
Analyse qualitative and quantitative data, make decisions and report on these decisions in a business environment (LO4). Task Forecasting time series data and decision making. 

Course Weight 30% Learning outcomes

• Collect, organize, analyze, interpret, summarize and report data using statistical sampling methods (LO2). • Examine, calculate and report on quantitative and or qualitative changes, patterns and relationships in business data (LO3).

• Analyse qualitative and quantitative data, make decisions and report on these decisions in a business environment (LO4). Task Forecasting time series data and decision making.

(1) Select any three stocks from the NZX 50 Index and download the daily closing prices (time series data) for a 3-year period (2017-2019) using judgement sampling (LO2)

(2) Graph the price series of the sampled stocks (line graph) (LO3) (3) Forecast the price data using the following techniques: (a) 3-year Simple Moving Average (b) 3 year Weighted moving Average and (c) Simple Exponential Smoothing (LO2, LO3).

(4) Compare the daily price series with the forecasted series and show how such forecasting may help the stakeholders (shareholders, bondholders) to make business/financial decisions (LO4).

(5) Write 600 words report highlighting your findings and advice to the stakeholders (LO4). Model Excel Template See the attached Time Series Forecasting A3 Excel File. This is only a model template and the actual calculation by students depends on the sampled data. Finalize A separate Excel spreadsheet for analysis and a separate 600-word report are required. Introduction (10 marks) Highlights clear background of theme of report Makes clear reference to the objective of report Explains the process of data collection, data organization (LO2) Sampling and database construction (10 marks) Explain clearly the sampling process and justifications and identifying the data patterns and relationships (LO3) Excel Spread Sheets with the time series data Analysis (25 Marks) Methods of forecasting and the justifications for their selection Appropriate methods of computation are described and justified (LO3, LO4). Findings (25 marks) Findings are correctly analyzed and examined(LO2). Links to theory and practice are clearly explained and reported (LO3). All recommendations are logical and justified Understands and critically evaluates supporting evidence / reference materials (LO4). Conclusion (10 marks) Summarizes the overall findings and recommendations clearly and succinctly (LO2,LO3,LO4) No new material is presented Format and Presentation (10 marks) Structure and format [*Mechanics – Spelling, punctuation, grammar, referencing and formatting] (LO2,LO3,LO4) Referencing and research (10 marks) Referencing style (APA) Meeting the academic English language criterion expected of level 08 students.

Should the full Senate Intelligence Committee report be released to the public? Should the Penetta review be released to the public?

Test 2 Alternative Assignment

Directions: Watch the Frontline documentary Secrets, Politics and Torture. Then compose a two-page paper (typed, double-spaced, with 12-point font) that demonstrates your critical thinking skills. Make sure to provide good reasons, evidence, and/or examples to support your claims. The paper is worth 15 points (15% of your total grade for the course).

Some possible things that you could discuss:

  1. The burden of proof (Ch. 4): Many who support the use of torture claim that it is an effective means of acquiring accurate information. Is there sufficient evidence to support the claim that torture is an effective means of acquiring accurate information. Which side of the debate bears the burden of proof?
  2. Does the documentary fairly present and assess information, or does it seem biased?
  3. Expert opinion vs. non-expert opinion.
  4. Should those who ordered or engaged in the use of torture be held legally responsible? What about those who were responsible for the destruction of the “torture tapes”?
  5. Was the film Zero Dark Thirty a piece of propaganda? Did it help to mislead the American public about what really happened?
  6. Were the Senate Intelligence Committee’s findings compelling?
  7. Did it seem like partisan politics played a role (whether people were Democrats or Republicans)?
  8. Did members of the United States Government lie to the American people? If so, was it appropriate?
  9. Should the full Senate Intelligence Committee report be released to the public?
  10. Should the Penetta review be released to the public?
  11. Was it appropriate for the CIA to spy on the Senate Intelligence Committee?
  12. Was it appropriate for the Senate Intelligence Committee to print out portions of the Penetta review, remove it from a classified facility, and put it in a safe?
  13. Members of the Republican party predominately opposed the release of information about the United States use of torture. Almost every member of the Republican party also opposed the calling of witnesses and the introduction of new evidence at Trump’s impeachment inquiry? Do these examples provide enough evidence to support that claim that, by and large, members of the Republican party want to prevent important information from being released to American citizens?

What are the 2 most important changes, in your opinion, that Western Civilization brought to human life?

Define 2 key aspects of “Western Civilization” and how historians might understand the term.

What are the 2 most important changes, in your opinion, that Western Civilization brought to human life?

Give specific examples (using in-text citations) from before 1000 BCE found in the assigned text.

Identify all hazardous materials involved, their classifications and their physical properties. Discuss chemical incompatibility and interactions relevant to this incident.

