
Describe the conflict in detail. This might include the topic, the participants and their relationship, what the major concerns are, where the differences or conflict lies, what people have said and or done, and other details that you believe are important for the reader to know.


Stage 1
AFTER reading Difficult Conversations…

Identify a difficult conversation/conflict that you have recently experienced. If you are uncomfortable using your own experience you may choose a problematic conflict that someone you know has experienced, or use a TV show or movie.

If you choose the latter – you MUST run it by me – before you leave on break. This should be a conflict that you are familiar with and one that you understand and can write about in
great detail. The conflict you choose may be a group or a private dyadic type of conflict in a work, family, or friendship/intimate relationship context—the choice is yours.

Stage 2
Describe the conflict in detail. This might include the topic, the participants and their relationship, what the major concerns are, where the differences or conflict lies, what people have said and or done, and other details that you believe are important for the reader to know. Be as detailed and explicit as possible. Include actual dialogue (this might be spoken words, text message, email messages, etc). Specific context is HELPFUL. (see my notes on page two of this assignment sheet for further thoughts) My experience shows that this dialogue component is imperative for success – it can be included in the text of the analysis or as an addendum (Do NOT consider this dialogue in the overall length of the analysis).

Divide the data into twining set and test set. The training set should contain the first 2/3 of spammessages and first 2/3 of ham (i.e., non-spam) messages. The test set should contain the last 1/3 spam messages and last 1/3 ham messages. Write a logistic regression program (function) using gradient descent algorithm.

Homework Assignment #2

Through this homework assignment, you will refresh on the concepts of derivatives and convexity, and will practice on programming of logistic regression for binary classification. For Problems 1-3, you may write the solutions by hand, and then scan them into a pdf file using a digital scanner. Photo imaging is not accepted. Typing the solution is optional. For Problem 4, you will need to type the report, and submit the source code as well. Except for the source code, please combine all your solutions into one pdf file. and submit online via Blackboard. Submit your homework solution, including both Python code for Problem 4 and a single PDF file for all problems. Problem 1. Logistic Regression

A) Which of these is the logistic loss” function (for the i-th sample)? (a) LOVV/Y(0) = (no logry(n) + -Y(0)1.61 -AO (b) 1400,^01Y(0) = -A01 (c) Lo(1fnyto) = Irv) -Ao12 (4) 44/WM = max(0,y(n-Y44 ram (400010)

B) Derive de , where L(000,),9 is the logistic loss function, ‘)A0 = °(WO) h) and 6,0 is the logistic function. Show your steps. b; X. y)

C) The loss function of logistic regression ET, LW (IP), F(•)). Derive -(Pi’.and mAl eb Show your steps. Problem 2. Write the derivatives /(x) of the following functions of x A) (x). 1r. B) (x) = log(14- rrz) C) R.) = W. where x E FO and a = [2,3,1],

D) f(x) = xrAx where x E W and A= [2,3;1,2] E E) R.) = (y – ‘Ja)y where x E = 1 and a = [2,3,1],Problem 3. The softplus function is given by f(r) = log(1 o A) Plot/(z) as a function of z. If you plot by hand, mark a couple of critical points on the curve. B) Show that /(z) is convex in z by showing that its second derivative is positive for all.

Problem 4. Logistic Regression with Real Dataset
The Spambase Data Set contains email spam data for 4601 email messages. You can download the data from https://archiveics.ucledu/m1/datasets/spambase.

(a) Divide the data into twining set and test set. The training set should contain the first 2/3 of spam messages and first 2/3 of ham (i.e., non-spam) messages. The test set should contain the last 1/3 spam messages and last 1/3 ham messages.

(b) Write a logistic regression program (function) using gradient descent algorithm. And train the weights using training set and then test the result on the test set. Compute both the training and test errors, measured by the percentage of incorrect classification. Experiment with the step size (learning rate).

(c) Next, normalize the features, so that each feature in the training data has mean 0 and variance 1. Then run logistic regression on the normalized data.

