
What specific assessment and nursing care is required particularly focusing on the complex nature of the assessment and care.

Write a 3000 word assignment which critically examines the wider context of care management for a patient with complex circumstances.Examine selected key pathological and/or psychological processes and critically debate these in relation to complex care.
• Justify and critically evaluate nursing assessment and care strategies for individuals with a range of complex circumstances.
• Analyze the clinical course of specific conditions and justify the nursing interventions required to meet the holistic needs of individuals with complex needs.
• Evaluate clinical decision making that informs care and service delivery for individuals and communities in a multi-agency arena.
Any information that might identify a peer, client/patient, and mentor/trainer workplace or organization must be omitted from the assignment. Failure to do so constitutes a breach of confidentiality. Focus on one person to critically examine their complex circumstance/s.
• Consider the underlying clinical condition and why this may be complex for this patient – is it a rare or specialist condition, is it the interaction with other circumstances that may include pathophysiological, clinical, social, psychological ethical, professional, legal, Health policy.
• You need to support your points with rationales explaining your reasoningAnalyse the clinical course of specific condition/s and justify the nursing interventions required to meet the needs of an individual with complex needs.
Assignment Guidelines:• What specific assessment and nursing care is required particularly focusing on the complex nature of the assessment and care.
• Is the prognosis or progress of the clinical condition something that will affect how care is delivered?
• You need to remember it is nursing assessment and care – not medical. It may be that liaison with other professionals is required or that a team approach is required for care delivery Consider the wider context of care management for a patient with complex circumstances• Are specific resources or funding required that make care complex – what factors influence how care is managed.
• Are families or carers involved that necessitate consideration in delivery of care?Question how nurses would lead clinical decision making in the context of multi-agency arena, caring for a patient with complex circumstance’s• What is the nurses’ role in caring for your patient, what specific nursing decisions need to be made and how does this factor into the overall care provided for your patient.

Compare and contrast the two form of contract: NEC4 ECC contracts and JCT SBC/Q 16 based on the following subheading.

Assignment Question.
Based on the LSBU Board of Management report on one of the university’s project, the Board has chosen to proceed with the construction of a Teaching Facility in London Road. In addition, following discussions with various contractors, the Board is unsure as to the form of contract to be use. The Board is considering using the NEC4 ECC but this is by no means certain yet.
One of our London University rivals recently expanded their facility, and there were various issues regarding payments and disputes that disrupted their expansion. We are determined not to experience the same issues.
The Board has asked you to write a report to guide them through these issues, covering:
• Compare and contrast the two form of contract: NEC4 ECC contracts and JCT SBC/Q 16 based on the following subheading.

o Cost Management – Payments procedure and valuation/interim payment process.
o Time Management – Possession and programme of work.
o Quality Management – Workmanship, Defect, Tests and Inspection.
o Claims/Compensation Events – Claims procedure and assessments.

This should be a professional report, well presented, fully referenced and clearly structured, not limited to the above but must encompass everything related to the subject area. The report should be no more than 2500 words in length,

Do both sides of the relationship now hold a strong sense of loyalty towards the other company?

Information for my dissertation critical literature review

2800 words

  • Offer a critical account of the current state of knowledge
  • Include a conceptual framework (towards the end of the section)

Provide an account of the importance of Relationship Marketing in developing the partnership between (a large multi-national organization (ALLIANZ) and a start-up technology company (Flock Cover).

Link to Flock cover website:

Link to Allianz website:


I am conducting my dissertation on the way that the relationship was built between Allianz and Flock in developing a very specific new brand of Drone insurance.

I have decided to look into the Drone insurance market and specifically the marketing communications and relationship that AGCS has developed with Flock; how this partnership was looked at prior to being agreed to benefit both companies as well as post agreement how the collaboration has developed as well.

To complete this critical literature review I need to provide an extensive and appropriate selection of a wide range of resources.

Showing excellent and imaginative conceptual frameworks throughout.

Literature must be critically and thoroughly objectively and authoritatively.

These are the three themes that I looked at when conducting my interviews and focus group, and these elements must be focused on throughout this literature review

First Theme – How was the relationship developed between Allianz and Flock?

