
How should brick-and-mortar food retailers decide/design their e-commerce strategies to achieve a competitive advantage?

This paper will be written for a Supply Chain Management course. That is why I ask you to concentrate on this point.It is about the FOOD industry. Specifically, it is about that so far consumers have been reluctant to buy food over the internet. But this is changing. That means, the classic food retailers (brick-and-mortar) have to start finding ways how to open profitable online sales channels… The methodology will be a literature review and must be cited from Mark Saunders.

A4 Size: 1.5 line spacing, font – 12, Times New Roman Main body, 14 bold 1st heading, 12 bold 2nd heading, 12 (not bold) 3rd heading.

Numbering style – Chapter wise
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Methodology
1.3 Statement of Limitation
2. Theory
2.1 …etc …
3. Findings
3.1 …etc..

Research Question is :How should brick-and-mortar food retailers decide/design their e-commerce strategies to achieve a competitive advantage?

Why did the Renaissance spread into northern Europe? How did the Renaissance in northern Europe differ from the one in Italy? Describe the features of Christian humanism in northern Europe’s Renaissance.

It can be argued that the Renaissance was unrivaled for its impact on European cultural and intellectual history. While it originated in Italy, it eventually spread into northern Europe. Gradually, however, the marvelous spirit of the era declined in the face of the onslaught of several different developments.” The following guideline questions should be utilized and addressed in your essay:

What were the various characteristics of the Renaissance? What were the reasons for the origination of the Renaissance in Italy? What factors led to the decline of the Renaissance in Italy?
Why did the Renaissance spread into northern Europe? How did the Renaissance in northern Europe differ from the one in Italy? Describe the features of Christian humanism in northern Europe’s Renaissance.
What were the various roots of the scientific accomplishments of the Renaissance? What was the Copernican Revolution? Who contributed to this revolution and how did they contribute to it?

How did definitions of deviance differ for the actions of prison officials and inmates? What were the various statuses, roles, groups, networks, and hierarchies within the prison?

Film Analysis: The Shawshank Redemption (Castle Rock Entertainment, 1994). Running time is 142 minutes. The film is available through Scheele Memorial Library, public libraries, and online.

The purpose of the film analysis is to reinforce sociological concepts and provide you with practice applying one of sociology’s major theoretical perspectives. The story told in The Shawshank Redemption spans more than 20 years. As movie viewers, you vicariously spend 20+ years in prison with Andy, Red, Heywood, Brooks, etc. The focus of the assignment is to explore Shawshank Prison as a society. The film analysis should relate the film to sociological considerations of culture and/or social structure.

Select a theoretical perspective—functionalist, conflict, or symbolic interactionist—and use the perspective to analyze the culture and/or social structure of Shawshank Prison. In particular, what are the unique symbols, language, values, norms, sanctions, and hierarchies of Shawshank? How are the culture and social structure created and maintained? What impact does the culture have on inmates and prison officials? Additional questions are provided below to help guide observation.
The task is to sociologically analyze the film. This is not a film review or film critique. It is a sociological research paper. It should be written as a research paper with an introduction that leads to a clear thesis statement outlining which theoretical perspective best applies to the social setting. The main body of the paper should discuss relevant sociological concepts that appear in the film and how the presentation of these concepts supports the thesis statement.

The finished paper should be approximately 3-4 double-spaced pages in length (12-point, Times New Roman or Calibri, please number all pages). The paper must have a title. Use appropriate citation of all sources. Please use MLA or APA citation format.

Due: April 30, 2020, submitted to Blackboard by 11:59 p.m. Make sure you use the appropriate file type, as specified on Blackboard (Word or pdf files).
General Instructions:
1. In the film analysis, you should use relevant quotations and examples from the film to illustrate sociological concepts and support their theoretical position.
2. Remember that the film is fiction and that films tend to be moralistic (i.e., advocating an ideology), psychological, or both. Filter these non-sociological aspects of the film and use your sociological imagination to investigate social features.
3. Focus only on those aspects of the film that relate to prison society, such as the culture of Shawshank Prison, the way inmates learned that culture, and the impact the culture had upon individuals. Or, you could explore the prison’s social structure: the statuses, roles, groups, networks, and hierarchies (such as dominant and subordinate groups within the prison).