(d) For the report, you need to submit in the homework report a summary of the results you obtained,the results on the learning rate used, and training and test errors.
Not. You need to write the code using Python. You will be graded based on two artifacts: 1) the figures generated (need to be included in the submitted homework report), and 2) the source code submitted.

Was there a decrease or increase in the number of reinforcements used? Did the desired behavior decrease or increase for each of the rats? What does this represent? Why did this happen? Were there any differences between the male and female rats?

The Effect of Ratio Schedules of Reinforcement in Operant Conditioning


1. Summarize the main findings of your experiment

Was there a decrease or increase in the number of reinforcements used? Did the desired behavior decrease or increase for each of the rats? What does this represent? Why did this happen? Were there any differences between the male and female rats?

2. Relate these findings to your initial hypotheses

3. Relate these findings to the literature

4. Discuss the strengths and limitations of your study

Note: It’s usually best to have discuss more strengths than limitations and to have about 3-4 strengths and 2-3 limitations.

5. Provide suggestions for future studies


1. Summarize your lab report with a conclusion

2. Include how your findings might generalize to other populations

What is the story or argument being made in the source? Describe. How does the source add to existing knowledge/contribute to your understanding of the topic? What are some strengths and weaknesses of this source? What can this source teach you about storytelling and rhetoric?

Storytelling Project Part 1: The Literature Review


For the second half of this semester, you will research and write your own story in the genre of your choice. You can tell any story you want but it must be your story to tell. The first part of this project is conducting research on your story topic. Unlike research you’ve likely done in the past, this research isn’t focused on learning about your topic. Instead, it’s about learning how others have approached your topic. What genres have they used? What arguments have they made about your topic? Are any perspectives left out? What can you learn about telling your own story through this research?


For this portion of the assignment, you will research a story topic in the form of a miniliterature review. The purpose of this mini-literature review is to provide yourself and the class with an overview of both creative and scholarly sources on your chosen topic. Steps for completing the review are outlined below.  

Step 1: Select a story topic to research. Because this project is about sharing your story, you need to pick a topic that is personal to you in some way. For example, you could research a place, person, or tradition that is meaningful to you. You could also research a topic related to your personal identity (for example, last name, cultural or religious identity, etc.) We will also brainstorm topics during class so that everyone gets a good idea of what kinds of topics will work for this assignment.

Step 2: Locate four sources on your topic, including

  • a scholarly source (a peer-reviewed academic source you might find in a library database)
  • three creative sources (fiction, poetry, nonfiction)

Step 3: Use the Literature Review Template (page 2) to document and evaluate your sources. As you document your sources, be sure to write in complete sentences and paragraphs.  

Step 4: Check your completed template for clarity and specificity and revise. The audience for your completed template is an academic audience (your instructor and classmates) who might be unfamiliar with the topic or sources you selected. The overview you provide through this template should make sense to someone who has not read your sources.  

Literature Review Template

Source 1

  • Full MLA or APA Citation:
  • What is the story or argument being made in the source? Describe.
  • How does the source add to existing knowledge/contribute to your understanding of the topic?
  • What are some strengths and weaknesses of this source? What can this source teach you about storytelling and rhetoric?

Source 2

  • Full MLA or APA Citation:
  • What is the story or argument being made in the source? Describe.
  • How does the source add to existing knowledge/contribute to your understanding of the topic?
  • What are some strengths and weaknesses of this source? What can this source teach you about storytelling and rhetoric?

Source 3

  • Full MLA or APA Citation:
  • What is the story or argument being made in the source? Describe.
  • How does the source add to existing knowledge/contribute to your understanding of the topic?
  • What are some strengths and weaknesses of this source? What can this source teach you about storytelling and rhetoric?

Source 4

  • Full MLA or APA Citation:
  • What is the story or argument being made in the source? Describe.
  • How does the source add to existing knowledge/contribute to your understanding of the topic?
  • What are some strengths and weaknesses of this source? What can this source teach you about storytelling and rhetoric?

Having completed the section 2 Research Exercises you have everything need to assemble a rough draft of section 2 the comparing Sides, Analyzing Arguments section of your lntegrated Research Essay.