  • Difficult to build the relationship?
  • Did both companies hold similar shared values when going into the relationship?
  • Were there a lot of compromises required form either company in order to develop this partnership?
  • Expensive?
  • Was there ever a point where either company thought about backing out?
  • Finding target market?
  • How long did it take to organize the relationship?
  • Who approached who?
  • Was it only Allianz who Flock targeted for this partnership?
  • How was the relationship built?
  • Co co-ordinated events?
  • Face to face meetings?
  • Emails?
  • Over the phone?
  • How has the relationship been continually secured over time?
  • Do both sides of the relationship now hold a strong sense of loyalty towards the other company?
  • How much contact is there between both companies on a day to day basis? If not, daily how often is this relationship reinforced?

Second Theme – From each company’s perspective why was the partnership worthwhile?

  • How do both companies ensure that it remains profitable for both sides at the same time?
  • Was this seen as a highly innovative step in getting ahead of the rest of the market?
  • Was that a key point for both companies in initially developing the relationship?
  • Simple?
  • Offer competitive advantage?
  • What made Allianz decide to completely support Flock financially?
  • Did it immediately create benefits on both sides of the partnership?
  • How was the customer base handled from both sides?
  • Did both companies already have their own customers or did the majority come from Allianz as it is the bigger more powerful company within this market?
  • Has it been more beneficial for one company than the other?
  • Have other partnerships been developed within the market by other companies in following this partnership Allianz and Flock have developed?
  • Exponential market growth available in drone insurance?
  • From developing this relationship do both companies now fundamentally rely on the other company in order to continue with business in this field.
  • Is the relationship co-dependent on a daily basis or does each company run separately?

Third Theme – Has the relationship ever come to the point where the partnership has been questioned going forward?

  • If so…
  • How have these issues been resolved?
  • Why did the issue arise in the first place?
  • Do you feel these issues have made the relationship between the companies stronger?
  • Have there been many conflicts that could have caused this and if so, how have these been handled successfully between both companies to maintain the relationship?
  • Was there ever an issue over the power balance within the relationship?

Are specific pieces of data (e.g., direct quotes) and more generalized statements (themes, theories) included in the report?

Synopsis (12 pts.)

  1. What experience, situation, or subculture does the researcher want to understand?

The researchers are interested in finding out the best treatment and management method chronic fatigue syndrome.

  1. Does the researcher want to produce a description of an experience, or a social process, or an event, or is the goal to generate a theory?

The researchers intend to describe an experience.

  1. How was data collected?

The researchers conducted a cross-sectional study, where they consulted various publications of RCTs for patients diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome.

  1. How did the researcher control his or her biases and preconceptions?

Severely ill patients were excluded from the analysis, participants were not masked to treatment allocation. Also, outcomes were rated by participants. These ensured that the conclusions of the study would only reflect the experiences of the participants.

  1. Are specific pieces of data (e.g., direct quotes) and more generalized statements (themes, theories) included in the report?



  1. What are the main findings of the study? (10 Pts.)

The cross-sectional review suggested that there were beneficial effects to be realized from nutritional supplements, especially in CFS/ME patients with biochemically identified deficiency. Also, they suggested pacing to be the most rewarding intervention.

Credibility (18 pts.)

  1. Is the study published in a source that required

peer review?                                                                       Yes     No     Not Clear


  1. Were the methods used appropriate to the study

purpose?                                                                             Yes     No     Not Clear


  1. Were the methods used appropriate to the study

purpose?                                                                             Yes      No     Not Clear


  1. Was the sampling of observations or interviews appropriate and varied enough to serve the purpose

of the study?                                                                       Yes          No          Not Clear


  1. *Were data collection methods effective in

Reproduced with permission from: Brown, S. J. (2018). Evidence-based nursing: The research-practice connection (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.


                obtaining in-depth data?


6. Did the data collection methods avoid the  possibility of oversight, underrepresentation,

 Yes  No  Not Clear
or overrepresentation from certain types of sources?


7. Were data collection and analysis intermingled

 Yes  No  Not Clear
in dynamic way?


8. *Is the data presented in ways that provide a  vivid portrayal of what was experience or

 Yes  No  Not Clear
happened and its context?


9. *Does the data provided justify generalized

 Yes  No  Not Clear
statements, themes, or theory?  Yes  No  Not Clear




Clinical Significance (6 pts.)

