How should brick-and-mortar food retailers decide/design their e-commerce strategies to achieve a competitive advantage?
This paper will be written for a Supply Chain Management course. That is why I ask you to concentrate on this point.It is about the FOOD industry. Specifically, it is about that so far consumers have been reluctant to buy food over the internet. But this is changing. That means, the classic food retailers (brick-and-mortar) have to start finding ways how to open profitable online sales channels… The methodology will be a literature review and must be cited from Mark Saunders.
A4 Size: 1.5 line spacing, font – 12, Times New Roman Main body, 14 bold 1st heading, 12 bold 2nd heading, 12 (not bold) 3rd heading.
Numbering style – Chapter wise
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Methodology
1.3 Statement of Limitation
2. Theory
2.1 …etc …
3. Findings
3.1 …etc..
Research Question is :How should brick-and-mortar food retailers decide/design their e-commerce strategies to achieve a competitive advantage?