
Describe the ways by which the savings and loan (S&L) scandals represented collusion between organized crime and legitimate commerce.

Answer these essay questions:

Explain the significance of organized crime’s alliance with politicians and business leaders. Cite specific examples (federal, state or your local community), preferably current ones in the news that are not in the textbook.

Define the specific ways in which politicians can benefit from a partnership with organized crime, and in what ways the reverse is true. Cite one real-life example that has been covered in the news media, including what is perceived to have been gained by each side.

This module talked about Meyer Lansky’s contribution to legitimatizing organized crime and how his involvement enables us to better understand organized crime and the corporate and political alliances. Explain your beliefs about the major influences of Lansky.

Describe the ways by which the savings and loan (S&L) scandals represented collusion between organized crime and legitimate commerce. Provide your solution and its rationale for preventing this from happening in other businesses.

Find out what the arguments were for and against and pull out the specifics of the work from what you can research and relate it to the 2009 NSA report information.

Find a bloodstain case, likely from the media, and do as much research on it as possible. You will need to get specifics about the bloodstain pattern analysis work and its role in the case. You will not get the actual reports of course, but you will need enough research, with enough depth, to know how Bloodstain pattern analysis is related to the case and what role it played in the outcome. Find out what the arguments were for and against and pull out the specifics of the work from what you can research and relate it to the 2009 NSA report information. This is an analysis of a case and what was performed in terms of the Bloodstain Pattern Analysis work.
Most of the cases you will find will be about one side finding an expert witness that supports their theory which probably sounds crazy or someone is saying something really absurd, the other side who is almost exactly the opposite, and likely one side or both possibly employing shoddy science or no science and just making claims that are really unsupported. In your paper, if you can get a good case with different versions of events from different experts see what you can relate to current practices as researched using,, and, and employing suggestions from the NAS report.

Locate and Report Idea in text that the prompt calls for-Evaluate above idea (or related idea) and provide support for your opinion.

In the New York Times op-ed piece by Charlie Warzel entitled Open States, Lots of Guns. America is Paying a Heavy Price for Freedom (May 5, 2020), why does Warzel say that there are similarities between those who want to return to normal during the COVID-19 crisis and those who want to prevent any kind of governmental control on gun ownership? Do you think most informed Americans would agree with Warzel that the root cause of both of these movements is an overly simplistic view of the importance of freedom? Provide examples from any of your reading, your conversations with other Americans or your experience to support your evaluation of the author’s assertion.

Instructions for Final

1. Locate and Report Idea in text that the prompt calls for
2. Evaluate above idea (or related idea) and provide support for your opinion

Report idea from 1

I) Evaluate idea from 2 with support from ANOTHER INFORMED AMERICAN (not yourself)
ii) Lather, Rinse, Repeat

The paper should be about 700 words long. It is designed to have you do it in one 2 hour-long sitting. Aim for these conditions when you do the final.

What are the key facts that need to be captured early to guide the assessment process? What criteria should be considered to gauge the severity of the incident?

Discussion Forum 2

  • What steps would you follow to assess an emerging disaster situation?
  • What are the key facts that need to be captured early to guide the assessment process?
  • What criteria should be considered to gauge the severity of the incident?
  • What would be the likely impact of mistakes made during the situational assessment process?

What kind of digital tools were effectively or ineffectively utilized to create the brand awareness?

Hints on report writing
Consider that there is no one right answer or approach. You have the freedom to focus on specific aspects of Digital Marketing, in order to avoid presenting a shallow answer. So, for example you may wish to focus on:
In this coursework, you are asked to write a 3000-word report addressing the following: 1. Select a branded Digital Marketing campaign of your choice. 2. Then, undertake a critical analysis of the campaign’s: brand Identity, Image, Personality, Social Media footprint, and Engagement, using: – Secondary data, tables, charts, and diagrams – More than one academic theory and model – applied specifically to this case – A selection of references to academic journals, books, trade press, and websites 3. Finally, propose a new strategic Digital Marketing approach to improving and enhancing their existing marketing activities.
Guidance: Remember to dedicate your discussions and analysis to the brand and Digital Marketing tools – rather than just describing the functionality and design of the product or service. Consider:

Who are the desired target audiences and what emotional and social relationship do they have with the brand? You will be expected to define and focus on two consumer segments. There needs to be a clear definition of several unique attributes of each consumer segment. Beyond this, also offer an appreciation of how they think, feel and do – mapped specifically to the brand.