IRE Research Paper Section 2 Draft

Having completed the section 2 Research Exercises you have everything need to assemble a rough draft of section 2 the comparing Sides, Analyzing Arguments section of your lntegrated Research Essay.

As noted in the assignment guidelines continue writing in the same document you used foe section 1, clearly identifying the new material as such. As before, format tour parenthetical citations and your Works Cited entries MLA 9 style.

What is the common law origin of this? What are the key elements? hat relevance does Hickman have to local government and planning law in Australia? Identify as examples at least two statutory references.


  1. [5 marks] Consider Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action Inc v Environmental Protection Authority [2021] NSWLEC 92


Outline the:

  1. Relevant facts
  2. Issue(s)
  3. Relevant Finding(s)
  4. Decision
  5. Relevance to planning law in NSW.


  1. [5 marks] Consider Peabody Pastoral Holdings Pty Ltd v Mid-Western Regional Council [2013] NSWLEC 86

Outline the:

  1. Relevant facts
  2. Issue(s)
  3. Decision
  4. Relevance to planning law in NSW


  1. [5 marks] Consider Queanbeyan City Council v ACTEW Corporation Ltd [2011] HCA 40

Outline the:

  1. Relevant facts
  2. Issue(s)
  3. Decision
  4. What the numerous interventions indicate.


  1. 4. [10 marks] The Hickman Principle
  2. With regard to the Hickman Principle or Hickman Approach (Hickman):
  • What is the common law origin of this?
  • What are the key elements?

[5 marks]

  1. b) What relevance does Hickman have to local government and planning law in Australia?

Identify as examples at least two statutory references

[5 marks]


  1. [15 marks] Consider:
  • Alison Ziller, The New South Wales Joint Expert Report Policy – reflections of an SIA practitioner (2016) 21 LGLJ 149
  • ABC Radio National, Law Report, Hot tubbing, 5 May 2009,


  1. Outline what is a ‘doorstop SIA’

Students need to identify:

  • The statutory basis for ‘SIA’
  • The reason for the use of ‘doorstop’

[1.5 marks]

  1. What is a ‘JERP’

[1.5 marks]

  1. What is ‘hot tubbing’

[2.0 marks]

  1. d) Critically evaluate the use of JERPS and hot tubbing in assisting the NSWLEC to resolve planning disputes

Students need to identify:

  • how and when in the legal process the above procedures come into play
  • the advantages and disadvantages of these procedures

[10 marks]

Discuss briefly 4 types of Supply Networks: Spot/Virtual, Partnership, Vertical Integration, Tradition / Contractual. Give examples of the type of supply network relationship your company has with suppliers. Give examples of main suppliers to your company. What do they communicate – what kind of relationship is it ?

Operational and Project Management Report

Topic 1.

For CM topic some content can include a mix of the below:

Define capacity: objectives of capacity and capacity management: Cost, Revenue, Capital, Quality, Speed, Dependability, Flexibility.

Matching Demand and Supply: Discuss what is Level Capacity, Chase Demand, Change Demand. Apply how company Forecast Demand and Methods of Adjusting Capacity examples.

Types of Capacity: Discuss what are Design, Effective, Actual capacities. Discuss what is Capacity Utilisation and Efficiency.

The five steps of Capacity Planning and Control which are: forecast demand, measure capacity, manage demand side, manage supply side, and understand the consequences of different capacity management systems

Example for each stage could be included from the company on how to manage demand and capacity.

Methods of Forecasting Demand and any seasonality and patterns of demand at the company

Examples of types of votality forecasting at the company.

Other examples of application on SCM can include examples of:
Highlight capacity management examples

Give way how company managed to have high capacity utilization ( no waste of resources)

Examples how company forecast future demand so capacity can handle demand.

How pandemic impacted forecasting demand.

Give examples where Design Capacity ends up lower when measuring actual capacity

Give examples of excess capacity within the company ( waste of resources )

Examples of coping solutions to increase capacity if demand increases unexpectedly.

Topic 2

For SCM topic some content can include a mix of the below:

SCM theory Intro: from Slack Textbook, Lectures slides, VLE and academic journals.

Discuss the Supply Chain of your organisation (supply side and demand side) with examples from organisation.

