
Who should we involve when developing the strategic action plan?  Discuss the elements necessary in a strategic action plan executive summary.

You are answering a total of 2 questions. Each of your answer should be a minimum of 130 – 150 words each. This means at least 1 page for all 2 questions. Make sure to answer each question individually.
Begin Question Prompts;
Who should we involve when developing the strategic action plan?
Discuss the elements necessary in a strategic action plan executive summary.
-Make sure you answer each of the above questions BASED on the readings from the attached reference list, titled, “list of references.” AGAIN, please make sure your answers are coming from the readings, which is listed in the attached “list of references.”
-You must write in APA format.
-Make sure to properly cite your references, both in-text and on the reference page.
-You must use at least 1 reference from the attached reference list for EACH question.
-Make sure you answer each question separately.
-Make sure your are answering each of the questions correctly and completely.

Choose a topic related to U.S. History after 1877 (Chapters 16-28) that you would truly like to explore and that you are willing to spend some time on.Refine your topic. Summarize your topic, your interest in the topic, the questions you want to answer, and a hypothesis you want to test.

Choose a topic related to U.S. History after 1877 (Chapters 16-28) that you would truly like to explore and that you are willing to spend some time on. Your chosen topic should be focused. Pose a question that you really want to answer. You may want to begin with more than one topic in mind.
Do some preliminary reading on the topic(s). You may begin with the textbook, then further explore the information available. Refine your topic. Summarize your topic, your interest in the topic, the questions you want to answer, and a hypothesis you want to test.
Gather information from a variety of sources. Use a minimum of four sources for your paper, and at least one must be a primary source.
Examples of primary sources are ones that are used in our discussion forums 2-8.
They are sources that are contemporary to the times under investigation.
An example of a secondary source is our textbook, though the textbook also contains excerpts of primary sources, which you may use as a source in your paper.
Outline the results of your research and the plan for your paper (you are not required to submit the outline).
Write the final draft and be sure to include a Works Cited List, and use the correct MLA documentation style.
Grade Rubric

State the EHR mandate. Who started it? When? What are the goals of the mandate? Describe your facility’s plan. If you have already implemented a system, what steps were taken? Make sure you use the website.

Address EHR implementation strategies for health organizations and describe how EHRs improve patient safety. Consider your own facility’s implementation of its electronic health record, if you have one. If not,contact a large health system in your area and talk to their IT department, or select one of your clinical sites and contact that IT department. Answer the following questions:

  • State the EHR mandate. Who started it? When?
  • What are the goals of the mandate?
  • Describe your facility’s plan. If you have already implemented a system, what steps were taken? Make sure you use the website
  • Describe “meaningful use”.

Cambodia does not have a return policy that is relevant to online shopping and have not found use of regret rights. List the current state and issue that the country is facing and lacking.

Cambodia does not have a return policy that is relevant to online shopping and have not found use of regret rights. List the current state and issue that the country is facing and lacking. Refer to the obsolete contract law that would control product returns.

Chapter II: Consumer protection and Return policy system status of e-commerce in Cambodia.

The current usage of consumer return protection system in Cambodia.

  1. The requirement of return policy system
  2. The sales method application to the return policy system
  3. Legal consequences of return of goods consumer protection system
  4. The issue analysis of consumer returns protection system in Cambodia
  5. The issue of setting up return system of returns without reasons
  6. Uncertain standard of unsuitable return goods
  7. Seller’s unclear obligation
  • Unclear liability and certification of integration of goods.
  1. The usage environmental problem of returning goods system
  2. Legal environment
  3. Social environment

Why are men afraid of getting outside of The Man Box? When Porter says, “my liberation as a man is tied to your liberation as a woman,” what do you think he means by that?

In class on Friday, we watched a TED Talk by Tony Porter, where he focused on what he calls “The Man Box.” According to Porter, what is The Man Box? What are its core elements? Why are men afraid of getting outside of The Man Box? When Porter says, “my liberation as a man is tied to your liberation as a woman,” what do you think he means by that? As you write up your response, please reference and integrate lecture material and readings by West and Zimmerman attached.

Explain how the cash flow cycle works.Describe how financial management is related to accounting.How do sole proprietorships, general partnerships, limited liability companies, S corporations, and C corporations differ?