  1. *Are the findings rich and informative?  All     Some    No


  1. *Is the perspective provided potentially useful in providing insight, support, or guidance for assessing

patient status or progress?                                                                All     Some    No  


* = Important criteria

Compare and contrast at least two approaches to measuring poverty (e.g. below 60% median income, minimum income standard, material deprivation, material deprivation & low income, multidimensional poverty, persistent poverty etc.).

Compare and contrast at least two approaches to measuring poverty (e.g. below 60% median income, minimum income standard, material deprivation, material deprivation & low income, multidimensional poverty, persistent poverty etc.). Produce descriptive statistics to show how many and what kinds of people experience poverty using these measures from (the latest version of) at least one of the survey datasets we have been using in class (or any other survey dataset from
Background (500 words)

Short background literature review of concepts and measures of poverty. The bibliography is part of the marks for this section.
Methods (1,000 words)

A short outline of the survey you have used including: coverage; purpose; sample size and methodology.
A description of the poverty measures you are using, including their strengths and limitations. Provide summary information on the variable/s that make up your measure.
Results (1,000 words)

Produce appropriate descriptive statistics that might include, for example: mean, median, frequencies or proportions, crosstabulations, comparison of means etc. You will need to decide which measures are appropriate and useful to report.
Compare and contrast the findings from the two poverty measures; how do they differ?, why?, what is it about the measure of poverty that leads to different results? Explore this further with the data.

Use charts and/or tables to display your results where possible. Note that Tables/charts must be numbered. Only include those that you discuss/refer to. Including extraneous tables/charts is a sign of a poor assignment and will result in mark deduction. You may paste tables/charts directly from SPSS, or edit them (e.g. in Excel) before including them in your report: this editing choice is up to you.
All discussion should be written in full sentences, with any findings described as simply as possible. Neither charts nor tables count towards your total word length.
Conclusions (500 words)

Outline your most interesting findings. Discuss what, if anything, might you have done differently and how could you develop this analysis in the future. Discuss what your analysis brings to the existing literature on poverty.
Bibliography (it does not count towards the word limit)

You must include your SPSS syntax (it does not count towards the word limit).
I’ve included a past example paper of how it was structured and done for past dataset.
included dataset files you need.

Describe to what extent population health is being discussed in your current health care setting or organization.

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 500–700 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, using both personal example and scholarly literature to support your ideas.
Describe to what extent population health is being discussed in your current health care setting or organization.
Discuss how you currently apply concepts of population health in your daily work or practice.

What is the influence of the engagement procedure of stakeholders on the quality of disclosures of Dutch pension funds?

In analyzing the quality of discoveries by the Dutch pension funds by collecting data from annual reports of these pension funds, the following questions will be addressed to determine the quality of developments.

Research question;

How is engagement of stakeholders and the composition of the portfolio related to the the quality of disclosures of Dutch pension funds?


1;What is the influence of the engagement procedure of stakeholders on the quality of disclosures of Dutch pension funds?

2;What difference does it make in what manner stakeholders supervise the pension funds?

3;What is the relation of the composition of the portfolio and the quality of disclosures of Dutch pension funds?

4;How is ESG incorporated to compose a portfolio and how does this effect the quality of disclosures of Dutch pension funds?


1; The engagement procedure of stakeholders has a positive effect on the quality of the disclosures, the stakeholders are checking the pension funds on a regular basis.

2; If the engagement procedure is modelled in such a way that the supervision is strong or severe, this would also have a positive effect.

3; If the composition of the portfolio is complex, this would have a negative effect on the quality of disclosure.

4; When ESG is incorporated to compose a portfolio of pension funds, this would have a positive effect on the quality of disclosures, because more effort is put into the portfolio and thus more effort in making the disclosures.

Engagement is one of the most important strategies of institutional investors pinned at socially responsible investments (SRI). In socially responsible investment (SRI), commitment forms one of the core strategies of institutional investors. In examining the situation of Dutch pension funds, this reading responds to the following queries: what systems shape appointment with investees, and what factors determine the effectiveness of engagement? Engagement as a principle was used in the new Dutch pension funds; it was implemented by assets managers and service providers across the country.  Nonetheless, these performers are secluded from actors’ external the financial segment. The legality of the stockholder impacts the efficiency of engagement, while the figure for shares is less important. The connection among the engager and investee and the acceptance of the investee in the direction of the meeting are also of importance. Engagement can be prepared more operative when pension funds prioritize on precise subjects; aim corporations open to encounter, and also seek partnership with social and strategy performers.

