
Explain the counseling process (from the beginning to the end) -you would use to manage the case. Include five counseling goals and five counseling interventions (six pages).

NMY FRIENDS DIDN’T MAKE ME BAD” Kay Siang does not blame anyone for his turning to crime. He thinks it was fqted, just like his father being a drug addict. “Perhaps l’m meant to be a thief. ln this world, there are good and bad guys. Maybe I’m the bad guy.” “My mother kept telling me, ‘Like father, like son’,” he said, with a shrug.
“Those boys didn’t teach me to be bad. I was already a gone case when I met them. With them, I broke into flats and coffee shopd.” “They kept watch outside while I forced open the windows and ransacked the place for cigarettes and valuables.” ‘
Kay Siang dropped out of school in Primary 4. He said he was bored. “No use going to school. ljust fall asleep.” Kay Siang can’t read or write. He knows only the alphabet and can spell his name.
He said he took up smoking in kindergarten. “lt’s easy. I saw my mother smoking one day and followed,” he said.
Kay Siang said his mother “trusted” hirn “She didn’t mind me staying out for days even up to a week ” “With the boys, when we were not stealrng, we stayed overnight at the beach for barbecues and parties.” ‘My motherdidn’t seem to care. She’,.,,as too busy,, ,’,’ti ,’,,::< anC her boyfriend. (He liyss r,,,rllf thern i” ‘B.;t’,vhene’/e’s.e {o -‘a aJ: s:: 3 s-: :==-. -a =’.^=’ ,’, :- = ::: :he .’,e:e’ hose or a ,’,ccder’ a z-<
Question 1

Use Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) counseling approach for this case study. Explain the rationales for choosing this approach (one page).
Question 2

Evaluate four key counseling issues that client has presented in the case study and explain your evaluations (three pages).
Question 3

Explain the counseling process (from the beginning to the end) -you would use to manage the case. Include five counseling goals and five counseling interventions (six pages).
Question 4

Provide critique and analysis of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) that you have chosen in Ql. Include five limitations and five strengths of CBT(tw-o pages)”

Is the workflow surrounding technology usage providing the organization with the data they need to make decisions and eventually meet meaningful use criteria?

Based on the system development life cycle,human-technology interface,overview of the purpose of conducting workflow analysis and design,the waterfall model, rapid application development and interoperability.
Answer the following:
1.Is the workflow surrounding technology usage providing the organization with the data they need to make decisions and eventually meet meaningful use criteria?
2.How does current educational preparation need to change to address the skills necessary to perform workflow analysis and redesign clinical processes?

Understand minimally invasive surgeries (MIS) and conventional surgeries involved in degenerative mitral diseases by referring to Minimally Invasive Surgical Mitral Valve Repair: State of the Art Review.


  • Understand minimally invasive surgeries (MIS) and conventional surgeries involved in degenerative mitral diseases by referring to the following:
  • A meta-analysis of minimally invasive versus conventional mitral valve repair for patients with degenerative mitral disease by Christopher Cao and the 29 references used for that article.
  • Minimally Invasive Surgical Mitral Valve Repair: State of the Art Review


Those can be found in this google drive link:

  • Write an introduction (around 1000 – 1200 words) of minimally invasive versus conventional surgeries for degenerative mitral valve diseases consisting of the following contents:
  • History of minimally invasive surgeries and conventional surgeries for degenerative mitral valve diseases (200 – 250 words)
  • Draw timeline to illustrate the history.
  • Refer to background reference word document for some information on history if necessary.
  • Degenerative mitral valve diseases (200 – 250 words)
  • Images on: healthy mitral valve VS degenerative mitral valves comparison
  • Minimally invasive surgeries (MIS) for degenerative mitral valve diseases (400 words)
  • Types of MIS for degenerative mitral valve diseases
  • Place some emphasize on femoral-femoral bypass – as I am conducting this MIS on my patients.
  • 2 images of MIS degenerative mitral valve diseases e.g. image of ministernotomy
  • Conventional surgeries for degenerative mitral valve diseases (300 words)
  • Types of conventional surgeries for degenerative mitral valve diseases.
  • 2 images of conventional surgeries for degenerative mitral valve diseases e.g. image of sternotomy.
  • Present data on:
  • Prevalence of MIS and conventional surgery for mitral valve disease.
  • Proportion of both MIS and conventional surgery for mitral valve disease at the moment.
  • Relevance of MIS and conventional surgeries.
  • References – 30 references (*can consider references in google drive link above, but it is recommended to use other references that are newer and better as some references in google drive link are old i.e. in 1990s), preferably year 2000 – 2019, Harvard referencing.