Discuss briefly 4 types of Supply Networks: Spot/Virtual, Partnership, Vertical Integration, Tradition / Contractual. Give examples of the type of supply network relationship your company has with suppliers. Give examples of main suppliers to your company. What do they communicate – what kind of relationship is it ?

Lean vs Agile supply Networks – can include diagram/ chart on Nature of Demand vs. Supply Chain Objective Apply – Give examples of functional and innovative products from your company – Discuss Efficient vs Responsive Supply chain that your company has.

De-coupling Point: You can give theory on this with one example at which point does the De-Coupling point in the Supply Chain, comes into play

Selecting a Supplier: Initial Qualification > Agree Measurement criteria . Obtain information > Make Selection

Bullwhip Effect: Discuss theory and shows some examples from your company.
Other examples of application on SCM can include examples of:
Highlight examples of any disruptions in supply chains on the company due to pandemic etc.

Examples of contingency plans with suppliers or examples to remedy any challenges

Any examples of Vertical Integration the company went through to control the supply chain.

Highlight some Suppliers for the organisation and how are suppliers selected?

Students can discuss the purchasing patterns, logistics and delivery patterns.

How the company forecasts the demand / supply.

You can give example of the De-coupling point at your organisation

You can opt to define each of the lean and agile supply networks and show functional vs innovative and efficient vs responsive SCM.

Compare lean and agile based on their advantages and disadvantages

Topic 3.

For IM topic some content can include a mix of the below:

Types of Inventory and consequences and give examples of Inventory: Physical, Queues, Databases etc. Give examples from the company

Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) – EOQ Charts is ideal with Total Cost, Holding Costs and Order Cost relationships to be discussed. Give examples from company what impacts the costs. Examples of where is inventory stored, ordered, delivered.

Can include EOQ = SQR of 2DC/h and discuss it in relation to their organisation.
Pareto Curve / Class ABC System Theory: ie. Class A = 80% of total inventory value – Chart can be included Apply: Students can discuss which inventory items have the most value and are use most frequently at the organisation (

Challenges of Inventory Systems: Quantity / Keying Errors, Damage, misplacements, wrong orders stores, delay in record updating, stolen items by staff at the company.

Costs for Inventory: The nature of Placing Order and their costs, Working Capital Cost, Rent for storage, Facilities for inventory, Storage Cost, Staff Cost, Price discounts, Obsolesce / expiry date costs, Inefficiency Cost etc.

Examples of Stocktaking process and inspections, theft control, forecasting orders, how orders are generated from company.

Other examples of application on SCM can include examples of:
Examples of Inventory Management / Stocktaking procedure

Apply the Class ABC and create table to shows items in A-B-C categories

Some statistics / estimates on scope/size of the: Inventory / storage / wastage / order process / timing of orders / theft reduction / ideal stock level

Examples of Physical / Queues of Customers / Cloud Digital Inventory Storage.

Examples of Holding Costs/ Order Costs/ Costs of Inventory over Time.

Examples of Procedure to place an order for new stock – how/who decided order quantity, when / EOQ software / decision making process

Discuss if the Two Bin system will be appropriate to your company.

Teams for IM: Purchasing Manager / Stock Manager – people involved

Discuss lead times for specific products and how company can accommodate for this.

Discuss cost of inventories particular to your company

Topic 4

For QM, content can include a mix of the below:
Quality Management theory: Define Quality, Dimensions of Quality with examples, Show how quality is important (revenue & cost effects); Tools of Quality Management at your company and charts eg. Flow charts, Fishbone, Scatter etc

Quality Characteristics (Functional, Appearance, Reliability, Durability, Recovery, Contact etc) – can apply with a Table with example from company.

Total Quality Management: Theory to shows what is the TQM Concept, Definitions; Discuss chart of Inspection > QC > QA > TQM, Some types of events for Quality Control at Company like Testing, Specification, Control Charts software used, any processes to improve Quality, Quality meetings that occurred etc.

GAP Theory of Quality with diagrams of Gaps in Quality and give examples at company selected

Quality Costs PAF Model (Preventions, Appraisal & Failure Model) – 4 types of quality costs. Apply with examples of costs from company.

