
Motivation is described into 2 differing types, intrinsic and extrinsic. In a 2-3 page paper describing these 2 types, giving examples of each kind, and describe how you as a leader/manager would utilize both of these.


Motivation is described into 2 differing types, intrinsic and extrinsic. In a 2-3 page paper describing these 2 types, giving examples of each kind, and describe how you as a leader/manager would utilize both of these.

Why did Estonia choose to have a digital system? What benefits can you see having a digital based society with most if not all institutions relying on technology? What do see as being the potential consequences of such a system?


Digitizing democracy and utilizing this process for developing countries to create democratic societies. Questions

Instructions: In your personal reflection, students are required to link their course text and studied class material (lectures/ handouts) whenever possible. This film should be linked to digitizing democracy and the possibility of utilizing this process for developing countries to create democratic societies.

Link to Film:



Watch both films before answering the questions!

[1.] Why did Estonia choose to have a digital system?

[2.] What benefits can you see having a digital based society with most if not all institutions relying on technology? What do see as being the potential consequences of such a system?

[3.] How safe are the privacy practices of a digital society? Has Estonia ever been hacked? Why might this make people hesitant to embrace digitization?

[4.] Does this style of digital democracy get more people to participate in political decisions? Do you think having easier access to political, government, and economic structures creates more of a connection to these structures? Explain!

[5.] Why is having a digital society a plus for economic development in Estonia? What is the program they have that allows them to have global businesses headquartered in Estonia. How might this help the economy?

[6.] How convenient is it to have your complete medical records and access to all medical procedures in one place? Do you think people in the U.S. would embrace a system similar to this why or why not? Could this access prevent medical mistakes?

[7.] Why might this system not work in the U.S.? Where would the hesitancy come from on integrating similar system like Estonia?

[8.] How does this digital system save money? List some examples from the types of digital services provided in the film.

[9.] Is Estonia’s digital system the future?

[10.] What is your own personal reflection on this topic!

How Estonia built a digital first government
How Estonia became one of the world’s most advanced digital societies | CNBC Reports

Watch an episode of NOVA and Write about 5 things you learned, 3 things you wondered about, and how do you learn more about them.

Summary of a Nova episode

Watch an episode of NOVA and Write about 5 things you learned, 3 things you wondered about, and how do you learn more about them.

Create a cozy reading nook, provide comfortable seating, and ensure good lighting. Consider setting up a reading challenge or book club to make it more engaging.

Parent Newsletter Article

As parents, we want our children to have the best possible start in life. Reading is a skill that opens doors to a world of possibilities, and it’s one of the most important skills your child will ever learn. But reading is more than just a practical skill – it’s a gateway to a whole world of knowledge, imagination, and empathy.
Here are some tips to help your child become a confident and enthusiastic reader. Reading aloud to your child is one of the best things you can do to encourage a love of reading.
Even after your child has learned to read independently, continue to read aloud together. This helps develop vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking skills and provides an opportunity for bonding and sharing quality time. Make reading an enjoyable experience by incorporating it into your child’s daily routine.
Encourage your child to choose books they’re interested in, and let them read at their own pace. Create a cozy reading nook, provide comfortable seating, and ensure good lighting. Consider setting up a reading challenge or book club to make it more engaging. Children learn by example, so if you want your child to be a reader, model that behavior. Make time for reading, and let your child see you enjoy books.

Discuss books with your child and recommend ones you’ve enjoyed. It’s also a good idea to limit screen time and encourage other activities that promote reading, like visiting the library or attending author events. Reading does not have to be a solitary activity. Encourage your child to read menus, signs, and labels when you’re out and about. Choose books that align with your child’s interests, such as a cookbook or craft book (Sheila, 2023). Integrate reading into other subjects, like math or science, by reading related books or articles.
References :

Sheila Razdan, (2023)“Tips to Help Your Child Fall in Love with Reading.”

Identify the model being used? State why the model is a good choice? State why the question is important (what did the author(s) hope to learn about the field?

Journal Club SAMPLE Worksheet

Instructions: This worksheet must be completed for ALL peer-reviewed research articles that you read in this course.

Student Name: _________________ Date Submitted: _______________ (Mandatory)

Full Article Citation being read, interpreted, and presented – in APA format:

______________________________________________________________________________________ (Mandatory)


Observation that led to research (look in Abstract and Introduction)

Answer the following questions in this box.  Type your responses after each question.

  • Describe 2-3 Observations in the article? What I observed from this article…
Question (try rewording the Title)

Answer the following questions in this box.  Type your responses after each question.

  • Identify the model being used? The model being described is …
  • State why the model is a good choice? The model is a good choice because…
  • State why the question is important (what did the author(s) hope to learn about the field? The research question is important because…
Hypothesis (usually not stated, but implied in the Abstract of Introduction; look for phrases like “this research shows…”)

Answer the following questions in this box.  Type your responses after each question.

  • Explain why these hypotheses make sense based on current knowledge (found in the Introduction)? The research hypotheses make sense because…
Experiment (look at the figures displayed in the article to determine what they did).

Answer the following questions in this box.  Type your responses after each question.

  • Choose 2-3 key figures that directly address the Hypotheses? Three key figures are …(if none, then state ‘no figures’)…
  • Restate the model (look at the Legend for the Figure)?  The model in the research study is…(if none, the state ‘no models’)…
  • Describe the general experimental design; what was measured/compared and how? The experimental design was … and measured/compared…
  • Describe the methods and controls (draw a flow chart that will be presented to class)? The methods in the study used…The controls were…
  • Explain why the choice of controls was appropriated? The controls were appropriate because…
Results (look at the Figures First)

Answer the following questions in this box.  Type your responses after each question.

