
Determine whether your reasons need to be warranted, and include warrants when necessary.

Generate a debatable claim based on the above topic and write an argumentative essay.
Sample has been given.
Follow the Term Paper outline.
Generate reasons that support your claim, and include the scientific evidence that supports each reason.
Determine whether your reasons need to be warranted, and include warrants when necessary.
Note: the outline template is broken down into sections (“reason 1”, “counterargument”, etc.), to help you construct your argument. But please do not use “reason 1”, “counterargument”, etc. as headings in your term paper.

Develop your argument to persuade others on this issue, making use of the ways cultural assumptions, attitudes, values and beliefs underpin perspectives and representations on the issue.

TOPIC:  Body image – narrow, unattainable images of both men and women’s bodies persist in advertising. Body image is negatively influenced by the images we see in media, advertisements and magazines.


You have been asked to present a speech at a conference session about misrepresentations. The speech must identify a group that has been represented inappropriately in advertising, marketing, television or other media texts, and call for this misrepresentation to be corrected.


Deliver a speech to persuade conference delegates that the media representation of a particular group in society is harmful, and must be improved. Analyse TWO media texts to support your perspective.

You must:

  • develop your argument to persuade others on this issue, making use of the ways cultural assumptions, attitudes, values and beliefs underpin perspectives and representations on the issue.
  • select and synthesize subject matter to support your argument.

Your persuasive speech should show an understanding of the relationship between language, argument and speaker presence. Your script and delivery should show clear awareness of the audience, purpose and context of the speech. It should include the following:

  • establish a thesis in relation to the chosen group that has been represented inappropriately
  • a series of points to support the contention, employing logical reasoning.
  • develop your argument to persuade others on this issue, making use of the ways cultural assumptions, attitudes, values and beliefs underpin perspectives and representations on the issue.
  • select and synthesize subject matter to support your argument.
  • references to two media texts to support your perspective.
  • incorporation of a range of rhetorical strategies to influence your audience, e.g. emotive language and appeals, figurative language, rhetorical questions, repetition, anaphora, antistrophe, antithesis, identifying with the audience, statistics, evidence, case studies
  • verbal and nonverbal features appropriate to the context that complement what you are saying and influence your audience to take action.
  • call to action appropriate to the audience and context.

Incorporate at least two graphics in order to show how each of the four areas compares and contrasts between the two websites.

Comparing and Contrasting

Summary of the Assignment:

  • Task: In this assignment, you will write an essay in which you compare and contrast two websites for their use of proximity, alignment, repetition, and contrast.
  • Length: 800-1100 words
  • Graphics: You must include at least eight graphics in order to provide support for your claims in the essay
    • at least two graphics for proximity
    • at least two graphics for alignment
    • at least two graphics for repetition
    • at least two graphics for contrast

Brief Description and Strategies to Follow:

You must select two websites of the same topic or genre.  In other words, you can select two banking websites, two shopping websites, two newspapers online, two health provider websites, or something of this nature.

Possibilities include the following:

  • The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal
  • eBay and Craigslist
  • Major League Baseball ( and the National Football League (

You will write at least six paragraphs:

  • An introductory paragraph
You do not have to follow this order.  However, you do want to cover these four concepts.
  • A paragraph on proximity
  • A paragraph on alignment
  • A paragraph on repetition
  • A paragraph on contrast
  • A concluding paragraph

Again, each paragraph will incorporate at least two graphics in order to show how each of the four areas compares and contrasts between the two websites.

What is the mens rea of the offense? How is it defined? It is a specific or general-intent offense? What are the specific requirements needed to prove the offense? Has this changed? How?

Criminal Law

Essay Component Requirements:

Each student will be required to complete a Formal Research Essay

NB – Any form of plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in accordance with Department Policy.

Step 1:

Choose ONE criminal offence as set out either the Criminal Code or the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

Step 2:

Research and write the paper.