What are the key facts and pieces of information communicated by the branded product or service explicitly, implicitly, and tacitly – that give messages and meaning to the offering and that are transferred and acquired by the consumer?

What kind of digital tools were effectively or ineffectively utilized to create the brand awareness?

What is the creative approach? Consider for example the use of semiotics, colours, typography, humour, celebrity endorsement etc.

Where does the branded offering communicate these elements? What are the integrated marketing channels and social media platforms and where are the touch-points and moments of truth? What are the respective strengths and weaknesses of each of these?

Why do you feel that these audiences have been worth targeting?  How is effectiveness judged?

 Social media advertising reinforcing top-of-the-mind brand awareness and preference  Native influencer and celebrity rich content to enrich the brand personality through association  Digital cause-related marketing and events sponsorship using immersive Virtual Reality (VR) or Augmented Reality (AR)  Natural language processing, digital personal assistants, in-store analytics, AI, SEO, behaviour analysis, data visualization, text analytics, facial expression analysis, and blockchain techniques
…etc are to name a few – but think bigger and wider.
A key element of this report is to present a novel approach, whilst capturing the essence of a strategic imperative spearheaded by Digital Marketing – using stepwise and layered narratives. A clear case, rationale and story should be presented, which is grounded in evidence and strong conceptual arguments – but you do not need to present a detailed marketing campaign plan.
Furthermore, you should make use of technical terms appropriate for a marketing professional, and at every stage link findings to relevant theory, academic thinking and current news stories.
The report should be well structured, grammatically correct and fluent. To convey your ideas clearly, you can use suitable images, diagrams, tables, etc [but not directly copied from elsewhere] in moderation. When you use external resources, you should quote and reference them properly. The 3000-word limit is strict [excluding the references].
You should aim to provide the big picture about the topic and communicate your views clearly. The report should not be solely based on the content referenced externally. In the report, all the relevant Digital Marketing tools supporting your arguments should be linked and described in sufficient detail. While elaborating on these, you can develop your ideas in more detail and explore future trends and applications related to the topic.

How can you use the information from the CPIT project in your current practice or in your future practice?

Describe the following numbered items:

Also include/upload/attach at least 1 reference from a peer-reviewed nursing journal, preferably related to issue/question #3 below (QSEN). If you use your book it can be an additional resources.

In your reply, number your answers 1.,2.,3., as related to the questions below. Make sure you meet the min word count with your responses (not counting the question itself or cited material).

1. How did you like like working in a team for this project?Describe the process.

2. How can you use the information from the CPIT project in your current practice or in your future practice?

3. How does the information learned and obtained from the CPIT project relate to the QSEN (Quality & Safety Education for Nurses) competencies?

Identify and analyze the relationship between theory and current practice in order to progress to be a surveying professional.

Coursework specification

Instructions on Assessment:

The focus of this piece of coursework will be a review, comparison, and evaluation of the 2025 Construction Strategy report; how it can and may impact and influence the performance and productivity of the sector as a whole. You must review and compare historic strategic reports that have highlighted the need for change within the sector and identify what improvements if any have arisen due to them. You should also analyze and review the likelihood that the sector will embrace the need for change and what if anything will improve as a direct result of implementing the key drivers of the strategy.

A reflective commentary and evaluation will be required synthesizing, where applicable, any work-based evidence, experiences, appropriate academic study, or additional reading that you have included or undertaken in the research and compilation of this assignment.

Appropriate referencing and bibliography are a key aspect of this assignment.


