
How should a for-profit corporation balance its business needs with the needs of its customers?

Explain how you balance the interests at stake, including:

  • How should a for-profit corporation balance its business needs with the needs of its customers?
  • Lives depend on products created by some companies. Do these companies have a greater responsibility to work towards benefiting the consumer more than themselves?
  • Look at the issue from a Biblical worldview. How would you respond if you were running such a company?

Explain how you balance the interests at stake, including:

  • Creator v. Consumer in the creation and management of intellectual property.
    • Profit and return on investment for company owners/shareholders.
    • Continuing existence of the company.
    • Protecting intellectual property of the company.

Write a paper exploring the notion of discourse as a social practice by analyzing a conversation between two speakers. You will consider how speakers’ intentions shape discourse, how hearers interpret meta-communicative signals, and how both speakers and audiences contextualize what they say and hear

Write a paper exploring the notion of discourse as a social practice by analyzing a conversation between two speakers. You will consider how speakers’ intentions shape discourse, how hearers interpret meta-communicative signals, and how both speakers and audiences contextualize what they say and hear. To begin this assignment, you will choose one of the short video clips listed below. Watch the clip several times, considering how the conversation portrayed illustrates some of the key concepts discussed this week.
Where do you see examples of quantity, quality, relation, and manner? Where do you see any of the maxims violated? Apply Lakoff’s rules of politeness to the conversation. Where are they maximized or violated? Do any utterances in the exchange provide examples of positive face, negative face, or face-threatening acts? Analyze two contextualization cues or discourse markers that contribute to the speakers’ meaning(s). Evaluate two rhetorical strategies used by the speakers that contribute to their persuasiveness. Assess the ways in which the discourse is a performance or a verbal art. Consider the aesthetic nature of the discourse and of the hearer’s response. Evaluate the interplay between intention and interpretation in the conversation. What is each speaker’s intention? Is the speaker interpreted correctly? Why or why not?

Describe the factors to be considered in the preparation of an order of cost estimate for the construction work. Make and state appropriate assumptions for stabilization

The client requires an order of cost estimate for the development of the building and external areas into a Country Club and Wedding Venue, which takes account of the construction costs and associated professional fees, taxes, and charges, but not the building acquisition costs.

The project is at the early design stage.

The initial proposals for Ground and First floor are as shown in the Project Drawings.

Describe the factors to be considered in the preparation of an order of cost estimate for the construction work.

You should make and state appropriate assumptions for stabilization and other works not defined by the drawings and Scenario.

Prepare a construction programme for the development up to first floor level, highlighting the work to be carried out on the existing structure and the new layout as detailed on the proposed plans. State any assumptions made.

The Client, having progressed with the proposal, has received advanced wedding bookings ahead of project completion, and has requested that the proposed completion time for the Country Club development be reduced by six weeks. The client is aware that additional cost may be incurred to accelerate the work

With the aid of illustrations explain how modern methods of construction (MMC) or modular integrated construction (MiC), might be employed on the development to reduce the duration of the project, while maintaining required standards of sustainability.

Prepare a construction programme for the development up to first floor level, highlighting the work to be carried out on the existing structure and the new layout as detailed on the proposed plans. State any assumptions made.

Prepare an illustrated report that details how the existing roof profile can be reinstated/constructed without relying on the existing external stone walls for support.

A consultant structural engineer has inspected the existing external stone walls forming the servants’ quarters after the fire. The engineer’s report concludes that the existing walls can no longer be regarded as load bearing and the lateral support formally provided by the roof joists means the walls are no longer stable.

The Planning Consent for the project requires the existing walls to be retained and the roof profile to be reinstated with a slate finish.

Prepare an illustrated report that details how the existing roof profile can be reinstated/constructed without relying on the existing external stone walls for support.

Prepare a narrative method statement for the formation of the lift shaft and pit for the proposed hydraulic lift installation.

Use textual evidence (i.e. direct quotations from the readings) as well as visual evidence (specific scenes from the film) to weigh in on the Mulvey-Keane debate: whose position do you find more convincing? Why?

This is the first of 3 papers you will submit for this course wherein you combine the readings and philosophical themes from the weekly lectures with a film screening. For this particular assignment your job is to watch Hitchcock’s Vertigo (available online) and consider it in light of the debate between Mulvey and Keane. We discussed Mulvey’s famous article “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” at the end of Week 3 where she criticizes Hitchcock’s Vertigo for its male-centric perspective and degradation of the female lead (Kim Novak). Mulvey argues that in this way it is exemplary of the mainstream Hollywood style. In Keane’s article, which you’ll read on your own, she defends Vertigo against Mulvey’s criticisms. For your paper I’d like you to use textual evidence (i.e. direct quotations from the readings) as well as visual evidence (specific scenes from the film) to weigh in on the Mulvey-Keane debate: whose position do you find more convincing? Why? What scenes from the film and claims from the readings support your point? Whose tragedy is Vertigo? Scottie’s or Madeleine/Judy’s? Both? Or is this simply the wrong way to look at the film? If so, why?