Questions to Aid Data Collection:
The following questions are intended to help you focus your observations. You are not required to answer all of these questions, nor should you write your film analysis as a set of responses to these questions. These questions are simply a guide for data collection.

How was structure established by inmates in the prison?
How were new prisoners greeted by current inmates?
Why did new prisoners “break down or go mad” in the first night in prison?
How did Andy learn the norms of Shawshank?
Was Andy able to control his physical well-being in prison?
What symbols exist in Shawshank? For example, what gets used as currency?
What unique words or phrases made up the language of Shawshank inmates?
What values did inmates of Shawshank share?
What formal norms governed Shawshank? Informal norms?
What formal sanctions did inmates experience? How did inmates informally sanction each other?
How did definitions of deviance differ inside Shawshank as compared to outside the prison?
How did definitions of deviance differ for the actions of prison officials and inmates?
What were the various statuses, roles, groups, networks, and hierarchies within the prison?
Why did Andy’s social standing in Shawshank improve with the inmates? With prison officials?
Why wasn’t Brooks able to make it on the outside?
Why is hope dangerous inside prison?
How did Andy help return humanity to Shawshank prison?
Why did Red say he couldn’t make it on the outside? What is an “institutional man?”
Why was Andy’s removal of his prison shirt after his escape so symbolic?
Why did parolees live in fear?
Did resocialization occur at Shawshank?
What types of formal and informal sanctions did prison officials receive?

Sociological Concepts: culture, culture shock , language, symbols, values, formal norms, informal norms, folkways, mores, formal sanctions, informal sanctions, socialization, rites of passage, agents of socialization, resocialization, total institution, social structure, status, ascribed status, achieved status, master status, role, role exit, aggregate, group, primary group, secondary group, in-group, out-group, reference group, social network, formal organization, bureaucracy, deviance, crime, social control, power, social hierarchy or ranking, social mobility

Partial List of Characters: Andy Dufresne, Ellis Boyd “Red” Redding, Warden Norton, Captain Hadley, Heywood, Tommy, Bogs Diamond, Brooks Hatlen

This assignment was adapted from one developed by Prof. Kevin Dougherty of Calvin College.

What solution(s) do you suggest in order to increase competencies and therefore increase quality educators and quality healthcare outcomes?

The role of the nurse as an educator has been in existence before the premier educator Florence Nightingale exemplified the qualities needed.

Why then do you believe this is such a difficult competency for nurses to master? What solution(s) do you suggest in order to increase competencies and therefore increase quality educators and quality healthcare outcomes?

When you think about both of these situations, what parts of your personality came out the most in each scenario?

Week 8 part 2-Assignment/No Pts on Late Assignments

Homework Assignment

1. Think of a time in your life when you faced high levels of stress and multiple demands. What if another problem was added, such as finding out that your partner was having an affair. At that point, the stress and demands might seem beyond your coping skills. What would you do? How would you go about your normal routines? Would you act in ways that are not typical for you, such as withdrawing, losing you temper over small things, or being irritable with your friends? What was this experience like for you?

2. Now, think of a time when you have felt hopeless because of something that happened. What was that experience like for you? What role do you believe that your sense of hopelessness played in you ability to solve or not solve the problem? What if you had talked to someone who told you they have helped someone with a similar problem before and felt confident that they could help you? How would that have affected you level of hope?

3. When you think about both of these situations, what parts of your personality came out the most in each scenario?

Were the population, sample, and sampling procedures clearly defined in the protocol form? Were any vulnerable population utilized in this study? If so, was inclusion justified clearly?

