
How does the Internet of Things play a role in the SCM process of this industry? Include specific examples on products used with IOT implementation. If the company(s) lack in IOT explain how they can capitalize on IOT integrations in their market.

Supply Chain Management

Compare and Contrast: Supply Chain Management and Customer Relationship Management

In this project you will do a compare/contrast analysis on…..HP vs Lenovo, Pepsi Co. vs Coca-Cola, Unilever vs Proctor & Gamble, or Nike vs Adidas (Choose one).

This assignment should be in APA format with a minimum of three resources (TEXTBOOK NOT INCLUDED).

There is a min/max word count of 1000-1200 words for this project (This will help you learn how to synthesize the content in the paper).

*Note that Writing Style includes APA formatting, grammatical errors and sentence structure counts for 30/100 points of this assignment grade!!!!!* Check feedback from Project 1 as well.


Brief Introduction of the companies/industry.

How does the Internet of Things play a role in the SCM process of this industry? Include specific examples on products used with IOT implementation. If the company(s) lack in IOT explain how they can capitalize on IOT integrations in their market.

How does E-commerce increase operational excellence in this industry as a whole?

Compare and contrast customer and supplier intimacy for each company (identify strengths and weaknesses and advantages/disadvantages on how each company maintains these relationships).

What challenges do global supply chains bring to this industry whether for the companies chosen or global competitors in the industry?

Based on your research about supply chain management with the chosen companies, who has the competitive advantage in this industry and why?

What is the evidence you would need to prove a statement that begins like that?

History of Japan Edo Architecture Final Paper

The Assignment:

Using at least 3 primary sources and 3 secondary sources, ask and answer a question of personal interest about the History of Japan. Set yourself up for success by posing an answerable question. Be specific about the time frame. Be specific about the geography. Be specific about the subjects/historical actors Asking the question starts your research process. The answer is your thesis and is the start of the essay. Defending your thesis is the job of the remainder of the paper.

Historians make arguments.

What to NOT write in your essay:

 “This paper will explore the role of the military in Japanese history.”

o Your research explored. Your paper argues.

 “The role of women changed over time in Japan.”

o Of course. But how and why?

 “Shinto played an important role in Japanese history.”

o Words like “important” and “interesting” are too broad and too vague to be analytically useful. Be precise. Be concrete. Define and defend your terms. Ask yourself: what do I mean by that word? Write that instead.

 “Throughout history.”

o The paper must have a 1:1 relationship between its argument and evidence. What is the evidence you would need to prove a statement that begins like that? Is 10 pages enough space to substantiate that large a claim?

 “In this paper I will argue”

o Don’t tell the reader what you are going to tell the reader. Make your argument. Defend your argument.

 “It is first important to note.”

o Show the reader why it’s important to include certain information. Ask me questions. Show me drafts. Let me help!
Some questions to ask yourself:
– Does the thesis clearly state my argument?

– Does each body paragraph support my thesis?

– Do my topic sentences effectively introduce the main point of each paragraph?

– Do I have enough evidence within each body paragraph to make my point?

– Have I properly introduced, analyzed, and cited every quotation I use?

– Do I have transitions between paragraphs?

– Is my paper free of grammar and spelling errors?

An A or A- paper is one that is good enough to be read aloud in class. It is clearly written and well-organized. It demonstrates that the writer has conducted a close and critical reading of the text, grappled with the issues raised in the course, and formulated a perceptive, compelling, independent argument. The argument shows intellectual originality and creativity, is sensitive to historical context, and is supported by a well-chosen variety of specific examples.

A B+ or B paper demonstrates many aspects of A-level work but falls short of it in either the organization and clarity of its writing, or the formulation and presentation of its argument. Some papers in this category are solid works containing flashes of insight into issues raised in the text. Others give evidence of independent thought, but the argument is not presented clearly or convincingly

ONLY SOURCES ARE ATTACHED HERE ( make sure to use all of them

Assignment Instructions are attached

Which spectrogram/waveform matches which transcription? How can you tell? Explain with at least two concrete examples how you decided which is which.