For this assignment, you are the lead incident commander for a hazardous materials incident similar to those that have been introduced in this course. In this scenario, diisocyanates [toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI)] are being unloaded at the tank farm of HLF Polyurethane Manufacturing. TDI and MDI are used as raw materials in the production of polyurethane. During the unloading process, the vapor return line ruptured and caught fire due to a nearby welding operation that provided the ignition source.

The following actions were initially taken:
The evacuation alarm was sounded and the facility emergency response team (ERT) was activated.
The plant manager and the local fire department were notified of the incident.
The incident command was established at the facility office near the main access gate to the south (this is the furthest distance within the property boundary from the incident location).
The incident commander implemented actions required under the approved emergency response plan.
The ERT was not able to immediately isolate the source of the incident.
The fire department arrived on location and assumed the incident command of the event.

Additional Relevant Information:
The facility encompasses an area measuring 2000 feet by 1400 feet.
The nearest residential community is located approximately 1000 feet to the northeast.
A plastic recycling plant is located along the south fence boundary of the refinery.
A major interstate highway runs directly parallel to the plant.
The ambient temperature on the day of the incident was 85° F and the wind was blowing at 7 mph from the southwest to the northeast.
The facility has a trained ERT that can respond to incidents.

Your essay must address the following:
Identify all hazardous materials involved, their classifications and their physical properties.
Discuss chemical incompatibility and interactions relevant to this incident.
Explain how the lead incident commander should respond to this incident based on the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG). Click the link below to access the ERG at the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration website:
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. (n.d.). Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG). Retrieved from
Explain the corrective action plan that should be implemented to prevent a reoccurrence of this event.

How does that compare with the current personal tax system and what is the impact on lower and higher income households?

ALL Responses primarily should be anchored in Mikesell’s “Fiscal Administration”
Question below:
3. You are the Budget Officer of a large town and you just informed the Town Manager that forecasted revenues are down 6.9 percent below the 9.1 million for the first six months of the budget year. The town manager has asked for a plan that includes strategies to close the budget gap. What strategies would you recommend? (1 page)

4. Describe the budget process for federal, state and local budgets and highlight the major differences. (1 page)
7. Does your state include performance measures in its budget document? If yes, choose one department’s performance measures and evaluate its validity. If you were to develop a performance measure for this department, what measures would you use? If no performance measures are provided in your state’s budget, develop three performance measures for a state department of your choice and explain why you choose them. (Hint: for an overview of the performance measures, you can re-read Chapter 6 in the Mikesell. Your state budget office website will be a resource to answer this question.) (1page)
9. Consider replacing the current US tax system with a proportional tax in which everyone would pay a constant fraction of their wages, and there would be no other taxes. How does that compare with the current personal tax system and what is the impact on lower and higher income households? (1 page)
10. In Texas, there are some large deposits of water containing dissolved methane (fossil fuel). It is possible to pump this water out of the ground and release the methane, which can then be sold. This process produces lots of poisonous wastewater, which is being dumped into nearby streams, which then flow onto the land of downstream ranches, severely damaging the land. Discuss this problem using the tools of public finance and propose solutions (financial and property) to mitigate the problem. (1Page )

Who are the burden bearer, the empty head, and blood & iron in Bread Givers?  Be sure to list their names and, using one specific example for each, explain why they have these nicknames.

Section I: Essay answers.  Be sure to read each question carefully and answer as completely and directly as possible.  Your goal is to demonstrate your attention to all relevant readings and lecture materials.

  1. Is Ichiro Yamada responsible for his own suffering?  Why?  Why not?  Use two specific examples from No-No Boy to support your answer.
  2. Explain why Sara (Bread Givers) thinks the following (explain the significance of Sara’s word choice, too!) as she finally finds a room to rent after escaping Father’s house: “Like a drowning person clinging to a rope, my tired body edged up to that door and clung to it.  My hands clutched at the knob.  This door was life.  It was air.” Be specific!
  3. Who are the burden bearer, the empty head, and blood & iron in Bread Givers?  Be sure to list their names and, using one specific example for each, explain why they have these nicknames.
  4. Using two specific examples from Santiago’s memoir, show that life writing means writing in the present about the past. In addition, describe how Santiago represents her childhood self. Finally, how are memoirs different from autobiographies?
  5. Explain what Negi thinks about “America” as you provide at least two specific examples of how she learns to think this way. Provide another specific example to demonstrate that the memoir’s representations of America are contradictory.

Section II: Short answers. Write definitions/descriptions/explanations for each of the terms/concepts/historical contexts listed below.  Each is worth 5 points. 

