
Write an essay on the importance of critique in the texts we read by Beccaria and Kant. Do these authors develop their critiques far enough?

Essay Question provided in paper details

The texts we read by Beccaria and Kant aimed to bring into question the assumptions that tied the legal and moral order closely to the prestige of sovereign rulers and the Church. Beccaria and Kant promoted instead a doctrine of enlightened republicanism according to which the law is thought to apply to all and protect the equality of freedoms.

Write an essay on the importance of critique in the texts we read by Beccaria and Kant. A “critique” is a systematic analysis and assessment of something. A critique challenges assumptions that get in the way of thinking the critique through. Do these authors develop their critiques far enough? DO NOT use external sources. Your paper should give equal consideration to each thinker.

Describe a sustainable solution to your selected environmental issue that has been proposed by the scientific community. Explain why this solution is sustainable. Support your explanation with scientific evidence.

Emerald ash borer

The final project for this course is the creation of an environmental issue paper.

In the field of environmental science, it is crucial to be able to understand interrelationships and consider all aspects of an issue from ecology to economics. It is important to recognize yourself as a part of the system and how your actions are active contributions to that system. As an environmental scientist, you will be identifying issues and researching resolutions. You will have to consider the various factors included in the environmental issue and the impact the resolution will have on the environment and human population.

For the final project, you will write a paper on an environmental issue of your choice. The
United States Environmental Protection Agency website will be helpful in determining your issue. This is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of an environmental issue that impacts your local community, state, or region at varying levels including ecosystem, quality of life, and economics. These skills will benefit you as you pursue advanced research opportunities as well as careers within the regulation and remediation industry. You will analyze the steps taken to identify the solutions utilized and the success of these solutions, including the people or groups involved. You will be supporting your paper with credible peerreviewed research.
The project is divided into two milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three and Five. The final submission is due in Module Seven.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

Use credible environmental research for drawing basic connections among policy, science, and society
Describe the impact of economic considerations on environmental science and sustainable practices
Identify sustainable environmental practices and science based solutions that are supported by credible evidence
Explain how diverse individual, social, political, and economic factors influence response to environmental issues

For this assessment, you will need to identify an environmental issue that impacts your local community, state, or region. You can choose any environmental issue; however, you will need to describe its impact on the environment, economy, and quality of life. You will also be describing a sustainable solution to the issue and the impact this solution will have on the environment, economy, and quality of life, including how you can promote awareness throughout the community and your daily life.

Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:


I. Environmental Issue: To begin your paper, you will need to identify an environmental issue that impacts your local community, state, or region. You will then describe the issue and its impact on the environment, local community or state, and human quality of life. You will also describe societal and political reactions to the environmental issue. You are required to use credible research to support your descriptions.

A. Identify an environmental issue and briefly explain its impact on the environment. In your explanation, utilizing credible research, be sure to:
Describe the impact this issue has had on the environment within your state.
Describe the impact this issue has had on human quality of life. Support your description with relevant examples.
Describe the impact this environmental issue has had on the economy within your state or local community.
Describe societal reactions to the environmental issue. Support your description with relevant examples.
Describe political reactions to the environmental issue. Support your description with relevant examples.


II. Sustainable Solution: In this section, you will identify an environmentally and economically sustainable solution to your selected environmental issue.
You will explain why this solution is environmentally and economically sustainable and describe the amount of time needed for implementation and cost considerations around the solution. You will explain the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed solution and explain its potential impact on the community. You will also discuss potential consequences if no solution is implemented to remediate the issue.

Describe a sustainable solution to your selected environmental issue that has been proposed by the scientific community. Support your description with scientific evidence.
Explain why this solution is sustainable. Support your explanation with scientific evidence.

Estimate the total amount of time it will take to implement the solution. In other words, how long will it take to identify a solution and implement it from start to finish? Support your estimation with scientific evidence.
Describe the cost considerations of implementing the solution, identifying where the funding will come from.
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of this solution for your local community. For example, you might consider changes to local economy or quality of life. Support your explanation with specific examples.
Describe potential environmental consequences of not implementing a solution to alleviate the environmental issue. Support your description with scientific facts.


III. Personal Impact: Now that you have investigated an environmental issue and a sustainable solution, it is time to reflect on your personal impact. In this section, you will identify a personal habit that may have contributed to the issue. You will then describe ways you can promote the solution described above and how you can promote responsibility within your local community.
Identify a personal habit that contributes to the environmental issue, and explain how it contributes to the issue.
Describe a way that you can personally promote the solution in your daily life.
Describe how you can promote environmental responsibility within your local community. Support your description with specific examples

What is the genre? When do you think the music was recorded? If applicable, who is the artist?