  1. Introduction and History: Identify your specific offence. Provide a background and history about the original legislative creation of the offence in Canada. Define any key definitions/terms (if any) that are specific to your offence which are necessary to understand that offence.
  2. Status: Discuss the current status of this offence in Canada. Has it changed from its original status? What was the impetus for this change?
  3. Issues: Comprehensively expand and discuss the following issues related to the offence:
  4. Any Charter issues/Constitutional issues (or challenges) related to the specific offense;
  5. What is the actus reus of the offense? How is it defined? What are the specific requirements needed to prove the offense? Has this changed? How?
  6. What is the mens rea of the offense? How is it defined? It is a specific or general-intent offense? What are the specific requirements needed to prove the offense? Has this changed? How?
  7. Identify the available defenses for this offense. How do they apply? Why do they apply? What is needed in order to rely upon this defense? Is it a defense on the act or the intention?
  8. What are the main/specific principles of sentencing with respect to this offense? How are these offences treated by the legislation (i.e. mandatory minimums?)? If there is a mandatory minimum, has it been struck down? Is there a range with respect to the available sentences? Are there any sentences NOT available for this type of offense?
  9. Conclusion: Provide an overall assessment about this offense in Canada and whether the principles/issues and jurisprudence discussed above will remain static for the foreseeable future, whether they will evolve or change entirely. Do you see this offense changing in the future (intention requirements, act requirements, defences, sentencing)? What would be the impetus for this change?

Specific Formating Requirements:

  • Minimum 7 pages, maximum 10 pages
  • Double spaced
  • 12 point Times New Roman font
  • 1-inch borders


  • Cases and legislation cited must be italicized
  • Internet citations must include the site and date of downloading.
  • Cite but do not quote from the Criminal Code and the
  • Use footnotes and a bibliography. i.e., standard Canadian legal reference style.
  • Also see The Department of Law “Legal Style Sheet for Term Papers.”
  • Use Canadian spelling for Canadian sources.
  • If discussing US or International sources, always identify them as such.

Provide a strong rationale for why public health should address this health issue or behavior (include at least 5 references)

Instructions​: Your Individual Final Paper has 4 components: 1) rationale for the health issue;
2) overview of theoretical constructs; 3) critique of the reviewed article; 4) Healthy People 2020 and
Interventions. The individual final paper should be approximately 10 pages, double spaced, using
12-point font, Times New Roman, with one inch margins. No quotes should be used while writing your
final paper. Paraphrase and summarize as necessary. Each component of the final paper is
outlined below:
Section Requirements: ​Rationale for the health issue – 2 pages (15 points)
O Provide a strong rationale for why public health should address this health issue or behavior
(include at least 5 references)
O Use epidemiological data or other statistical information on incidence and prevalence
O Discuss the consequences (e.g., physical, mental, economic), impact, and behavioral risk factors
related to the health issue or behavior.

O Identify the priority population from your article.
O Discuss why this health issue or behavior is of importance among this population
Overview of Theory – 2 pages (20 points)
O Provide a brief historical overview of the theory.
O Describe the theory and define its major constructs or components (Not in context of the article
solely the theory on its own)
O Be sure to cite proper references (i.e., the textbook!)
Critique of reviewed article – 3 pages (30 points)
O Provide a critique of your article. Your summary should include the following:
O A clear “stand-alone” description of the theory and DEFINITION of its major constructs
(NOT in context of the study).
O How the theory was applied/measured: A description of the operationalization and/orapplication of theory constructs within the study (i.e., provide specific examples in the program
or items on the surveys that described how the constructs were operationalized or what
activities were used)
O Brief results (were study aims achieved? Why/Why not?)
O Strengths & weaknesses of applying this theory. Consider: Other constructs the study could
have applied. Different operationalization of constructs. Do NOT focus on limitations of the study
design! Think about the theoretical application!
O Also include the appropriate article citation as a reference.
Healthy People 2020 & Interventions – 3 pages (25 points)
O Research the same health issue/behavior in Healthy People 2020.
O Identify a specific objective of HP2020 and discuss whether your article addresses this objective.
Be detailed and specific (include baseline & target values)

O Using CHInav, HP2020, Google, or other sources, discuss two (2) programs/interventions that
address this HP2020 objective & your health topic. (look for “independent” studies!)
O Be sure to cite your sources!
O Consider if you were to apply your theory to the two (2) above interventions: discuss how you might  apply or incorporate the theory constructs (a select few or all) to each intervention.
O Discuss the public health implications of applying this theory in each intervention/program
(what impact does this theory have on the overall health topic & population?)
Writing format (10 points)
O Paper includes headings reflecting required paper elements
O Paper follows the current edition APA style citations.
O Paper includes citations where appropriate and a reference list.
O Paper is free from errors of spelling, mechanics and grammar.

