
What is customer retention and what role does it play in fitness organizations? What factors lead to low rates of customer retention in the fitness industry in Singapore?

What is customer retention and what role does it play in fitness organizations?

What factors lead to low rates of customer retention in the fitness industry in Singapore?

Identify research approach

Say what research strategy

Describe data collection method(s)

A SERVQUAL model will be integrated with the questionnaires to ensure that the expectations of the customers of the fitness organizations in Singapore are measured

How will you meet the overall aim of their research

How will what you have done so far and what you plan to do, demonstrate an understanding of research methods appropriate to their topic

How will what you have done so far and what you plan to do, enable you to significantly contribute to new knowledge through their DBA. You can state what you think their contribution to knowledge might be.


List and explain the two aspects of the definition of a gang member.Detail Miller’s six characteristics of a gang.Discuss and explain how secondary and tertiary gang prevention works.

List and explain the goals of school that affect delinquency.

List the issues associated with juvenile delinquency, according to your text.

Describe some ways in which bullying is implemented within the school system.

Discuss some of the reasons youths have for dropping out of school.

Explain why a school might be unable to meet the needs of all its students.

List and explain the two aspects of the definition of a gang member.

Detail Miller’s six characteristics of a gang.

Discuss and explain how secondary and tertiary gang prevention works.

Explain how gangs vary and discuss some of the prominent gangs throughout the United States.

Explain why and how females join gangs.

Explain why males join gangs.

Identify five data elements you would find on a Nurses’ Admission Record.List five purposes for a patient record.

Have you seen a health record prior to beginning this course? If you have, what data did you know belonged in the record? If not, what data did you think belonged in it?

Which page(s) were new to you as a part of a health record? Be specific and list at least five examples.

What final impressions (diagnoses) for the patient are described in the H&P?

Identify five data elements you would find on a Nurses’ Admission Record.

Three laboratory reports are included in your sample record. What is a unique feature of these laboratory reports compared to the other reports in the record?

Other than the reports noted above, list five health record reports found in your sample record.

List five purposes for a patient record.

List five guidelines that should be followed for patient record documentation.

List three organizations concerned with documentation requirements for patient records.

List fourteen elements of the Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set (UHDDS). Analyze the sample record to find out how many of these elements are present and identify where each data element is located.


Select a social issue/social problem that you believe is prevalent in today’s society/world.Discuss the origins and impacts of that issue/problem.


1. Select a social issue/social problem that you believe is prevalent in today’s society/world. 2.Discuss the origins and impacts of that issue/problem.
3. Develop a response to this problem with the assumption that you have the resources and power to promote change.”

HEALTHCARE is the social issue/social problem prevalent in today’s society/world.

Provide citations for all sources used in your essay, including, but not limited to, expert opinion, scholarly articles, and media sources (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).

Choose 1 interest group between:Federal and state government, Employers, Consumers and Insurers. What do you think are their main concerns regarding public health and the role of policy?

Find a list of interest groups which are health care stakeholders. Choose 1 interest group. What do you think are their main concerns regarding public health and the role of policy?
a. Federal and state government
b. Employers
c. Consumers
d. Insurers
e. Practitioners/Providers
f. Provider organizations
g. Technology producers
2. Should the US ultimately implement a National Health Insurance (Canada) or National Health system (Britain) for example? Choose a country with a different health care delivery and financing system as an example and state your opinion. Why or why not?
As part of your analysis, be sure to compare the structure and function of the international public health care systems, with that in the US.

Choose one of these characters and discuss whether he or she is sympathetic or unsympathetic:Rip Van Winkle from Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle”, Protagonist from Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”, Paul from Lawrence’s “The Rocking-Horse Winner”

 Create a character analysis essay built on close readings of one text from Module 1. You will focus on one specific aspect of the characterization and provide support from the text. Remember that characterization may be revealed through the character’s own thoughts, speech, and actions; through another character’s speech, thoughts, or actions toward that character; through the narration. You may also wish to reference other elements of fiction if they help you analyze that aspect of the character.

Choose a specific topic from the list below or create your own topic with my approval. Your unique topic must be approved by the instructor before you begin to write. If you write on an unapproved topic, you will not earn credit. (Note: you only need to choose ONE of these topics for your paper; you do not need to select one topic from the sympathetic/unsympathetic section and one from the static/dynamic.)