  1. No-no boys and Japanese American Internment
  2. Red-lining and block-busting
  3. Race is a biological fiction, but it is a social fact.
  4. Coexistence of “all men are created equal” and slavery

How does the speech “The March of the Flag” justify American intervention in other countries? What was the justification given for America’s use of the Atomic Bomb?

  1. How does the speech “The March of the Flag” justify American intervention in other countries?
  2. According to the article in The Arena, what is the “Giant issue of 1900”? What does it say about our involvement in other governments?
  3. What does Huey Long mean by “Every Man a King?”
  4. Why does Woodrow Wilson decide to go to war?
  5. What is the problem with the League of Nations?
  6. What was the justification given for America’s use of the Atomic Bomb?
  7. What do you think about its use and the reasons given for it?
  8. What is the United States doing in Vietnam?
  9. Why do we stay in Vietnam for so long?
  10. What does Martin Luther King Jr. want?
  11. What does Malcolm X want?
  12. According to Betty Friedan, what is “the problem with no name”?
  13. According to Schafley, what is the “fraud of the equal rights amendment”?

Define and describe the concept(s) being investigated using primary sources of information about. the concept (e.g. Self-efficacy – cite Albert Bandura’s publications describing self-efficacy).

Assignment # 4 Research Proposal Due Week 14

To identify a topic, search CINAHL to explore the literature. Search using the term “Nursing Students”. Then check “Full Text” and check “Research Article”.

Browse through the search results for a specific topic of interest and that appears in a number of studies. Once you find a topic of interest, then search CINAHL using the appropriate terms to do a focused search. For example, “nursing students” and “self-efficacy” or “nursing students and evidence-based practice”. There are many interesting perspectives to consider.

Decide on the specific topic that you will develop into a nursing research proposal. Submit to the professor for approval on Week 3.

Note: Paper must be in APA format.

Cover Page – Title of proposal (includes concept and type of participants), your name and credentials, course number, professor’s name, and date.

Abstract (Written last after the paper completed)

  • Subheadings: purpose of the study, design, sample inclusion/exclusion criteria, setting, data collection, plan for data analysis

Introduction (4-5 pages)

  • Introduction is supported with references.
  • Describe the type of participants that are the focus of the proposed study.
  • Challenges faced by the participants cited from research studies in nursing and allied health.
  • Describe why it is important to study the participants.
  • Define and describe the concept(s) being investigated using primary sources of information about. the concept (e.g. Self-efficacy – cite Albert Bandura’s publications describing self-efficacy). Describe why it is important to investigate. The definition and description of the concept should be approximately 1-2 pages.

Review of the Literature

There should be at least 8 nursing research studies for the main concept being investigated in your proposed study. At least 5 of the studies must be from a nursing journal. Choose the research carefully to present a focused comparison.

For each study provide a concise summary of the study and a critical appraisal.

  1. a) Summarize each study in one concise paragraph of no more than 15 sentences. Start the paragraph by citing the author(s) and year using APA. Be sure to include the following research steps:
    • Purpose of the Study (quote and provide the page number using APA)
    • Sample Size
    • Description of Sample (describe the actual participants, not the inclusion/exclusion criteria)
    • Describe how the data was collected (names of instruments and how and where participants were contacted and the data collected, reliability of the instruments.
    • Describe how the data was analyzed (e.g. Independent or Paired t-Test, Pearson Correlations, ANOVA, Multiple Regression, etc.)
    • Describe the research findings in words. Do not report numbers, mean scores, etc. (The findings should be one third of the summary)
    • Comment on the quality of the study (e.g. sample size adequacy, instrument reliability,  data collection, results, etc).

Start the last paragraph with the words “In Summary,” and provide a concise and persuasive overview of the research literature in one paragraph leading up to the research question. The key finding of each study is mentioned and referenced.

Identify a gap in the literature that the proposed study will address (e.g. a specific group or situation that little is known about, a deficiency in the type of instrument or method used, inadequate sample size, etc.).  In the last sentence, state: Therefore, the purpose of the study is to…(1 sentence)


            Design and Sample

  • Describe the design of the study (1-2 sentences)
  • Sample, inclusion/exclusion criteria, recruitment of participants, sample size, gender, and age range (1-2 pages)       

            Protection of Participants

  • Protection of participants, requirements to participate, amount of time expected for participation, informed consent procedures, potential risks, potential benefits, maintenance of confidentiality, data storage, compensation for participants (1-2 paragraphs)

Instrument  (1-3 paragraphs)

  • Name the instrument(s)
  • Identify what the instrument(s) measures
  • If there are sub scales, what each sub scale measures
  • Identify the number of items for the entire instrument and for any sub scales.
  • Interpretation of what the scores mean ( e.g. the higher the score on the Herth Hope Index, the higher the level of hope; the higher the score on the Performance Scales the higher the level of disability).
  • Report the Alpha Coefficient from at least two recent studies using the same instrument in a sample similar to yours.