Summarize this article using APA format citation (MUST include the research question/purpose of the research, short summary of methods, results, and conclusion of this study – 1-2 sentences each = max of 8 sentences).

Reading Reflection

You are assigned to read and summarize 3 selected research articles that has relations to the concepts we are learning. You must turn in this summary/answers to questions to the turn-it-in assignments posted on the Blackboard by the due time on due date.

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for you to become comfortable/familiar with research articles related to cognitive development.

Skills/Knowledge: The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills and knowledge that are essential to your success in this field beyond school:

  • Understand components of research article.
  • Identify important research terms from the article.
  • Summarize a research article without plagiarizing.
  • Relate research article to concepts for cognitive development.
  • Apply concepts to bigger debates (discussed in the class).

Task: Read through the article assigned and answer the following questions.

Students Name:

  1. Reference of this article in APA format:
  2. Give 5 most important concepts (key words) in the article:
  3. Dependent and independent variables of Experiment 1:
  4. Summarize this article using APA format citation (MUST include the research question/purpose of the research, short summary of methods, results, and conclusion of this study – 1-2 sentences each = max of 8 sentences).
  5. How is this article related to the course contents discussed so far (e.g. debates in the field, theories, research methods, etc.)?
  6. One question about this paper (could be a research question, could be methodological).

Criteria for success:

After completing this assignment, you will have increased your understanding of the article that is related to each domain of child development. This assignment is out of 24 points.

24 points will be allocated to

  • Question 1 =4 points
  • Question 2 = 2 point
  • Question 3 = 4 points (2 for dependent, 2 for independent variable)
  • Question 4 = 10 points (2 points for each part – research question/purpose, summary of methods, results, and conclusion – 2 point2 for correct APA citation)
  • Question 5 = 2 point
  • Question 6 = 2 point

Incidents of plagiarism in Question 4 (Summary of article) will result in an irreversible grade of zero for the reflection.

Describe the different techniques used to construct a range of substructures and superstructures, including their function and design selection criteria.

Higher National Diploma in

Assignment Brief

Unit Number and Title 2. Construction Technology
Assignment Title Construction Substructure and Superstructure


Submission Format

The submission is in the form of two written pamphlets. The pamphlets should be written in a concise and formal business style. As such, your choice of font face and font size should contribute to the clarity of the information. The pamphlet should be well-structured, using headings, sub-sections and paragraphs as appropriate. Any images, graphics, or text that is derived from other sources must be correctly referenced using a standard form of citation. A bibliography/references list should be included and in a standard academic format. The recommended word limit is 3,000–5,000 words but you will not be penalized for exceeding the total word limit.


Unit Learning Outcomes
LO1 Discuss the terminology used in construction technology.

LO2 Describe the different techniques used to construct a range of substructures and superstructures, including their function and design selection criteria.

Assignment Brief and Guidance
You are working as an Architectural Technician for a large design practice and your employer has asked you to produce ‘design consideration’ pamphlets to be distributed to new employees. The documents are to consider the functional requirements and design selection criteria for different elements of typical commercial buildings and structures. You are to focus on three current projects being undertaken by the practice, these are as follows:

1.       A ten-storey shared occupation/apartment building in the Manchester City Centre.

2.       A steel portal factory and storage unit in the outskirts of Glasgow.

3.       A new cable car from the Greenwich Peninsula Ecology Park in London to the Kierbeck Business Complex.

Document 1: Substructures

This document should consider the pre-design studies to be carried out and the type of information to be collated in order to design the most suitable foundation type for different types of structures above. The document should also consider the construction of different types of foundations and their suitability for use with different types of structures above.

Document 2: Superstructures

This document should consider the following elements of the superstructure:

  • Walls
  • Roofs
  • Floors – ground and intermediate
  • Windows and doors
  • Staircases
  • Finishes
  • Structural supports and members

The document should contain a description of the functional characteristics of each of the above elements and the design selection criteria for their use.

Both documents should contain diagrams to illustrate the technical content. Each pamphlet is to be indexed with a checklist for use by technicians when carrying out design considerations. In addition to these you will be required to specify materials from appropriate manufacturers and include this information as an appendix and referred to in your technical narrative.


Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Pass Merit Distinction
LO1 Explain the terminology used in construction technology. D1 Evaluate how the functional characteristics and design selection criteria impact on the eventual design solution.
P1 Describe the differences between residential, commercial and industrial buildings.

P2 Explain how the functional characteristics and design selection criteria are informed by proposed building use.

P3 Discuss the ways in which sustainability can be promoted in building projects.

M1 Apply the terminology used in construction technology to a given building construction project.
LO2 Describe the different techniques used to construct a range of substructures and superstructures, including their function and design selection criteria. LO2 & LO3

D2 Prepare a design report identifying superstructure, substructure and civil engineering structures necessary for a given building construction project.



P4 Describe the pre-design studies carried out and types of information collected for a given construction site.

P5 Explain the functional characteristics and design criteria for primary and secondary elements of a building substructure and superstructure.

M2 Analyze how site conditions impact on the design of foundations.

M3 Illustrate how the component parts of an element allow it to fulfil its function.


Demonstrate knowledge of the sourcing and supply process of textile products across international markets.

FBUY3000 Sourcing and Supply

Overview:  To remain competitive fashion retailers need to ensure they not only develop

commercial product, but ensure they deliver to the right place at the right time, profitably.

To achieve this, retailers must develop an effective, sustainable supply chain for each product.

Task:  You will assume the role of a Buyer for a named fashion retailer, your task is to source a new product (e.g. A printed shirt-dress from Next) and analyse the sourcing processes required to bring the product to market in a sustainable manner.

Write a report to demonstrate your understanding of your garment’s supply chain giving evidence of your research and critical analysis which will inform your sourcing decision-making processes.


Part one: Product Sourcing

You should include:

  • Your retailer introduction
  • Your retailer’s position within the market and target customer
  • Your retailer’s competitors
  • Your Product – include a visual picture/ spec including details such as fabrication and selling price and volume of order.
  • A SWOT analysis of 3 countries that you could source the product from (add to your appendix)
  • Critical analysis of these 3 countries, with clear reasoning as to why you chose the final country to source your product, including any advantages of any relevant trade agreements.
  • Costing sheet, including currency rate, duty rates and Vat
  • Critical path
  • Garment Care code/ washing instructions
  • Packaging considerations
  • Logistics
  • PLM discussion – how the product will be managed from design to launch, including quality management and how the retailer will communicate with the supplier.

Part Two: Sustainable Sourcing Strategies and good practice

You should include:

  • A critical analysis or your retailer’s CSR policies Vs a competitor
  • Recommendations to improve sustainable sourcing strategies including improved technologies, new sustainable fabrics, new sourcing destinations and circular fashion models.
  • Recommendations for improved efficiencies within sourcing product to help save cost in innovative ways.



  • Where is the sourcing destination of your product? What are the risks and rewards?
  • Recommend an improved sourcing strategy which would optimize efficiencies across the supply chain. E.g. in terms of cost, quality management, logistics, sustainability, speed to market, reacting to sales. This could be using new technologies or systems.
  • Business models or theories to support your view (e.g. Iceberg and TBL, vertical integration and quick response). Consider how can TBL be achieved?
  • What are the current challenges on modern retail today and within the next 10 years, which may conflict with CSR principles and affect your retailers sourcing decisions?
  • Primary research from Store Visits, Industry Visits, Interviews and Questionnaires


You MUST include material from:

One journal article

2 guest lecturer quotes

One industry yearbook

Recommended reading sources

Ethical companies such as BCI, ETI, Redress, Fashion Revolution

One business theory

Primary Research

Word count: 3500 (-/+ 10%) Remember to be concise.  Additional information can be added to appendices.

Use your words carefully and use infographics, charts and images to relay key information.

Your written content should be in a formal academic style so ensure you have up levelled your language and you check your work for spelling, punctuation and grammar errors – There is software to help you do this and of course the library are also there to help!

Harvard referencing conventions to be used throughout (reference lists and citations within the text).

