
Should Chippewa Valley Insurance offer an on-site fitness room, organized walking/workout groups, or paid fitness club memberships to their employees as part of the Health and Wellness initiative starting in 2022?

APA Recommendation Report

• Recommendation Report – Corporate Health and Wellness Program. Your company has decided to offer a Health and Wellness Program to current and future employees, but as a small company, they need to be careful what perks they offer. Investigate the most common health and wellness opportunities offered at other companies of your size to recommend the best ONE for your company to invest in at the start of the New Year.
After examining options, such as weekly yoga or cross-training classes, walking groups, lunch and learns, fit-bit tracking, an onsite fitness room, etc. write a MEMO report addressed to the head of Human Resources, Marcia Gonzalez, in order to recommend the best SINGLE perk to add.

The approved topic that MUST be used:

Should Chippewa Valley Insurance offer an on-site fitness room, organized walking/workout groups, or paid fitness club memberships to their employees as part of the Health and Wellness initiative starting in 2022?

(Note: Each option will be broken down further for comparison based on price and employee usage.)

For reference to this scenario please assume the company has under 150 employees total.

Please be sure to use Indirect Strategy.

What are the consumer goods and material recall process? Discuss this process about a company that sells consumer goods and has had a material recall within the last 5 years.

Consumer goods and material recall process

What are the consumer goods and material recall process? Discuss this process about a company that sells consumer goods and has had a material recall within the last 5 years.

•Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.
•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages with no less than a two-page paper.
•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Identify an emerging concept such as reverse logistics, green logistics, etc. and analyze its impact on the future of transportation and logistics management.

Transportation and logistics management

The Final Research Project will be 20-25 pages and due in week 8. The project must include a title page, table of contents, abstract, and a reference page. The project will demonstrate the knowledge acquired through course work completed to date. The project is an application of this knowledge and requires the student to analyze and interpret the topic of interest. The use of graphics and charts is highly encouraged.

This report must be original work. This report cannot include papers submitted in previous courses.


APA cover page

Abstract (1/2- 1 page)

2. Introduction to the topic, problem or thesis statement

3. Literature Review Background Research on the topic (use from week 5)

4. Discussion of your ideas on the topic and problem

5. Discussion of new solution(s) to the problem

6. Conclusion

The final paper must have the following key sections, clearly identified, though they can be titled creatively to reflect your question and interests:

I. An introduction that states the problem and why your topic is important.

The research question, clearly and concisely stated as a question. What do you hope to answer with this research? This section should also include definition of terms.

II. Literature Review – background research on this topic

III. The results/ discussions, describes what you have learned that helps answer the research question. What are you ideas about this topic?

IV. The discussion of potential new solutions.

V. The conclusion, which summarizes the key points of the paper and suggests further research needed on this topic.

VI. A list of references in APA format.

Topics for the course project include but are not limited to:

1) The convergence of transportation congestion and transportation security at a U.S. seaport.

2) A review of past Transportation legislation while developing a new proposal to address past weaknesses and omissions.

3) The transitioning of the Defense Transportation System toward complementing best practices in supply chain management efficiently and securely.

4) A review of the U.S. economy and its impact on transportation and logistics management.

5) Identify new challenges within transportation and logistics management and develop viable solutions to these challenges.

6) Identify an emerging concept such as reverse logistics, green logistics, etc. and analyze its impact on the future of transportation and logistics management.

7) Other topics will be considered.

Write a paper explaining three examples of Poka-Yoke from your personal or professional life.


Write a paper explaining three examples of Poka-Yoke from your personal or professional life (examples are all around you keep it simple!)

Your examples may be existing or ideas you have to mistake-proof a process

Include photos of each and details on how they prevent and/or minimize errors

Keep in mind that written instructions are not an acceptable example

Refer to Poka-Yoke section in the Chapter 8 module for examples

The paper should be 600-800 words. Scoring will be as follows:

Demonstrate understanding of the Subject Matter

Correctly Apply Concepts

Creatively Apply Concepts (go beyond restating what is in the lecture, book, etc.)

