
Analyze how their religious views shape their literary works, their styles, and their interpretation of historical and political events.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you analyze the role of religion in colonial American literature.
Discuss the role of religion in the works of at least three colonial authors. Analyze how their religious views shape their literary works, their styles, and their interpretation of historical and political events.
Format your paper consistent with MLA guidelines (Note: Students who are not enrolled in the BA in English program may use APA formatting).

Identify all sources of literature searched e.g. electronic databases, specialist trial registers, hand searching, checking reference lists.

Your work should have a title that reflects the content of your dissertation accurately

What risk factors are associated with polypharmacy and inpatient falls over the age of 65 years old?

Add Table of Contents to this page

Add Abstract to this page

  • This is a clear summary of the dissertation including the background, rationale, process, outcomes, and implications for practice.
  • The abstract is best written after you have finished the project. It should consist of approximately 250 words.
  • It is not included in the word allowance. It will not form part of the mark awarded.

Chapter 1 – 600 words

Define an issue or problem in practice to explore and provide a background rationale 10%                             

  • Give a clear rationale for the dissertation topic
  • Include links to nursing practice and the use of key documents/literature (e.g. government documents, professional standards) to support the rationale

Chapter 2 – 1200 words

Format a searchable evidence based practice question, show evidence of their structured search of literature, show judgement in the choice of literature to review using critical appraisal skills – 20%

  • Identify a question that you can answer from the literature – Use PICO
  • Format the question into searchable terms – Add search terms as a table – save your words
  • Format a search strategy.
  • Identify all sources of literature searched e.g. electronic databases, specialist trial registers, hand searching, checking reference lists.
  • Provide a clear description of the criteria being utilised for inclusion and exclusion of papers – easier to make an inclusion and exclusion table – save your words.
  • Identify an appropriate checklist used to assess the quality of each paper to be included in the dissertation (you can add 1 example of using the CASP tool in the appendix for your research papers/studies used).

Demonstrate your ability to critically appraise the methodology of the research evidence present.

Chapter 3  – 2400 words

– literature synthesis to establish the key findings from your literature review.

Present evidence and Highlight the findings – 40%

  • Your literature review should have a logical, coherent flow in which the key themes from your chosen papers are clearly articulated.
  • There should be evidence of the ability to critically evaluate the literature and make use of this evaluation to develop sound logical arguments using the literature presented.

Chapter 4 – 1800 words

recommendations for nursing practice and/or future research.

Conclusion of your work

Discuss future implications for evidence based nursing practice – 30%

  • Utilizing the key themes identified in Chapter 3 as a framework discuss recommendations or implications for nursing practice, education and future research.
  • Provide an effective summary of your work.

How does technology effect ethics? What are the social, economic, political, and global attributes of your topic?


Be sure to answer the following questions and topics in your paper in regard to your topic of choice.

1) How does technology effect ethics?

2) What are the social, economic, political, and global attributes of your topic?

3) What are the positive and negative impacts of the topic?  (Be sure to relate this answer to the four areas in #1).

4) Research the related laws, issues and controversies surrounding your topic.

5) Discuss the future of computer ethics regarding your topic.

**In the paper please also discuss AI of smart cars and how that is going to effect laws and who should be responsibility and things down that line. Also, please discuss employment and how AI is affecting that. Once we get to a point of AI, should those robots have rights like humans. How we can keep the AI safe from vulnerabilities and how we can prevent AI from making dumb mistakes**

Have they disconnected themselves from their authentic self, nature, or environment? If so, in what way? In what ways can your population of choice re-establish that connection?