According to Dimson, Karakaş, and Li, (2015), the engagement practices of the US-based asset managers have many questionable acts like which companies are engaged and whether these engagements are useful and how they address the investee and markets responds to engagement. This is in regard to how the Dutch are holding the total amount of assets of Dutch pension funds while it is rising; however, with significant concerns regarding if the majority of them can pay pensions when due. This is as a result that the necessary payments increase relatively faster in a percentage of 85% in the years 2010-2015 than the assets which held 70% in the years 2010-2015 (Kerkhof, 2017).

Numerous scholars have studied the connection between allowance plans and financial assessments of companies and pension funds. In precise, the impact of allowance plans on monetary estimates such as asset distribution, investment expenses, capital structure, and the possibility of mergers and achievements have remained studied beforehand.

Conferring to shareholder salience theory, three qualities govern the equal of the salience/importance of a shareholder: supremacy, legality, and urgency. Supremacy is the capability to govern capitals. Legitimacy is associated with the social approval of subjects and the technique that matters are elevated. Urgency discusses how urgent privileges of shareholders stay. It is clear, according to different studies that two significant knowledge bases can be pointed out. The first is the importance of general education on the communication of engagers employing investees.

Nevertheless, engagement is formed and matched by a system of actors creating engagement strategies, provided that data and executing the definite engagement strategies (Renneboog, Ter Horst, and Zhang, 2008). Additionally, the second aspect describes the current studies which insure figures and standpoints of institutional investors and asset managers in specific when reviewing the efficiency of engagement but not the perception of the investees that are engaged. In other words, understandings of the investees are significant issues in influential factors that impact the efficiency of engagement.

Research Model;

This research will focus on the historical model of data from diverse pension schemes. Annual reports that are published by various pension schemes can help in comprehending the quality and disclosure of the performance of pension in the Netherlands (Harms, 2018). The key aspects of being considered will include a better understanding of public pension schemes for retirees, pensions from the supplementary scheme, and those financed individuals. Since quality and disclosure rely on the guidelines provided by the reporting standard RJ 610 (Cam and Awan  2018); then it can be necessary to apply both quantitative and qualitative approaches based on the historical data that are being reported by all Dutch pension schemes.


The ultimate goal for examining the quality of disclosures by Dutch pension funds is to determine the essence of offering high-quality services through adherence to the disclosure as required by the national and international standards of pension funds. Focusing on the questions that can help in evaluating the efficiency of pension scheme systems as well as understanding how the interest of the shareholders as well as the entire stakeholders. This research aims to analyze whether the existing pension schemes are efficient in serving investees or not. Further work has been executed regarding the efficiency of the capital market in connection to the pension accounting information. Therefore, this research will focus on how the three pillars have evolved over the decades and discuss the outcome that has been obtained as a way of understanding the historical reporting, hence develop a solution to the current and future issues relating to quality and disclosure (Atuhaire, 2018). The matters to be examined in this study are mostly concerning Dutch pension systems. The study will also examine how the national and private institutions to design and implement changes to the pension accounting standards to raise interesting opportunities for future research on the pension scheme and exposure.

Dimson, E., Karakaş, O., and Li, X., 2015. Active ownership. The Review of Financial Studies28(12), pp.3225-3268.

Kerkhof, J.A., 2017. Determinants of the investment policy of Dutch pension funds (Master’s thesis, University of Twente).

Renneboog, L., Ter Horst, J., and Zhang, C., 2008. Socially responsible investments: Institutional aspects, performance, and investor behavior. Journal of banking & finance32(9), pp.1723-1742.

Cam, M.A., and Awan, O., 2018. Superannuation Fund Disclosure Past, Present, and Future.

Harms, D.M., 2018. The effect of institutional owners on the voluntary disclosure of Dutch listed firms (Master’s thesis, University of Twente).

Atuhaire, P.B., 2018. Discount rates impact on the actuarial valuation of Dutch pension funds: determining discount rates and sensitivity analysis on pension plans in the Netherlands (Doctoral dissertation, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão).

Wagemans, F.A., Van Koppen, C.S.A. and Mol, A.P., 2018. Engagement on ESG issues by Dutch pension funds: is it reaching its full potential?. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment8(4), pp.301-322.

This project must be completed by 12/24 because we don’t want to work on Christmas. How many days can we take off for Thanksgiving and still get the project competed on time?