Spelling & Grammar

Conciseness (efficient, effective communication, staying within the prescribed number of words)

Identify historical and contemporary influences of discrimination in U.S. culture. Analyzes the evolution of the social movements that have emerged as a result of a diversity issue and cites support from scholarly resources.

Same Sex Marriage

Many of the current political, legal, and social debates in U.S. society concern diversity and its related issues. Two of those debates have centered on immigration policy and same-sex marriage. These debates involve not only arguments regarding discriminatory treatment of particular ethnic groups or sexual minorities but also legal, economic, and religious questions and concerns.

In this assessment, you apply the sociological perspective to one of these debates. You research the political players and key arguments on the different sides of your chosen controversy, and you place them in historical and contemporary context to gain a deeper understanding of the causes and consequences of the debate, and current and proposed policy solutions. Understanding the key developments and policy changes that pertain to your debate puts you in a position in which you can more accurately evaluate the merits of arguments made by politicians, leaders, and others with a stake in shaping future policy decisions.

Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1:Analyzes how sociological theory can be used to understand disparities in political power and cites scholarly sources for support.

Competency 2: Identify historical and contemporary influences of discrimination in U.S. culture.
Analyzes the evolution of the social movements that have emerged as a result of a diversity issue and cites support from scholarly resources.

Competency 3: Analyze the effects of social policy using aggregated data.
Address questions that reflect public perception using supporting data or research.

Competency 4: Analyze how laws are applied or created based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, and social class.
Analyze the evolution of antidiscrimination law to give context to current law or policy.

Competency 5: Apply diversity strategies in professional, educational, and personal contexts.
Discuss tactics employed by activists to promote a cause.

Competency 6: Communicate effectively.
Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format and with few errors of grammar, usage, and mechanics.

How does reframing what is usually seen as an individual behavioral issue allow for a public health commitment to address it? How does Veronica Gago highlight the importance of struggle for achieving public health and abortion and human rights?

Public health

How does reframing what is usually seen as an individual behavioral issue (like cigarette smoking, seat belt use, etc.) allow for a public health commitment to address it? How does Veronica Gago highlight the importance of struggle for achieving public health and abortion and human rights? How does femicide highlight the idea that in Latin America “la calle” is the social space of the Macho and no place for women?

Identify the poem from which the quote comes as well as the author of the poem; then explain the meaning of the quote in the context of the entire poem.

Choose one

Question 1 Edgar Allan Poe developed a theory of the construction of a tale. He wrote:

A skillful literary artist has constructed a tale. If wise, he has not fashioned his thoughts to accommodate his incidents; but having conceived, with deliberate care, a certain unique or single effect to be wrought out, he then invents such incidents – he then combines such events as may best aid him in establishing this preconceived effect. If his very initial sentence tend not to the out bringing of this effect, then he has failed in his first step. In the whole composition there should be no word written, of which the tendency, direct or indirect, is not to the one preestablished design.

Analyze Poe’s careful crafting of the works we studied. Keep his theory of the short story in mind – the idea that a story must have a “singular effect.” He carries this philosophy over to his poetry as well. In “The Fall of the House of Usher,” what is the singular effect of this story? How do the setting, characters, and plot all work together to carry this effect to the end? Be sure to also include the purpose of the literature within the story (“The Haunted Palace” and the Ethelred story).

How does he craft “Annabel Lee” and “The Raven”? How do the elements of each poem work together to carry a “singular effect” to the end?

Question 2 Answer the following question in complete sentences.

You should not merely answer in bullet style. Write a well-developed essay that incorporates all of the ideas in the question. The question is two-pronged.