Assignment: Resilience Reflection
Please complete the following steps:
1) Think of ways in which you observed resilience in patients in your current or past place of work, OR your chosen population or your community organization/partner. What keeps them motivated and engaged in their life, work, family, and possibly their own community? What factors and behaviours are essential forthem to become more ”connected” to the environmentand your communityin order to move toward sustaining their health and/or functioning?
2) Have they disconnected themselves from their authentic self, nature, or environment? If so, in what way? In what ways can your population of choice re-establish that connection?
3)What does “quality of life” really mean to your group/population of choice? Would a sustainable lifestyle affect their quality of life? How so? What do your population of choice have in their life that they could give up, without jeopardizing their quality of life?
4) What, in your opinion, is the biggest obstacle in the way of a move toward sustainability (this could be physical, social, spiritual, or intellectual functioning) for your population of choice? And how may those individuals overcome that obstacle?

– Assignment must address questions and must not exceed 1000 words.
– Assignment is to be typed, double-spaced and should not exceed the page limit set.
– The submission should have a title page that includes your registered name, student number, course name and number, assignment name, and due date.
– The assignments are expected to be in APA format and may include a reference list if applicable.

In the Texaco case the arbitrator considers UN resolutions. Which resolution does he believe to be evidence of custom? Why does he find that the other two UN resolutions are not evidence of custom?

Part 1: North Sea Questions
(3) What was the legal issue in the North Sea case and how do we know?
(3) There is a reservation clause in the Geneva Convention on the Continental Shelf that we looked at.
Why do you think— (what did the I.C.J. say concerning why) — there was a possibility for a nation to
reserve against articles 4 to 11 but not against 1 to 3?
(4) Find a paragraph in the North Sea judgment that deals with the requirement of all nations to both
sign and ratify treaties in order to become parties. What argument of Holland and Denmark did the
I.C.J. reject?
(5) In the North Sea Case, Holland and Demark raise the issue of subsequent crystallization of the
equidistance principle. What does subsequent crystallization mean? What paragraphs of the judgment
consider this issue? Why could the many examples of division of the North Sea continental shelf
according to the equidistant principle provided by Holland and Denmark not be counted as state
practice by the court?
Part 2: Texaco Questions
(4) In the Texaco case, what was the choice of law? Compare this to the choice of forum clause in the
Bremen case. To what extent might the choice of forum in Bremen really be related to choice of law?
(5) In the Texaco case the arbitrator considers UN resolutions. Which resolution does he believe to be
evidence of custom? Why does he find that the other two UN resolutions are not evidence of custom?
Do we get a general rule from him concerning when we can use UN Resolutions as evidence of either
opinion juris or state practice?
(3) What was Libya’s argument in this case? Why did it believe it had the right under international law to
seize its resources back?
Part 3: The Relationship between municipal and international law.
(3) In the Mortensen case – what is the argument of the defendant? Why should the ship not be subject
to British law?
In Mortensen there is the use of the word, ultra vires, in the judgment. In what
context does this come up?
(5) What was the customary rule of international law enunciated in the Paquette Habana case? What
was the proof (pick 3 pieces or examples) for the existence of this custom? What will the owners of the
ships receive from the court?
(5) How did Cook win before the Supreme Court? After all, the ship was seized within 12 miles
according to the provisions of the Tariff Act of 1922. The ship had liquor on board that was not listed
properly in the manifest.
Part 4: General Questions
(3) What is the difference between a sanction and a reprisal? Provide an example of each from the
textbook or newspapers.
(4) Provide two or three examples of why a scholar might label international law to be a “primitive”
legal system? What are its gaps or weaknesses?

Identify and discuss which social factors influenced American women writers between 1865 and 1912.

After the Civil War, and continuing through the beginning of the 20th century, many female authors emerged in American literature. Some writers, such as Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Kate Chopin, articulated explicitly feminist points of view. Others, such as Louisa May Alcott, were less obvious in their intentions with revolutionary pursuits but still brought new perspectives into American literature.

Consider the following questions as you prepare for your assignment:
What were these new perspectives?
How did they differ from male authors of the time?
What did it mean to be a woman and an American author during this time period?