  • Approved topics:
    • Choose one of these characters and discuss whether he or she is sympathetic or unsympathetic. Be sure to discuss how the author creates (or does not create) sympathy for the character.
      • Rip Van Winkle from Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle”
      • Protagonist from Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”
      • Paul from Lawrence’s “The Rocking-Horse Winner”
    • Choose one of these characters and discuss whether he or she is static or dynamic. Be sure to discuss how the character changes (or does not change) in specific ways over the course of the story.
      • Goodman Brown from Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown”
      • Peyton Farquhar from Bierce’s “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”
      • John from Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”
      • Hester from Lawrence’s “The Rocking-Horse Winner”

Identify which two sociological theories ( Disorganization theory and Differential Association theory )capture the line of thinking/motives of the offender, and explain your rationale.

Two teens have set up shop in an abandoned warehouse on the edge of town, distributing alcohol to their underage high school peers. They feel that there should be no charge for breaking and entering or trespassing because the warehouse was abandoned.

• Identify which two sociological theories ( Disorganization theory and Differential Association theory )capture the line of thinking/motives of the offender, and explain your rationale.
• Explain to your offender one limitation of their line of thinking (i.e. One point you would argue to show them that their theoretical approach might be flawed.)
• Finally, anticipate how the offender, based on theoretical perspective, would reply to your attempts to rehabilitate his behavior.

Write a paper on a Showrunner we have not covered. What makes their voice and style different? What were the conditions inside the industry and outside that helped it get their show/s made?

Write a paper on a Showrunner we have not covered. What makes their voice and style different? What were the conditions inside the industry and outside that helped it get their show/s made? Where did their show air and how did that channel/streamer effect the series? What themes do their shows explore? How is this showrunner important? How did they change the television industry and our culture? Name at least one show that was directly influenced by their work. Use articles to back up your paper.

Translate the premises and conclusion into the symbols of propositional logic. Construct a truth table in which you analyze the argument for validity.Is your argument valid or invalid?

Translate the premises and conclusion into the symbols of propositional logic. Construct a truth table in which you analyze the argument for validity. You can construct a truth a table by inserting a table into a Microsoft Word document (from the INSERT option in Word, choose “table.” You will then have an opportunity to choose how many rows and columns you would like your table to be.) Is your argument valid or invalid? If valid, say why it is valid; identify the rows in the truth table that make the argument valid. If the argument is invalid, identify a counterexample; point to a row in your truth table that makes the argument invalid.

  1. Humans evolved from lower life forms given that either human life evolved from inanimate matter apart from divine causes or God created human life via evolution. God created life via of evolution. It follows that humans evolved from lower life forms. (H: Human life evolved from lower life forms; M: Human life evolved from inanimate matter apart from divine causes; G: God created human life via evolution)
  2. Augustine achieves heaven if Augustine is virtuous. But Augustine is happy provided that he is not virtuous. Augustine does not achieve heaven only if he is not happy. Therefore, Augustine achieves heaven. (A: Augustine achieves heaven; V: Augustine is virtuous; H: Augustine is happy)
  3. It is morally permissible for extraterrestrials to eat humans on the condition that it is morally permissible for humans to eat animals. But either it is not morally permissible for extraterrestrials to eat humans or human life lacks intrinsic value. Human life has intrinsic value. Therefore it is not morally permissible for humans to eat animals. (E: It is morally permissible for extraterrestrials to eat humans; H: It is morally permissible for humans to eat animals; V: Human life has intrinsic value)
  4. American foreign policy is bankrupt unless it is based on clear moral principles. American foreign policy is not based on clear moral principles just in case it is based primarily on the national interest. Unfortunately American foreign policy is based primarily on the national interest. Therefore, American foreign policy is bankrupt. (B: American foreign policy is bankrupt; M: American foreign policy is based on clear moral principles; N: American foreign policy is based primarily on national interest.)
  5. On the condition that landmines are designed to inflict horrible suffering, they ought to be banned unless inflicting horrible suffering is sometimes justified. It is not true that inflicting horrible suffering is sometimes justified, but it is true that landmines are designed to inflict horrible suffering. Therefore, landmines ought to be banned. (L: Landmines are designed to inflict horrible suffering; B: Landmines ought to be banned; S: Inflicting horrible suffering is sometimes justified)

Identify a culture you participate in outside of the family. Discuss the culture and the characteristic of it . What is your role and responsibilities in this culture?

The first part focuses on a culture within the family including older adults within the family [Use the West African Culture called the Ashanti Culture by Akan’s]

The second part is to identify a culture you participate in outside of the family (ex. work culture). [Use the American culture]

-Identify the culture.

-Discuss the culture and the characteristic of it.

-What is your role and responsibilities in this culture?

-How has this culture impact who you are?

-How do these cultural experiences impact your role as a nurse caring for older adults?