Music: “La Bruja” by Conjunto J

1. What is the genre?
Beas specific as possible. Many of the styles we are studying have a number of subgenres. If the music is blues, for instance, you should say whether it is urban or rural.

2. When do you think the music was recorded?
Your answer should not simply be based on recording quality, but rather on the way the genre of music has changed through time. Make sure to make reference to specific musical features.

3. If applicable, who is the artist?
If the music in question is not from a culture about which we have studied individual performers, you don’t need to answer specifically. So, if it is music by a gospel choir, for instance, I don’t expect you to identify the specific choir.

If the music is from a genre in which we have studied individual performers, you should say whom you think the performer might be and why. It is less important that you get exactly the right individual than that your reasoning be logical. As long as you know what the genre is and can explain it, a reasoned appraisal of who the performer might be will earn high marks.

This report must be based on aural observations and should not contain biographical information about the performers in question or extraneous information about the genre.

How are things at home? How are things at school? Are you feeling angry or upset about anything lately? Are any of your friends pressuring you into things you’re not comfortable with? Have you had any thoughts of harming yourself or others?


When obtaining a health history, it is important to build a rapport with the patient and create a safe space for communication (Ball et al., 2019). Using a patient-centered approach, as discussed by Ball et al. (2019), increases the opportunities to keep the conversation going and obtaining the information needed to treat the patient. In the case of 16-year-old BK, the clinician must take into account the patient’s age and socioeconomic factors. BK lives with her grandmother and her mother is a drug addict who is incarcerated. The grandmother is concerned about drug abuse by BK, stating that BK has been “acting strange, staying in her room all the time and refusing to do all the things she used to enjoy”.

The priority of the clinician is building a relationship with BK in order to get the information needed to provide optimal treatment (Ball et al., 2019). Using the HEEADSSS assessment tool would be beneficial for this situation (Ball et al., 2019). The HEEADSSS acronym stands for home environment, education/employment, eating, activities/affect/ambition/anger, drugs, sexuality, suicide/depression, and safety from injury and violence (Ball et al., 2019). An interview utilizing this assessment tool would consist of the following five questions:

“How are things at home?”
“How are things at school?”
“Are you feeling angry or upset about anything lately?”
“Are any of your friends pressuring you into things you’re not comfortable with?”
“Have you had any thoughts of harming yourself or others?”

How would you describe yourself? What makes a good friend? What is the most challenging part of your life right now? What is something you wish adults understood about kids? How is it being around your grandmother?

Week 2 db response

My assigned patient is a 16-year-old Caucasian female who is accompanied by her grandmother. According to the grandmother, the patient has been acting strange, antisocial, and refusing to do things she once enjoyed. The grandmother is concerned that the patient may be using drugs, given the fact that her mother is an incarcerated, drug addict. The patient is obese and does not make any eye contact as the provider enters the rooms.

Some specific socioeconomic factors associated with the patient from the information provided includes her being a teenager and family influences of drug use. Being a teenager is when a child starts to become independent, make their own decisions, and figure out who they are. Often times these decisions are influenced by family, peers, and the environment they are in. According to Janicijevic et al. (2017), “Socioeconomic environment in which young people were raised as children predicts their behavior in young adulthood.” Some specific lifestyle factors associated with the patient includes an unhealthy weight probably related to a lack of exercise as the patient is antisocial, an unhealthy diet, mental well-being, and possible drug use. The patient’s spiritual and cultural factors will have to be thoroughly assessed during the interview. As indicated by Kisilowska et al. (2018), “It is worth noting that contrary to common opinion, often inspired by poor usage of digital collections, cultural information needs are essential for young users.”

When interacting with the patient, some issues I would need to be sensitive to as a provider includes discussing drug use, weight, and behavior change. Discussing these topics can be embarrassing for the patient, difficult to discuss, and can trigger emotions. While all of these topics can be personal, talking about them can begin a supportive and open conversation. As indicated by Hoopes et al. (2017), “Although the impact of provider communication on health outcomes for adolescents is unknown, there is evidence that communication affects their health care experience.”


Six targeted questions I would ask the patient to help build her health history and to assess her health risks includes:

How would you describe yourself?
What makes a good friend?
What is the most challenging part of your life right now?
What is something you wish adults understood about kids?
How is it being around your grandmother?
What do you look forward to most each day?

In what ways can cinema be said to present new ways of representing thought that offer an alternative to a linguistic paradigm?


In what ways can cinema be said to present new ways of representing thought that offer an alternative to a linguistic paradigm?