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you do the following:
Identify and discuss which social factors influenced American women writers between 1865 and 1912.
Describe the specific roles these female authors played in this period.
Explain how the perspectives of these female authors differed from those of their male contemporaries.
Illustrate your points using works from major women writers of the period.
Provide some examples of male perspectives for purposes of comparison. You may do so by including evidence from contemporary literary works by male authors.

Note: No outside sources other than the assigned readings are required. However, research is permitted.

Format your paper and all sources according to MLA or APA guidelines.

Classify the differences between the UAE anti money laundering regime and the UK and US anti money laundering regime.

The FATF is the key global body that facilitates the growth of Anti-Money Laundering regulations. It released some important standards a decade ago, namely:

  1. Specifying a list of crimes that must underpin the money laundering offence;
  2. The expansion of the customer due diligence process for financial institutions;
  3. Enhanced measures for higher risk customers and transactions, including correspondent banking and politically exposed persons;
  4. The extension of anti-money laundering measures to designated non-financial businesses and professions (casinos; real estate agents; dealers of precious metals/stones; accountants; lawyers, notaries and independent legal professions; trust and company service providers);
  5. The inclusion of key institutional measures, notably regarding international co-operation;
  6. The improvement of transparency requirements through adequate and timely information on the beneficial ownership of legal persons such as companies, or arrangements such as trusts;
  7. The extension of many anti-money laundering requirements to cover terrorist financing; and the prohibition of shell banks.
  8. Write a short and evaluative note on whether these are important and whether the UAE laws are in compliance with these standards.


  1. Your submission must be thorough; meaning, the submission reflects your understanding of the concept of comparative legal study and anti-money laundering initiatives – to be critically analyzed.
  2. Word limit is up to a minimum of 4000 words. However, the word limit is excluding the references, bibliography and title/cover pages.
  3. Use the research, referencing and writing conventions on research methodology (OSCOLA).
  4. The submission should have an introduction, main body and conclusion. Have a suitable title and sub-titles (if you feel necessary). All the aspects posed must be addressed in the essay, not as separate answers, but as a comprehensive whole.
  5. Include a cover-sheet while submitting the assignment.
  6. Ensure that your essay achieves the Course Learning Outcomes included in the table below.

Additional sources: You are required to use additional & suitable sources, cases and examples to support the arguments or reasoning that you adduce.

CLO # CLO Description
CLO 1 Outline the concept of money laundering


CLO 2 Evaluate and assess national, regional and international money laundering regimes


CLO 3 Classify the differences between the UAE anti money laundering regime and the UK and US anti money laundering regime


Discuss the meaning and importance of the results, showing how they relate to the research question. show how people have evolved through time using all the theories review and has this changed the cultural narrative in France today?

How were the people of the French colonies maltreated for entertainment purposes from the 19th to 20th century, and how has this memory continued to influence the cultural narrative of France today?


Background to Research Question

This project presents an investigation into the dark side of human nature illustrated by examples from French history.  The research looks at the differences that exist in regard to human categorization through racial groups and specifically at how the French exploited people that were thought to be exotic and used them as entertainment. I plan to use case studies that highlight historical moments from the 19h to 20th century proving this derogatory treatment of native colonials.  I will then make inferences from this research to how it has shaped the cultural narrative specifically in the entertainment in France today using relevant theories.

Introduction (800 words)

  • Intro to the essay question
  • Brief history of French colonialism and Civilizing mission (Edward b Taylor 1871)
  • Explain freak shows/ human entertainment (how the French bought back to France black people for entertainment purposes because they could not civilise them)
  • What is meant by cultural narrative?
  • Why is it relevant to remember these historical events today? There is clearly a discrimination issue in France. In a climate of increasing polarization and increasing use of ‘otherness’ it is perhaps time to remember where this came from.

