
Communicate a detailed account of one area of contemporary forensic or police investigation addressing scientific, forensic and legal issues.

This is the link of the course i would like to apply.

What UCL would like to know:

  • Why you want to study Project and Enterprise Management at graduate level
i am interested in project management since my internship in Sanomics. Please kindly refer to my CV.
  • Why you want to study Project and Enterprise Management at UCL
the opportunity this course will provide, Will know more people from the industry, wide range of career option because the course provide many optional modules of different area. the following modules are those i particularly interested:
  • The Management of Large Projects and Programmes.
  • The Management of Innovation.
  • Marketing and Project Business Development.
  • Managing Change in Organisations.
  • what particularly attracts you to the chosen programme.
  • How your academic and professional background meets the demands of this challenging programme,
refer to the next part – learning outcome. Also my job in a startup company – sanomics.
  • Where you would like to go professionally with your degree.
  • Professional consultants.
  • Client enterprises with significant project portfolios such as pharmaceutical, biotech
(these are just examples, I don’t really have a clear vision what I want to do after graduate. Please help me enrich this part like i know what i would to do in the future.

The following part are learning outcome of my current degree:

Module name: Analysis of controlled substance.

Learning Outcomes;

Employ personal, time management, study and team-working skills and analytical and problem-solving skills, and communicate through a casework rep

Module name: Professional Development forensic enquiry and case study.

1. Evaluate current research and advanced scholarship in the discipline, in particular, a systemic understanding of knowledge, and a critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, within contemporary forensic or police investigation.

2. Communicate a detailed account of one area of contemporary forensic or police investigation addressing scientific, forensic and legal issues.

3. Deal with complex issues (both systematically and creatively), make sound judgements in the absence of complete data, and communicate clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences.

4. Demonstrate self-direction in tackling and solving problems, and act autonomously in planning and implementing research.

Module name: Interpretation and Presentation of Forensic Evidence for Forensic Science

Learning Outcomes.

1. Describe differences between statistical (Bayesian and classical) and non-statistical forensic evidence for a variety of common forensic evidence types.

2. Write comprehensive, comprehensible, rational and impartial reports.

3. Use communication skills in presenting and defending expert testimony under challenging conditions whilst giving Evidence-in-Chief and in Cross-Examination.


Identify potential new opportunities for commercial exploitation, emerging from new trends in strategy and innovation.

Method of Submission:
Any submitted after 16:00 on the deadline date will be subject to the standard University late penalties (see below), unless an extension has been granted, in writing by the Senior Tutor, in advance of the deadline.

This assessment relates to the following module learning outcomes:
A. Knowledge and Understanding
A1. A selection of the latest developments and emerging trends in strategy;
A2. A selection of the latest developments and emerging trends in innovation management.
B. Subject Specific Intellectual and Research Skills
B1. Understand and apply appropriate theoretical concepts, models, tools and techniques of strategy and innovation management;
B2. Evaluate alternative approaches to strategy and innovation management;
B3. Identify potential new opportunities for commercial exploitation, emerging from new trends in strategy and innovation;
B4. Understand the latest trends in strategy and innovation management;
B5. Evaluate the intellectual value and practical relevance of the latest trends in strategy and innovation management;
B6. Apply insights from the latest research on strategy and innovation management to specific management situations;
B7. Appreciate the nature, format and limitations of latest research in strategy and innovation management.
C. Transferable and Generic Skills
C1. Recognize that in many situations there is a range of alternatives which should be evaluated;
C2. Self-manage the development of learning and study skills;
C3. Apply the research skills to synthesise, analyse, interpret and critically evaluate information from a range of sources.