Describe your preferred conflict-management style (collaborative, competitive, accommodating, avoidance, or compromising) and discuss how it complements your personal leadership theory.

Question given to my peers below.

Describe your preferred conflict-management style (collaborative, competitive, accommodating, avoidance, or compromising) and discuss how it complements your personal leadership theory. What types of situations would prompt you to use an alternative conflict management style and why?

For Top essay writer – Critique my peers posts below, When responding to your peers, offer feedback on their selected approach and how it may impact stakeholders. All sources must be APA cited. Also, please separate my peers post below using their names as the heading


Jason Post below

According to this week’s reading assignment, conflict can actually be an essential tool in progressing forward and thinking outside the box (provided it is navigated in a constructive manner). Managers must be able to adapt their conflict management behaviors to a given situation. In some cases, it may be best to confront conflict, and in other cases, it may be better to avoid conflict or accommodate (Saeed et al, 2014).

My preferred conflict management style is collaborative/integrative given it seeks to find a mutually beneficial outcome. I always prefer win-win scenarios however I understand these are not always possible. From a preference and personality perspective, to me there is nothing worse than a zero-sum scenario where one person “wins” or gets their way and the other loses and concedes everything. There are likely tradeoff decisions and concessions that both parties may need to make however as long as those are articulated, presented on the table and agreed upon, a collaborative approach is often a good goal for me to focus on. There are also nuances of the compromising style included here as well. Studies have shown that supervisors who use an integrating style achieved more behavioral compliance, less likely to experience persistent conflict at work and have less disputes (Saeed et al, 2014). I also tend to be conflict-averse which is another reason why I tend to gravitate toward this style.

There are instances where I may utilize a different approach is when expedient decisions come into play. For example, I try and guide my team members to make decisions on their own without checking in with me. In these cases, I may use more of an accommodating style to enable the team to make sound decisions and work through challenges collectively. If I need to get involved to mediate, I will do so but likely as a last resort.

Each of my preferred styles resonate closely with my preferred leadership style especially as it relates to both servant leadership and transformational leadership. I see it more as an opportunity to empower others through autonomy, support and coaching rather than utilizing a more autocratic style of leading. Given I work in a learning & development role, I typically utilize a collaborative style when navigating through challenges given I work closely with other centers of excellence (COEs) within HR and I find these approaches to be quite useful.


Amy Post below

I am a servant leader and find I prefer to collaborate or compromise when there is conflict. I do not feel there is one style that will fit every conflict situation. I know, without question, I will avoid conflict as much as I can, but not ignore it.  I will do my best to address situations as they arise and hopefully catch any problems before they have time to fester. In discussing conflict management, Swetha Amaresan (2019) suggests that: “Conflict management is the process for handling disputes and disagreements between two or multiple parties. The goal of this system is to minimize the negative factors that are influencing the conflict and encourage all participants to come to an agreement. Successful conflict management results in a mutually beneficial outcome that’s agreed upon by each party.” I find this concept summarizes how I wish my conflict management style to develop.

There are several details which can help in choosing a conflict management style. Among these are considering how much one values the other person or issue; understanding the consequences; and deciding if I have the time and energy to give to the conflict. (Amaresan, 2019) Being a servant leader might mean I need to address every conflict to meet the needs of those I have been designated to lead. My first concern would normally be the well-being of others. However, not every conflict is worth my time and energy, especially if the person or issue concerned is not a contributor to the success of the company.

One example of needing to use an alternative form of conflict management might be colleagues’ disagreeing with me on a proposed change within the company. I will discuss why I came to my decision and hear the other persons out. After further consideration on my part, I may decide to accommodate their concerns. In the event that I have a colleague or employee who, I know, is getting ready to retire, it might be wise to just avoid any conflict with that person to make his or her remaining time with the company a more pleasant experience.


How might the economic risks in those two countries impact the company expansion?

INT 315 Module One Worksheet Guidelines and Rubric.

Overview: For this assignment, you will identify two global markets of your choice and analyze their economic and political systems for your final project. Using your responses on this worksheet, your instructor will approve your foreign market selection for the final project. Remember that Part I of your final project, which is due in Module Three, will require you to compare two countries as potential markets for a new manufacturing and distribution facility.

You will complete this assignment in the Module One Worksheet.

Prompt: First, review the provided resources in Module One and the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document. In this assignment, you will select two countries to analyze for the country exploration section of the final project, providing a basic description of each country based on the questions below.