Based on your assessment of the business’s public image, recommend communication approaches or strategies designed to mitigate the impact of negative information about the business

After submitting your analysis memorandum, your CEO has decided that your business needs the additional resources that Jack Harris and his firm Crisis Consulting can provide. Time is of the essence, and so Jack has called a meeting of the team that will work on this project next week. While Jack is familiar with your business, due to your overview, the rest of his team is not. Your CEO has asked you to provide a memorandum to Jack that he can distribute to his team that will be assisting your business. Do not assume that the team knows anything about your business or the government action it faces. In addition, the CEO has asked you to include your recommendations for addressing the situation the business is facing.
A. Business Project Teams: Based on your evaluation of the internal resources that are available to the company, how can business project teams be efficiently engaged to obtain the most favorable results for the company? [MBA-665-02]
B. Communication: Based on your assessment of the business’s public image, recommend communication approaches or strategies designed to mitigate the impact of negative information about the business. [MBA-665-03]
C. Solution: Based on the courses of action and their impacts that you previously described, determine an effective solution for the business in the situation it is facing. How does the solution address the governmental action(s) or political challenge(s) faced by the business? [MBA-665-04]
D. Political Influence: Based on your evaluation of external resources, how should the company utilize outside resources and approaches to advocate for the business and influence the political process?

Construct a 5-7 page paper that details the ethical considerations in embarking upon a qualitative research project and identifies the target populations, as well as any ethical challenges you might expect to encounter where completing such a project is concerned.

For this first assignment, construct a 5-7 page paper that:

a) details the ethical considerations in embarking upon a qualitative research project;

b) proposes a qualitative project via two well-written research questions (RQ) and 2-3 semi-structured interview questions for each (RQ); and

c) identifies the target populations, as well as any ethical challenges you might expect to encounter where completing such a project is concerned.

Your paper should utilize sound critical thought, liberally refer to and cite course materials, and be written in APA-format (to include a title page, abstract, properly formatted in-text citations and a reference page). Any research topic is acceptable as long as it has an application to psychology and allows you to demonstrate your learning of qualitative research principles taught thus far in the course.

Should the US ultimately implement a National Health Insurance (Canada) or National Health system (Britain) for example? Choose a country with a different health care delivery and financing system as an example and state your opinion. Why or why not?

Should the US ultimately implement a National Health Insurance (Canada) or National Health system (Britain) for example? Choose a country with a different health care delivery and financing system as an example and state your opinion. Why or why not?

As part of your analysis, be sure to compare the structure and function of the international public health care systems, with that in the US.

What is the one interest which influences the US healthcare industry the most and which impacts all stakeholders?




-Public Health

  1. Do you think that hospital integration can deliver better care to the patients and community? Why or what are the advantages to integration?
  2. Do you believe that gate keeping by a primary care physician should play a greater role in the provision of health care services to patients? Should more insurance carriers make gate-keeping a requirement so that it is not just solely a part of managed care plans?

Currently, the White House wants to repeal and replace the ACA.

How did the ACA improve access and quality, and contain some costs?

Should the ACA be completely replaced or just improved and modified?

Discuss the importance of recognizing the signs of stalking and criminal definition of stalking for your jurisdiction

When you were attending AIU, you thought of yourself being an undercover narcotics officer or working for a bank as a fraud investigator, but you were initially exposed to the role of a victims’ witness assistant during the Criminal Careers course at AIU. Then, your best friend became a victim of a crime of violence after being stalked for several months, and that incident changed your life. As you provided comfort and support to your friend during the judicial process, you were exposed first hand to the role played by the victims’ witness assistant during the criminal judicial process. The role of the victims’ witness assistant changed you, and you decided then that you wanted to pursue a career as a victims’ rights advocate somewhere. It has been a year since you were able to start your career in the victims’ rights advocate position, and every day, you feel that you are making a difference in society and your jurisdiction.
The prosecutor for whom you have been working as a victims’ witness assistant has had several calls from victims of stalking. Some cases seem more serious than other cases; however, one case that no one in the office thought was serious resulted in the victim’s death. Everyone thought that the couple was just going through a difficult breakup. This case had a tremendous impact on the entire office, especially you.
To help make sure that the office does not minimize a potentially dangerous situation again, the prosecutor has asked you to put together an intake, evaluation, and assessment instrument to be used in taking information on stalking situations. Be sure to check stalking statutes, and cite the elements of the crime of stalking in your documents.

In 2-3 pages, complete the following:
Create a topic paper (2–3 pages) in APA format discussing the following:
Importance of recognizing the signs of stalking
Criminal definition of stalking for your jurisdiction (cite a relevant stalking statute)
Key facts that you felt all office personnel should know about stalking, such as the remedies designed to help a stalking victim
Create an intake form in addition to the topic paper that can be used to get important information from alleged victims of stalking.
The form should require information about the nature and frequency of stalking and should determine if the elements of the crime of stalking are present.
The form should also ask questions that will elicit answers that help indicate what type of stalking situation exists, asking things such as: Is the victim acquainted with the suspect, and if so, how? If not, how does the victim think the suspect knows or has encountered the victim? It should ask for the frequency of the annoyance and if the victim is in fear and why. Most stalking statutes require a pattern of harassment or annoyance that would make a reasonable person afraid or seriously annoyed; the form should ask something that would capture that information. The form should indicate whether or not there is a pending divorce or other legal matters between the 2 parties.
Create an evaluation and assessment form in addition to the topic paper based on the intake form you have created that will help rank the seriousness of the threat from the suspect who is stalking.
The evaluation and assessment form should indicate your familiarity with the contemporary information on what constitutes the most dangerous threat to the victim and then provide a ranking accordingly.
Your forms should reflect contemporary information, the legal definition of the crime of stalking, and the factors that distinguish the most serious situations.