You have been asked to take over the creation of a customer database for the Lynn Ice Hockey team. The previous team dropped the ball, so you must take over and fix the mistakes. To properly lay this out, you will split the project into four phases; System Design, Programming, Testing, Integration. To implement a measure of security, each team will have a code name; Able, Bake, Charlie, Delta. The parameters of the project are as follows:

The tasks, team, percentage of completion, and duration are all you need to input. The Start date has been calculated for you as the date of the project start. The end date is calculated for you as the task start date plus duration.

System Design      
Assign ID Numbers Able 50% 3
Gather Data Able 60% 2
Develop Structure Able 50% 4
Normalize Design Able 25% 5
Finalize Design Able   2
Partition Disk Space Baker 0% 1
Program Database Baker 0% 10
Secure Database Baker   3
Implement Structure Baker   5
Create Forms Baker   3
Input Test Data Charlie   5
Penetration Testing Charlie   1
Input Real Data Charlie   15
Verify Data Charlie   3
Secure Data Charlie   1
Integrate Database Delta   1
Integrate Data Structure Delta   2
Alpha Test Delta   3
Beta Test Delta   3
Train data entry specialists Delta   15



  1. What is the absolute earliest you can complete this project using the traditional waterfall technique? That is, each task must be completed before the next one can begin.
  2. What is the duration for each of the phases of the project?
  3. What is the total duration if we use the waterfall technique?
  4. Are there tasks that can be completed while others are in progress? If so, which ones?
  5. This project must be completed by 12/24 because we don’t want to work on Christmas. How many days can we take off for Thanksgiving and still get the project competed on time?

Describe what you learned about prosocial behavior from this exercise. Compare the actual application of the behavior relative to this topic material (hint: may want to integrate text info here!).

Topic 8 – Altruism and Cooperation

Prosocial Behavior

This assignment contains two parts. You may type directly into this worksheet.

Part I: Random Acts of Kindness Foundation Website

Visit the website of The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, an organization dedicated to altruistic pursuits.  Review the information, literature, and downloadable documents, then in 100-250 words answer the following two questions.

  1. What is the purpose of this website/movement?
  2. What story or stories influenced you the most and why?

Part II: My Prosocial Day

Design your own assignment in which you implement five acts of kindness (prosocial behavior) or an entire DAY of compassion and kindness. Use your discretion, common sense, and modesty at all times. Do not put yourself in an environment of potential danger or harm.

Answer the following questions, one paragraph per question (100 words minimum) will suffice

  1. Describe your implementation of kindness: what did you do, how did you approach the idea, where did you implement it and to whom?
  2. Describe the reactions you perceived from others and yourself.
  3. Describe what you learned about prosocial behavior from this exercise. Compare the actual application of the behavior relative to this topic material (hint: may want to integrate text info here!).
  4. If you are a faith-based person, explain how your faith helped you implement your helping behavior. If you are not a faith-based person, explain what philosophy, belief system, or values you connected to helping behavior. Cite a source to support your answers (from the GCU library, the Bible, or textbook).

Please integrate at least one outside source into this worksheet.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.



Identify 3 or 4 main experiences/influences which have shaped your literacy learning (use at least 4 supporting references to help strengthen your argument).


Create a podcast describing personal literacy language journey


It is important that you identify what it is has led you to this very moment.  What literacy experiences have you had which have helped to build (or perhaps hinder) your own journey of learning?  You do not have to record your podcast, only a script is required to be submitted in the Dropbox.  Follow the steps below:


  1. Brainstorm the literacy experiences you have had in your journey.  This would include influential people who have helped you learn (such as teachers/peers/parents) and times when you had an ‘aha’ moment.  Where these experiences positive or negative and how have these impacted your attitude towards literacy and learning?
  2. Make yourself familiar with the assessment rubric. Refer back to these criteria during this process.
  3. Begin sketching out a plan for your podcast.  This can take many forms.  See the example below for ideas:
    1. Introduction to your literacy learning background (contextualise your situation for the listener).
    2. Identify 3 or 4 main experiences/influences which have shaped your literacy learning (use at least 4 supporting references to help strengthen your argument).
    3. Final thoughts on how this has impacted you and lessons you have taken from the experience.
  4. Research some theories on literacy learning to help support your ideas.  You should have a minimum of 4 references in your podcast.
  5. Put together your ideas – write your script.