First, discuss the idea of conformity vs. nonconformity in the works of Emerson and Thoreau. The focus of your essay should be the works that we studied by these authors. This is important. Give consideration to these things in your answer:

how the transcendentalists view man
Emerson’s concept of “man thinking” and a “foolish consistency”
what it means in their eyes to really be a “man” (think of Self-Reliance and the “different drummer” quote)
how society affects the individual
obstacles that keep a person from truly being himself
the general lesson about conformity that can be drawn from the path Thoreau wore between his house and the pond
how Thoreau defines true success
Though Whitman and Dickinson were quite different poets, both were greatly influenced by the transcendentalist movement. In the second part of your essay, explain this transcendentalist influence in Whitman and Dickinson, using at least four of the poems listed in your discussion. Ask yourself, what “tenet” of transcendentalism does each one express?

“Song of Myself #1” – Consider the poem as a whole, but also think specifically of these lines:
Creeds and schools in abeyance,
Retiring back a while sufficed at what they are, but never forgotten,
I harbor for good or bad, I permit to speak at every hazard,
Nature without check with original energy.

“When I Heard the Learned Astronomer”
“Much Madness Is Divinest Sense”
“I Taste a Liquor Never Brewed”
“Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church”

Question 3 In the document on Nathaniel Hawthorne (found in Content),

Give five predominant themes that can be found in Hawthorne. DO NOT GO TO THE INTERNET TO FIND THEMES IN HAWTHORNE; FOCUS ON THE NOTES I HAVE PROVIDED. Choose three themes and demonstrate how they can be seen in the Hawthorne short stories that we studied – “The Birthmark,” “Young Goodman Brown,” and “My Kinsman Major Molineux.” Here are your guidelines:

1. You must write in complete sentences, but you MAY approach the answer in bullet form rather than writing a cohesive essay.

2. You should give specific examples on how you find a particular theme in a particular work. HOWEVER, You MAY NOT repeat any examples that I have given in my discussion of that theme.

Each theme receives five points. You only have to give one example from one story for each theme; however, you are welcome to discuss the theme in all three if you would like.

Question 4 Answer ONE of the following shorter essay questions.

“The Devil and Tom Walker” takes the form of a folk tale. In such tales, (a) the tone is generally humorous; (b) the main characters are stereotypes; and (c) many events are unbelievable and ascribed to hearsay. Find and discuss at least one example of each of these three characteristics in “The Devil and Tom Walker.”

The excerpts that we read from The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass include two epiphany experiences from Douglass’s life. Explain what an epiphany is in a person’s life. (Look up the definition if you need to.) Then describe the two experiences FROM THE ASSIGNED EXCERPTS that Douglass relates that you would consider epiphany experiences. What did Douglass gain / learn from each experience? Do your best to capture the profound effect that each experience had on his life. As always, you should not search for this answer. The Internet may take you to experiences outside our assigned reading.

Question 5 Choose two of the following quotes to interpret.

Identify the poem from which the quote comes as well as the author of the poem; then explain the meaning of the quote in the context of the entire poem.

1. God preaches,”a noted clergyman,”
And the sermon is never long;
So instead of getting to heaven at last,
I ‘m going all along!

2. I CELEBRATE myself, and sing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
I loafe and invite my soul,
I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass.

3. His own parents,
He that had father’d him, and she that had conceiv’d him in her womb, and birth’d him,
They gave this child more of themselves than that;
They gave him afterward every day – they became part of him.

Briefly discuss the major impact this pandemic will have on Smithfield Custom Furniture’s Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling functions.

Last one

Case Discussion: Smithfield Custom Furniture (Part 4 Conclusion)

This case discussion continues with the Smithfield Furniture Company. (You may desire to briefly review the facts provided to you in Discussions 1—3 to address this week’s discussion.)

It is now April 1, 2020. The 2015 purchase of You Figure it Out was culminated, and the planned integration of their manufacturing and sales, as described in Discussion 3, fully completed.