Biefly, Six Sigma Concept: Discuss if Six Sigma is implemented at your company and shows the DMAIC Methodology at your company.

Sandcone Model of Improvement (Cost / Flex / Speed / Dep / Quality )

Other examples of application on MM can include examples of:

You can give example of Quality Awards won by your organisation

Highlight the required certifications the company had to fulfil for authorities.

Explain specific methods to lower the costs of quality

Discuss any training and other events employee go over during / after induction

Show what software is used to implement and improve quality.

Some example of benchmarking or standardisation exercises within the company.

Any failures of quality within the company or customer recalls etc.

Determine and describe the current primary segment. The client has an interesting question. What target market can be perceived by current messaging for the product/service? Describe the primary segment you believe your company is targeting for this product/service. Focus only on this product/service (e.g., for Disney+, focus on just the streaming service, not the parks or other Disney offerings).


The purpose of this assignment is to apply segmentation and targeting techniques to potential new subsets for a marketing campaign. This connects to course learning outcomes of constructing market segments of target customers for a product or service.

Assignment Task Overview
For this assignment, you will assume the role of a marketing analyst. Your consulting firm has been hired to help with a campaign effort for the client company of your selected product/service. You will communicate your results in a professional memorandum.
There are three steps to this assignment. Review all three steps before you begin.

Step 1: Refer to the product/service you chose for your Value Proposition Assignment.
• The product/service you chose for the Value Proposition Assignment in Week 2 will be the subject of this assignment.
• Review any feedback you received on your Value Proposition memo. You will be writing a longer, more detailed memo about the same product/service for this assignment.
• Follow the specific instructions outlined in Steps 2 and 3 below.

Step 2: Respond to each of the following questions as they relate to your product/service. Note the research and references requirement.
• Your market segmentation memo will have three major sections.
• Respond to all the questions in each section.
• Your memo also must meet the research and references requirement in Step 3.

I. Market Segment Analysis
a. Determine and describe the current primary segment. The client has an interesting question. What target market can be perceived by current messaging for the product/service? Visit the public website for your company’s product/service. Based on the information available and any other publicly available information, infer the primary target market based on the messaging you find.
i. Describe the primary segment you believe your company is targeting for this product/service. Focus only on this product/service (e.g., for Disney+, focus on just the streaming service, not the parks or other Disney offerings).
ii. Describe the primary segment in terms of the behavioral, demographic, and psychographic characteristics for the segment. Give this segment an appropriate name. See, Segmenting and Targeting Markets and Customers in Learning Resources.
iii. Classify the primary segment according to one of the VALS types discussed in the Segmenting and Targeting Markets and Customers Learning Resource.

II. New Market Segments
a. Construct new segments. Your client company is interested in diversifying and building its target customer base for this product/service in the US market. Who is currently being underserved or overlooked? Who could be better served by being addressed directly?
i. Construct and describe two new potential segments or subsegments for your company to target for this product/service for the US market. Describe each new segment in terms of its behavioral, demographic, and psychographic characteristics. Give each segment an appropriate name. Follow steps 1-4 of the process described in the Selecting Target Markets Learning Resource. Begin by identifying the customer need for this product/service. Then, break the market down into subgroups. Develop profiles of target segments. Do some secondary research on your two segments. Note: You will not need to develop a full research plan or conduct primary research for this assignment.
ii. Of the two potential segments or subsegments you have created, which of the two has greater market potential for your company to target? Why?
iii. Classify your new segment or subsegment according to one of the VALS types discussed in the Segmenting and Targeting Markets and Customers Learning Resource.

III. Recommendation
a. Present the best new segment or subsegment. What is the new segment or subsegment you recommend your company target for its product/service?
i. Create a simple customer persona to present your new segment and illustrate that segment in a table with the following fields and information relevant to the product/service: [segment name] [representative photo] [demographic] [background] [needs] [goals] [challenges] [perceptions] [motivations] [VALS type] See customer persona example here: 3 Examples of a Customer Persona – Simplicable
ii. Any product changes needed by this segment or subsegment? Are any product/service changes required to serve the segment you have identified? If so, what are they?
iii. How attractive/valuable is this segment or subsegment? Based on your research, is the segment you have identified attractive enough to justify an extended marketing campaign for your company? Or, should the campaign be one of more limited duration? Why?