Setting for Data Collection (2-4 sentences)

Steps in Data Collection Process (1 page)

  1. a) Identify who will collect data and how they will be trained. If more than one person is collecting data, discuss how you will determine inter-rater reliability.
  2. b) Describe the process of data collection (e.g. access to data, privacy provision, administration of the tool, any anticipated barriers to data collection).
  3. c) Identify the time frame for data collection (e.g., before you implement the change, how long you will wait before you re-measure.

Plan for Data Analysis (1 paragraph) How will you analyze the data? Is it appropriate given the research questions, research design, and sample?

References: APA format for the Literature Cited in the Paper. Center the word References

at top of page and no bold.

Outline the aim(s) of the study and the research question(s) under investigation. If appropriate, outline the study hypotheses.

  1. Full Title of Project
  2. Justification of the research & Review of Literature (1500 words approx.)
  • Explain the rationale for carrying out this project.
  • You must include a literature review to support the research
  1. Aims and Research Question
  • Outline the aim(s) of the study and the research question(s) under investigation.
  • If appropriate, outline the study hypotheses
  1. Methodological design and other methodological features of your study
  • Ensure this covers both methodology and methods
  • Explain and justify your chosen methodology, design, and data collection methods.
  1. Participants & Sampling / Sources (Secondary Data)
  • Who will take part in your study? What will the inclusion / exclusion criteria be?
  • How you will sample these participants?
  • What sample size will you aim for and why?
  1. Materials/Equipment
  • If appropriate to your research please include the materials that you will be using
  • g. Questionnaire, interview guide, etc.
  • Include equipment if study uses an experimental design
  1. Procedure
  • Describe the procedure that will be undertaken in the study.
  • How will participants be recruited?
  • Once recruited, what will participants have to do and how long it will take?
  • Provide enough information to ensure that study can be
  1. Ethical implications
  • Identify any ethical considerations related to the study
  • If collecting any personal data or working with <18’ this must be made clear and discussed
  • Note N/A is not an acceptable answer
  1. Data Analysis methods
  • Explain how you will analyze your data once collected
  • Provide more detail than simply ‘qualitatively’ or ‘quantitatively’
  1. References
  • List all references cited using Harvard Method
  1. Proposed Supervisor
  • Indicate up to three supervisors who you think could supervise your project.
  • Please provide the reasoning for your choice
  • We try and match students to their first preference but this is not guaranteed

How can the media be used to affect change in states that do not yet require mandatory reporting?

Assignment Details

You graduated from the AIU Criminal Justice Bachelor Program only 1 year ago, and you are now the victim rights advocate for your county prosecutor’s office. When you entered the criminal justice program, you never dreamed that you would have a career helping victims of crimes to navigate the criminal justice system. Your duties include everything from comforting a victim of a sexual assault to helping the families of murder victims. You already have had opportunities to help many people, and this type of work makes you feel proud of what you do. You are so proud, and that it is all you speak about to your families and friends. When Grace, the chief attorney, asks you to do something, you try to do your absolute best. The following assignment is no different.
Grace, the chief attorney (CA), asks you to draft a report that she will use in her presentation to the county commission. Her goal is to keep the victim witness assistant positions that currently exist and to increase the number of these positions in the future. She knows that providing victim advocacy is a relatively new concept to the criminal justice system and that the commissioners are not familiar with the concept that the criminal justice system should take a more active role with victims.
Grace needs you to provide information from 8 of the following 12 areas of discussion in 4 pages:
1.Give a definition of victimology.
2.What is the history of victimology, and how has it developed?
3.Explain how it is different from criminology, sociology, or psychology.
4. Who established the first safe houses for battered women? Where and when were these safe houses established?
5.Who established the first rape crisis centers? Where and when were these centers established?
6.How has the civil rights movement contributed to antidiscrimination efforts and the establishment of hate crime legislation and policy?
7.What role have children’s rights groups played in highlighting the problems that child victims face in the criminal justice system?
8.Which organizations might she contact that provide specific advocacy for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, and homicide?
9.What services are not provided by government crime compensation programs?
10.Explain the need for all states to require mandatory reporting by religious organizations of child abuse by clergy.
11. How can the media be used to affect change in states that do not yet require mandatory reporting?
12. Research the clergy abuse in a state of your choice, and answer the following:
If mandatory reporting exists, how long has this been a requirement? What organizations are involved in tracking and helping the victims with this type of abuse?
If mandatory reporting does not exist, what alternative processes exist for reporting clergy abuse?
Use the library, Internet, and other resources available to you to conduct your research. Provide APA citations and references.