Literature Review (2000 words)

  • Give a historical overview of cases where France used black people for entertainment. Such as the Colonial expositions in Paris/ human Zoos- Jardin d’Acclimatation
  • How France crafted and imposed an identity of “otherness” “beauty” and “superiority” (Edward Said)
  • Explain and relate “The invention of the savage” and “exoticism” relating it to France
  • Introduce the value system that seem to be in play at certain point of history

          Introduce Schwartz value types (the values people had at the time and how people values have now changed (Power and distance)) to analyse contemporary attitudes.

Also include stereotypes theory

Edward Taylor 1871 (savagery, through barbarism to civilization.)

Methodology (2200 words) 2 arguments.

Argument against:

  • it does not influence French cultural narrative (1 or 2 facts, articles, essays, apologies.

Argument for:

  • It does continue to shape the cultural narrative of France today?

Discussion (1000 words)

  • Discuss the meaning and importance of the results, showing how they relate to the research question. show how people have evolved through time using all the theories review and has this changed the cultural narrative in France today?
  • Conclusion (600 words)
  • Reach a conclusion that shows the precise conditions that lead to the maltreatment of human zoos and how that has affected their treatment in the entertainment industry.

Theories to Use:

  • Edward Said ORIENTALISM
  • Edward Said OTHERING
  • Schwartz value types
  • Exoticism
  • Also include stereotypes
  • bias theories
  • Edward b Taylor 1871 ( Taylor maintained that all societies passed through three basic stages of development: from savagery, through barbarism to civilization)

Case studies to use:

  • Montaigne’s essay “Des Cannibales”
  • ‘the invention of the savage’
  • Musée d’Orsay exhibited Hottentot Venus
  • “exhibit B” Play on human zoos


Abbattista, G., 2014. Humans on Display: Reflecting on National Identity and the Enduring Practice of Living Human Exhibitions. Trieste: EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste.

Abbattista, G., 2015. Beyond the human zoos: exoticism, ethnic exhibitions and the power of the gaze.. [Online]
Available at:

De Montaigne, M., Fassin , D. & de Pernon, G., 2013. Des cannibales. Paris: Universitaires de France.

Dervin, F., 2016. Discourses of Othering. In: Interculturality in Education. 1-9 ed. London : Palgrave Pivot.

Forsdick, C., 2003. Revisiting exoticism : from colonialism to postcolonialism. London: Arnold.

Holmes , R., 2016. The Hottentot Venus: The life and death of Saartjie Baartman: born 1789- buried 2002.. London : Bloomsbury Publishing.

Imbruglia, G., 2014. The Invention of Savage Society: Amerindian Religion and Society in Acosta’s Anthropological Theology. s.l.:s.n.

Pascal, B., Thuram, L. & Snoep, N. J., 2011. Exhibitions: l’invention du sauvage. Paris: Coédition Musée du quai Branly.

Sánchez-Gómez, L. A., 2013. Human Zoos or Ethnic Shows? Essence and contingency in Living Ethnological Exhibitons. Madrid : Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Universidad Complutens.

Said , E. W., 1979.. Orientalism. United States: Pantheon Books.

I need to find what I consider to be expressing’s of a racist narrative, especially to the cultural narrative that subordinate people of colour. In terms of the entertainment industry, I could argue that they still get the kind of roles where they are laughed at or get the roles that are subject and not the agent, they’re not directors or casting directors. Very much in front of the camera not behind it, they lack power and they’re still being mocked.

Focus more on how black people are still maltreated in the entertainment industry.

What conditions lead to advent of human zoos?

  • This idea of civilising cultures
  • The idea of othering by Said
  • France has this idea of Égalité, Liberaté et Egalite, which is a huge pervasive attitude within French culture. It’s very contradictory and the reason for that was because at this point of time black people were considered inhuman. As animals. And there was also science that back it up, where they said Black people’s skulls resembled more one of a monkey than a human. This might be interesting to mention in “what conditions lead to human zoos’” as Black people were basically diagnosed as animals
  • There was a value system at play by Schwartz.