Part One: Acoustics of the 416

On the next page are two spectrograms + waveforms, labeled X and Y, both from recordings of me
saying “Toronto”. Here are two transcriptions of this name:

A) [tʰə.ˈɹɑn.ˌtʰoʊ]

B) [ˈtʃɹɑ.nə]

Examine the spectrograms/waveforms, and answer the following questions:

1) Which spectrogram/waveform matches which transcription? How can you tell? Explain with at least two concrete examples how you decided which is which. (If you want, you can answer this one AFTER answering the ones below, as their answers might help you choose/decide…)

2) In one of these pronunciations, where I produce a voiceless stop right after a nasal – my ‘voiceless’ stop nevertheless has a voicing bar! And I was unable to record this word in a natural- sounding way without voicing it! … So, FIND THAT STOP with the surprising voicing bar in one of the spectrograms and label it.

3) According to the transcription of these two place names I’ve given above: there should be a total of three periods of voiceless fricative noise in these spectrograms. Using the transcriptions as a guide: locate where the voiceless fricatives are, and label them with their correct IPA symbol. Remember to use their voicing as a guide!

4) In each of the spectrograms, locate and label one period where there is voicing, and describe which segment or segments it is associated with in the transcription (e.g. “this bit of the spectrogram is a voiced lateral [l]”, which is clearly just an example because there are no laterals in either of these pronunciations.)

5) In class we discussed several phonetic correlates of stress in English and two of them were pitch and loudness. Looking at the blue pitch tracks on these recordings, and the waveforms, and the transcriptions: do you think the changes in pitch and amplitude in these recordings reflect the expected stress patterns of these two words? Explain with a sentence or two per word.

Part Two: Tones in Angas
The Angas languages are spoken in north-central Nigeria, and they have three level tones, High, Mid and Low. In the transcriptions below (using the vowel ‘a’ as an example), I transcribe these as [á], [a] and [à] respectively (that is: if you see NO tone mark on a vowel, that means it has mid tone.) Recall also that [ǎ] represents rising tone, and [â] represents falling tone. (Read that sentence again and be sure you understand it before continuing!)

There are three sets of Angas data: the bare nouns; the nouns as they appear when followed by a case marker; and the nouns as they appear when followed by an adjective.

Bare Nouns Nouns when followed by case Nouns when followed by an adjective
‘rope’ [téŋ] rope (+ case) [têŋ] rope (+ adj.)
‘cat’ [mús] cat (+ case) [mûs] cat (+ adj)
‘hoe’ [tʃén] hoe (+ case) [tʃên] hoe (+ adj)
‘elephant’ [njí] elephant (+ case) [njî] elephant (+ adj)
‘boy’ [ʒwǎl] boy (+ case) [ʒwâl] boy (+adj)
‘dog’ [ʔǎs] dog (+ case) [ʔâs] dog (+adj)
‘child’ [ɟěm] child (+ case) [ɟêm] child (+adj)
‘locust bean’ [mǎs] locust bean (+ case) [màs] locust bean (+adj)
‘soup’ [pǔk] soup (+ case) [pùk] soup (+ adj)
‘tooth’ [ʔǎs] tooth (+ case) [ʔàs] tooth (+ adj)

Q1) When you add the “+ case” meaning to a noun, sometimes its tone changes and sometimes it doesn’t; same for adding “+ adjective”. Describe how these changes work in prose, as succinctly as you can. In addition to using words, illustrate these changes as mappings from bare nouns to affixed forms: e.g. (just as an example, not true of the data):
/báse/ + “+case” [bàse]

Q2) There are two affixes in these data: one that means “+ case” and one that means “+adjective” … But these affixes contain no segments! … What are the underlying forms of these two morphemes? Explain.

Q3) If you say a bare noun in this language of the form [dùlí]: what do you think its “noun + case” and “noun + adjective” forms would be? Explain your answer. (There are multiple possible right answers here! Just explain your reasoning.)