Self-assessment form – This must be submitted with your report

Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of the assignment you will have met the following learning outcomes:

  1. Work independently applying taught knowledge to a personally managed project set in a ‘commercial context’.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of the sourcing and supply process of textile products across international markets.
  3. Demonstrate an ability to make justifiable decisions based on commercial information.
  4. Demonstrate an awareness of the scope of supply chain management within the context of the textile industry and be able to demonstrate the practical application of this knowledge.
  5. Demonstrate the availability to research commercial practice and compare this with theoretical concepts.

Marking Criteria:

Grading will be in accordance with the Fashion & Textiles mark descriptors (see attached sheets) and will be based on the following:

Research – 25%

As detailed above, appropriate use of referenced primary and secondary research from a variety of academic sources such as recommended books, journals, reputable websites, industry opinion pieces and guest lecturers. Work experience may provide useful primary research discussion.

Discussion of Sourcing Procedures – 30%

Demonstrating evidence of background reading supported by your own discussion including critical analysis.

CSR critical analysis and Recommendations – 35%

Illustrating your perceptive judgement and decision-making process for the justification of your creative recommendations.

Structure – 10%

A professional coherent report structure to include an executive summary, contents page, numbered sections/ sub-sections, figures and reference lists and appendices (if required).  Images and charts will make you report individual and attractive. The report is written in an academic style with correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Late work:

It is imperative that you stick to the given deadline.  If you are unable to meet the deadline, due to e.g. illness, you may apply for an extension to the hand in date however this must be done prior to the deadline. Note that problems with information technology (loss of data, printer failure, etc.) will not be accepted as justification for an extension. It is essential you get into good and ‘safe’ habits with regard to computer work by ensuring you make regular back-ups of work and by ensuring that you do not leave printing until the last moment; note that printer queues become very large prior to assessments – inability to print work by published deadlines is not a valid reason for a coursework deadline extension.

The following penalties will be applied to late work.

  • Unauthorized late work submitted up to 14 calendar days after the published deadline will be subject to a cap of 40%; this will be noted in the tutor feedback on your work.
  • Unauthorized late work submitted more than 14 days after the deadline will receive a mark of 0%; this will be noted in the tutor feedback on your work.

Where hardcopy work is received on time, but the work is received after the deadline date and time via Turnitin, then the whole submission will incur a ‘late submission penalty’ as follows

  • Unauthorized late work submitted via Turnitin up to midnight 1 calendar day after the published Turnitin deadline will be accepted without penalty;
  • Unauthorized late work submitted via Turnitin more than 1 calendar day after the published Turnitin deadline up to 14 calendar days after the published deadline will be subject to a cap of 40% applied to the whole submission; this will be noted in the tutor feedback on your work
  • Unauthorized late work submitted via Turnitin more than 14 days after the deadline will receive a mark of 0% applied to the whole submission; this will be noted in the tutor feedback on your work.

Feedback date(s)

You will receive feedback on this project Wednesday April 22nd, 2020 (week 30)   This is in accordance with University regulations which states that you will receive written feedback within 4 weeks of the hand in date (excluding Christmas and Easter vacation weeks). Please note unforeseen circumstances such as staff illness may mean that this date must change.

Formative feedback will also be given verbally throughout the module, through e.g. group and one on one tutorial sessions providing an opportunity for questions & to gain feedback on your progress.  Ensure you take advantage of these opportunities to get the most out of this module

Assignment Title –
Marking Criteria Assessment component weighting



Grade A*


Grade A+


Grade A


Grade B


Grade C


Grade D


Grade F


Grade F

Research 25%
Discussion of Sourcing Procedures 30%
CSR and Recommendations 35%
Structure 10%

Please refer to the sheet below to understand your grade about the Fashion & textiles mark descriptors.


40-49%   Grade D 30-39%   Fail  Grade F 20-29%   Fail  Grade F 10-19%  Fail Grade F 0-9%    Fail  Grade F

Fulfils the assessment criteria for the module component at a Basic level

A response demonstrating an understanding of basic points and principles sufficient to show that some of the learning outcomes/ assessment have been achieved at a basic level.

Suitable organised concepts and /or work demonstrating a reasonable level of understanding. Covers the basic subject mater and is appropriately presented but is clearly derivative and insufficiently analytical.

Demonstrate limited conceptual ability, level of evaluation and creative skills. Demonstrates adherence to the referencing conventions appropriate to the subject or/ and task. Limited technical skills.



Overall insufficient fulfilment of the assessment criteria for the module component.