This are the conditions that lead to this happening today.

Possible other Tittles.

In what ways did the freak shows and human zoos of the 19th and 20th century impose French colonial rule.

What conditions lead to the advent of human zoos in the 19th and 20th century and does their memory continue to shape the cultural narrative of France today?

In the lite review explain how they did it. By othering people, they did it in this way by exoticizing people, and contrast it to how it’s still being done today. And what are the effects to the current modern day?

What conditions lead to advent of human zoos?

  • This idea of civilising cultures
  • The idea of othering by Said
  • France has this idea of Égalité, Liberaté et Egalite, which is a huge pervasive attitude within French culture. It’s very contradictory and the reason for that was because at this point of time black people were considered inhuman. As animals. And there was also science that back it up, where they said Black people’s skulls resembled more one of a monkey than a human. This might be interesting to mention in “what conditions lead to human zoos’” as Black people were basically diagnosed as animals
  • There was a value system at play by Schwartz

make reference to these two study cases when arguing that it DOES CONTINUE TO SHAPE THE CULTURAL NARRATIVE:

  • Montaigne’s essay “Des Cannibales” – (Otherness)
  • Human zoos- discuss making reference to the ‘the invention of the savage’ and ‘orientalism’

while it could be argued that because a prolonged system of oppression, of which the human Zoo is an example, the lived realities of Africans in France today continues to be symptomatic of oppression, however, this essay will just focus in the entertainment industry and  as how give a conclusion of how the people of the French colonies were maltreated for entertainment purposes from the 19th to 20th century, and how has this memory continued to influence the cultural narrative of France today.

Discuss the impact of changing technologies and social media on the distribution of tourism products and the role of the customer in the delivery of tourism services.

  • Discuss the impact of changing technologies and social media on the distribution of tourism products and the role of the customer in the delivery of tourism services.
  • Your essay must be theoretically informed and we would expect extensive use of academic literature within the essay. This literature should provide the foreground of the essay and be the basis for subsequent analysis.
  • Non-academic references (reports/websites) are permitted but these must be properly cited and referenced and be used primarily to illustrate issues derived from your review of academic literature.
  • Your word limit[1] for this assignment is 3,000 words. At least fifteen journal articles should be cited.

[1] The word limit does not include tables/figures/appendices/references

What do you see as the most significant or important issue or aspect of these social relations for women today, or our world as we understand it moving forward? Why? What do you see as the principal causal factor, or factors?  How or why? Do you see a way forward?

What do you see as the most significant or important issue or aspect of these social relations for women today, or our world as we understand it moving forward? Why? What do you see as the principal causal factor, or factors?  How or why? Do you see a way forward?

  • Feminism looks very different within other societies. This needs to be accepted my mainstream western feminist that (most of the time unknowingly) push their own views and narrative and setting back other feminist movements
  • Transnational Feminism
  • Yes to Intersectionality…BUT how should it be applied to help non-westren feminist movements?


Kantola, J. (2010 [2006]) Gender and the State: Theories & Debates. Krook & Childs, 299-304.

  1. 312

Baldez, L. (2010 [2003]) Women’s Movements and Democratic Transition in Chile, Brazil, East German, and Poland. Krook & Childs, 37-45.


  • By comparing Chile, Brazil, East Germany, and Poland, Baldez offers a perspective on the nexus between women‟s movements and democratization. The author argues that women have tended to disregard individual differences within a movement in favor of unity based on their gender identity. Though general in theory, Baldez delves deeper into the argument by detailing each case study, which is helpful in defending the original thesis. The article is effective at providing a larger world-view of women and democratization without diminishing the experience in the individual country. Unfortunately, the argument is proven right only temporarily, as Baldez finds. An honest analysis reveals that while gender can unify initially, most women‟s movements separate into disparate groups based on conflicting interests.
  • Baldez contends that the success of women’s mobilization in East Germany, Brazil, and Chile led to better outcomes for women in comparison to Poland, where women were less successful.