Part Three: Syllables in Child Spanish
Here are data from two children learning Spanish: it includes adult pronunciations of these words, taken to be the ‘input’ to the children’s phonology, and their own output (as well as the gloss.)
1 Both kids do something systematic, but different, with these words, and syllable shape is relevant. Note that [tʃ] in Spanish, as in English, should be considered a single segment, an affricate.

SD1’s Spanish at age 3;4
adult input
child output gloss adult input child output gloss
[plato] plate /kampanas/ [kapanas] bells
[bloke] block /fuente/ [fuete] water fountain
[fresa] strawberry /gantʃo/ [gatʃo] hook
[tren] train /dulses/ [duses] sweets
[tʃikles] pieces of
gum (pl.)

[tʃaklas] sandals

Q1) Assume (as I believe is correct) that both of these children, and Spanish more generally, syllabifies all the segment sequences you see here the same that English would. With that in mind: give syllabification trees (including Onset/Nucleus/Coda) for the adult, target pronunciation of the words meaning ‘strawberry’, ‘piece of gum, singular’, ‘sweets’, ‘sombrero’ and ‘sandals’.

Q2) Given just the adult data you’ve seen in this table: describe using phonological features the natural classes of consonants which can appear in Spanish Onset and Coda positions. If there can be more than one segment in a position (i.e. two onset consonants in a row or two coda consonants…), describe their individual properties: (e.g.: the first onset C has to be [+something]…)

Q3) With those syllabifications in mind: describe how each child changes the adult target Spanish inputs. That is: compared to your answers in Q2, which adult Spanish syllable pattern does each child appear to NOT allow, and how do they go about avoiding that structure? Hint: you will need to say

1 Note: some segmental changes have been suppressed here for clarity’s sake.

BL4’s Spanish at age 2;8
adult input
child output gloss adult input child output gloss
[pato] plate /manzana/ [manzana] apple
[boke] block /dulses/ [dulses] sweets
[fesa] strawberry /falda/ [falda] skirt
[ten] train /arbol/ [arbol] tree
[tʃike] piece of
gum (sg.)

[kumpeaɲos] birthday
[nego] black /sombrero/ [sombero] hat

something both about the syllable shape and WHERE in the word it occurs. You can do all of this just with words, and with reference to just Cs and Vs in different syllable positions.

Q4) Write phonological rules, as simple as you can make them, to capture each child’s pattern. If you can get away with just Cs and Vs, do so. If you need to make reference to some phonological features, do so. Remember that your rules canNOT reference syllable positions – e.g. we have no way of saying /A/ [B] / ‘in an onset’.

Q5) We discussed in class that one way in which Spanish syllable structure differs from English is that it does not allow s+stop onset clusters. With that in mind: how do you think both children above, BL4 and SD1, would pronounce the Spanish word for ‘star’, whose adult input form would be /estreja/? Make sure you refer to the adult word’s syllabification in your answer.

Part Four: Allomorphy and phonological rules in Ditidaht
Ditidaht is a Wakashan language spoken traditionally at the southern end of Vancouver Island. Here are some words of the language, with their glosses. Every word has one root, and some of them also have one affix, although the meaning of that affix may be more like an entire phrase or sentence in English.

Ditidaht gloss Ditidaht gloss
‘house’ daqwuɫ ‘pub’
‘store’ tʃuʃʼas ‘tree’
‘the salmon spear shaft’ baʔsa ‘it is a house’
‘the tree’ bakwɫaq ‘the store’
‘salmon spear shaft’ daqwɫa ‘it is a pub’
‘board’ ɫuʔɫa ‘it is a board’
‘the house’ ɫuʔɫaq ‘the board’
In this data set: the affixes have only one allomorph, but the roots each have two allomorphs. Bearing
that in mind:

Q1) What are the two affixes’ phonological shapes, and what does each one of them mean? (Just give
the relevant gloss.)

