
Describe the roles that different levels of administrative personnel play in healthcare ethics and establishing or sustaining employer/employee-focused organizational risk management strategies and operational policies

Assume that the sample risk management program you analyzed in Topic 1 was implemented and is now currently in use by your health care employer/organization. Further assume that your supervisor has asked you to create a high‐level summary brief of this new risk management program to share with a group of administrative personnel from a newly created community health organization in your state who has enlisted your organization’s assistance in developing their own risk management policies and procedures.

Compose a 1,250‐1,500 word summary brief that expands upon the elements you first addressed in the Topic 1 assignment. In this summary brief, address the following points regarding your health care organization and its risk management program:

Explain the role of your organization’s MIPPA-approved accreditation body (e.g., JC, ACR, IAC) in the evaluation of your institution’s quality improvement and risk management processes.
Describe the roles that different levels of administrative personnel play in healthcare ethics and establishing or sustaining employer/employee-focused organizational risk management strategies and operational policies.
Illustrate how your organization’s risk management and compliance programs support ethical standards, patient consent, and patient rights and responsibilities.
Explain the legal and ethical responsibilities health care professionals face in upholding risk management policies and administering safe health care at your organization.
Relate how your organization’s quality improvement processes support and contribute to its overall journey to excellence.
In addition to your textbook, you are required to support your analysis with a minimum of three peer‐reviewed references.

In this section you will introduce and provide background on the relationships between body mass, brain size, and life history variables. How are these variables related in humans, apes, and other primates?

Introduction (~2/3 page): In this section you will introduce and provide background on the relationships between body mass, brain size, and life history variables. How are these variables related in humans, apes, and other primates? Hint: these relationships are shown in scatterplots in the Data Analysis worksheet for Lab 4. Refer to them as needed. How do humans compare to other apes in terms of encephalization quotient (EQ), age at first reproduction, and maximum lifespan? How do the fossil hominins compare to humans, apes, and other primates in these variables? Why might some of the hominins appear as outliers in these variables compared to other primates? Use the information provided to you in class support your claims. We will not be using outside literature in this final report!
In the final paragraph of the introduction you should introduce the particular project you did in lab. Scientific papers often begin this section with a statement such as “In this project, we investigated…” and then tell the reader what it is you investigated. For this lab you are investigating how and when the human-like pattern of large brains, long growth periods, and long maximum lifespans evolved by examining and estimating these traits in fossil hominins.

Methods (~1/2 page): In this section you should describe what you measured, how you collected it, and how the data were analyzed. Describe each trait that was measured, how the measurement was performed, and what tools were used (e.g. type of calipers). Be sure to include the units the data were collected in, the sample size, and specimens measured. In the second paragraph state how you analyzed you data and tested your predictions. Address how the measurements you collected were used to estimate body mass and calculate brain size for the specimens. Additionally, how were estimated body mass and brain size used to estimate life history variables and encephalization quotient?

Results (~1/3 page): In this section you should describe the results of your three hypotheses. Address at least the following: what did your data look like? How do the life history variables and EQ compare between the fossil hominins, humans, and other primates? Do your results support or challenge your hypotheses? Refer to the Figures to describe how the results look.
Discussion (~2/3 page): In this section you should discuss the impact of your results and how the results of this study relate to the larger issue of how and when the human-like pattern of large brains, long growth periods, and long maximum lifespans evolved in the hominin group. Briefly describe the relationship between body mass, life history, and brain size. How are humans unique in these traits compared to other primates? Did your results support or refute your hypotheses and why do you think you observed the patterns you found?
One major issue that all studies investigating fossil species must discuss is the dependence on estimates: we often cannot measure the variable we’re interested in (for example, we can’t observe an Australopithecus juvenile grow up and record when it reproduces for the first time). Instead, we estimate variables from skeletal measurements. Estimated variables should always be interpreted cautiously and critically. With that in mind, address at least the following: How do you interpret the life history estimates for fossil hominins in this study? Are they accurate, too high, or too low? Refer to the measures of EQ for these species: how can the relative brain size for the fossil hominins aid us in reconstructing their life histories? If there were any problems or limitations with the study, discuss those here.

Find a case study anywhere in the world that has proven success in the financial management process (i.e. budgeting, accounting, reporting and auditing processes) and discuss how you as an urban manager can apply these principles in the context of South African local government financial system.

