
What steps can management take to make the teams cohesive? Evaluate the steps that are necessary in this scenario to create high-performing teams.

You are employed at a large, global, high-tech company that has offices worldwide in places such as Tokyo, London, Bombay, Toronto, Mexico City, Chicago, and Seattle, to name a few. Although sales have been reasonable these past few months even with the global economic crises, an internal crisis exists related to employee morale being at an all-time low. There are many different beliefs about what is right and what is wrong across the board, especially when it comes to the cultural and communication differences and the technological equipment challenges. There are also concerns regarding the selfishness of the employees, where the employees do not enjoy working as a team. Your supervisor has tasked you, as the as the VP of the Service Department, to prepare a research paper that will communicate information and solutions as well as provide a foundation of knowledge so that you can work with your peers and employees to solve these problems. At a minimum, your research paper must include the following:

What steps can management take to make the teams cohesive? Evaluate the steps that are necessary in this scenario to create high-performing teams.
Evaluate the importance of the internal environmental factors that include the cultural, language, political, and technological differences that will affect the team-building process.
What can be done to overcome the communication barriers between locations? What are the best practices that should be implemented going forward?

Based on what you learn, write a 2-page, double-spaced essay in which you explain how the mass communication theory that you have chosen relates to your final paper’s research question.

Conduct a relevant literature review to discover the mass communication theory that you will use in your final paper. Discuss the pros and the cons of each resource against the other resources.

Begin by using the university library’s Encyclopedia of Communication Theory to investigate whether any of these mass communication theories relate to your paper’s research question.
Once you have reviewed the theories, select one mass communication theory that appears to be related to your paper’s research question.
Using UMGC’s library resources, locate three academic journal articles about your theory. This resource can help you find academic journal articles in our library’s collection. You will need these journals for your final paper.
Academic journal articles are reports of previous research on your topic area published in journals for an academic field. Academic journals ARE NOT books, business, trade, or general circulation magazines, newspaper articles, or information found on general websites. The “scholarly journals only” One-search function on the library’s Research Guide for COMM 302 web page can help you find academic journals appropriate for your topic.

Based on what you learn, write a 2-page, double-spaced essay in which you explain how the mass communication theory that you have chosen relates to your final paper’s research question.
Do not merely summarize the three articles about the theory that you selected. Instead, synthesize what you learned by giving enough information about each article (e.g., its purpose, its study results, how it explains a mass communication behavior or media effect, etc.) so that readers will understand your argument for how/why using the article would inform and support your use of the theory in your final paper for this class. You will be graded on your argument, not on your ability to paraphrase what is written in the articles.

What should your assessment be on this patient? Explain in detail. After completing your assessment, what should your next step be? Be specific.

Scenario 1:

Your patient C.S is 78 years old. Admitted to the nursing home you work at, with a diagnosis of dehydration. C.S., has been ordered to increase her oral fluid intake to 2500cc per day. When offering her a glass of water, she pushes away your hand and says “I hate water and I don’t drink it much”. You note that after one and a half days she has dry mucous membranes and poor skin turgor.


  1. What should your assessment be on this patient? Explain in detail.
  2. After completing your assessment, what should your next step be? Be specific.
  3. Write 3 complete nursing diagnosis from above information. Include all 3 sections (NANDA, Related to (R/T) & Evidence based practice (EBP) & include 2 nursing interventions for each nursing diagnosis.

Scenario 2:

Ms. Cohen is hospitalized for repair of a fractured hip after a fall at home. She requires intravenous (IV) antibiotics after surgery. Shortly after the first dose she became restless and started picking at her IV line and frequently tried to get out of bed. Several restraint alternatives were attempted; but, because of her restlessness, she was successful at pulling out her IV line and getting out of bed. It becomes necessary to restrain Ms. Cohen.


  1. You know that a health care provider’s order is required for the restraint. What are essential components of the restraint order?
  2. Which assessments do you need to perform on Ms. Cohen while she is restrained?
  3. The physician orders a belt restraint. Your assessment of Ms. Cohen the next day reveals that during the day she is alert and pleasantly confused but not attempting to get out of bed. Do you continue use of the restraint? Explain.