A weak response, which, while addressing some elements of the task, contains significant gaps, inaccuracies or deficiencies.


Shows only weakly developed elements of understanding and/or other skills appropriate to the task.


May contain significant weaknesses in presentation.



Overall insufficient fulfilment of the assessment criteria for the module component.


A poor response, which falls short of achieving the learning outcomes.


Demonstrates little knowledge and/or other skills appropriate to the task


Little evidence of argument and/or coherent use of material


Overall insufficient fulfilment of the assessment criteria for the module component.


A very poor response demonstrating little relevant understanding.

Displays only isolated or no knowledge and/or other skills appropriate to the task.


Little adherence to the task



Overall insufficient fulfilment of the assessment criteria for the module component.


Displays no knowledge and/or other skills appropriate to the task.

Work is inappropriate to assessment task given


Briefly describe an overview of its development and include a web address where this information can be found. If your state does not have guidelines, discuss a federal guideline. (Note: you may need to contact your state’s board of nursing, pharmacy or medicine if you cannot locate it on your own).

Preparing the Paper:
Submit the paper as a Microsoft Word Document.
The length of the paper should be 2-4 pages, excluding title page and reference page(s). The title and reference pages should be in APA format.
Sources should be obtained directly from the state’s regulatory organization(s) and must be cited appropriately.

I. Guidelines and recommendations for your state (Florida):
In response to the opioid epidemic, individual states have developed and adopted voluntary guidelines or recommendations for the treatment of acute and chronic non-cancer pain. Based on research done on the state where you will practice clinically, include the following:
1. Provide the name of your practicing state’s organization, group or task force that created guidelines or recommendations for pain management therapies and education.
2. Briefly describe an overview of its development and include a web address where this information can be found. If your state does not have guidelines, discuss a federal guideline. (Note: you may need to contact your state’s board of nursing, pharmacy or medicine if you cannot locate it on your own).
3. Some states have multiple organizations or initiatives (ex: Ohio) in place to combat the opioid epidemic and advocate for safer opioid prescribing. Discuss whether or not your state has other resources, groups or organizations where prescribers can reference best practices for pain management treatment. If applicable, provide a brief overview of the group’s recommendations or initiatives. If your state does not have another state-specific resource, discuss the guidelines published by the American Pain Society.

II. State (Florida) specific laws on controlled substance prescribing for the nurse practitioner:
Research your state laws on advanced practice nurses’ authority to prescribe controlled substances. Based on research done on the state where you will practice clinically, include the following:
1. Identify the law, rule, code or statute that describes the advanced practice nurse’s authority to prescribe controlled substances in your state.
2. Discuss the provisions of the law, rule, code or statute with regard to the following:
– Conditions or limits on prescribing schedule I-V controlled substances.
– Requirements (if any) in documentation for treating acute and chronic pain.
– Are there specific requirements for advanced practice nurses to reference the state’s prescription drug monitoring database before prescribing a controlled substance? If so, what are they?

III. State (Florida) Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP):
Research your state’s PDMP* and provide the following information:
1. Name of the state’s program.
2. Website for the state PMDP.
3. Discuss the registration requirements and process.
4. Discuss the standards and procedures for the access and review of database information.

Analyze the factors to be considered when implementing and evaluating inclusive learning and development to drive sustainable business performance.

Submission Format:
Lo1: Submission will be a development portfolio which shows your ‘own’ learning progress and acquisition of key skills.
LO2, LO3, LO4 :The submission is in the form of an individual written essay This should be written in a concise, academic style using single spacing between words and double spacing between lines, font size 12 and font template Times New Roman.
You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system.
Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The indicative word count is 4500-5000 words, although you will not be penalized for exceeding the total word limit.
Use File DITO ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINES JAN 2020 TEMPLATE to write the essay and use File ASSIGNMENT BRIEF DTO JAN 2020 for getting clear view on how to attempt each activity of the Essay.
Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Analyze the knowledge, skills and behaviours required by HR Professionals.
LO2 Analyze the factors to be considered when implementing and evaluating inclusive learning and development to drive sustainable business performance.
LO3 Apply knowledge and understanding to the ways in which high –performance working contributes to employee engagement and competitive advantage.
LO4 Evaluate ways in which performance management, collaborative working and effective communication can support high-performance culture and commitment.