
Propose how contrasting perspectives on desistance from crime and recovery from addiction might impact on the ability to practice with individuals, families and communities.

Rehabilitation: philosophies and approaches

LO2: Argue the strengths and limitations of supporting agency relationships in associated with the penal system or substance misuse services.

LO3: Propose how contrasting perspectives on desistance from crime and recovery from addiction might impact on the ability to practice with individuals, families and communities.

LO4: Critically analyse how experiences of personal change might differ according to age, gender, ethnicity and other characteristics.

•A definition of rehabilitation in relation to professional practice.

•An overview of the desistance and recidivism frameworks that help guide Criminal Justice practice.

•You may wish to use a case study to identify and demonstrate an understanding of the professional and ethical responsibilities in a CJ capacity.

Remember to consider the learning outcomes

•Make your introduction accurately reflect the learning outcomes.

•You are telling the marker how, within the essay you are going to meet those outcomes

•Check when you have finished your essay that you have done what you said you would do!

•Remember to consider the learning outcomes

Write a 500-word reflection, book reflection on ISAIAH, which should give a short summary of the book and what impact it had on you as a reader.

Old testament book reflection: Isaiah

Write a 500-word reflection, book reflection on ISAIAH, which should give a short summary of the book and what impact it had on you as a reader.

Have you had any experience working on Agile teams? If you have worked on Agile teams, what were the benefits and difficulties of the Agile approach? If you have not worked on Agile teams, using this exercise, what benefits and challenges do you foresee applying an Agile approach in your current or future workplace?

Week 1 Discussion

Complete the collaboration warm-up exercise, Agile Product Development. A transcript of this interactive exercise is also available. The transcript is attached.

Consider what you learned in the experience and respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Have you had any experience working on Agile teams?
If you have worked on Agile teams, what were the benefits and difficulties of the Agile approach?
If you have not worked on Agile teams, using this exercise, what benefits and challenges do you foresee applying an Agile approach in your current or future workplace?
How can the challenges of Agile be mitigated or overcome?

Complete the “Assessments for Reading” chart by defining and describing details and examples related to the following types of literacy assessments: General screening assessments; Diagnostic testing assessments; Progress monitoring assessments; Outcome assessments.

Assessments for Reading

Complete the “Assessments for Reading” chart by defining and describing details and examples related to the following types of literacy assessments.

General screening assessments

Diagnostic testing assessments

Progress monitoring assessments

Outcome assessments

Support your findings with 2-4 scholarly or other professional resources.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Select a single experience that has stayed with you in some influential way. Your audience can know no more than you tell them. Give them your sense of the experience; give them details. Explain why you are different because you

Influence Formal outline

• To measure your ability to observe time limits
• To develop poise in a public presentation
• To deliver a speech using an extemporaneous style of delivery
• To practice effective speech organization (introduction, body, and conclusion) using connectives (transitions)
• To practice strategies for using oral language effectively

Assignment Requirements:
1. Detailed, Formal Outline (see sample outline for guidance)
2. Presentation Video Submission
3. Time Requirement: 3-5 minutes
4. Visual Aid: A visual aid is NOT required for this assignment, but always allowed if you decide to have one.
5. Audience Requirement: All presentations have an audience requirement. This requirement is detailed in the Syllabus. Presentations that do not meet audience requirement will incur a deduction or a 0 until a submission is made with the
required audience.

Assignment for Influences Speech
In this speech you will focus on three influences that have been important in making you the person you are, or influences that have contributed to your self-awareness and self-knowledge.

1. Select a person you admire who has had an influence on your life. Maybe this person is a friend, a relative, or even someone from the world of celebrity. To admire is to respect, to regard with approval. We admire people generally
for their character, the personal qualities we see in their behavior, and their skills and abilities.

2. Select a place that has helped shape you in some way you can recognize. Make your choice of place as specific as possible: for instance, not a town but a block in a neighborhood, not a home but a room or back porch, not a ranch but
a watering tank or tree — then you can let the specificity of the place enlarge into an emblem of all that it represents and stands for. Like individuals, places also influence our values, behaviors, and beliefs, our view of ourselves and of
life. The place you choose must be real, not imagined. The number of visits isn’t important; what matters is that the place has left its mark on you, and you can tell us how and why.

