
Is there something in particular about Duke’s academic or other offerings that attracts you?

Duke University Personal question

Share with us why you consider Duke a good match for you. Is there something in particular about Duke’s academic or other offerings that attracts you? (200 word limit) *


Demonstrate the following skills and abilities Critically analyze and evaluate legislation and policy that guides inter-professional working.

Inter-professional working

1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding The process and context of inter-professional working and legislation and statutory guidance that informs inter-professional working.

2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities Critically analyze and evaluate legislation and policy that guides inter-professional working

Identify all the relevant roles assumed by the client. Analyze the social expectations and social and cultural norms revolving around the role, social position, and role scripts of one of the roles assumed by the client.


Social Work Theory and Clinical Practice

Application of Role Theory to a Case Study

This week, you will use role theory to apply to your chosen case study. In other words, your theoretical orientation—or lens—is role theory as you analyze the case study. Use the same case study you chose in Week 2. (Remember: You will be using this same case study throughout the entire course.)

Use the Analysis of a Theory Worksheet to help you dissect the theory. You do not need to submit this handout. It is a tool for you to use to dissect the theory, and then you can employ the information in the table to complete your Assignment.

To Prepare

• Review and focus on the same case study that you used in Week 2.

• Use the Analysis of a Theory Worksheet to help you dissect the theory. Use this tool to dissect the theory, employ the information in the table to complete your Assignment, and then keep it to add to your Theories Study Guide in Week 11.

The presentation should include 11–12 slides.

• Use bullet points when writing on each slide, meaning no long paragraphs of written text should be in the slides.

• while the bullet points provide context and cues for the audience to follow along.

Your presentation should address the following:

• Identify the presenting problem for the case study you selected. (Remember: The presenting problem has to be framed from the perspective of role theory. For example, the presenting problem can be framed within the context of role functioning.)

• Identify all the relevant roles assumed by the client.

• Analyze the social expectations and social and cultural norms revolving around the role, social position, and role scripts of one of the roles assumed by the client.

• Explain the role and social position of the social worker in working with the client in the case study.

• Describe how the role(s) and social position(s) assumed by the social worker will influence the relationship between the social worker and the client.

• Identify three assessment questions that are guided by role theory that you will ask the client to better understand the problem.

• Identify and describe two interventions that are aligned with the presenting problem and role theory.

• Identify one advantage and one limitation in using role theory in understanding the case.

Submit also, as a separate document, your Week 4 Analysis of a Theory Worksheet.

Be sure to:

• Identify and correctly reference the case study you have chosen.

• Use literature to support your claims.

• Use APA formatting and style.

• Include a Reference List on the last slide.

you welcome to add more references if needed

Identify and explain how you would apply a psychosocial intervention that addresses one of the four specific psychosocial factors you described above. Identify one advantage of using a psychosocial framework in social work practice with the group you chose.

Psychosocial Theory and Diverse Groups

Social work takes a holistic view to social problems, arguing that they are complex and multilayered, often contributed to by a number of individual, psychological, and social processes. Consequently, psychosocial theory is a theoretical lens that has been employed in social work to apply to an array of problems and populations. It also emphasizes respecting diversity factors and the strengths that individuals, families, and communities bring to the change process.

When attempting to understand the presenting problems of individuals, families, and/or organizations, it is also important to take into account the social roles they take on. As the name implies, role theory as a theoretical lens focuses on the roles assumed by individuals. The theory maintains that people’s behaviors are influenced by their role and the inherent expectations, norms, and power that underlie those social roles.

This week, you will put on two new theoretical lenses—psychosocial theory and role theory. You will examine how problems are conceptualized through the world of psychological and social processes as well as social roles.

Required Readings

Turner, F. J. (Ed.). (2017). Social work treatment: Interlocking theoretical approaches (6th ed.). Oxford University Press.

• Chapter 26, “The Psychosocial Framework of Social Work Practice” (pp. 411–419)

• Chapter 30, “Role Theory and Concepts Applied to Personal and Social Change in Social Work” (pp. 452–470)

Discussion: Psychosocial Theory and Diverse Groups

There will be times when a social worker is presented with a case where they are not familiar with the surrounding psychosocial issues. Because social workers are on a continual journey in learning, it is important to read pertinent literature. This Discussion provides an opportunity to visit the Walden University Library and strengthen your skills in identifying and locating an empirical research article.

Answer the following question:

• Post the APA-style reference for the article you found in the library. I have provided you the article.

• Describe four specific psychosocial factors that should be taken into account in order to understand the psychosocial context when working with the group you selected. Be sure to follow these requirements:

o Two factors you describe should be psychologically related

o Two factors you describe should be socially related

• Identify and explain how you would apply a psychosocial intervention that addresses one of the four specific psychosocial factors you described above.

• Identify one advantage of using a psychosocial framework in social work practice with the group you chose.

Critically discuss the patient/ nurse relationship, discuss a partnership approach to holistic management and explore the barriers to patient self care and self management.Demonstrate your understanding of current Government policy and how it is implemented at a local and national level.