Answer with reference to at least two films discussed on the module. Next films can be used: Hamlet (Lawrence Olivier, UK, 1948), Persona (Ingmar Bergman, Sweden, 1966), Meshes of the Afternoon (Maya Deren, USA, 1943), Tout la mémoire du monde (Alain Resnais/Chris Marker, France, 1956), Maya Deren, Dances for Camera (Maya Deren, USA, 1946-1955), Pickpocket (Robert Bresson, France, 1959), The Thin Red Line (Terrence Malick, USA, 1998)

Define and discuss the condition the patient is presenting with, including the relevant related pathophysiology. Using a systematic approach, discuss the assessment and the priorities of nursing care related to the scenario, and demonstrate an understanding of the biopsychosocial factors that may influence the patient’s care.

NURS 2021 Responding to Altered Health Care Needs – Adult FOP case scenario


You are expected to provide a 3000-word written response to the below case scenario. Ensure you use the DMU Harvard referencing and adhere to the usual academic writing guidelines for this assignment.
Evidence from literature/clinical guidelines should be used to underpin/support your answers.

Case scenario:

Mr Rajesh Patel is a 48-year-old taxi driver who presents to his local Emergency Department (ED) with a crushing central chest pain that radiates to his left arm. He has rapid breathing, seems very anxious and reports feeling nauseated.
Mr Patel does not smoke. He drinks alcohol when not working, often about 20 units or more a week. Due to his shift work doing day and night shifts, his eating patterns are irregular, tending to eat a large meal once he has finished working after 10pm or during his night shift; and he snacks on high calorie and high carbohydrate-based foods while working.

Mr Patel has hypertension which he takes an angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitor for. He has a family history of cardiovascular disease (CVD), with his father having a first myocardial infarction (MI) before he was 55 years old. On this occasion the emergency medical treatment was successful but he died of a myocardial infarction before he was 65 years old.

Mr Patel and his family were on their way to visit his brother, sister-in-law and children when his chest pain began. He arrived at the ED with his wife, mother and two children. Mr Patel is employed on a zero hours contract and he is the only member of the family whose work is income-generating. He very keen to be treated quickly, so he can return to his job as soon as possible.
His wife is extremely worried for Mr Patel and has been observed to be crying when she thinks no one is looking. She has confided in a member of the nursing team that her anxiety levels have been high since they began their journey today and she has described symptoms consistent with mild agoraphobia having not been out of the house much at all since the pandemic started. She has also mentioned that she is a full-time carer for her mother-in-law since her diagnosis of dementia a year ago.
Mr Patel’s mother presents as moderately confused, disoriented and anxious, and has been observed to be wandering around the ED at times. She appears to respond well to her daughter-in-law and becomes much calmer and contented for a period of time when she has physical contact with her.
Mr Patel’s children, who are twelve and nine years old, are not fully aware of what is happening and have asked a number of times when he will be allowed to leave, so they can go and visit their family.

On admission, the following observations are recorded:
Respiratory rate: 28 breaths per minute at rest
Oxygen saturation: 90 % on room air
Blood pressure: 170/88 mmHg
Heart rate: 117 beats per minute, regular, ST segment elevation noted on electrocardiogram (ECG)
Temperature 36.60C

A diagnosis of ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is made.
In relation to the above scenario:

Define and discuss the condition the patient is presenting with, including the relevant related pathophysiology. (500 words)

Using a systematic approach, discuss the assessment and the priorities of nursing care related to the scenario, and demonstrate an understanding of the biopsychosocial factors that may influence the patient’s care. (1500 words)

Critically discuss the impact of acute illness on the patient and family. (1000 words)

Specific guidance:

Please familiarise yourself with the learning outcomes below, as these will be used to assess your written assignment.

Be sure to use the clinical definition in relation to your scenario and please research the diagnostic criteria/manuals and consider relevant guidelines e.g. NICE guidelines. Ensure you fully explain the definition and pathophysiology of the condition as well as identify risk factors and commonly used prediction tools with up to date clinical/academic sources to support your writing.
You need to demonstrate a systemic assessment approach using the Resuscitation Council’s (2015) ABCDE assessment method and explain the nursing priorities for the scenario demonstrating an understanding of biopsychosocial factors.
Critically discuss how the acute illness impacts upon the patient, family, carers etc. with an understanding of how the nurses’ role can influence this.


Describe, in (500) no more than 750 words, the five project life-cycles defined by Schmidt (predictive, iterative, incremental, agile, and hybrid) and justify which life-cycle should be used to complete the Kitchen Heaven Project.