Step 3: Format your submission to comply with these requirements.
Communicate your case analysis results in a Microsoft Word document formatted as a professional memorandum. Your memo will be longer than a typical one-page memo.
• Here is a sample professional memo:
• Here is a tutorial on writing a professional memo: memo (

Address your memo to Vice President of Marketing Tiffany Morrow. Assume Ms. Morrow is your boss at a fictional consulting firm called “Destiny Marketing.” The memo is from you, and your role is a marketing analyst at Destiny Marketing. This memo is regarding the company, which is your client, and the client’s product/service. Your memo will communicate to Ms. Morrow your analysis. All questions in Step 2 must be included in your memo. A memo does not have a cover page.
Research and References Requirement

• All statements of fact within the memo must be supported by a credible source, and that source must be cited using APA in-text citations. See, Is My Source Credible?

Provide students with proper curriculum guides according to their major. Organize and complete travel arrangements for the Dean, faculty and staff utilizing the University eProcurement purchasing system.

NYC Triborough Express


Executive Assistant to the Dean/Associate Deans         January 2015 – Present

Florida A&M University – College of Education, Office of the Dean

Gore Educational Complex Suite 300 A

Tallahassee, Florida 32307                                                         (850) 599-3045

  • Ensure all sign-in logs are complete and contain all necessary information needed by the College of Education, Office of the Dean for statistical purposes.
  • Assist the College of Education’s Dean and Associate Deans with all official documents for faculty, staff and students utilizing the upmost level of confidentiality.
  • Ensure that all minutes for faculty, department chairs and administrative support meetings are properly transcribed.
  • Interact with the Office of Academic Affairs on behalf of the Dean on matters, which concerns the University Provost and Vice President and other Leadership Members.
  • Assist/Advise student as it relates to Change of Major, Grade Changes, Class Withdrawals, and Grievances/Complaints
  • Maintain College of Education student grievance, appeals petitions or complaints ensuring that the appropriate representative receives the information and returns a resolution in a timely manner according to the policies and procedures of the University.
  • Assist director and academic advisors in the Center for Academic Success with various documents.
  • Provide students with proper curriculum guides according to their major.
  • Interface and communicate with the University Office of the Registrar on various administrative actions for the College of Education such as the submission of curriculum autogens and grade changes.
  • Ensure that all faculty members have the proper credentialing documents for accreditation purposes.
  • Organize and complete travel arrangements for the Dean, faculty and staff utilizing the University eProcurement purchasing system.
  • Arrange and attend college faculty meetings ensuring that the meeting minutes are transcribed and accurate. Responsible for scheduling and calendar management of meetings as it relates to the Dean and Associate Dean.
  • Maintain a currant filing systems for all faculty, staff, and students, which contain all documents, which require approval from the Dean of the College of Education.
  • Assist the front desk receptionist when needed by answering the multi-line phone system providing exceptional customer service to incoming callers who have various questions as it relates to the policies and procedures of the College of Education, student request or general inquiries.
  • Onboarding, New Employee Orientation/Training and supervise work study/OPS students assigned to the College of Education, Office of the Dean.
  • Assist Coordinator with special task as it relates to AIM Higher/Black Males College Explorers program.
  • Assist Principle Investigators with grant processing and new hire processing of grant personnel. Effectively communicate with PI and staff within the Division of Sponsored Research as it relates to grant stipulation and compliance.
  • Assist Dean and Associate Deans with ensuring that the College of Education Office of the Dean and all the departments are compliant with the requirements of SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools).


