
What are the proposed advantages of a national identification card? Discuss whether or not personal information, such as medical records, criminal history, or mental health problems should be encoded on such cards.

The events of 9/11 increased calls for the establishment of a national identification system; proponents argue that such a system might have prevented the attacks. Others decry that the adoption of national identity cards would be yet another step down the slippery slope of government surveillance.

Explore how national identity cards are used in other countries and write about the following:

Provide at least 1 specific example of how national identity cards are used.
How would it be possible (or would it be impossible?) to safeguard the information that is contained on a high-tech national identity card? Discuss whether or not personal information, such as medical records, criminal history, or mental health problems should be encoded on such cards.
What are the proposed advantages of a national identification card?
What are some of the possible disadvantages of a national identification card?
If a system of national identification cards had been in place prior to September 11, 2001, could it have prevented the terrorist attacks?
Additional Resources

Impact Assessment: Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Strengthening the Security of Identity Cards of Union Citizens and of Residence Documents issued to Union Citizens and their Family Members Exercising their Right to Free Movement.

Argue in favor of, or against the separation of religion and politics. Do you feel they should be intertwined? Justify, why or why not.

In 650-750 words, please answer one of the following questions. Remember to use evidence and examples to justify your answers.

1) Argue in favor of, or against the separation of religion and politics. Do you feel they should be intertwined? Justify, why or why not.

2) Do you regard the real life application of law as fair? What are some issues that can affect laws from being applied fairly?

3) There are many factors (political, economic, and social) that can prevent the creation of a stable democratic system. Choose one and argue why this specific factor can threaten the process of democratization, more so than the others.

What structure will you use and implement? Explain how you will use departmentalization in your organizational structure.

This assignment focuses on how the management practices of planning, leading, organizing, staffing, and controlling are implemented in your workplace. Using the Ashford University Library and other credible online resources, find three Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources
(Links to an external site.)
that provide information on’s business structure.

Here is the scenario and situation:
Assume you are an employee working in the Amazon warehouse, and you pack orders and categorize them into small, medium, and large batches. You are considered a packer. You have experience packing all sizes and have been with the organization for two years. You are considered one of their best employees, you have a solid reputation for being a hard worker, and all of your orders are packed correctly. You have also been busy; you recently completed Amazon’s management training program, and you have completed your BABA degree at the Forbes School of Business and Technology at Ashford University.

Congratulations: You have just been promoted to manager. You will be relocated to a new plant that is two hours away that employs 100 employees. You will oversee a team of 10 supervisors and 90 packers and will now oversee the entire warehouse operation. How will you work to use and apply the five functions of management?

Now let’s apply the five functions. In your paper, include the following sections:
Planning: Examine the specific areas you will choose to manage that fall under the planning function.
For example, what might be some of the things you will plan to do and implement to build an effective team and culture? People are the most important resource in any business, what do you plan to do to build a positive team culture? What processes and systems do you plan to use?
Organizing: Assess if the present structure that Amazon has set up is working.
Do you need to make or suggest any changes to make it more efficient and effective? What structure will you use and implement? Explain how you will use departmentalization in your organizational structure.
Staffing: Analyze your staffing needs.
How do you intend to staff your organization and replace members that leave or are promoted? How does the HR process apply? What things (if any) will you suggest?
Leading: Justify the leadership theory and style you will follow to ensure efficiency.
Will you use transformational or transactional leadership? Why or why not?
Controls: Identify what controls and measures you will implement.
How will you apply the four steps of control (these are in Chapter 7; i.e., establishing standards, measuring performance, comparing performance, and making decisions)?

Describe the person’s health maintenance, protection, and restoration traditions and how these have been influenced by culture.

In this writing assignment, you will conduct an interview of a person from a culture different than your own, giving careful consideration to the concept of cultural humility.

Step 1 Choose a person to interview from a culture different than your own. Please consider choosing Asia, Hispanic, or Latin.

Step 2 Use your book or additional resources to research the cultural group’s health practices. Think of questions you want to ask.

Step 3 Conduct the interview (approximately 15-20 minutes). Be sure to gather information to address the areas in step 4.