Specifically, your assignment should address the following critical elements:

1. What is the economic system in each of the markets?

2. What is the political system in each of the markets?

3. How might the economic risks in those two countries impact the company expansion?

4. How might the political risks in those two countries impact the company expansion?

5. Is there sufficient research data available for each selected country? Support your response with at least three scholarly resources you intend to use for this project.


Guidelines for Submission: You should submit the completed Module One Worksheet. Use APA citations where appropriate.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Country Selection Identifies two countries to examine Does not identify two countries to examine 5 Economic System Clearly describes economic system in each country Describes economic system in each country, but with incomplete or inaccurate information Does not describe economic system in each country 20

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Political System Clearly describes political system in each country Describes political system in each country, but with incomplete or inaccurate information Does not describe political system in each country 20 Economic Risks Clearly explains potential economic risk factors involved in expansion to each country Explains potential economic risk factors involved in expansion to each country, but with incomplete or inaccurate information Does not explain potential economic risk factors involved in expansion to each country 20 Political Risks Clearly explains potential political risk factors involved in expansion to each country Explains potential political risk factors involved in expansion to each country, but with incomplete or inaccurate information Does not explain potential political risk factors involved in expansion to each country 20 Research Data Determines whether there is sufficient research data available for each selected country, with supporting resources Determines whether there is sufficient research data available for each selected country, but does not support with resources Does not determine whether there is sufficient research data available for each selected country 10 Articulation of Response Submission is mostly free of errors of organization and grammar; existing errors are marginal and rarely interrupt the flow Submission contain errors of organization and grammar, but they are limited enough that submission can be understood Submission contains errors of organization and grammar that make it difficult to understand 5 Total 100%

What percentage of insomnia could be reduced in the population by eliminating energy drink consumption?


Study design and validity of causal effect

Differences between controlled and quasi-experimental experiments

Clinical vs. Community trials

Blinding and crossover

Ethical aspects of conducting clinical trials

Measures of effect-calculation and interpretation

Statistical measures of effect



Answer the following Epidemiology questions below. If calculations are involved, be sure to show your work for full credit.

  1. (1 point) List one strength and one weakness of the experimental study design.



  1. (1 point) Explain the difference between experimental and quasi-experimental study designs.



  1. (1 point) Researchers want to study the impact of implementing an education program on the benefits of consuming more fresh fruits and vegetables among adults working for large employers in Green Giant City (population 3,000,000 persons).  There are eight large businesses in the city that employ a total of 100,000 employees, four of which receive the intervention.   Describe one method you could use to evaluate the outcome of this quasi-experimental study.


Questions 4-7 (4 points)  In the next four questions, identify the study design in each of the following scenarios.  (Note: these questions draw from information presented in Chapters 6, 7 and 8.  They are presented in multiple choice format in Canvas.)

  1. Researchers compare the effectiveness of two treatments for hypertension by randomly assigning patients with hypertension to receive the standard treatment or a newly-developed treatment for hypertension.
  2. Researchers want to study the impact of implementing a lunch-hour walking program on average Body Mass Index (BMI) measurements among adults working in Pedestrian City (population 2,000,000 persons). There are eight large businesses in the city that employ 5,000 or more employees.  Employees the businesses get an extra 30 minutes added to their lunch hour 3 days a week to walk, run or engage in some other type of aerobic exercise activity.  No intervention is implemented in the other four businesses.
  3. Phase III trial of a new vaccine developed to prevent Hepatitis C infection.
  4. Researchers wanted to determine if an educational intervention would improve rates of Hepatitis B vaccination in new-born babies in the United States. A study population of two similar urban communities were assigned one of two types of educational information about the benefits of vaccinating babies against Hepatitis B, starting at birth: 1) in one community, expectant mothers received information from their primary health care provider during a prenatal visit; 2) in the other community received additional, more comprehensive information about the benefits of their baby being vaccinated at a free “lunch-and-learn”-style training were held, targeting expectant mothers and their families (presented by health education specialists).

Chapter 9

  1. (4 points) [Note: check out Question 10 in the textbook for hints.]

A cohort study was conducted to investigate the possible association between energy drink consumption and insomnia in a population-based sample of adults.


Energy Drink Consumption   Yes No Total
Yes 200 1,800 2,000
No 100 9,900 10,000


Using the data in the table above, calculate the following:

  1. What is the Relative Risk of insomnia associated with energy drink consumption?



  1. What is the risk (rate) difference?


  1. What proportion of the rate of insomnia in the exposed group is due to energy drink consumption? (etiologic fraction)


  1. What percentage of insomnia could be reduced in the population by eliminating energy drink consumption?


  1. (6 points) [Note: check out Questions 3-8 in the textbook for hints. Use 10,000 as the denominator for each of the calculations.]

