
Using specifics from our the listed readings explore how and what from our texts we can use to eradicate gender as an organizing principle of society1.”Hamlet” 2.INVISIBLE MAN by Ellison 3.THE STRANGER by Albert Camus, 84 ed, 4.”Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by T.S.Eliot

Using specifics from our the listed readings explore how and what from our texts we can use to eradicate gender as an organizing principle of society.

1.”Hamlet” 2.INVISIBLE MAN by Ellison 3.THE STRANGER by Albert Camus, 84 ed, 4.”Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by T.S.Eliot however, when answering consider/utilize the following from W.E.B. Du Bois’ The Souls of Black Folks “…a world which yields no true self-consciousness, but only lets one see oneself through the revelations of the other world….this double consciousness, the sense of always looking at one’s self through the eyes of others….of measuring one’s soul with a tape designed by those who consider themselves our betters….this longing to merge one’s double self into a better and ruer self….and wishes neither of the older selves to be lost.”

Identify one technology that you would like to use in the classroom and how you would use the technology to improve student learning

Identify one technology that you would like to use in the classroom. Based on the required reading and answer the following questions in detail:

1. How you would use the technology to improve student learning

2. Risk or drawbacks associated with the use of the technology

3. How you will minimize the risks or drawbacks to create a safe learning environment

Briefly discuss the social, political, and economic implications of breast cancer prevention.Summarize the current legislation at the state and federal level that addresses breast cancer prevention and the shortcomings of each.

Summarize the health problem, new findings on breast cancer prevention, and the consequences of not addressing this problem.

Briefly discuss the social, political, and economic implications of breast cancer prevention.

Summarize the current legislation at the state and federal level that addresses breast cancer prevention and the shortcomings of each.

Make 3-4 recommendations on what should be done in response to the issues identified.

Discuss why the clinical issue is significant to nursing, patient outcomes, and quality healthcare.Describe the search strategies used to uncover the evidence.

  1. Identify the clinical issue/problem:Discuss the background and significance of the clinical issue. Present a compelling overview of the relevance of the clinical issue; the PICOT question; the significance of the issue e.g. why is this question important?
  2. Significance of the clinical issue/problem:Discuss why the clinical issue is significant to nursing, patient outcomes, and quality healthcare.
  3. Search process:Describe the search strategies used to uncover the evidence. Include the keyword and databases used and number of articles used to answer your PICOT question. (May use screen shots of search history form databases).

Critical Appraisal of the Evidence:

This section is not about discussing each study individually. It is about comparing and contrasting the research studies. Evaluate the foundation of evidence (research) that influences the clinical issue. Discuss the overall strength of the evidence in terms of level of evidence, the validity, reliably and applicably of the evidence and the confidence to act on the evidence found. Use tables to enhance the differences and similarities of the evidence.

  1. Statement of the research problem(s) or purpose, research question(s) or hypotheses, study variable, study goals, objectives or aims. Where they related to the problem?
  2. Literature reviews – did they provide a rationale and direction for the studies?
  3. Statement of the research design(s). Were they appropriate to the study? Why or why not?
  4. Description of the sample(s), populations and setting.
  5. Brief description of the measurement methods used in each study.
  6. Brief description of procedure(s) (data collection and analysis).
  7. Discuss the results of the studies, accuracy, and interpretations of results.
  8. Discuss the strengths and limitations of the research presented.

Develop project charters that illustrate the high-level scope of the project as it aligns to organizational strategic needs Analyze internal and external stakeholder needs for efficiently navigating organizational structures

In your final project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
 Develop project charters that illustrate the high-level scope of the project as it aligns to organizational strategic needs
 Analyze internal and external stakeholder needs for efficiently navigating organizational structures
 Determine proper approaches to defining business requirements for aligning with business strategies
 Utilize project management software for effectively developing project management plans
 Develop key project management control documents for ensuring effective management plan scope descriptions
 Evaluate agile and waterfall methods for successful project execution
 Determine approaches for project closure that inform ongoing best practices in project management planning
Throughout the course, you have been working through the phases of the project management life cycle to develop components for a project management plan
that addresses the organizational needs of the organization highlighted in two case studies: the Fabricant Manufacturing Project (Milestone One) and the ECOTrans case study (Milestone Two). Your instructor and peers have provided feedback for you to consider along the way. Now, you have the background
knowledge and the information necessary to complete your project management plan, which utilizes the HighTower Global Solutions case study, available in
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Project Initiation
A. Identify the economic, technical, and organizational feasibility of the project. For instance, how is the project a viable fit within the organization?
B. Explain how the project aligns to the organization’s strategic goals utilizing the traceability matrix (in Mindedge).
C. Develop a project charter that includes a high-level scope of what is to be accomplished.
D. Create a high-level timeline and cost estimate to complete the project.
E. Identify the concerns of the internal and external key project stakeholders.
F. Compare the level of support from all key project stakeholders to inform the course of action resulting in success of the project.
G. Complete the stakeholder analysis template.
II. Project Planning
A. Determine the business requirements for the successful development of the project. Justify your choices.
B. Establish who will provide the business requirements. What approach will be used to solicit the requirements from the subject matter experts?
C. Categorize and organize the business requirements in a standard requirements template.
D. Explain why the format for capturing requirements is important to the overall success of the project. Why would we consider requirements’
E. Leveraging the business requirements, translate these requirements into a project schedule using project management software through the
provided template.
F. Estimate the duration of project tasks using common business knowledge, and assign resources to complete each task.
G. Refine your estimate of the project cost based on the duration of tasks and resources needed.
III. Project Execution
A. Determine the best implementation approach—agile or waterfall project—for the organization based on its organizational structure. Provide
examples to support your rationale.
B. Explain how the project schedule can be resource leveled, fast-tracked, or crashed if needed based upon execution results.
C. Propose communication approaches and the frequency that should be used to keep leadership apprised of the project execution. Include
examples to support your claims.
IV. Project Control
A. Describe how you will handle changes in scope to your project management plan. What change management process will be used? What key
information will be required for change requests?
B. Describe the risk management process that is the best fit for effective project control over your plan.
C. Explain how you will document issues and what process will be used to manage the issue to completion. Include examples to support your
V. Project Closeout
A. Identify what needs to be done to close your project management plan. Include examples supporting how you will minimize the chances of
overlooking a step in the project process.
B. Justify the need for a warranty period and how the project will transition to business
C. Complete a lessons-learned template for the case study project.