Project Life-Cycles

Reread the Kitchen Heaven Project Case Study in Heldman et al. pages 84-87, 139-141, and 283-285 and read pages 190-193. (See attached MGT-440 Week 2 Project Reading)

Part 1: Action Steps Column (A) (See attached Spreadsheet)

Create a list of action steps or activities and enter them in the Inputs (the blue portion) of the Logical Framework template. Be sure to include the associated Outcome each activity (see template). For each action step/activity add at least one assumption made related to the completion of the action step/activity.

Only define the action steps required to achieve each outcome. Resources, budget and due dates will be completed in Topic 7.

Each action step/activity should contain one and only one deliverable (i.e., one document, one action completed, one delivery made)

Each outcome will consist of a minimum of five action steps/activities.
Each action step/activity will have at least one assumption.

Part 2: Project Life-Cycles

Describe, in (500) no more than 750 words, the five project life-cycles defined by Schmidt (predictive, iterative, incremental, agile, and hybrid) and justify which life-cycle should be used to complete the Kitchen Heaven Project. (See attached Strategic Project Management read Chapter 8 pages 125-137)

Minimum of three outside resources. Sources must be authoritative and not from a Wikipedia-type source.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Think about the life of Mrs. Mallard in “The Story of an Hour” and consider how her life might not have been as free as she might have imagined it should the ending have been different. If her husband had in-fact died, and she had lived, would she actually be as free as she think she would? Why or why not?

The Moral of the Story is….

What this paper is:
This exercise is designed to allow you to express your thoughts about a short story. For example, you may discuss a theme found in one of the stories we have covered or discuss an author’s use of symbolism. You may make a point about the historical context of a particular writing, or how a particular author deals with a topic or relationship. You may compare the way two authors deal with a topic, or type of character, or make an argument about a particular story’s meaning.
You must make a claim about the story and support it with quotes and paraphrases from the story itself. Outside research is optional but it may help.

What this paper is not:
This paper is not a book report nor a simple summary. While you should plan to summarize parts or the whole of the story, do not simply tell your readers what happened. Make a defendable claim about it.
While you may start with an opinion about the work in question, you should make provable points (backed up with quotation or paraphrase from the text) rather than relying on guess work, or first impressions.
Avoid using phrases like “I think” or “I believe” as these weaken your writing by making your reader think you’re not sure.
In class we will discuss proposals for topics for this paper. You should try to come up with a tentative thesis statement in to discuss in class.

Examples of Topics: (you are not limited to these)

Discuss the obsessive need for June’s mother to find a way for June to be a prodigy in “Two Kinds” and what that might do to a child’s self-esteem.

Compare Harry to the dead Leopard from the first lines of “The Snows of Kilimanjaro”. What are each of them symbolically or actually climbing? Does the image of the hyena come into play here?

Think about the life of Mrs. Mallard in “The Story of an Hour” and consider how her life might not have been as free as she might have imagined it should the ending have been different. If her husband had in-fact died, and she had lived, would she actually be as free as she think she would? Why or why not?

What factors lead to this being an appropriate case for mediation? What is the conflict about? What are the positions and interests of each party to the conflict? Who are the parties to the conflict? How has the conflict progressed?

OLB7001-Week 8

Over the last 7 weeks, you learned about both the theoretical side and the practical side of the conflict. You’ve seen yourself in a conflict situation, and you’ve seen yourself as the mediator of a conflict. This week, you will combine all the information, and then you will analyze and set the stage for successful mediation of the case found in your resources, titled Office Sharing. As you move through the process of case analysis and mediation preparation, answer the following questions:

What factors lead to this being an appropriate case for mediation?
What is the conflict about?
What are the positions and interests of each party to the conflict?
Who are the parties to the conflict?
How has the conflict progressed?
What type of mediation intervention would be most appropriate?
Who needs to participate in the mediation, and how would you involve/approach them?
What, if any, are the cultural, ethnic, gender, or other issues; and how will each affect your decisions regarding the entry phase of the mediation?
How would you conduct the first three phases of mediation (Moore, p. 186) and establish trust, rapport, and credibility among parties to the conflict?
What arena, physical arrangements and procedures would you choose, and why?
What might be some substantive, procedural, and psychological issues related to the parties – and how might you deal with them?
What strategy might you employ to address the above-mentioned issues if your assessment is correct and they emerge during mediation?
What conditions must be present for a win-win outcome to occur – and what do you foresee as a potential win-win for the disputants in this case?
How might psychological closure be important to redefining the relationship and supporting a lasting agreement? What actions might be necessary to bring this closure about?
What are some of the voluntary commitment procedures that may be employed here – and how might they enhance the success of an agreement between the parties?
Who are the parties that might threaten a good agreement – and how can those threats be addressed or neutralized during the mediation process?
In Week 1, you were asked what you needed in this course. Did you get want you needed? Why or why not?