Mohanty, C. (2013) Transnational Feminist Crossings: On Neoliberalism and Radical Critique. Signs 38(4) Intersectionality Theorizing Power, Empowering Theory, 967-991

Chandra Mohanty addresses the central question of how the neoliberalization of the academy affects feminist scholarship (2013). What is unique about Mohanty’s intervention is that she highlights the role of postmodern scholarship and the ways in which it distracts from structural forms of oppression. Mohanty sets out to address the dismissal of systemic analysis on the grounds that it cannot address internal conflicts within systems, and argues that “this particular postmodernist position converges with the proliferation of depoliticized multiplicities that is a hallmark of neoliberal intellectual landscapes,” (Ibid, 968). Postmodern scholarship has long been averse to grand narratives or a focus on structural analyses of power, seeing them as essentialist and reductionist. Mohanty writes of “the familiar postmodernist argument where ‘differences

within’ always trump critical analyses of dominant discourses, leading to a refusal to identify the existence of a hegemonic feminism that has systematic effects on marginalized communities,” (983). However, as Mohanty points out, by neglecting the structural or the universal, it becomes difficult to address questions of imperialism, national liberation, and capitalism. It has become commonplace to hear calls to not generalize, essentialize, or create binaries between East and West (for example). These calls perform a call to complexity and to abandon over-simplification. However, this has the parallel effect of emphasizing “internal differences” over hegemonic structures.

It is useful to bring together the critiques made by Mohanty about feminist studies in general with the critiques made by Bilge, Carbin, and Edenheim about intersectionality, in particular. All of these pieces focus on neoliberalism as a key factor in explaining the de-radicalizing of feminist scholarship. What is notable about Mohanty’s piece is that it brings in postmodernism as another part of the story: postmodernism, as an approach tied to the neoliberalization of the academy, is also responsible for this de-radicalizing, because it has taken attention (and validity) away from more structural understandings of oppression. This raises the question of how postmodernism and its increasing popularity have affected intersectionality, and vice versa.

The context of the academy has been central to diluting intersectionality. As Mohanty writes, postmodern skepticism of intersectionality “converts what originated as a compelling theory of the interwoven structures and inequities of power to an inert theory of identity that emphasizes difference over commonality, coalition, and contestation,” (2013, 974). This conversion is key, as it means we are back to identity politics minus power relations.

Karen Beckwith (2010) Beyond Compare? Women’s Movements in Comparative Perspective Krook & Childs, 29-36.


Strolovitch, D.Z (2010 [2006]) Do Interest Groups Represent the Disadvantaged? Advocacy at the Intersections of Race, Class, and Gender. Krook & Childs, 55-62.


– Strolovitch (2006) focusses on sub-groups within organizations advocating on behalf of the disadvantaged, she further problematizes this, when she finds that in cases where disadvantaged have organized a voice such as in the National Organization for Women, these mainly focus on issues of concern to relatively privileged constituents of the group.

–  Strolovitch highlights that interest groups often prioritize the interests of their most advantaged members, such as male rather than female racial minorities, or affluent rather than poor women.

– interest groups might still favour stronger members over weaker or deprived members in setting organizational goals.

– argued that the value of intersectionality is that it allows for one to study the least advantaged within uniaxial approaches. Research and advocacy tends to focus on members of the group that are by their nature better advantaged than other members of the group; women’s groups tend to focus on issues that impact white women more than they impact black women.

Chappell, L. (2010 [2000]) Interacting with the State: Feminist Strategies and Political Opportunities. Krook & Childs, 313-318.


Dahlerup, D. & Freidenvall, L. (2010 [2005]) Quotas as a “Fast Track” _to Equal Representation for women: Why Scandinavia is no Longer the Model. Krook & Childs, 175-184.