Write an expanded technical definition for an item, procedure or concept. Ideally, this will be something with which you are already very familiar through your profession or major.

As we’ve discussed already, technical communication is (1) Action-oriented; and (2) Reader-focused. Both facets come together in preparing an expanded technical definition, as do the CRAP principles of page design (Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity). Your reader needs to understand a concept in order to act on it. To make a concept understandable, you will need to prepare a definition with knowledge of your reader, how much background she/he has on the concept, the setting in which he/she encounters or will be using the concept and other factors. You, who might have specialized technical knowledge, need to put yourself in your reader’s shoes in order to convey just what is needed. And, of course, careful page design and cohesive paragraph structure are critical in communicating this kind of information!

(1) Read: Lannon, Ch. 18, “Technical Definitions” pg.412-436 and pages 462-467 on “Evaluating the Usability of Instructions and Procedures.” Pay particular attention to the Basic Usability Survey on page 466, as you will be using that document to review another student’s expanded definition.

(2) Write an expanded technical definition for an item, procedure or concept. Ideally, this will be something with which you are already very familiar through your profession or major. Consult at least three sources to prepare your expanded definition. Do not use Wikipedia, or similar low-quality sources. Everything in the expanded definition should be in your own words, NOT a straight copy-and-paste from a source. Reference your sources by including an APA-formatted References page

Describe the two laws Mendel formulated from his research. What was Mendel experimental design, what was his study model, and what was the advantage of this study model?

  1. Describe the two laws Mendel formulated from his research. What was Mendel experimental design, what was his study model, and what was the advantage of this study model?
  2. What are the evolutionary implications of gene duplication in formation of gene families?
  3. Describe how methylation patterns occur in male and female somatic and germ cells, which results in epigenetic heredity. Provide an example.
  4. Discuss the influence of the environment on gene expression, and how can it determine expressivity?

“Milk plastic” is made from milk and vinegar. What are some viable items that can be made from “milk plastic”? Why? (4 items that are currently produced using regular plastic)

To help reduce environmental pollution from the use of plastics in Singapore, is it viable to make some of items out of milk plastic?

– “Milk plastic” is made from milk and vinegar. What are some viable items that can be made from “milk plastic”? Why? (4 items that are currently produced using regular plastic) – The research presentation must include an explanation of how and why these items. It must also include step-by-step procedures of how to make prototypes of these “milk plastic” ITEMS at home, details of how to test these prototypes, observations and results of the testing of AT LEAST 4 items. It must not be to replace plastic bags because milk plastic is not a flexible material.) – Because milk plastic is biodegradable, how long would these items last? Is there a (safe) coating that would make it last longer (up to 2 years?) eg. Would a plant-based bio resin coating do the job? And is it safe? – The research presentation must be detailed in considering :-how commercially viable would these “milk plastic” items be? Obviously, milk plastic cannot fully replace all regular types of plastics currently being used, so there must be justification / reasons why these “milk plastic” items would be commercially viable. – The research presentation must include how to test the properties of milk plastic, with clear, simple at-home testing procedures and conclusion of testing outcomes. eg. tencile strength, water resistance etc….. (ie. properties that are relevant to these “milk plastic” items.) – What is the cost of buying cheap milk and vinegar in Singapore at wholesale prices must also be researched and presented. (Prices must be in Singapore dollars.)

Describe the importance of foreign policy and international politics and discuss the intersection of policy and politics on a global level

. Describe how institutions impact politics. 3.1 Explain the relationship between foreign policy and national security operations. 7. Discuss the influences of power, authority and legitimacy in the modern state. 7.1 Discuss the impact of globalism on states. 8. Describe the importance of foreign policy and international politics. 8.1 Discuss the intersection of policy and politics on a global level. Course/Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Activity 3.1 Unit Lesson Chapter 13 reading Additional Reading Assignment Unit VIII Case Study 7.1 Unit Lesson Chapter 4 reading Unit VIII Case Study 8.1 Unit Lesson Unit VIII Case Study Reading Assignment Chapter 13: Globalization and Governance Chapter 4: States, pp. 110–113 Additional Reading Assignments: Click the following links to access the resources below: The following resource, found on pp. 640-647, contains more information about globalization. Iftode, F. (2015). Security components of globalization. EIRP Proceedings, 10(1), 640–647.

Summarize the current legislation at the state and federal level that aresses breast cancer prevention and the shortcomings of each.

Summarize the health problem, new findings on breast cancer prevention, and the consequences of not addressing this problem.

Briefly discuss the social, political, and economic implications of breast cancer prevention.

Summarize the current legislation at the state and federal level that addresses breast cancer prevention and the shortcomings of each.

Make 3-4 recommendations on what should be done in response to the issues identified