Q2) Now with respect to the root: describe the difference between their two allomorphs, and in what phonological context you see each of them (i.e. not what morphological context.) … Your answer should be (basically) the same for all the roots – that is, describe the root allomorph shapes in a sufficiently general way that it describes all of them (while still being accurate!)

Q3) Write a phonological rule that accounts for the alternation you see in the roots.

Q4) Now suppose that the syllable structure of Ditidaht is CV(C) (i.e. obligatory onset, optional coda.)With this in mind: do you think that the phonological rule you wrote in Q3) could be driven by the language’s syllable structure? If so, what aspect of syllabification is the rule trying to repair? If not, why not? Use at least one concrete example from the data set to make your point.

How would you define tax reform? If you were advising a United States senator, what one specific Federal tax would you add, eliminate or modify? Be as specific as you can. Why would you advocate for this particular change?

Tax Reform

How would you define tax reform? If you were advising a United States senator, what one specific Federal tax would you add, eliminate or modify? Be as specific as you can. Why would you advocate for this particular change?

Identify the major problems found in the case. Ensure that you distinguish between causes and symptoms.

Mini case -Promotion

Choose one mini case from Chapters 11, 12, or 13 at the end of the text. Note that the video cases are not eligible for this assignment. You may use the mini case questions at the end of the chapter to guide your solution to the case. Note that the answers to these questions are not solutions to the case; they are simply intended to guide your thought process).

Formatting Guidelines (Single-spaced text, 12 point font, 1” margins all around. Case Analysis (not including any appendices and references) should not exceed 500 words (approximately 1.5 single-spaced pages). Use the Tools->Word Count option in MS -Word to count the number of words).

Each mini case solution must follow the following formatting guidelines:

Three sections consisting of 1) Problem Identification 2) Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis 3) Recommendations

Problem Identification

Identify the major problems found in the case. Ensure that you distinguish between causes and symptoms. Causes may include changing customer preferences, increased competition, etc. Symptoms include declining revenues, loss of brand equity, increased customer churn, etc.

Support your problem identification by relevant case facts along with the associated theory and concepts.

Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis

Conduct research to identify data (e.g., obtain data in the form of trends, statistics, ratings, etc. from the library and other sources) that can be utilized to provide additional insight into the case.

Draw appropriate conclusions based on the quantitative analysis of data, while recognizing the limits of this analysis.

Discussion and Recommendation

Identify and recommend a solution to the major problem in the case (there is likely to be more than one solution).

Briefly outline your solution and evaluate it in terms of its pros and cons.

Always ensure that your recommendations are supported by statistical evidence and provide spreadsheets as necessary.

Appendix and References

How Imm Thai Fusion can achieve net zero in ten years. This could be through food packaging waste, lowering CO2 emissions in the food supply chain, and changes in activities of business and staff behaviours. How we can engage staff and customers to participate in this plan. What actions/ strategies are being implemented to target this issue elsewhere?

Imm Thai Fusion Corporate Strategy (SME)

Imm Thai Fusion started in August 2015 with an intention to bring authentic Thai food as well as some of our neighbour dishes, the way Thais would like it, to Wimbledon community. We hope to offer a comfort space where people can come and relax with nice food and good drinks and enjoy our hospitality, all of these with a value for money. The founding team also looks to create a platform from which we could nurture and showcase the skills and passion of our team members that would contribute for the better of our society.
Throughout our journey, it became obvious to us that our restaurant has not only produced delicious food, we have also developed a happy team who enjoy serving and taking pride of their responsibilities. And now, not only Imm Thai Fusion wants to safeguard and improve its standard, we look to share the ownership with our staff who, in turn, share Imm Thai Fusion’s original values. This is how our Beckenham branch was originated.
Why called “Imm Thai Fusion”? “Imm” means “full” (or not Hungry) in Thai. It is a common adjective that Thais use in conjunction with other words such as body and heart. The meaning of imm aligns with our intention for our customers to leave our restaurants full, not only in the stomach but also in their personal experience and feeling. The word “Fusion” at the end has a sense of being closely knitted. It allows us to extend our creativity into making choices of our special menus from our neighbor countries like Vietnam, Laos, or even Japan in Thai style.