The rate of Awful Disease per 10,000 population is 500 among persons with Risk Factor A (exposed), and 56 among persons without Risk Factor A (non-exposed).  The rate of Unpleasant Disease per 10,000 is 350 among persons with Risk Factor A (exposed) and 295 among persons without Risk Factor A (non-exposed).  The prevalence of Risk Factor A in the population is 30%.  Based on this information, answer the following six questions:


  1. What is the Relative Risk of having Awful Disease for persons with and without Risk Factor A?


  1. What is the Relative Risk of having Unpleasant Disease for persons with and without Risk Factor A?


  1. What is the etiologic fraction of Awful Disease for persons due to Risk Factor A? Answer:
  2. What is the etiologic fraction of Unpleasant Disease due to Risk Factor A?



  1. What is the population etiologic fraction of Awful Disease due to Risk Factor A? Answer:
  2. What is the population etiologic fraction of Unpleasant Disease due to Risk Factor A? Answer:
  3. (1 point)  Based on your calculations in Question 9, Risk Factor A seems more likely to be causally related to Awful Disease or Unpleasant Disease? Why?


  1. (1 point)   The confidence interval for the Relative Risk of contracting Awful Disease if exposed to Risk Factor A is (2.1, 11.7).  Does it support the hypothesis that the association between Risk Factor A and Awful Disease statistically significant? Why or why not?



  1. (1 point) Does sample size have an effect on the ability to detect differences between an intervention and a control group?



Is the method of sampling clearly pre­sented? Could the way the sample was obtained influence the results?

Questions for the article analysis

(Explain or defend your answers using the appropriate relevant chapter knowledge)

  1. Is the general purpose of the study clear? Will the study provide a significant contribution?
  2. Is the specific research hypothesis or question clearly and concisely stated?
  3. Is the method of sampling clearly pre­sented? Could the way the sample was obtained influence the results?
  4. Is there anything in the procedures for collecting the information, or in the instru­ments themselves, that could bias the re­sults or weaken the study?
  5. Do the conclusions and interpretations follow logically from the results presented? Are unwarranted causal conclusions made from correlations or comparisons? Are lim­itations indicated?

How does the quality of child and adolescent experiences affect a person’s psychosocial well-being later in life?

  1. How does the quality of child and adolescent experiences affect a person’s psychosocial well-being later in life?

  1. Evaluate the current way (s) of educating a) child and b) adolescent. Are there any changes you would like to propose? Support your answer.
    (I am an English teacher in Thailand teaching students age 12-16/17)
  • Strict rules but reasonable
  • More tolerant to students
  • More patient with students
  • Less homework, because it works the other way around (they won’t do it at home, just before or during the lesson)
  • Less (physical) punishment. When giving a punishment it should be a useful one.
  • More rewardings
  • Use of different techniques per class / age
  • Use of different approach per class / age
  • Make lessons more fun and enjoyable
  • Students should look forward to English lessons
  • Accept consequences if not following rules (cancel the ‘always pass’ policy)
  • Changes should come from two ways (Student-Teacher / Teacher-Student)
  • More youth related subjects (nowadays trends)
  • Students should more participate with own interests (subject request to teachers for next lessons)

Additional instructions:

  1. Use APA format
  2. Use Times New Roman, size 12, double-spaced.
  3. Use 10 academic papers and/or other interesting references to support your answer for each question.
  4. Write at least 500 words for each question. (2 pages each)

What resources do teachers use to support verbal and non-verbal interaction between the child and adult?

The discussion (APPROX 1700 WORDS):
Brief intro to setting of research. (My setting is: Key stage 1 primary school classroom. My sample will include: 2 classroom teachers and 3 teacher assistants. CHECK METHODOLOGY)
How did you organize, sort and analyze the data? (CHECK METHODOLOGY)
Introduction to your findings.
Discuss your finding in light of existing literature and theory you have explored in your literature review (CHECK LITERATURE REVIEW).
Relate your findings to your research questions.
This section is concerned with the analysis of the data you collected and needs to answer the research questions. Consider using a thematic approach to structure the analysis – themes might be drawn from the literature review and/or research questions. Think about presenting your findings in different ways, but ensure that the link with your research paradigm is consistent.
•How did you sort, choose and make sense of your data?
•To what extent does the data support and/or contradict the literature on the topic?

