Using your reading in this course so far and other research, discuss the ethical ramifications of this statement.

Problems in theories

Option A:

“Utilitarianism can be seen as favoring a short term goal over a long term goal.”


Using your reading in this course so far and other research, discuss the ethical ramifications of this statement.

Option B:

“Moral obligations are relative. The closer one is to me, the greater the obligation that I have. I have less obligation to the person in the next continent than I have to the person in the (house/apartment/condo) next to mine.”


Using your reading in this course so far and other research, discuss the ethical ramifications of this statement.

Use 2 references each for A&B

Describe the problem that Soma Bay encountered in this case study. Why was an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system needed to solve the problem? What are some challenges that this ERP system poses? Will this ERP system help the company achieve operational excellence? Why, or why not?

Events that are taking place in real-life businesses

For this assignment, you will review four case studies, one from Chapter 9, one from Chapter 10, one from Chapter 11, and one from Chapter 12. Then, you will evaluate the studies and respond to each of the questions below, using both critical thinking and theory as well as supporting documentation.

Laudon, Kenneth, C. and Jane P. Laudon. Management Information Systems. Available from: VitalSource Bookshelf, (16th Edition). Pearson Education (US), 2019.

In Chapter 9, read the case study ”Soma Bay Prospers with ERP in the Cloud” on pages 345–346 of the textbook. Then, address the prompts below.
Describe the problem that Soma Bay encountered in this case study.
Why was an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system needed to solve the problem?
What are some challenges that this ERP system poses?
Will this ERP system help the company achieve operational excellence? Why, or why not?

In Chapter 10, read the case study “A Nasty Ending for Nasty Gal” on pages 414–416 of the textbook. Then, answer the questions below.
Was it a good idea to use social media as a marketing and social tool for Nasty Gal? Why, or why not?
What were the management, organization, and technological issues that contributed to the failure of Nasty Gal?
If you were hired as the new chief executive officer (CEO) of Nasty Gal, what would you have done differently to keep the company from filing for bankruptcy?

In Chapter 11, read the case study “Can Cars Drive Themselves–And Should They?” on pages 453–455 of the textbook. Then, address the prompts below.
Discuss some benefits and disadvantages of automated automobiles. Be sure to include a discussion of ethical and social issues presented by automated automobiles.
If you were the CEO of a major auto manufacturer, would you invest resources in the development and marketing of automated automobiles? Why, or why not?

In Chapter 12, read the case study “Anthem Benefits from More Business Intelligence” on pages 480-481 of the textbook. Then, address the prompts below.
Discuss the problem with the old human resources (HR) system at Anthem.
Describe the new People Data Central (PDC) portal adopted by Anthem. What does it do, and how does it improve data analytics capabilities at Anthem?
How will the new PDC portal help the HR department make better decisions?
When formatting your case analysis, do not use the question-and-answer format; instead, use an essay format with subheadings.