Current Strategy:
At the moment, our products and price range are considered in between up and middle market. A number of our dine-in customers are regular to Patara, a high-end Thai restaurant brand. Many of our customers are also regular to large chains such as Giggling Squid and Rosa. We therefore want to differentiate ourselves from Giggling Squid and Rosa. Among many strategies put in place, one is to become net zero as we noticed a strong environmental concern amongst our customers. Therefore:
⦁ We try to replace plastic packaging with bio-degradable products. However, this type of packaging costs more than basic plastic containers.
⦁ In the kitchen, we aim to be zero food waste. We are working to control portions and, in some cases, allow for free second servings to reduce food waste.
⦁ When our electricity contract ends, we will switch to a green energy supply.
⦁ Next year, we will launch a price promotion for takeaway customers who bring their own containers. In fact, we are studying the feasibility of launching a scheme where we loan containers to customers (see ⦁ this link as an example).

Future Strategy:
Next year, we are going to launch our sister brand, Imm express, which will specialise in serving Thai and Asian food for ‘grab and go’ and takeaway. So, we are keen to make a strong statement that net zero is one of our main objectives and we want this to reflect in our practice.
Therefore we would like ideas/ strategies, which can be translated into a profitable action plan, in moving the company into net zero in the next ten years. This action plan needs to consider:
⦁ How Imm Thai Fusion can achieve net zero in ten years. This could be through food packaging waste, lowering CO2 emissions in the food supply chain, and changes in activities of business and staff behaviours.
⦁ How we can engage staff and customers to participate in this plan.
⦁ What actions/ strategies are being implemented to target this issue elsewhere?
You should be mindful that most SMEs have limited resources. So, your plan must show efficient and creative use of resources.

Further information:

What information and/or business operations need to be protected? What are the likely sources of threats or attacks for each type of information or business operation? What technologies, products, or services did you identify and discuss in your risk management strategy / acquisition forecast?

Project #4: Acquisition Risk Analysis

For this project, you will investigate and then summarize key aspects of risk and risk management for acquisitions or procurements of cybersecurity products and services. The specific questions that your acquisition risk analysis will address are:
What types of risks or vulnerabilities could be transferred from a supplier and/or imposed upon a purchaser of cybersecurity related products and/or services?
Are suppliers liable for harm or loss incurred by purchasers of cybersecurity products and services? (That is, does the risk transfer from seller to buyer?)
How can governance frameworks be used by both suppliers and purchasers of cybersecurity related products and services to mitigate risks?

For this assignment, your “purchaser” will be the same company that you researched in Project #2. You should reuse relevant information from your risk assessment and risk profile (especially your recommended security controls).

Begin by reviewing your selected company’s needs or requirements for cybersecurity (this information should have been collected your earlier projects in this course). What information and/or business operations need to be protected? What are the likely sources of threats or attacks for each type of information or business operation? What technologies, products, or services did you identify and discuss in your risk management strategy / acquisition forecast?

Next, you will research how operational risk during the manufacturing, development, or service delivery processes can affect the security posture (integrity) of products and services listed in your acquisition forecast. You will then explore the problem of product liability and/or risk transference from supplier to purchaser as products or services are delivered, installed, and used. You will also need to examine the role that IT governance frameworks and standards can play in helping purchasers develop and implement risk mitigation strategies to compensate for potential risk transfer by suppliers.

Once you have completed your research and analysis, you will summarize your findings in an acquisition risk analysis for cybersecurity products and services. This analysis should be suitable for use by the company’s senior managers in developing a company-wide risk management strategy for acquisition and procurement activities which could impact the company’s cybersecurity posture.

What is word production? What is a tip-of-the-tongue state? What is the transmission deficit model of tip-of-the-tongues? What is the blocking hypothesis of tip-of-the-tongues?