My research questions:
1.How do teachers promote child-adult relationships in the classroom?
2.How do teachers implement their own pedagogy when supporting verbal and non-verbal interaction in children’s learning?
3.What resources do teachers use to support verbal and non-verbal interaction between the child and adult?
4.What do teachers regard as high quality verbal and non-verbal interactions with children’s learning in the classroom?








Consider what was not said as well as what was said.
Identify useful quotes from participants.
Specificity of responses- give more weight to those based on experience.
Not just words, but actions and behaviours.
Provide triangulation/crystallization
Make comparisons with literature review.
Remember that whatever you write it should be answering. the research questions (written above).

Likely to be a mix of past and present tense. For example, past tense to refer to data, present tense to develop a line of argument in relation to the data, present tense when using literature to discuss findings. Generally third person. In qualitative research, tentative language should be used e.g. ‘this suggests’, ‘perhaps’, ‘possible’, ‘appeared to’, ‘seemed to’.

• Summary of research
• Key findings, key points from your discussion/argument
• What is the contribution of your research?
• What would you change/do differently?

•What tentative conclusions can be drawn (if any) from the findings and analysis?
•How valid are the research evidence and findings?
•Do the findings/conclusions develop, challenge or extend existing knowledge in the academic field?
•What were the limitations (if any) of your research? What worked well and what did not?
•In hindsight, what (if anything) would now be done differently?

How does family Structure shape personality & Behavior? Relationship between Race, Ethnicity and Health &   well being in UK & America.

 luBNU-Inquiry Based Learning

Project Report Plan (CW1)


CW1 Learning Outcomes Tasks Breakdown of project report:











LO1: Collect, select and use information from a range of sources using different methods, appropriate to the academic discipline and context.




LO2: Investigate the needs, problems and opportunities of a given situation.


LO3: Plan and Undertake a project to address a subject-related problem or answer a subject-related question.


Inquiry-Based Project on a topic related to your SUBJECT AREA’ & produce:


A. Project Report

B. Reflection


Conducting & Reporting on a piece of Academic or Professional-Related Research.


Write in:

·         Third person

·         Passive voice













Choose one of the following Essay Titles

In Groups of 3/4:



  1. What is ‘Race’ & what is ‘Ethnicity’? What significance do these concepts have in contemporary societies?



  1. Discuss the extent to which we live in a Globalized World






  1. Social Theory helps us to Make Sense of Society’. Discuss:




  1. Explain and Discuss Social Factors that affect family life in the UK today.
(1500 Words)

1. Title page (Report Title, Your Name, ID, Date, & Module title/code

2. Acknowledgments

3. Contents Page– (Section Headings and page numbers)

4. Abstract (Summary)- (Overview of report).

5. Introduction (Purpose of report, why you writing report? Aims & Objectives.  Brief details of methods/ procedures used investigation)

*Decide on Headings & Subheadings

Ask yourself ….What is Report about? Why am I writing?

Outline of report structure, I.e. “The report will look firstly at x then y”… (Keep this section brief about one paragraph).

6.Main body/Findings:  MethodsResults (Figures/Tables/Charts)

5. Discussion: ProblemsStrengthsComparisons

7. Conclusion –Summarize & Evaluate your findings


B. REFLECTION (500 Words)

    Reflect on your work ABOVE …How you found it? Challenges, Behavior and Experience etc.

8. References (Use the Harvard Referencing)

  1A– Social History of Race in UK & America

  1B-  Relationship between Ethnicity & Race and its impact on crime and social class in UK & America

  1C- Relationship between Race, Ethnicity and Health &   well being in UK & America.

2A- How does Globalization affect the financing of the UK’s health system?

 2B– How does Globalization affect the Human Resource personnel of the UK’s health system?

 2C- How does Globalization affect the technology of the UK’s health system?

Using Sociological Imagination, discuss Crime & Punishment through any one of the following 3 Sociologists.

3A– Emile Durkheim;

3B– Max Weber;

3C– Erving Goffman

4A– Do Social & Global Factors influence family life, how?

4B– How does family Structure shape personality & Behavior?

4C– What is the impact of family Breakdown on Well being?

LO4: Communicate effectively, with well-structured verbal and written reports, as demanded in academic and professional domains.  


5.     “The UK’s ageing population is responsible for unsustainable costs in Health & Social care.” Discuss



6. Health Inequalities are a major concern in the UK.


5A- The UK population is aging rapidly – discuss.

5B–  The cost of the UK’s ageing population is unsustainable – discuss.

5C–  The impact of the UK’s aging population on society is positive – discuss.

6A- What health inequalities exist in the UK?

6B- Discuss Child Health Inequalities in the UK?

6C– Discuss Gender Health Inequalities in the UK?