Upon completion of the Required Readings, write a thorough, well-planned narrative answer to the following discussion question.  Rely on your Required Readings and the Lecture and Research Update for specific information to answer the discussion question, but turn to your original thoughts when asked to apply, evaluate, analyze, or synthesize the information.  Your Discussion Question response should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the question itself.  If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc.  In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your responses and document in a bibliography using APA style.

 Explain how the cash flow cycle works.

Describe how financial management is related to accounting.

How do sole proprietorships, general partnerships, limited liability companies, S corporations, and C corporations differ?

Suppose three optometrists wished to form a business that was expected to last until the oldest one was about to retire. The three had known each other since college and were close friends who trusted one another. What type of firm might be appropriate? Why?


Assume you are the HR Director of a medium to large corporation or the owner of a small business. Draft a memo informing your employees on the topic you chose. The purpose of this memo is to keep them up to date on an issue that might affect them or the company.

Choose one of the topics mentioned in the article that would most likely apply to your career (or expected career).

Assume you are the HR Director of a medium to large corporation or the owner of a small business. Draft a memo informing your employees on the topic you chose. The purpose of this memo is to keep them up to date on an issue that might affect them or the company. At a minimum, your memo should include:

A description of the legal issue in a way that your audience could understand it (in other words, read, analyze, then draft your explanation in language that your employees would understand).
Include an explanation of the current state of that issue/law (this is to help them understand a comparison to what the future might hold).
A discussion on how your company will address that issue when/if the time comes.

Identify possible problems in your field—you might use the library’s databases to look up your major and see what other people are writing about. What do people debate about in your field?

Write about the best solution to a problem in your field of study (i.e. your major). Your first step will be to identify possible problems in your field—you might use the library’s databases to look up your major and see what other people are writing about. What do people debate about in your field?

Major: Business; Problem: What’s the best way for a company to give back to the community without losing revenue?

Major: Fashion design; Problem: What’s the best way to have a thriving clothing business without contributing to pollution and waste?

Major: English literature; Problem: In Wuthering Heights, is Heathcliff really just a jerk? Why is his jerkiness forgivable?

Once you have identified a problem, figure out what solutions or arguments people are proposing (you might mention these in your paper – briefly – in order to contextualize your own solution/argument/viewpoint), then choose one of these approaches to argue for in your paper. Make sure that argument is very clear, and that you support it throughout with logic (no need for outside sources in this paper).

View a feature film made between 1940–1970 you have not seen before (or will see later in this class) by a great director.Comment on the specific film you saw. Pay particular attention to the camerawork,(cinematography) the editing (montage) and the sound (this can include the music).

View a feature film made between 1940–1970 you have not seen before (or will see later in this class) by a great director. If you would like to see an American film, consider seeing something directed by Frank Capra, George Cukor, John Ford, George Stevens, Preston Sturges, Billy Wilder, or William Wyler. If you would like to try a foreign film consider Ingamr Bergman (Swedish), Luis Buñuel (Spanish), Claude Chabrol (French), Frederico Fellini (Italian), Akira Kurosawa (Japanese), Lina Wetmuller (German) or the British team known as “The Archers” made up of Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger. These are suggestions but not a comprehensive list of possibilities.

(Note that many directors were active both before and after 1970. Make sure you see a pre-1970 film, Make sure it’s a film you have not seen before, and make sure it is a feature. Don’t, for example, see Buñel’s UN CHIEN ANDALOU, which is a short, not a feature.)

Comment on the specific film you saw. Pay particular attention to the camerawork,(cinematography) the editing (montage) and the sound (this can include the music). What did you like, and what did you dislike, about what you saw? Why do you like the things you like, and why do you dislike the things you dislike? Is the film a good film, or is it not? (Note: This is not the same question as whether or not you liked it. It is entirely possible to like a film that you are aware is not very good.) You should comment on the film both as a representative of its genre and as a film.

Imagine you are the product manager for a new Superbowl television ad. Discuss what you would measure to determine the effectiveness of that advertisement on the day it was shown, a month later, and six months later.

(In 175 words) Imagine you are the product manager for a new Superbowl television ad. Discuss what you would measure to determine the effectiveness of that advertisement on the day it was shown, a month later, and six months later.