Cognitive psychology

Concise summary of study:

What is word production?
What is a tip-of-the-tongue state?
What is the transmission deficit model of tip-of-the-tongues?
What is the blocking hypothesis of tip-of-the-tongues?
What is priming?
What is the hypothesis of the study?

Information on participant cohort.
What design was used (e.g., between- or within-groups)?
What materials were used?

What are the descriptives?
How should you present this data?
What statistical analysis is used?
What are the results of the inferential statistics?

Is the hypothesis confirmed?
Does your study support the transmission deficit model or the blocking hypothesis?
How do your results fit in with other literature in the field?
How do you results differ from other literature in the field?
What are some of the individual differences that might affect the results?
Was the study methodologically sound?
Can you suggest ideas for future study?

Calculate the Discounted Cash Flows (DCF) for 10-years and derive the Net Present Value using the uncertain input variables.

Discounted Cash Flow Modelling and Sensitivity and Risk Analysis

Blue Corn Manufacturing Ltd is in the business of automobile and other ancillary services. The company wants to start its subsidiary business in China as an expansion plan for assembling the auto part. The company’s Chief Operating Officer (COO) after taking into consideration the firm’s portfolio of investments has derived a Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) of 12% as the appropriate discount rate for calculating the firm’s Net Present Value (NPV). Given the uncertainties surrounding Brexit and the current COVID-19 pandemic, the firm’s COO has asked you, the risk analyst to model the following uncertain inputs, using appropriate probability distribution functions. Following a detailed analysis of the firm’s historical data, you have decided to use the following distributions and parameters to model the uncertain

Table 1: Uncertain Inputs and Parameters of Distributions
Uncertain Inputs Distribution Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3
Investment Cost Triangular £90,000 £100,000 £150,000
Year 1 Revenue Triangular £80,000 £100,000 £110,000
Annual Fixed Cost Triangular £32,000 £35,000 £38,000
Annual Revenue Growth Rate Normal 5% 8%
Annual Variable Cost
Normal 50% 2%

For the purpose of this coursework, you are required to do the following:

1. Calculate the Discounted Cash Flows (DCF) for 10-years and derive the Net Present Value using the uncertain input variables. (5 Marks)

2. Perform a single simulation of 10,000 iterations for the NPV model and determine the probability of getting a negative (zero) NPV at 95% Confidence Interval (2 Marks)

3. Perform sensitivity analysis for the NPV output to determine the variable with the largest impact on NPV (Biggest Driver of NPV) using the following:

a) Change in Output. (2 Marks)

b) Regression Coefficient. (2 Marks)

c) Correlation Coefficient. (2 Marks)

d) Contribution to Variance. (2 Marks)

Total (15 Marks)

Write a Report to your COO to communicate the findings from your analyses. The report should describe the purpose and result of your analyses

Explain what Huemer means by “critical thinking;”. Utilize some example of a “publicly discussed issue” in explaining his position. Fully explain Huemer’s main argument for his thesis, trying to make it seem as plausible as you can.

Is Critical Thinking Epistemically Responsible?

Main Question: Is Michael Huemer’s argument for his main thesis successful? [Your thesis statement should make clear your main position on this question.]

Huemer argues that we should never rely on what he terms “critical thinking” when it comes to forming beliefs about “publicly discussed issues.” Instead, we should either suspend judgment on the issue or just follow the lead of the experts and believe whatever it is that they believe. Explain and evaluate Huemer’s argument for this thesis.

In the explanation portion of your paper, you should:

(i) Explain what Huemer means by “critical thinking;”

(ii) Utilize some example of a “publicly discussed issue” in explaining his position.

(iii) Fully explain Huemer’s main argument for his thesis, trying to make it seem as plausible as you can.

In the evaluation portion of the paper, you should:

(i) Develop an objection to Huemer’s argument (be sure to state explicitly what aspect of his argument the objection targets);

(ii) Evaluate your objection to Huemer’s argument (does it succeed? If so, consider what Huemer might say in response. If not, fully explain why not);

(iii) Restate your overall position on Huemer’s argument.