  • Explain figures clearly; restate what is being compared to what for each one? The variables being compared are …
  • Look for trends; (e.g. what is increased over what)? Trends found in the study include…
  • Identify the controls and how they validate the trends? Controls found in the study include…
  • Look for statistical analyses (look at the Legend or Results) that validate the data? The statistical analyses that validates (or rejects) the data include…
Conclusion (based on the data, NOT on the discussion)

Answer the following questions in this box.  Type your responses after each question.

  • Does the data support the hypotheses? The data does (does not) support the hypotheses as stated in…
  • Are there other possible explanations for the data? Other possible explanations for the data include…
  • Is the data convincing (statistics)? The data is convincing because it shows…
  • How could the experiment be improved? The experiment could be improved by…
  • Why is the data interesting? The data in this study was interesting because it…
  • How does it contribute to our understanding of the field? The data from this study contributes to our understanding of the field of…

Include a 7-9 sentences summary of the article. You are limited to only one quote from each article, the rest is a summary in your own words. Read the article, summarize the findings, include the summary here – you may also include elements from your responses above to formulate the summary.  

You must use APA formatting. All paragraphs must have a proper citation at the end of the material denoting the author and year. Do not use contractions. Write in third person and do not write in first person (i.e. “me” or “I” should not be used).

Establish (create) the COGs and SGA for a new Pediatric Healthcare center in Qingdao, China.

Case study (need in 10 hours) and don’t use AI to produce results

Establish (create) the COGs and SGA for a new Pediatric Healthcare center in Qingdao, China.

COGs must include Direct Cost, Labor Cost, Expenses, Number of Patients, and Total COGs. For the word report, please explain each one, and how much will be for each one, also explain the criteria that you use. In Excel do the calculation, not only numbers, need to be the formulas that you used it. Forecast for 5 years, and explain the criteria that you use for forecast each component.

SAG must include indirect expenses associated with operating the pediatric center, cost of general and administrative expenses (non-medical staff), cost of selling and marketing expenses (these can include expenses associated with advertising, public relations, and other promotional activities), and the total SAG expenses by adding the general and administrative expenses and selling and marketing expenses. For the word report, please explain each one, and how much will be for each one, also explain the criteria that you use. In Excel do the calculation, not only numbers, need to be the formulas that you used it. Forecast for 5 years, and explain the criteria that you use for forecast each component.

You have to create tables and graphs for a better understanding. Remember that you have to create all this with information about Qingdao, China. Use US$ Dollar as currency.

The word report must include an introduction, body (COGs and SAG), conclusion, and references.

Take any two concepts or ideas described in the Becoming a Strategic Leader book and provide another supporting example for each besides those described in the book itself. Explain why you chose these examples (why they are appropriate to use as examples) and tell where you got the examples from.

Writing Question

Summarizing Becoming a Strategic Leader chapters (60 points).

Do the following for any 2 of the Chapters 3 through 7 of Becoming a Strategic Leader: Summarize each chapter in no more than 300 words for that chapter. In other words, you could for example have summaries of Chapter 4 with 299 words and Chapter 6 with 254 words Think of this activity as your communicating to a leader of any type of organization what the main point(s) of the chapter are. Be sure to include and explain what you feel are the major concepts or ideas from a particular chapter that you select.

Further examples for a concept or idea from Becoming a Strategic Leader book (20 points).

Take any two concepts or ideas described in the Becoming a Strategic Leader book and provide another supporting example for each besides those described in the book itself. Explain why you chose these examples (why they are appropriate to use as examples) and tell where you got the examples from.

Disagreement with Becoming a Strategic Leader book (10 points).

Take any idea or concept presented in the Becoming a Strategic Leader book that you disagree with and explain why you disagree with it. Be sure to cite the idea or concept and where it is located in the book. Further, be sure to explain your reasoning for this disagreement. Please note: It is acceptable to disagree with anything in the book; what matters is your explanation for your disagreement.

Create an HTML form that accepts the user’s input to enter his/her first name, last name and sex.

E-portal development

Question One

  1. Create an HTML form that accepts the user’s input to enter his/her first name, last name and sex.
  2. Create a php file that displays the following sentence:

Hello first name laste name, welcome to IT405.

The sentence should be colored in blue or pink according to the sex..

Your program output should look as shown below

  1. Include the screenshot of the program output as a part of your answer.


Question Two

  1. Given the following HTML form code, write a php file that displays all the input of the user as a list.

<!DOCTYPE html>






<form method=“get” action=“file.php”>

First Name:<input type=“text” name=“first”><br />

Last Name:<input type=“text” name=“last”><br />

Email:<input type=“text” name=“email”><br />

Level:<input type=“text” name=“level”><br />

<input type=“submit” value=“submit” name=“submit”>




Include the screenshot of the program output as a part of your answer.


Question Three

  1. Write a PHP program to create a new string where IT’ is added to the front of a given string. If the string already begins with ‘IT’, the program returns the string unchanged.
    Sample InputèOutput
    “405” è IT405
    “403”è IT403
    “IT401” èIT401
  2. Include the screenshot of the program output as a part of your answer.

Find out the value of sinx.x.

Find out the value of sinx.x

Find out the value of sinx.x

Examine the decision of public decision making. Discuss the key principles of public decision making.

Discussion MGT 423 Amal

 Week 4: Interactive activity

4.1 Learning Outcomes:

  • Examine the decision of public decision making.
  • Discuss the key principles of public decision making.

4.2 Action Required:

Watch the video at the following link



4.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

What is the importance of public decision making?

For example

What are the main elements of public decision making?


4.4 Instructions

Answer both questions in the test your knowledge section.

Post your answer on the discussion board using the discussion link below (Week4:Interactive learning Discussion)