Are there especially innovative industries, clusters or businesses in your city? What explains their success? What are the overall economic prospects for your megacity in the next 10-20 years?

  1. Urban Economies.

Examine and analyze the economic base of your megacity Beijing.

  1. Present key economic data on your megacity in a concise table (not counted as part of the 300 word limit). This can include (but is not limited to) the following information:
  • The size of the urban economy (GDP/GNI)
  • Annual economic growth rates.
  • Main economic sectors and industries.
  • Economic projections for the near future.
  1. Based on your analysis of the data you collected, address at least twoof the following points:
  • Which industries are growing – and why? Which industries appear to be declining – and why?
  • Are there especially innovative industries, clusters or businesses in your city? What explains their success?
  • What are the overall economic prospects for your megacity in the next 10-20 years?
  1. Urban Societies: Socio-spatial Mappings (refers to Unit 5)

Examine and analyze the social makeup of your megacity Beijing.

  1. Present a breakdown of your megacity’s population in a concise table (not counted as part of the 300 word limit). The table should show:
  • The main population groups and social divisions in the city: by religion, race, ethnicity, linguistic group, migration status, etc.
  • The size and growth rates of main population groups
  • The relative social-economic standing of main groups: e.g. by income, education, employment, etc.
  1. Based on your analysis of the data you collected, answer at least twoof the following questions:
  • In general, is the city characterized by low, moderate, or high levels of social strife and conflict between these groups?
  • How are these groups arranged spatially in the city? Are there segregated areas for different groups, or are they generally mixed up?
  • Are there areas that are ‘ghettos’, according to Wacquant’s definition? Explain.
  • Are there major gated communities? When and why did they emerge?

Discuss how your plan is flexible to accommodate the needs of learners with learning, behavioral, or language challenges and remains consistent with a stated objective. Include the objective as part of your response.

Our classrooms today reflect the diversity within our society. Given the various needs, capabilities, and motivation of our students when we design a lesson plan, we must take those diverse needs into consideration. Using an example from your mini-assignment, discuss how your plan is flexible to accommodate the needs of learners with learning, behavioral, or language challenges and remains consistent with a stated objective. Include the objective as part of your response. Respond to at least one peer and consider whether changes made for differentiation remain true to the learning objectives or goals.

Construct a minimum 825-word plan for setting price and a distribution model. Analyze and understand how price setting and go to market (distribution) are interrelated and affects the profitability and growth of the business.

This assignment is designed to help students analyze and understand how price setting and go to market (distribution) are interrelated and affects the profitability and growth of the business. It has been designed to be a short overview on purpose: the concepts of pricing and distribution are complex and a general understanding is what should be absorbed in one week of study.

Construct a minimum 825-word plan for setting price and a distribution model (place/distribution) in Microsoft Word. This plan should address at least three elements (from the Price and Place/Distribution list below) of the Price and Place/Distribution section of the marketing plan.

  • Price and Place/Distribution:
  • Distribution Strategies
  • Channels, Mass, Selective, Exclusive
  • Positioning within channels
  • Dynamic/Static Pricing Strategies
  • Channel tactics (Pricing)
  • Daily pricing, promotion pricing, List pricing

Note: Charts/graphs/tables do not count toward the word count.

The plan will be a continuation of your global or multi-regional business you chose in Week 1. This will be incorporated into your overall marketing plan for Week 6.

What does integrity mean to you? Give examples of at least three instances when you rely on the integrity of others. Give three examples when others rely on your integrity.

Reflect on your decision making process as you were considering whether or not to cheat on your assignment.

What factors contributed to the situation and your ultimate decision to cheat?

Did you consider the consequences you may face when making the decision to cheat? If so, what did you think they would be?

What other options did you consider? What would the consequences had been if you would have selected one of the other options?

What consequences are you facing as a result of your actions and how do the consequences relate to the choice you made?

How have you been impacted by your behavior in this situation? Is there anyone else who was impacted or potentially impacted by your decision to cheat on your assignment?

In what ways?

What have you learned as a result of going through the student conduct process?