Living with Long Term Conditions across the Lifespan

Assignment brief:
3,500 word written assignmentIdentify a patient who lives with a long term condition, from your own clinical placement area and then…Discuss the pathogenesis of the disease, along with symptoms and complications associated with it.Examine some of the clinical signs of deterioration and appropriate nursing interventions which could be utilised
Critically discuss the patient/ nurse relationship, discuss a partnership approach to holistic management and explore the barriers to patient self care and self management.Demonstrate your understanding of current Government policy and how it is implemented at a local and national level.The assignment is designed to assess your ability to demonstrate understanding of all of the learning outcomes studied during this module so rremember to address each of the learning outcomes in your essay.

1. Explain the pathogenesis of commonly encountered health disorders across the lifespan


2. Explore the policy landscape influencing care delivery including international, national and local guidelines.


3. Critically discuss a partnership approach to the holistic management of long term conditions with individuals and their significant others.


4. Recognise and respond appropriately to the signs of deterioration in mental, physical, cognitive and behavioural health across the fields of nursing.


Your essay should consist of:

Introduction (worth 5%)
– this should outline your plan for the essay and briefly introduce your case study (remember to anonymise patient / location information). You can include an appendix with more detail about your case study to save your word count here.

Main body (worth 20% for each LO – so a total of 80% in this section) with reference throughout to your case study address each of the Learning outcomes with equal weighting – consider order of LO’s and flow of essay (e.g. Lo 1,4,3,2)

Conclusion (worth 15%)
– this should summarise the main points of your essay and lead into a consideration of implications for future practice.A precis of your case study NEED to be inlcuded as an appendix – this will allow for best use of word count

.IMORTANT- you need to add sentence on the begining of this essay that you have permision from patient to use his case to use in your essay and add referencing from NMC


*****I added original work with feedback from my tutor and all comments what should be changed******

Identify the threat or opportunity. Describe the quantitative dimensions of the opportunity, as well as the qualitative motivations as they resonate with the core values of your organization or others who might be evaluating your proposal.

Clamant Change – Peer Feedback

Peer Review Guidelines

These guidelines elaborate on key points to be covered in each section of the presentation, and should provide the basis for the comments you include in your peer review.

1. Identify the threat or opportunity. Describe the quantitative dimensions of the opportunity, as well as the qualitative motivations as they resonate with the core values of your organization or others who might be evaluating your proposal.

a. Does the material presented quantify the threat or opportunity in an absolute sense, and also in the context of the business, sector, or region? Does the quantification convince the listener that this is a high priority threat to address or opportunity to take, relative to the many other threats that could be addressed?

b. Is this quantification based in a rigorous scientific or technical assessment (that is cited, not that the presenters themselves complete)?

c. Is the threat or opportunity linked clearly to the mission of the organization that would undertake it, or to the bottom line of the business?

2. Identify an innovation or change, and describe and assess the costs and benefits.

a. Is the innovation described adequately for you to understand it?

b. Does the presentation provide enough information about the success of the innovation or change in other locations/situations to convince you that it will work in this situation? This information could be more academic research on how this type of technology, institutional change, etc. works under certain conditions, or it could be more specific evidence from another organization or business.

c. Has the presenter clearly identified the costs (financial or otherwise) of implementing?

d. Has the presenter clearly linked the benefits to the definition of the problem? Have they also identified any co-benefits that would accrue to the organization or to society from implementing this innovation/change?

3. Provide project timeline and key outcome metrics.

a. Is the timeline adequate to achieve the promised benefits (e.g. if it is a GHG mitigation action, will emissions be reduced fast enough to contribute to the global push to net zero by 2040)?

b. Are the key outcome metrics linked to the threat/opportunity definition, and to the benefits identified above?

Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding. Awareness of the differences in patterns of health and disease around the world and how these have been influenced by historical and geographical factors.

Global Public Health

1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding

Awareness of the differences in patterns of health and disease around the world and how these have been influenced by historical and geographical factors.

2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities

effectively make interpretations about trends in global public health issues from reliable sources of health data

Examine power in education and development. Choose a local development initiative and place it within the broader global context, critically examine issues of power and agency between included actors.

Education and development


Essays should be 2000 words long (+/- 10%) and address one of the three prompts below. Students are encouraged, but not required, to expand on their blog in their essay.

Essay prompts:

1. Focusing on a particular country or countries, describe the relationship between education and another aspect of national development in the country(ies), focus on key actors, main challenges, attempts made or planned to overcome the challenges, and any unintended consequences.

2. Critically examine the role of international education aid in national development. You may focus on one country (or region) or one international organisation or NGO. Consider the main sources of aid, competing agendas in aid, shortcomings in aid, and any unintended consequences.

3. Examine power in education and development. Choose a local development initiative and place it within the broader global context, critically examine issues of power and agency between included actors.

(please tell me your decision, when you decided a prompt, we need to talk more details, and also support your arguments with evidence- every argument needs evidence from the text; your opinion is not evidence. ​

Make the connection between various aspects of your writing explicit- if in doubt, state it right out!​ And combine a lot of readings from the class!