IRB Components Assignment

Due: April 6, 2018 at 2:05 AM – submit on Blackboard (IRB Components Assignment Folder)

Instructions: You have been given a mock IRB Human Subjects Review application. Your task is to review the components of the application and determine whether or not there is enough information included within the application to approve it so that the researchers can begin their research study. You should use the CSP IRB website (, resources from class, and your knowledge acquired from your CITI training to review the application.

The IRB components are split into two sections: the protocol form and materials (15 points) and the consent/assent form(s) (15 points). Each section has a set of questions that you must answer and the point values associated with each question are included below. Additionally, you will be required to give a final decision on whether or not you would approve the application. This decision is worth 5 points and must include specific details as to why you made your decision.

You MAY work together with classmates to form your conclusions about the IRB application materials but you are required to write up your own assignment submission. This means that even though your answers may have the same conclusions, you must word them in your own way – I should NOT see two or more submissions with the same word-for-word answers. This is plagiarism and will result in a 0 for the assignment for any involved parties.

Protocol Form and Materials (15 Points)

Review the Human Subjects Review Protocol Form and any attached documents. Based on these documents, answer the following questions:

  1. Subjects (1 points):
    1. Were the population, sample, and sampling procedures clearly defined in the protocol form? Were any vulnerable population utilized in this study? If so, was inclusion justified clearly?
  2. Purpose Statement (1 point):
    1. Was the purpose statement clearly defined (i.e. do you know what the study intended to do)?
  3. Methods, Procedures, and Analysis (4 points):
    1. Were the following sections described in detail and did the application packet contain the appropriate copies of any surveys or tests utilized in the study?
      1. Research methods
      2. Procedures of the study
  • Data analysis
  1. Risks (2 point):
    1. Were any potential risks (physical, psychological, social, or legal) described and the likelihood/seriousness of those risks assessed? Were the methods of minimizing potential risks described? If not, describe one or two potential risks you can identify with the investigation and ways to minimize those risks.
  2. Benefits (2 points):
    1. Is there a clear description of the anticipated benefits to the research subject, the particular group/class from which the subject is drawn, and/or to society in general? Provide detail as to why you do or do not feel this description is adequate.
  3. Costs to the Subject (1 point):
    1. Does the investigation involve the possibility of added expenses to the subject or a third party (i.e. insurer)? Will the subjects be compensated for their participation in the study? Are there clear details about how this compensation will be given?
  4. Informed Consent (1 points):
    1. Were the methods of obtaining informed consent clearly defined (i.e. how consent would be obtained, who would be responsible for obtaining it, where will informed consent forms be stored)? Also, if children are subjects, were the procedures for attaining child assent and parent/guardian consent clearly outlined?
  5. Deception (1 point):
    1. If deception is used in this study design, was it clearly explained why it was necessary and how subjects will be debriefed?
  6. Privacy (1 points):
    1. Were the procedures for protecting subject rights and confidentiality clearly defined?
  7. Additional Materials (1 points):
    1. Were any additional materials included in the application packet (i.e. advertisement materials, surveys, etc.)? If so, were these allowable materials? Why or why not? Also, were there any other aspects of the protocol form that were missing (i.e. look at the fill-in-the-blank sections to make sure it’s all filled out)?

Informed Consent/Assent Form(s) (15 points)

Review the Informed Consent/Assent Form(s) included with the application. Answer the following questions:

  1. Did the informed consent form include a statement identifying the principal investigator and their affiliation? If so, who is the principal investigator and what is their affiliation? (1 point)
  2. Was there an invitation to participate in the study as part of a research project? Either write this invitation here or highlight it in the consent form. (1 point)
  3. Were the following elements of the consent form included and do they agree with the protocol form?:
    1. Explanation of the purpose of the research (1 point)
    2. Expected length of time of the subject’s involvement (1 point)
    3. Description of the procedures to be followed (1 point)
    4. Identification of which activities are experimental in nature (1 point)
  4. Were the risks to the subjects and benefits to the subjects or others clearly described? (2 points)
  5. Was the compensation for participation clearly described? (1 point)
  6. Did the document include a statement describing the subject’s anonymity and the extent to which confidentiality with be maintained? (2 points)
  7. Did the document include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the people to contact for answers about the research and the office to answer questions about the rights of a research subject? (1 point)
  8. Was it clear that participation is voluntary and that the subject may withdraw from the process at any time? (2 points)
  9. If the study included subjects who are not of legal age for consent, was there a child assent form available that was brief and contained language appropriate to age level? (1 point)