Produce a report of 2,700 words in total that consists of the following items:


  1. An executive summary including your advice and recommendations for the adoption of proposed improvements to the performance of the sector (approx. 300 words)


  1. The main sections of your report should be an analysis of the main strategic drivers contained within the 2025 Construction strategy and its potential impact. (approx. 2400 words)

This should include:

  1. a) A review of the 2025 Construction Strategy document, highlighting the most important aspects contained within it that will affect individual companies and the sector as a whole.
  2. b) Identification and analysis of recent strategic reviews of the sector.
  3. c) Analysis of what changes or otherwise have occurred within the sector (impact) following the publication of the various strategic reviews, the evidence of those changes. Discuss the reasons why they have taken place and the reasons for little or no adoption of targets contained within those strategy documents.
  4. d) Analyse and review the likelihood that the sector will embrace the need for change and what if anything will improve as a direct result of implementing the key targets of the strategy. Make recommendations for the adoption of proposed improvements to the performance of the sector.

You are expected to use a variety of credible research materials including books, reports, journals, and internet sources to inform your evaluation. All your research sources and any illustrations MUST be correctly referenced in the text (in-text citations) and at the end of the report with separate references and if necessary bibliography sections following the Harvard System of Referencing (Cite Them Right).

The coursework is to be completed individually.


Mapping to Programme Goals and Objectives

Knowledge and Understanding

KU61: Recognize and anticipate the need for change in property and surveying leading to academic enquiry, including the identification of future trends, and resultant professional advice.

KU63: Demonstrate in-depth and complex understanding of professional and commercial aspects of Quantity Surveying that is evidence-based, analyzed and informed by research.

KU65: Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of advanced concepts in construction economics and management

Intellectual/Professional Skills & Abilities

IPSA62: Gather and critically evaluate information, cite evidence, make informed judgements, develop discussions, and communicate these complex issues clearly and effectively using a variety of tools and media.

IPSA63: Identify and analyze the relationship between theory and current practice in order to progress to be a surveying professional.

IPSA64: Question standard practice and apply professional judgement in solving complex problems and making recommendations for future best practice.

Personal Values Attributes (Global/Cultural Awareness, Ethics, Curiosity)

PVA63: Demonstrate the capacity for independent, evidence-based integrated thinking.

PVA65: Demonstrate the attributes for graduate-level employment, enterprise, or further study at Master level.

Module Specific Assessment Criteria and Rubric

An executive summary including all your advice and recommendations (10 %)

An analytic review of your report within the framework of the 2025 Construction Strategy? (80 %)

  1. a) A review of the 2025 Construction Strategy – 15 marks
  2. b) Identification, review and comparison of recent strategic reviews of the sector – 20 marks
  3. c) Analysis of what changes or otherwise have occurred within the sector following the publication of the various strategic reviews (the impact) – 25 marks
  4. d) Analysis of the likelihood that the sector will embrace the need for change and what if anything will improve as a direct result of implementing the key drivers of the strategy.


Critically analyze how effective their work is – provide a few specific examples of its strong and weak points.Identify and briefly summarize a primary theoretical orientation that the author/s use.

Your Critical Reading Response needs to be as long as it takes to fully address a summary, critical analysis, and conclusion as detailed below.

  • If you cite other books, essays, articles, etc., include a reference or works cited section.


  • Summarize the reading by describing its overall arc as well as its most central details.


  • Identify the primary thesis, argument, issue, or research questions presented in the reading.
  • Identify and briefly summarize a primary theoretical orientation that the author/s use.
  • Explicate how the author/s apply theory to their topic to support their thesis and critical analysis.
  • Explicate at least two key examples (ethnographic, statistical, media, current event, etc.) that the author/s use to support their primary argument and critical analysis.
  • Explicate any counterarguments to the primary arguments that the author/s address (not all readings will do this).
  • Critically analyze how effective their work is – provide a few specific examples of its strong and weak points.


  • Describe and critically analyze an element of the reading that particularly impacted you.
  • Explain how the work in your chosen reading contributes to psychological anthropology.

Identify a theoretical perspective that will inform your strategy and give a rationale for why you have chosen this perspective.