Coursework Brief:
The coursework will be carried out on an individual basis.
You are asked to write an individual research report (3000 words max) on a topic of your choice. The starting point of the report should be based on a newspaper or specialized magazine article (e.g. Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, Wired, The Economist, Forbes, Harvard Business Review and the like) that addresses a new trend in strategy and innovation management. The article may report a new study or may discuss issues of interest in or around the topics of interest.
A definition of ‘Current Trend’ as used in this brief is: keyword (or theme) related to Business Strategy and/ or Innovation, which returns at least 1,000 hits from a title-only search (of the keyword) in Google (not necessarily Scholar), for articles written within the past 24 months. To check your keyword, you may follow the steps set out at the end of this section.
Your task is to research the topic more fully, and to write a report that contains a valid argument relating to the new trend. Your report must review the selected article in the light of current trends in strategy and innovation management you know, or captured in this module. Take a clear stance regarding the argument
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of the article. You may agree or disagree, establishing your position with theories and academic references. For example you may decide to disagree with the interpretation of a study presented in a newspaper (e.g. it may state that holacracy is detrimental to innovation, but you disagree. You may also agree, thus arguing further than the article did, you must support your argument with evidence).
It is important for the report to have a scientific structure. Your report must have a main thesis (a central argument it pursues (which you can summarize in one sentence)) and you should be able to defend it appropriately. You would do that by supporting your thesis building up valid arguments that add up, supporting each with evidence or information you have been able to collect while researching for your report.
You must start with the original study that the article refers to, indicate where it is located, then review and critically evaluate it. You must then state your position/ arguments in relation to it. You will then use the rest of your report to establish your position/ argument, supporting your argument with data/ evidence from other studies on the topic.
You may agree with what the article says, if you do you must build it further, using theories and further evidence from research studies to support why this may be true and then establish your new (enhanced) position on the subject. You may also oppose the article, and again you must use theories and further evidence from research studies to support why your position is valid.
You have a great deal of freedom in how you prepare the report and in what you write about, but there must be an obvious structure and ‘story line’. The report will have to include among other references, a minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles (3* and 4* in the ABS ranking which will be made available on Blackboard). It is also important that these five are validly used to support clear arguments (rather than being merely mentioned).
To check if your area of research qualifies as a ‘current trend’, you may follow the following steps:
1. In Google search bar, type “allintitle: (your title).
(Eg. allintitle: sustainable city).
2. Hit enter.
3. Click on ‘tools’, pull-down on ‘Anytime’ and select custom range.
4. In the ‘from’ date range enter a date that is 24 months from your date of search, leave ‘to’ date range blank.
5. Select ‘go’ or hit ‘enter’ (to search)
6. Click on tools again
This should display the number of hits. Hits of 1,000 and above qualifies.
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Nature of Assessment: This is a SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT. See ‘Weighting’ section above for the percentage that this assignment counts towards your final module mark.
Word Limit: +/-10% either side of the word count (see above) is deemed to be acceptable. Any text that exceeds an additional 10% will not attract any marks. The relevant word count includes items such as cover page, executive summary, title page, table of contents, tables, figures, in-text citations and section headings, if used. The relevant word count excludes your list of references and any appendices at the end of your coursework submission.
You should always include the word count (from Microsoft Word, not Turnitin), at the end of your coursework submission, before your list of references.
Title/Cover Page: You must include a title/ cover page that includes: your Student ID, Module Code, Assignment Title, Word Count. This assignment will be marked anonymously, please ensure that your name does not appear on any part of your assignment.
References: You should use the Harvard style to reference your assignment. The library provide guidance on how to reference in the Harvard style and this is available from:
Submission Deadline:
Submission deadline for Southampton Business School is for ALL assessments.
Turnitin Submission: The assignment MUST be submitted electronically via Turnitin, which is accessed via the individual module on Blackboard. Further guidance on submitting assignments is available on the Blackboard support pages.
It is important that you allow enough time prior to the submission deadline to ensure your submission is processed on time as all late submissions are subject to a late penalty. We would recommend you allow 30 minutes to upload your work and check the submission has been processed and is correct. Please make sure you submit to the correct assignment link.
You will know that your submission has completed successfully when you see a message stating ‘Congratulations – your submission is complete…’. It is vital that you make a note of your Submission ID (Digital Receipt Number). This is a unique receipt number for your submission, and is proof of successful submission. You may be required to provide this number at a later date. We recommend that you take a screenshot of this page, or note the number down on a piece of paper. You should also receive an email receipt containing this number, and the number can be found after submitting by following this guide. This method of checking your submission is particularly useful in the event that you don’t receive an email receipt.
You are allowed to test submit your assignment via Turnitin before the due date. You can use Turnitin to check your assignment for plagiarism before you submit your final version. See “Viewing Your Originality Report” for guidance. Please see the Module Leader/lecturer on your module if you would like advice on the Turnitin Originality report.
The last submission prior to the deadline will be treated as the final submission and will be the copy that is assessed by the marker.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the version received by the deadline is the final version, resubmissions after the
deadline will not be accepted in any circumstances.
Late Penalties:
Further information on penalties for work submitted after the deadline can be found here.
Special Considerations:
If you believe that illness or other circumstances have adversely affected your academic
performance, information regarding the regulations governing Special Considerations can be accessed via the Calendar:
SEMESTER 2 2019/20
Extension Requests: : Extension requests along with supporting evidence should be submitted to the Student Office as soon as possible before the submission date. Information regarding the regulations governing extension requests can be accessed via the Calendar:
Academic Integrity Policy: Please note that you can access Academic Integrity Guidance for Students via the Quality Handbook: Please note any suspected cases of Academic Integrity will be notified to the Academic Integrity Officer for investigation.
Feedback: Southampton Business School is committed to providing feedback within 4 weeks (University working days). Once the marks are released and you have received your feedback, you can meet with your Module Leader / Module Lecturer / Personal Academic Tutor to discuss the feedback within 4 weeks from the release of marks date. Any additional arrangements for feedback are listed in the Module Profile.
Student Support: Study skills and language support for Southampton Business School students is available at:

Why do you think the viral ad/campaign was so successful? What was it’s appeal?

In 1999, The Blair Witch Project marketing campaign used a website designed to convince people that the horror/mystery scenario of the movie was an actual missing person’s case. Myrick and Sanchez also visited online message boards to spread rumors about the mystery. The campaign was so successful that many people still believed the movie depicted actual events by the time it was released in theaters. On a budget of less than $1 million, The Blair Witch Project grossed nearly $250 million. The buzz stemming from the innovative, Internet-based marketing campaign turned what could have been just another horror movie into a national phenomenon. See site: Now twenty years later, some call it the best viral marketing campaign of all times.

Blair Witch Best Viral Marketing Campaign of All Times

For this blog post, please provide a link to a commercial or a marketing campaign that has gone viral. It can be funny, moving, inspiring, or all of the above.

In your post, answer the following questions:
Why do you think the viral ad/campaign was so successful? What was it’s appeal?
What are some of the benefits of viral advertising?
Why do you think viral advertising is effective?

What is the primary-most important-conflict that emerges throughout the text and how does the conflict function in the story? How is conflict being used?

What is the primary-most important-conflict that emerges throughout the text and how does the conflict function in the story? How is conflict being used?

Describe an historical (1984-2015) WMD/CBRN attack (e.g., biological or chemical incidences that have occurred in the past 30 years.

Describe an historical (1984-2015) WMD/CBRN attack (e.g., biological or chemical incidences that have occurred in the past 30 years.
Explain a remediation strategy if your selected event had occurred/did occur in the U.S. Include in your response cost, time, risk communication, public perception.

Assignment Expectations;
Support your key points with specific examples, quotations, and data from government sources, peer-reviewed academic references, and subject matter experts. Your paper will not be longer than 5 pages (excluding cover sheet and reference page).

Assist the CEO in scheduling business meeting, conference call and corporate presentation Xcelom Limited.

2016 – Present The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology § Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology (Anticipated Graduation: June 2020)

Business Development Assistant
Sanomics is a pioneering genomics technology company based in Hong Kong. Using a new generation of proprietary technologies, Sanomics offers blood-based genomics testing for cancer patients. It is backed by US$10 million in funding from investors including Chow Tai Fook Enterprises and Shenzhen-listed non-invasive DNA prenatal testing firm Berry Genomics Co.
§ Set up Sanomics Thailand branches
§ Performed as a major role in the cooperation with KPMG(Thailand) and CBRE(Thailand) to
facilitate the operation of Thailand branches
§ Assist in preparing corporate and geographical development materials (e.g. IPO pitch PowerPoint,
videos and posts on social media)
§ Assist the CEO in scheduling business meeting, conference call and corporate presentation Xcelom Limited.
Feb2018 – May2018
Sales and Marketing Intern
Xcelom has been exclusive licensed by CUHK to provide an Non-Invasive Prenatal
Technology (NIPT) service called “safeT21express”.
§ Assist in preparing marketing materials (e.g. product brochure, presentation PowerPoint)
§ Performed as a major role in cooperation with video production house to produce an interview with Dr. Leung Kwong Chuen Agnus
Ace Printing Group Ltd
Jul2016 – Jan2018
Personal Assistant
Ace Printing Group Ltd is a garment manufacturing print house established in 2015 with its Head Quarters in Hong Kong, and factory in Cambodia. It is supported by Kwan Tat Group with more than 30 years’ experiences in the industry and modern management concepts.
§ Perform quality control in chemical and testing requirements
§ Assist in general accounting works (e.g. monitoring of account receivables and documentaries, monthly closing and billing to clients and travel planning purchases) § Prepare company’s marketing material.