Provide a transcript of what happened during your field education experience, including a dialogue of interaction with a client. Explain your interpretation of what occurred in the dialogue, including social work practice theories, and explain how it might relate to diversity or cultural competence covered this week.

Process Recordings

2 Part Assignment

Part 1:

complete the process recording template attached to this order. There is an example also attached for guidance

Part 2:

The Assignment (2–4 pages):

Provide a transcript of what happened during your field education experience, including a dialogue of interaction with a client.

Explain your interpretation of what occurred in the dialogue, including social work practice theories, and explain how it might relate to diversity or cultural competence covered this week.

Describe your reactions and/or any issues related to your interaction with a client during your field education experience.

Explain how you applied social work practice skills when performing the activities during your process recording.


The law of agency allows undisclosed principals to intervene contracts signed by their agents and the third parties. Discuss the justification of such intervention and examine the circumstances where intervention by undisclosed principals may not be available.

Law of Contract 2


The question in this section is a compulsory question which you must answer.

Question 1

Andrew was a registered cat breeder who bred various types of cats for sale. He saw an advertisement for wet cat food on the website of Safefood Ltd. The advertisement said that the wet food made by Safefood Ltd was suitable for all breeds of cats and each pouch contained 80g of meat.

What attracted Andrew the most was the promise to provide a free gift, a large cat tree, if one purchased 1000 or more pouches of wet food from Safefood Ltd.. Therefore, Andrew purchased 1000 pouches of the wet food at a price of 1000 pounds in total and collected the tree happily.

Among all cats Andrew bred, there were three Kurilian Bobtail cats which were very rare. They were allergic to the wet food sold by Safefood Ltd., as the food contained corn products which caused those three cats to lose hair. However, cats of other breeds were not affected by the products. Also, Andrew found out that the weight of each pouch was only 79g instead of 80g. Moreover, what made him a bit annoyed was that the cat tree was not stable when cats climbed it; it fell down a few times in a day.

Andrew reported these issues to Safefood Ltd. and hoped the company could find solutions to the issues. However, the company defended that it was not responsible for the hair loss as Andrew did not inform the company of the rarity of the cat. Also, the differences of the weight of the pouches are negligible, so it should not be a problem. With regard to the cat tree, since it was free, so the company had no responsibility for the quality of it.

Andrew’s three Kurilian Bobtail cats were very popular and he had received orders from three buyers. Though the market price of each Kurilian Bobtail cat was around 1200 pounds, the buyers were all happy to pay 2000 pounds to buy one. It is clear that Andrew could not sell them without a treatment for the cats, which might cost around 300 pounds. Also, Andrew worried that the buyers would cancel the offers.

Advise Andrew as to whether Safefood Ltd is liable to his loss and which part of the loss he could recover.

40 marks



You must answer TWO questions from this section. There are five questions in this section from which to choose.

Question 2

Zelda was the director of a company named Warmth Ltd. The main business of the company was to sell and install underground heating systems. Zelda approached a customer, Link, at his home and persuaded him to enter into a credit sale agreement to replace the old heating system in Link’s house. Warmth Ltd would install a new one for him. Link agreed to pay a total amount of 8000 pounds and he could pay the bill in 36 instalments under the credit sale agreement.

Both signed the agreement and Link was informed of his cancellation rights. However, a week later, Link found a mistake in the agreement, as Zelda wrote a wrong figure for the cost of credit. Link decided to cancel the contract and he phoned Zelda to report the issue. Zelda agreed to rectify the mistake, but she believed that Link was bound by the contract.

30 marks

Question 3

Johnson was a successful businessman who owned a mansion in London. He contracted with a builder, Tom, to build a mini-golf course next to a beautiful private garden in the grounds of his mansion so that Johnson could show off his success to his friends while playing golf with them.

Tom built the mini-golf course in a slightly different location, which was 10 meters to the left of the agreed place. However, the quality of the work was satisfactory. The contract between them provided that Johnson should pay 30% of the construction costs in advance of the start of the building work, but Johnson did not pay anything prior to the completion of the golf course. After three months, the work was completed. When Tom tendered the final invoice to Johnson for payment, Johnson asked Tom to remove the complete golf course and to rebuild a new one in the right location. Tom told Johnson that it would be very costly to do that and he might have to close his business as a result of the cost of the extra work. Johnson insisted on his decision. Advise Tom as to whether he can defend Johnson’s specific performance claim successfully.

30 marks

Question 4

Critically discuss the rules on passing of property in specific or ascertained goods and unascertained goods.

30 marks

Question 5

The law of agency allows undisclosed principals to intervene contracts signed by their agents and the third parties. Discuss the justification of such intervention and examine the circumstances where intervention by undisclosed principals may not be available.

30 marks


Question 6
‘The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 satisfactorily solves the issues arising from the strict operation of the privity of contract doctrine.’ Critically discuss this argument alongside the common law solutions to the privity of contract doctrine.

30 marks