3. Select a single experience that has stayed with you in some influential way. Your audience can know no more than you tell them. Give them your sense of the experience; give them details. Explain why you are different because you

Review of Literature. In this section, review several studies similar to what you are writing on. Make sure to give proper credit to each author(s) whose work you are quoting. Use the APA guidelines in referencing each article, book, journal or the Internet source. In the final paragraph or paragraphs of this section, explain how your paper will contribute to the body of knowledge.

The Market for Electric Vehicles

a). The introduction should be 1-2 paragraphs long. Specify the objective as clearly as possible. It should set the relevance of the topic and finish with the main question or questions you want to answer in this paper.The introduction must also state your main argument, idea or hypothesis of you paper.

b). Review of Literature. In this section, review several studies similar to what you are writing on. Make sure to give proper credit to each author(s) whose work you are quoting. Use the APA guidelines in referencing each article, book, journal or the Internet source. In the final paragraph or paragraphs of this section, explain how your paper will contribute to the body of knowledge. This section should be 3-4 pages long.

c). The Economic Analysis section should be 2-4 pages long. In this section you should present the empirical evidence and Include terms like demand, supply, variable and fixed costs, marginal or incremental changes, marginal and average costs, price elasticity, income elasticity, maximization, minimization, normal profit, competitive markets,product differentiation, market structure, oligopoly, and other relevant terms.

d) The summary and conclusion should be directly related to the objective of your paper. This section should be about one page long and it should answer the questions introduced in the objective of the paper. Be sure there is a strong connection between the introduction and the conclusion. You can also expand on the implications of your answer and predict something about the future.

The Final page or pages of your paper must contain the”Reference” section. The references must be drawn from the body of the paper. Use the APA style in listing the References. Your References should include at least one scholarly article relevant to your paper, a relevant book(not a textbook) and several Internet references.

Short papers are nice pieces of art. Your paper will be evaluated on the clarity of objective, rational coherence, quality of argument and format, more specifically on the contribution to the body of knowledge on the main subject.

3. Use Times New Roman font size 11 or 12 and double space your paper.

5. Refereed papers are academic papers that were critiqued and reviewed by experts before being published. More information can be foundin

6. To find the academic articles that you need for your paper (at least one), go to the following full text databases in our library: Business Source Premier (EBSCO), Emerald Management Xtra, LexisNexis Academic, ProQuest Databases and ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis.

Discuss how those paintings differ from paintings from 1400-1863, and how after 1863-1945 the art had changed.

The Luncheon on the Grass and Olympia (1865)

1863 Manet painted The Luncheon on the Grass and Olympia(shown in 1865). Many believe those paintings changed art history. Discuss how those paintings differ from paintings from 1400-1863, and how after 1863-1945 the art had changed. Use 3 painting examples.

Discuss how you would apply the relevant mental health legislation, professional standards and public health practices in order to deliver high quality and dignified patient care.

Social Module

Building upon your non-urgent case study/reflection;

“Discuss how you would apply the relevant mental health legislation, professional standards and public health practices in order to deliver high quality and dignified patient care.”


What is your health promotion theory? How does it link to the ONE phase of the nursing process you have identified and will be using to undertake your health promotion? Identify the qualities you will be using to as a nurse leader to carry this through.

Introduction to Leadership and Team-working

Assignment Brief Flow Chart NUR4034

If you have been on placement you might want to summarise the qualities the nurse leader demonstrated in the clinical setting and how it relates to the leadership style you have identified.

If you have not been on placement you may want to consider a leader characteristics, style and traits you may wish to desire to be like.

Identify a leadership style e.g. autocratic, transformation what are their qualities?
How can these qualities be used by a future nurse leader and team working in the clinical areas.
Provide references e.g. such as the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2018), and other references

Identify a health promotion topic covered on this module. E.g. cardiovascular system, stroke, reproduction, eating disorder or obesity.
What is your health promotion theory? How does it link to the ONE phase of the nursing process you have identified and will be using to undertake your health promotion?
Identify the qualities you will be using to as a nurse leader to carry this through.

SMART Identify
Specific – What have you identified from your nurse leader that you wish to personally develop on as a future nurse leader?
If you chose communication it has many components so be specific, i.e. listening, nonverbal, verbal, written.


Create a resource that will help parents of Muslim background to understand the sensory needs of their autistic children. How to support the kids with their sensory needs.


• To create a resource that will help parents of Muslim background to understand the sensory needs of their autistic children.

• How to support the kids with their sensory needs.

• Types of sensory needs.

• Coping strategies.