Night Auditor | Manager on Duty                                       April 2006 – Present

McKibbon Hospitality/Courtyard by Marriott Tallahassee, Florida


Recipient:  McKibbon Hotels Education Scholarship Program, 2012-2014

Awards:  Marriott “The Spirit to Serve” Outstanding Achievement, 2009

Courtyard by Marriott Excellence Award, 2013


  • Functional knowledge of Fosse system
  • Reconcile daily shift reports for Front Desk Associates and Bistro ensuring all procedures are according to company standards.
  • Assist guest with check in and check out process by accurately entering guest information and payment methods.
  • Collect and process payments utilizing cash handling/cash management, credit card or direct billing options. Issue refunds as needed with proper documentation and General Manager approval.
  • Prepare various daily reports for General and Assistant General Manager.
  • Input and ensure daily reports are accurately transmitted to cooperate office through company acknowledge system.
  • Assist guest with scheduling reservations via telephone
  • Resolve guest disputes utilizing effective listening and problem-solving techniques
  • Provide training for new associates as needed or directed by management
  • Supervise night housekeeping staff
  • Ensure that guest wake-up calls are accurately entered into multi-line phone system
  • Process and submit payment to vendors (special project)


Legislative Intern, Tallahassee, Florida                      January 2009- May 2009

Office of Florida State Senator, Chris Smith

  • Review and reply to all constituents from District 30, Broward County of behalf Senator Smith.
  • Prepare all proclamations recognizing and honoring community leaders and organizations
  • Research bills and amendments prior to them being present to various committees
  • Prepare and submit information to the Senator’s official website such as press releases and E-alerts.
  • Assist constituents via telephone regarding any matters.
  • Research bills, statutes and laws for compliances and regulation.


Staff Assistant, Tallahassee, Florida                 December 1999 – January 2007 

Manpower transfer to State of Florida

Department of Management Services 

  • Prepare, prioritize, review, and manage invoices for seven (7) State of Florida telephone systems (SUNCOM)
  • Meet with various telecommunications representatives to resolve billing discrepancies
  • Prepare, submit, and manage payment documentation to the Office of Finance & Accounting for monthly accounts payables. Monthly payments exceeding $900,000.
  • Implement and manage a filing system for all billing and payment records.
  • Attend appropriate meetings with venders, telephone companies, and department staff.
  • Compile, submit, receive, and reconcile all office supply orders
  • Initiate process for a new purchasing card applicant
  • Manage and monitor the usage of all purchasing card transactions approving all valid charges with have been appropriately approved.
  • Manage monthly reconciliation reports.
  • Coordinate and facilitated training as it relates to policies and procedures of the State of Florida Purchasing Credit Card.
  • Coordinate the annual Leadership Giving (United Way Campaign) for Executive Team
  • Assist Bureau Chief and Section Supervisor with personnel issues such as application screening, background checks, employment verifications, interviews, disciplinary actions and annual performance evaluations, salary determinations and increases.
  • Prepare and manage spending plans for each fiscal year and monitor usage of funds for the Division of Enterprise Management.
  • Manage all confidential departmental personnel files
  • Liaison for State Records Center
  • Accompany Bureau Chief and Supervisors to all departmental meetings.

Senior Clerk, Tallahassee, Florida                       December 1988 – March 1996

State of Florida, Department of Revenue, Office of Child Support        Enforcement

Award:  Employee of the Month, 1994

  • Case Management – make request for reissuance or void of outdated, lost, or stolen child support warrants. Update the case narrative with the correct customer information to ensure that absent or custodial parent file are current.
  • Assist customers via telephone and in person with question regarding child support warrants, which have not been received via US mail. Verify mailing address and all other related information to ensure warrants are delivered to the correction location and on time.
  • Data Entry- Input all child support payments received in the Office of Child Support Enforcement ensuring that the amounts are input accurately and in a timely manner
  • Maintain a high level of confidentially as it relates to customer’s information and data only providing information to authorized persons on client cases.
  • Communicate with staff and clients verbally and in writing as it related to the policies and procedures of Child Support Enforcement Collections.
  • Utilize a high level of confidentially and security as it relates to Child Support payments and warrants.

Post a blog post that includes: An explanation of how you have addressed intervention or how you might address intervention in your field education experience.

Week 5 Blog

Post a blog post that includes:

An explanation of how you have addressed intervention or how you might address intervention in your field education experience.