Financial Urban Management.
Analyse the presentation by National Treasury “State of Local Government Finance” (uploaded on)
• Provide a brief introduction and background, description of the financial management system of the South African local government.
• Critique and identify possible gaps that exist in the budgeting, accounting, reporting and auditing processes.
• Find a case study anywhere in the world that has proven success in the financial management process (i.e. budgeting, accounting, reporting and auditing processes) and discuss how you as an urban manager can apply these principles in the context of South African local government financial system.
• In a brief conclusion draw together the main points made in the sections above and from this derive your solutions.
• Word count 3000 (excluding reference). You are to write this as academic essay using academic sources.

What strength would be beneficial to leadership role. Weakness that could impact a role in leadership, Opportunities based on strengths, and Threats – external or unexpected threats that may impact leadership and how to use strength to guard against these threats

What strength would be beneficial to leadership role. Weakness that could impact a role in leadership, Opportunities based on strengths, and Threats – external or unexpected threats that may impact leadership and how to use strength to guard against these threats.

Write an essay where you identify and evaluate a presupposition or set of presuppositions in your discipline in light of the worldview of Christian theism.

Introduction: Write an essay where you identify and evaluate a presupposition or set of presuppositions in your discipline in light of the worldview of Christian theism. To accomplish this purpose, complete the following tasks:

  • Identify specific beliefs or ideas (presuppositions) in your discipline.
  • Choose one presupposition or a set of presuppositions to examine in detail.
  • Identify the worldview that the presupposition represents.
  • Examine its validity in light of Christian theism.


  • View: How to write a documented worldview essay [28 mins.]
  • Read: C.S. Lewis, “The Poison of Subjectivism,” pp. 163-171
  • Read: Worldviews by Jerry Solomon
  • Read: Comparing five worldviews by Dennis McCallum
  • Organize your essay by dividing it into three parts:

o In your discipline of Ministry and Leadership with a concentration on Evangelism and Outreach, examine a specific worldview and its underlying presuppositions. You may select more than one. Remember to refer to a worker in the discipline using the third person (doctor, teacher, accountant…). Choose a worldview that is antithetical (or at least is not accommodating) to Christianity; a worldview with which you disagree. This can be determined by asking the following questions:

  • §§  What do the presuppositions say about meaning?
  • §§  How is evidence approached and evaluated?
  • §§  Should the presuppositions and the subsequent theory or assertion be rejected by the

Christian theist?

  • §§  Should the belief or theory be accepted by the Christian theist at all? If so, in what


  • §§  Can the theory or position be modified to fit a Christian theistic worldview? Describe

the worldview in detail; you must use the correct philosophical terms (metaphysics,

epistemology, axiology).

o Show how and why the worldview is flawed.

  • §§  Use the tests of reason, experience, and practice to analyze the presuppositions of the worldview.
  • §§  Use presuppositional apologetics as a means to evaluate how a particular worldview stands on its own merits. In other words, examine the validity of the basic assertions of an argument.
  • §§  Discuss the ramifications for the discipline if the worldview is carried to its logical conclusion.

o Assert the correct worldview as it relates to Christian theism.

  • §§  Indicate the reasons this worldview and its presuppositions are valid.
  • §§  Discuss the ramifications of this worldview in the discipline you have chosen.
  • §§  Explain how the Christian perspective would direct the theories or ideas espoused as

well as guide the activities of the researcher or scientist. How would the field change?

  • §§  In what ways could your faith in Christ enrich your discipline?
  • §§  How could Christianity ensure the validity and correctness of the actions taken as a

result of the discoveries of the discipline.

Do you feel that children should be guided by social expectations in regards to what toys they play with? Explain your response.

“The process of gender stereotyping continues through childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. [Also], gender stereotyping involves expectations about how people should behave based on their gender”. (Pg. 416)

After you have read “Traditional Gender-Role Stereotypes over the Lifespan”, and watched the video, you are to address the following question’s in paragraph form. You must critically address these question’s and respond with depth and clarity.

While this response should include your opinion, it should also include support from the text as well as the video to support your response. APA format is only needed for this discussion when you cite the text or other sources to support your statements.

1) Do you feel that children should be guided by social expectations in regards to what toys they play with? Explain your response. ided to play with a certain gender appropriate toy?

2) Do social expectations add an element of normalcy and guidance? Why/why not? (1 paragraph)

3) Will the child feel a sense of internal or external incongruence? Why/why not? (1 paragraph)

4) Will the child feel a sense of disharmony, or a sense of something that is natural for him/her?