Asset based community development (ABCD):

  • focuses on the positive—what a community does have, rather than what it lacks, and how existing resources can address needs and improve community life (which is especially helpful when external funding is not available)
  • enables residents to feel empowered and educated to create change from within their community
  • collects data that can be used to provide evidence when applying for grants or funding, and to become self sustaining
  • identifies and reaches out to possible partners—both individuals and organisations—that can help you inventory your community’s various assets.

After you have read this information, head over to the Assignment 3 Q&A discussion board to ask any questions and see what your peers are saying about this assignment.

Assignment overview

This assignment builds on the ideas in Assignment 1. It involves the planning of a community development strategy in response to the issue you identified for change. It requires you to develop a framework to approach the issue i.e. a theoretical perspective and some practical actions and tasks.

The assignment is all about thinking through the process from identifying an issue, to planning and implementing a strategy that would resolve the issue in a way that can be shown to have made a difference. It requires you to not only put forward a strategy, but to rationalize why you would do what you propose to do.

This assignment supports unit learning outcomes 2 and 4.

Assignment details

Step 1: Recap Assignment 1

Briefly recap the issue you identified for change in your community in Assignment 1: Essay.

What are you trying to change? Write around 150 words.

Step 2: Identify an appropriate theoretical perspective

Identify a theoretical perspective that will inform your strategy and give a rationale for why you have chosen this perspective.

In your eText, Chapter 3: Foundations of community development: Ecological and social justice perspectives (Links to an external site.) outlines several theoretical perspectives. You may use others or combinations if you wish, but please check with your OLA before you do.

Why does it suit the issue? Write around 500 words.

Step 3: Describe your strategy

Describe the specific practical actions and tasks that the strategy will involve. Identify the relevant stakeholders.

What are the practical things you will do and who will they involve? Write around 500 words.

Step 4: Present expected outcomes

Present ideas about the expected outcomes and how you might demonstrate that an improvement has been brought about.

What would show it worked? Write around 350 words.

Supporting resources

Harvard WesternSydU referencing guideLinks to an external site. (Western Sydney U Lib 2019).

In-text citation using the Harvard WesternSydU Style (Western Sydney U Lib 2017).

Submission details overview

This assignment will be submitted through Turnitin. You will find the relevant submission point below.

Allow a 24-hour turnaround for an originality report to be generated.

Assignment support

Don’t forget that in addition to your OLAs who provide discipline-specific content advice, you can access the 24/7 draft writing service from Studiosity.

If you need assistance with academic feedback on a draft of your assignment, see Assignment support: Studiosity.

Assignment criteria

  1. A community issue is identified and described.
  2. A clear theoretical perspective is described with a rationale for its choice.
  3. Clear strategies and tasks are defined with the relevant stakeholders identified.
  4. Ideas about expected outcomes are presented, with suggestions about how the outcomes might be evaluated.
  5. The essay is coherently written and appropriately referenced.

Discuss if you believe it is possible for a company to cater to both its best interest and that of the consumer conjointly or if one always has to prevail. Justify your response.

In the land of free trade, the public does not view all industries as equal. Do you believe that is ethical? Do you believe that some industries are unfairly targeted? Should it be consumers’ choice to partake in products that are not healthy for them, or do those companies have an ethical obligation to protect people? In this assignment, you will choose from one (1) of the following industries to write about:
• The pharmaceutical industry
• The payday loan industry
• Cloning for medical purposes
Write a paper in which you:
1. Become an advocate for either the consumer or the industry. Prepare an argument explaining the major reasons why you support either the consumer or the industry.
2. Discuss if you believe it is possible for a company to cater to both its best interest and that of the consumer conjointly or if one always has to prevail. Justify your response.
3. Use at least two (2) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
4. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
o This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
• Determine the considerations for and process of ethical business decision making to balance corporate and social responsibilities, and address moral, economic, and legal concerns.
• Analyze selected business situations using the predominant ethical theories, such as utilitarian, Kantian, and virtue ethics to guide ethical business decision making.
• Use technology and information resources to research issues in business ethics.
• Write clearly and concisely about business ethics using proper writing mechanics.