
What results should be expected (good and bad)? What objections might your reader raise to your idea and how can you address them?

The Art and Science of Persuasion
Much workplace or professional writing has a persuasive purpose–at the very least, you want to convince your readers that what you say is accurate, credible and worthy of their attention. Sometimes the persuasive aspect goes further–we request a raise, try to change corporate policy, or petition for social justice. Our success relies on numerous factors, not the least of which is understanding our readers and the constraints they face in making a decision. Being able to write a convincing, persuasive document is an important part of developing as a writer–and thinker.
For this first project, you will think about a change you would like to see, something that really matters to you. For example, you might want your local gym to start recycling plastic bottles, or to convince your employer to underwrite child care. Whatever you choose, it should be (1) a real problem; and (2) something for which action can be taken by a particular person or organization. This latter requirement is important, because you will be writing a persuasive letter to that person or organization as your audience.
“Persuasion” by Tom Simpson is licensed under CC by 2.0.
Not the kind of persuasion professional writers use!
To be successful in this project, your letter should address these questions:
Is it really a problem and for whom?
Why should the person/organization care enough to solve it?
What is a possible solution? Why do you believe it will work?
Are there alternative solutions?
What results should be expected (good and bad)?
What objections might your reader raise to your idea and how can you address them?
What benefit will result to the person/organization if they solve it?

How did the President Van Buren character respond? How do we ensure independence of courts in the USA? Why is an independent judiciary important?

1. What is the rule of law? Why is the rule of law important? What role do the courts have in supporting the rule of law? How do the courts presented in the film support the concept of the rule of law? Define justice. Is there a common definition for justice throughout the world? Explain you answer.
2. In the movie the character of the Spanish Ambassador told the President Van Buren character that “If you cannot rule the courts, you cannot rule”. How did the President Van Buren character respond? How do we ensure independence of courts in the USA? Why is an independent judiciary important?

4. Which of the scenes in the film most clearly reveals the immoral and dehumanizing aspect of slavery? (Here your opinion is proper)
5. Research and report the nature and extent of slavery today in the world.

Compare and contrast two different patient-centered health information technologies. What are their benefits, drawbacks, can they improve quality healthcare, do they engage patients more in their healthcare?

Assignment you are to search the internet for different patient-centered health information technologies (i.e patient portals, telehealth, mHealth). Compare and contrast two different patient-centered health information technologies. What are their benefits, drawbacks, can they improve quality healthcare, do they engage patients more in their healthcare? Make sure to address your thoughts on whether consumers will engage using these tools (technologies) and how can we better educate patients about these tools, along with your findings and conclusions.

Analyze and provide information about the culture and subculture and the unique marketing aspects it entails. Is your company being influenced by culture and subculture?

This paper should be the continuation of your previous paper. Therefore, you need to prepare the following information about your company (or previously chosen by you for last paper) and answer the following questions:
● How you understand subcultures and their influence on unique market behaviors
● Analyze and provide information about the culture and subculture and the unique marketing aspects it entails. Is your company being influenced by culture and subculture? Provide with some advantages and disadvantages of being influenced by cultural differences.
● Describe the various religious subcultures and their implications for marketing and compare with the company.
● Explain the role of geographic regions as subcultures and they affect the marketing strategy of the company that you are researching.

What results should be expected (good and bad)? What objections might your reader raise to your idea and how can you address them?

The Art and Science of Persuasion
Much workplace or professional writing has a persuasive purpose–at the very least, you want to convince your readers that what you say is accurate, credible and worthy of their attention. Sometimes the persuasive aspect goes further–we request a raise, try to change corporate policy, or petition for social justice. Our success relies on numerous factors, not the least of which is understanding our readers and the constraints they face in making a decision. Being able to write a convincing, persuasive document is an important part of developing as a writer–and thinker.
For this first project, you will think about a change you would like to see, something that really matters to you. For example, you might want your local gym to start recycling plastic bottles, or to convince your employer to underwrite child care. Whatever you choose, it should be (1) a real problem; and (2) something for which action can be taken by a particular person or organization. This latter requirement is important, because you will be writing a persuasive letter to that person or organization as your audience.
“Persuasion” by Tom Simpson is licensed under CC by 2.0.
Not the kind of persuasion professional writers use!
To be successful in this project, your letter should address these questions:
Is it really a problem and for whom?
Why should the person/organization care enough to solve it?
What is a possible solution? Why do you believe it will work?
Are there alternative solutions?
What results should be expected (good and bad)?
What objections might your reader raise to your idea and how can you address them?
What benefit will result to the person/organization if they solve it?

Analyze the role that culture plays in global business ethics.Describe and persuade on the importance and rationale for maintaining an ethical culture within the entire organization.