The company now has 411 stores and 24,000 employees. 344 of the 411 retail outlets all sell the upscale and moderately priced lines; 51 retail outlets (Texas (6), California (13), New York (15), Nevada (4), Florida (9), and North Carolina (4) sell only the You Figure it Out brand. These 51 stores employ 2,000 of the 24,000 workers.

There are 16 stores overseas, Spain (4), France (4), Germany (4), and England (4), that sell all 3 product lines. These stores employ 1,000 workers. Half of these employees work in retail stores. The other half work at various seaports in their countries, receiving furniture and delivering the furniture produced in the US to various stores and customers.

In 2015, Margot Smithfield and the 12-member board of directors purchased You Figure it Out, a moderately profitable 51 store chain of ultra-modern furniture. The furniture and furniture-related accessories of You Figure it Out were all made in China. Still, with the 2015 acquisition, all furniture is manufactured at 1 of the 5 furniture manufacturing plants in the United States. Their retail stores are located in Texas (6), California (13), New York (15), Nevada (4), Florida (9), and North Carolina (4).

Financial Info:

2019 Gross Sales (all product lines) – $1.6 Billion US.
2019 Net Profit – $440 Million
April 30, 2020 (Cash Reserves) – $2.8 Billion
Sixty percent (60%) of sales, gross revenues, and expenses are associated with the upscale product line.
Twenty-five percent (25%) of sales, gross revenues, and expenses are associated with the You Figure it Out product line.
Fifteen percent (15%) of sales, gross revenues, and expenses are associated with overseas outlets.
In other words, for this case activity, all 3 product lines are proportional in terms of revenue and expenses.

The Management Issue: Presently, it is believed that as early as March 2020, the possibility exists for the company to be in the throes of a worldwide rapidly spreading, highly contagious, debilitating, and often fatal viral pandemic. The company must plan for this eventuality to occur.

Your Task for Your Initial Post

Margot Smithfield has requested you, based on the course materials you have studied the past seven weeks related to Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling, to briefly discuss (supported by course materials. in-text citations, and references) the major impact this pandemic will have on Smithfield Custom Furniture’s Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling functions. You can assume a vaccine will be available and distributed worldwide 18 months from the start of the pandemic.

After you have discussed the major impact the pandemic will have on the company’s Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling functions, you must indicate for each of those functions the most significant action the company will need to take to ensure its survival, assuming the pandemic’s effects will last 18 months.

Prepare a report which identifies the relative merits of the two companies and concludes with a recommendation to invest in GM, Tesla, both or neither.

Tesla vs GM

Prepare a report which identifies the relative merits of the two companies and concludes with a recommendation to invest in GM, Tesla, both or neither.

Identify if your social trend you selected is a problem for society? In what way? Or if not a problem, in what way is it an advantage? What role did the media play in this?

Social Trend

You will choose a current social trend, referred to as a topic, that is impacting society that interest you. You will conduct a review on the trend and discuss the sociological impact it has on society and you.

Minimum of 5 reviewed and minimum of 3 citations must be cited in the paper

 You must apply one of three founding sociological perspectives to your topic, (Functionalist Theory, Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interactionism) as reviewed in class and in your Introduction to Sociology course. When discussing your topic, you will simply identify which perspective fits and why.

 Identify how the media portrays your topic of interest, i.e., describe the media’s coverage or lack of coverage.

 Identify if your social trend you selected is a problem for society? In what way? Or if not a problem, in what way is it an advantage? What role did the media play in this?

 In addition to including one of the three founding sociological perspectives, describe how your research on this topic enhance your sociological imagination, (state how your viewpoint changed or what you learned about the topic that made you think differently about the topic, or how your perspective on it was enhanced and why, do not state that it stayed the same!) (C. Wright Mills)

 Conclude by reflecting on how you can be a catalyst for change in some way, simply stated what can you do to make a difference?

 You are free to reflect openly in your conclusion as you feel comfortable.