If you were faced with the same scenario again, would you make a different choice? If yes, what choice would you make? If no, why not? What will you change in the future if anything in light of this experience? Be specific.

What steps, if any, have you already taken to fix any negative impact of this incident?

What does integrity mean to you?

Give examples of at least three instances when you rely on the integrity of others.

Give three examples when others rely on your integrity.

Critically examine two adaptations of The Pilgrim’s Progress, focusing on how they treat one particular aspect or incident of the original, you will describe and then evaluate how these adaptations are faithful and creative or unsatisfactory.

Interact with two adaptation products based on Pilgrim’s Progress – children’s books, movies, animation, music, parody, art, board games, etc. Choose your focus on the theological fit or integrity of the product with Scripture and original Pilgrim’s Progress; or focus on the aesthetic, or production, or marketing, or pedagogical, or spiritual values of the product. Take a key incident of the narrative as a comparison rather than making sweeping comparisons of the whole ‘text’.

In other words,critically examine two adaptations of The Pilgrim’s Progress, focusing on how they treat one particular aspect or incident of the original, describe and then evaluate how these adaptations are faithful and creative or unsatisfactory, showing knowledge of the original. Judge this on a literary or aesthetic basis or on a theological basis, as you wish.

Identify the Healthy People 2020 topic chosen and why this topic was selected. Develop a holistic plan of care including patient, family and friends acceptance of the diagnosis, coping and impact on plan of care.

Creating a Plan of Care.
Utilizing the information you have gathered over the last four weeks regarding the specific illness group you identified, this week, you will create a plan of care for your chronic illness group.

In a Microsoft Word document of 5-6 pages formatted in APA style, (this page requirement includes the holistic care plan). Include the following in your plan:

Provide a brief introduction describing the chronically ill group you selected and rationale for selecting this illness and the participants.
Clearly identify the Healthy People 2020 topic chosen and why this topic was selected.
Develop a holistic plan of care including patient, family and friends acceptance of the diagnosis, coping and impact on plan of care.
Summarize the information gathered in each week (Weeks 1–4) over 2 to 3 pages. This is should not to be copied and pasted from previous assignments.
Create a care plan for your chronic illness group organized using the following headings:
Nursing Diagnoses (at least 3 related to topic and interview results)
Assessment Data (objective and subjective)
Interview Results
Desired Outcomes
Evaluation Criteria
Actions and Interventions
Evaluation of Patient Outcomes
Identify strategies for the family or caregiver in the care plan and provide your rationale on how they will work.

Graff argues that schools should encourage students to think critically, read, and write about areas of personal interest such as cars, fashion, or music—as long as they do so in an intellectually serious way. What else does he write about this point? How does he prove this point? What evidences does he provide?

Literary analyses are essays in which we examine literary texts closely to understand their messages, and interpret their meanings, and appreciate their writers’ techniques” (Bullock, Brody, and Weinberg 62). In a traditional literary analysis, you respond to a poem, novel, play, or short story. That response can be analytical, looking at them, plot, structure, characters, genre, style, and so on. Or it can be critical, theoretical, or evaluative—locating works within their social, political, historic, and even philosophic neighborhoods. Or you might approach a literary work expressively, describing how you connect with it intellectually and emotionally. Or you can combine these approaches or imagine alternative ones—perhaps reflecting new attitudes and assumptions about media. Other potential genres for analysis include films, TV offerings, popular music, comic books and games.

For this assignment, you are expected to read the article: “Hidden Intellectualism” by Gerald Graff on P. 264 from They Say I Say.  Read the following prompts and pick one. Or you may consider using both prompts in your essay.

  1. Graff argues that schools should encourage students to think critically, read, and write about areas of personal interest such as cars, fashion, or music—as long as they do so in an intellectually serious way. What else does he write about this point? How does he prove this point? What evidences does he provide? What is your interpretation of this idea?
  2. Gerald Graff begins his essay with the view that we generally associate “book smarts” with intellectualism and “street smarts” with anti-intellectualism. Graff then provides an extended example from his early life to counter this viewpoint. What support does he provide and how persuasive is it?