Urban Spring is a company which aimed to raise awareness regarding plastic waste impact by innovating the design of water dispensers and providing a sustainable solution to minimize the use of single-use bottle.
§ Assist in events like Wow and Flutter presents THE WEEKEND and Eco Expo
§ Assist in animation video making to feature the Well water dispenser of the company
§ Conduct research on plastic waste problems and environmental service companies (e.g. Elkay, Smart Bottle, etc.)
§ Facilitated the design of Operation & Maintenance Manual of the water dispenser.

By cooperating with 30 members in the team, I learnt the importance of teamwork and hardwork, also tend to bounce back quickly after setbacks.
MAGNET Peer Mentoring
Sep2017 – Aug2018
Peer Mentor
A peer mentoring program at HKUST, aims to help new students to transit smoothly to university life by providing 10 mentees a support network, opportunities to meet friends and benefit from the knowledge and experience of senior student.
MenTernship Program
Nov2016 – Aug2017
This is a mentorship cum internship program for students to match with social dignitaries as mentors. I had Barbara Fu as my mentor, part-time Lecturer in HKBU School of Communication and an advertising veteran, inspired me in planning skills include positioning and build brand image.
The Model LegCo
2014 – 2016
Vice Chairperson
Model LegCo by HKYLDA organises different activities for 70 secondary students to experience both internal and external work of the Legislative Council in order to deepen students understanding on vary topics of current affairs, by providing workshops – Advanced political knowledge, meeting with Legislative Councillors and visit to the Legislative Council.
Languages: Native – Cantonese; Fluent – English (IELTS Overall Score: 7.0), Mandarin, Fukien
Computing: Proficient in English, Chinese word processing, Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) and Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop and Illustrator); Skilled knowledge of Excel VBA and WIX.

Demonstrate a critical understanding of the ethical, cultural, political and social dilemmas of practice.

Important assignment information

Taking into account the issues mentioned in Rodney’s case study (including ethical issues, his age, his gender, his diagnosis, substance misuse, etc.), how could this service user, who has complex needs, be better supported by the community care services and local independent sector services (e.g. charities, community groups, services for advocacy, etc.) available in the area you live in that may be of benefit to Rodney?

(2300 words essay)

Fictional case study: Rodney

Rodney is a 35-year-old man of Nigerian origins with what has been described as ‘a long history of schizophrenia and homelessness’. He has been ‘in and out of the mental health system’ for several years. On one occasion, he was held in a police cell because there were no beds available in the local acute mental health unit. He felt that the police officers avoided him when he was in the cell because he has mental health problems. The experience of being in crisis in a cell was a major trauma in itself for Rodney, and it has had the effect of making him suspicious of all institutional environments: ‘I was in total chaos; I have just tried to kill myself. I’m in a prison cell. I’ve no belt, no shoelaces, no shoes, because they wouldn’t let me have them, but no one talks to me. No one.’

Rodney feels that it is not just the police that lack empathy when dealing with people in crisis. The problem extends to professionals: ‘The sort of people you need when you are in crisis are the ones who still see you as a person, who remember you are not just a problem blowing up in their face; you need empathy, someone who sees you as a person.’

Rodney consistently declines medication, and is frequently described by practitioners as being ‘prone to delusions’ that mean he is unable to easily live around others in supervised settings. When the community mental health team (CMHT) began to work with him, they established he had some long-standing substance misuse issues, principally involving alcohol. However, he insisted that he had found his own housing and was managing well enough without their help. Rodney’s sister maintains contact with him and she liaises with the community team, encouraging Rodney to attend the drop-in sessions they run at a local café.

Subsequent team visits found him living in an abandoned caravan, where he had rigged up a supply of water and a wood stove for heating and cooking. The treatment team concluded that, in spite of his unconventional living situation and persistent symptoms, he showed an ability to care for himself. This treatment team’s decision, however, is regularly questioned by some new members of the team, who assert that he should be involuntarily hospitalised before he hurts himself or someone else.