For this assignment, you will take on the role of a Vice President of a major organization. The CEO has assigned you the responsibility of educating the leaders within the organization of the importance of maintaining an ethical culture. The tone of the presentation should be of a persuasive nature as you will also be asking these leaders to take this initiative to each of their areas. As you compile this presentation, include the following:
Explain exactly what it means to maintain an ethical culture within the organization.
Analyze the role that culture plays in global business ethics.
Describe and persuade on the importance and rationale for maintaining an ethical culture within the entire organization. Think about methods that could be used to motivate towards ethical business practices.
Recommend tactical methods that might be used within each of their areas.
Your PowerPoint presentation should be 12-14 slides, not including the title slide and reference slide. All sources used must be referenced and paraphrased. Directly quoted material must have accompanying citations and be cited per APA guidelines.
Use of speaker notes is required as well. In the speaker notes, you will provide what you would say if you were actually giving the presentation to an audience. Please write your notes in complete sentences and adhere to typical grammar and/or punctuation rules.

Why was it decided that the definition of the quality indicators should become stricter?How could the data extraction methodologies used in this paper (physical therapy) be used in a family practice clinic?

1. Summarize the article.

2. Why was it decided that the definition of the quality indicators should become stricter?

3. How could the data extraction methodologies used in this paper (physical therapy) be used in a family practice clinic?

4. How might these lessons in data extraction be applied to hospitals to improve the collection of quality measures?

How did Victor’s actions influence the trials he faced? What did the initial disposition of the monster seem to be, according to his own story? Was he inherently good or evil?

Synthesis & TED Radio Clips
How did Victor’s actions influence the trials he faced? What did the initial disposition of the monster seem to be, according to his own story? Was he inherently good or evil?

Another theme this story explores is the moral and ethical implications of knowledge. What effect have technological advances had on us as human beings?

The following TED Radio Hour series from NPR explores these questions, specifically as they relate to the human relationship with screens and how that relationship is affecting us.

As you listen to the excerpts, I want you to synthesize the information from the four clips. When we take information from or come to general conclusions based on multiple sources, this is called synthesis. As you listen to the four different clips from the TED Radio Hour, think about what they have in common. Are there common themes being explored in each excerpt? If you had to summarize the four clips for a friend, what general ideas would you focus on that all of them explored?

Listen to and take notes on these TED Radio Hour clips1 and think about what the implications of increased interaction with, dependency on, and ability of technology might be in our lives. In what ways might technology be useful? In what ways might it be harmful or abused? These are exciting and scary times! Please listen to the following podcasts:

How Are Our Screens Changing Us Now? (6:22)
Transcript: How Are Our Screens Changing Us Now?
Amber Case: Are Our Devices Turning Us into a New Kind of Human? (9:27)
Transcript: Are Our Devices Turning Us into a New Kind of Human?
Rana El Kaliouby: Will Our Screen Soon Be Able to Read Our Emotions? (7:51)
Transcript: Will Our Screen Soon Be Able to Read Our Emotions?
P. W. Singer: How Are Screens Changing the Face of War? (8:01)
Transcript: How Are Screens Changing the Face of War?

Journal Response: Synthesis of Theme
Write a short, objective summary of each clip, and then write a 400-word response to one of the general themes of the clips and that considers the questions raised earlier:

What are the implications of increased interaction with, dependency on, and ability of technology in our lives?
In what ways might technology be useful?
In what ways might technology be harmful or abused?
The rubric that will be used to grade your assignment is below.

Explain what takes place in the initial meeting with the psychologist. Describe what type of information will be gathered and how it will be gathered.


Using the Case Study below complete the following tasks:

  1. Describe the client’s current stressors using a biopsychosocial model.
  2. Explain what takes place in the initial meeting with the psychologist.
  3. Describe what type of information will be gathered and how it will be gathered.
  4. Include (verbatim; in quotation marks) two closed-ended questions and two

open-ended questions that the psychologist will ask.

  1. Based on the analysis of the data that you (the psychologist) collect in the assessment and the case study information propose a possible DSM diagnosis, make sure that you use evidence from the case to justify the diagnosis (i.e., identify the specific behaviours, thoughts, emotions that indicate the specific diagnosis).

Using at least one theory propose a brief psychological conceptualization for the proposed diagnosis.

  1. Suggest two suitable evidence-based treatment for the diagnosis that you have proposed.

Describe the pros and cons of its impact on human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice for youth and families.

Contact a local children’s services agency and see if you can talk with a social worker or supervisor about their approach to coordination and collaboration with other organizations. What is their approach? What strengths and weakness do they see? What barriers do they frequently encounter in their work to provide help or resources to clients? If they could change something about the community’s approach what do they think would improve outcomes for their clients? Document your interview, the responses and your thoughts in a 2-page journal entry.

In a 2 to 3-page reflection, evaluate the systems of care policy model for its potential to impact the provision and delivery of clinical services in your community. Describe the pros and cons of its impact on human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice for youth and families. How can the model be used to address all of these? Finally, based on the information you gained from your interview identify at least two next steps you could take as a social worker using the systems of care policy approach to improve outcomes for youth or reduce barriers to care. Be specific regarding what you would do, meeting you might have, people to talk to, planning or coloration activities you could lead, etc.