IRB Review Decision (5 points)

Based on your answers to the above sections, which of the following decisions would you make about this IRB application and why?

  • Approved – no modifications needed (i.e. you believe that the application contains an ethical research experiment and all human rights are met within the protocol as written)
  • Approved with modifications (i.e. you believe that overall the research design as proposed has merit and with a few adjustments would meet the required ethical standards)
  • Not Approved (i.e. you believe that overall the research design as proposed does not have any merit and will not be able to be adjusted to meet required ethical standards)

Review the article below and write a paper on the supply chain disruptions caused by the COVID-19 virus.

Review the article below and write a paper on the supply chain disruptions caused by the COVID-19 virus. Focus your work on the disruptions related to the food supply, medical equipment needs, and the overall impact on the supply chain transportation. Below you will find a few articles. Make sure to search and review 7-10 articles total.

Propose a study methodology, including population and sampling, sample size determination, measurement, data sources and data collection methods and analysis.  Explain your choices. 

  1. You are an intern at the CDC.  You have been asked to conceptualize an independent health services research study focused on HIV/AIDS-Related Illness among Hispanic Women living in California.  Your supervisor has given you free reign to conceptualize the study.
  2. Conduct a literature review.  List five sources in APA style format.
  3. Chose and describe an aim or purpose for your study and the research question/hypothesis.
  4. Propose a study methodology, including population and sampling, sample size determination, measurement, data sources and data collection methods and analysis.  Explain your choices.

What are the areas of the course you did not like? What is the single most important thing that you will take away Georgia course. Explain?

1. What are the key areas that shaped your thinWhat is the single most important thing that you will take away Georgia course. Explain?king about the course Literacy Development in Early Childhood.
2. What are the areas of the course you did not like?
3. What surprised you about the course?
4. What surprised you about the course?
5. What is the single most important thing that you will take away Georgia course. Explain?
6. Identify any two strategies to which you have been exposed in the course which you thought were exemplary. Explain the strategies and say why you consider them important. Cite sources to support your answer.
7.Using the KWL chart identify any gaps between what you wanted to know about Literacy and what you learnt during the course.
8. Discuss how the new learning would help you to plan effectively for literacy instruction in the early childhood classes
9. Out line the suggestions that you would recommend for improving the course
10. Please list five things that have not been captured in the above prompts, but which you think should be included in this final journal.

Why is charismatic leadership considered a double-edged sword that requires careful monitoring to avert abuse? Provide two (2) reasons and one (1) original example illustrating this phenomenon.


BU450  Leadership Skills

Part A

Describe charismatic leadership in your own words.

Part B

Explain what is meant by the statement that charismatic leaders use active impression management with their followers to support their image. Provide and elaborate on one (1) original example.

Part C

Access the following article using ProQuest, the Ashworth College online library:

Elrod, D.J. (Aug 2012). The Importance of Being Authentic. Strategic Finance,(94. 2), pp. 14-16.


NOTE: To access ProQuest articles, you MUST first open a Web browser window to the Ashworth College Library; otherwise, you will be denied access to the articles when you click the links. Once your browser is open to the Ashworth College Library, simply click on the link for the article you need to read.

Respond to the following:

  1. In your own words, describe what it means to be an authentic leader.
  2. Why is authenticity important for leaders? Provide two (2) reasons.

Part D

Why is charismatic leadership considered a double-edged sword that requires careful monitoring to avert abuse? Provide two (2) reasons and one (1) original example illustrating this phenomenon.