5) Respond to one other student’s post to address their question or expand on their post.

Using the data provided on BREO, you are required to write two sections commonly found in published research article. The first is the ‘Statistical Analysis’ section of the ‘Methodology’ and the second is the ‘Results’ section.

1. Critical understanding of the appropriate use of data analysis, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics within the field of sport, physical activity and exercise science.
2. The comprehensive completion of statistical analysis testing in a format suitable within the field of sport, physical activity and exercise science.

Using the data provided on BREO, you are required to write two sections commonly found in published research article. The first is the ‘Statistical Analysis’ section of the ‘Methodology’ and the second is the ‘Results’ section. The assignment must not exceed 1000 words in length, not counting references and word count within tables and figures (including table and figure legends). Include a word count on your final page. Use black, 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font with double-spacing. Ensure that you include a plagiarism statement with your submission.

In order to pass Assessment 1, you will need to:
• Present an appropriate statistical analysis of a set of data
• Provide an analysis of research design and the assumptions of this statistical test to a standard that would be deemed acceptable within the field of sport, physical activity and exercise science.
• Provide tables and figures to an appropriate manner.

Attend a variety of lectures and workshop sessions to allow an exploration of the relevant and wide range of statistical analysis used in sport, exercise and health sciences. There will be opportunity to challenge certain methods in discussion and workshop sessions.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?

Students will learn through tutors and peers with face to face activity and online tasks. There will be a problem based approach to learning, to enable the highlighting of the prerequisite skills required to be a student researcher.

How did WW2 influence one particular aspect of literature (choose whatever aspect you want) high vocab and examples

Read about how WWII influenced American Literature and then pick one aspect to tell the reader in five paragraphs.

How did WW2 influence one particular aspect of literature (choose whatever aspect you want) high vocab and examples.

The purpose of this assignment is, using research, to expose an ethical dilemma for a worker in your chosen profession, and to explain how a worker with a Christian worldview would respond to that dilemma.

The Assignment:
The purpose of this assignment is, using research, to expose an ethical dilemma for a worker in your chosen profession, and to explain how a worker with a Christian worldview would respond to that dilemma. An ethical dilemma is a choice a worker faces in his or her daily work, not a controversial topic faced by society as a whole.

Reading Choices from Encounters:
Albert M. Wolters, “from Creation Regained,” p. 133-138
C. S. Lewis, “The Poison of Subjectivism,” pp. 141, click the link
Glenn Tinder, “Can We Be Good Without God?” pp. 147, click the link
Dorothy Sayers, “Why Work?” pp. 153, click the link
Ann Patchett, “The Language of Faith,” pp. 181-186
Any of the other selections from the chapter on Vocation in Encounters
You will need to cite at least two of these selections in the essay.
Library Sources
You must cite at least three sources found on the ORU Library website.
These may be articles from scholarly journals or current ebooks.
You may cite one .gov site, especially the Occupational Outlook Handbook.

Identify “immunology” and its methodologies. Research current COVID-19 epidemiology from reputable scientific websites, including (but not limited to): (World Health Organization), (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Lab Introduction:

Understanding what’s happening in the world right now means understanding microbiology.  We’ve started with a basic understanding of viruses—undefined in any of Woese’s 3 domains, they are parasites that need the host’s energy.  We study energy and metabolism in Unit I: Chapters 2 and 5 remind us that, like us, organisms inside of human hosts are also chemoheterotrophic.  In future chapters, we learn about how our bodies respond to infectious particles– Epidemiology (Chs. 14 & 15) and Immunology (Chs. 16-20) are foundational studies in Microbiology.  They help humans track disease causation, human anatomy & physiology effects, and often lead to new methodologies (e.g., vaccination, antibiotics) that aim to protect future humans. Right now, humans are responding to an enigmatic virus (termed COVID-19) utilizing these same studies.  In this lab exercise, you will research current epidemiology and immunology about a virus that has created a recent pandemic.

Learning Goals:

  • Identify “epidemiology” and its methodologies.
  • Identify “immunology” and its methodologies.
  • Research current COVID-19 epidemiology from reputable scientific websites, including (but not limited to): (World Health Organization), (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), and 1+ more (student’s choice).
  • Research human immunology—the way(s) in which the human body responds to viruses (including Coronaviruses of the past).
  • Develop a plan for your community in response to COVID-19 outbreak.