Step 4 In a two-page, 500-word paper, addressed the following:
-With what culture does the person identify?
-How does this person define/perceive health and illness and how is this affected by his or her culture?
-Describe the person’s health maintenance, protection, and restoration traditions and how these have been influenced by culture.
-How has language and/or culture impacted:
Access to health care and Communication with health care professionals.

Define Cultural self assessment and explain why it is important. Describe the 5 step process for delivering culturally congruent nursing care.

Define Cultural self assessment and explain why it is important.
Describe the 5 step process for delivering culturally congruent nursing care.
Then describe the definitions of Cultural Baggage, Ethnocentrism, Cultural Imposition, Prejudeice, Discrimination, Cultural Congruence (define these words in relation to nursing). Then give an detailed example of each in a nursing practice.

What roles did the FDIC and RTC play in trying to resolve the savings and loan problem? How successful were they?

  1. Research the savings and loan scandal in Arkansas and the involvement of friends/associates/acquaintances of the Clintons. How were the perpetrators in these situations treated? How did the punishment compare with the cases in the text?
  2. What are economic citizenships? why do individuals obtain these items? Why do countries issue them? What is the negative side of economic citizenships?
  3. What roles did the FDIC and RTC play in trying to resolve the savings and loan problem? How successful were they?

Research and compare security tools that claim to protect home and enterprise internet operations. Which were most effective and least effective?

  1. Why is it appropriate to criminally prosecute hackers for simply breaking into government computers? Should we prosecute those who break into private corporation computers if no other criminal activity occurs? Explain your answer in detail.
  2. Investigate Web sites that give advice on avoiding identity theft. What advice do they give on how to avoid being a victim?
  3. Research and compare security tools that claim to protect home and enterprise internet operations. Which were most effective and least effective?

What kinds of internal controls would you put in place to prevent such fraud from taking place again?What steps do you think the accounting profession has taken to prevent such fraudulent activities?

Answer the following questions with as much detail as you can based on your extensive research of the unethical practices that took place.
1. What is the company name?
2. What happened?
3. Who were the main players in the ethical scandal?
4. How did they do it? (Meaning how was the fraud or scandal perpetrated?)
5. How did they get caught?
6. What were the assessed penalties?
7. List one (or a few) interesting facts one may not know about the company or the fraud that took place.
8. What measures could the company (upper level management or employees in general) have done to prevent such fraud?
9. What kinds of internal controls would you put in place to prevent such fraud from taking place again?
10. What steps do you think the accounting profession has taken to prevent such fraudulent activities?

Explain in what ways organized crime investigations can encroach on the personal freedoms of U.S. citizens and outline the specific freedoms in jeopardy.

Discuss the role of the police in combating organized crime. Explain what methods they use and how they arrest and bring in convictions for these criminals. Also include your opinion on whether these methods are useful in controlling organized crime, what you think should be done differently, and why.

Explain in what ways organized crime investigations can encroach on the personal freedoms of U.S. citizens and outline the specific freedoms in jeopardy. If you were in charge of conducting such investigations, what would you do differently, and why?

Of all the legal initiatives discussed in this module, which do you believe are the most useful in combating organized crime, and why? Or do you believe there is no way to successfully combat it? Explain your reasoning.

Explain the ways in which undercover investigations and the use of informants pose special problems in controlling organized crime. What other methods would you suggest if you were a federal employee tasked with controlling organized crime?

Identify and explain the factors that made it difficult for you to succeed academically. (Some factors were taking care of my sick grandmother and three children, COVID-19, and poor test taking skills.)

1. Requesting readmissions to the Nursing Program.

2. Identify and explain the factors that made it difficult for you to succeed academically. (Some factors were taking care of my sick grandmother and three children, COVID-19, and poor test taking skills.)

3. Explain what you have done since your Withdrawal/Failure to assure that you will be successful if readmitted. (I’ve been talking to student who succeeded in class for tips for success.

4. If you are readmitted, what specific changes will you make to ensure your success in the program?

5. If you begin to have academic difficulty, what additional steps will you take?