[Based on an original case study, Mr. R, in Stovall, et al. (2016)]


Extra info:

You may consider the ways in which Rodney’s complex needs (gender, age, ethnicity, diagnoses, etc.) could be relevant to his circumstances, and which interventions or supports might be considered suitable for him. How were the transitions managed and how else could the transitions have been managed? Is Rodney eligible for Care Planning Approach in terms of case management? Can he be a ‘case’ since he is refusing any treatment and medication? Is there anything that could help Rodney and the CMHT to manage Rodney’s care and his current situation? You may study what is available in the area you live (Warrington, England) You now need to consider what services are available to individuals with complex care needs, and how these can be accessed. You should also widen your search to look for voluntary/third sector and other non-statutory services that might meet Rodney’s complex needs. If you cannot find sufficient information on services in your area then widen your search to find services in another area of your choosing.

Your discussion should include a range of sources, and references should be presented in a conventional academic essay style (e.g. using in-text citations and a reference list)

Start with an introduction indicating how you will approach the task, then proceed to the main section of the essay. This should be composed of several paragraphs, each of which present and develop a relevant aspect of your discussion of the main issues. Your essay should end with a conclusion and be sure to include a word count.


Leaning outcomes:

Knowledge and understanding the importance of ensuring that the experiences, needs and cultural contexts of people who seek help (or use services) are able to influence and shape health and social care practice.

Practical and/or professional skills.

Demonstrate a critical understanding of the ethical, cultural, political and social dilemmas of practice.

Practice critical self-reflection and examine and reflect on effective practice, both direct and indirect, with a range of service users and in a variety of settings.

On the rationale and importance and significance of the topic; to you, to businesses, what problem its solves, what does it add.

Research ProjectPlan



This exercise is designed to make you able to plan research project for the area of your interest.  (Formative assessment)                       

Title/Topic: Think of your research title and topic……after reading the question in the assignment.
Rationale/ Background: Write the basis or foundation for this research……….read given scenario in the assignment…..

150 words on the rationale and importance and significance of the topic; to you, to businesses, what problem its solves, what does it add.

Introduction and Literature review Introduce your topic….

Elaborate further on the rationale above. Commence a Literature review covering at least 5 well suited studies (journal articles), crticically analyse and debate those in relation to your research topic

700 Words At Least

Finish by research questions and hypotheses.

Aim of the research Write an aim of the research……, to address the research questions above

100 Words.

Objectives of the research



Set out a few objectives in order to reach your aim, mind the difference between Objectives and Aims (Theoretical and Empirical Questions)

150 words.

Research strategy:






What kind of research approach would you adopt?

Qualitative vs. quantitative…describe…..

250 Words


Primary/ Secondary Research How are you going to go about the research

250 words.

Sources of Data Outline secondary vs. primary data……sources…..

250 words.

Population and Sampling Determine population. What sampling method will you be using ……..discuss…..determine sample size….

100 words.

Data collection methods Questionnaire, interviews e.t.c…….which one….? Decide with justification…

100 words.

Time plan and resources required Your time plan….. start and finish date…. Resources needed..


References Books, journals, internet, newspaper etc……..lists



Identify some of the common issues that plague unequal societies, according to Wilkinson. Examine the human cost of unequal societies.

Explain Richard Wilkinson’s statement: “The average well-being of our societies is not dependent any longer on national income and economic growth.” What does he claim matters more, especially in the context of globalization?
Identify some of the common issues that plague unequal societies, according to Wilkinson.
Examine the human cost of unequal societies.
Evaluate how unequal societies challenge authority and globalization overall.
Discuss Wilkinson’s expressions of social dysfunction.
Must utilize academic voice
Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

Discuss how you could apply Appreciative Inquiry and/or Strategic Doing outside of your job.

For each of the following questions/statements, replace with an appreciative question/statement.

1. Why are so few students registering for Dr. Wu’s classes?
2. Our downtown stores look dumpy.
3. Why do younger people not want to live in our town?
4. Why can’t our Production and Quality Departments get along?
5. What are our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats?

Answer the following items.
6. What is the advantage of using appreciative wording when focusing on an initiative?
7. Discuss how you could apply Appreciative Inquiry and/or Strategic Doing in your job.
8. Discuss how you could apply Appreciative Inquiry and/or Strategic Doing outside of your job.