Describe how the interventions and comparison groups in the articles compare to those identified in your PICOT question.
Research Critique Guidelines – Part II
Quantitative Studies
- Summary of studies. Include problem, significance to nursing, purpose, objective, and research question.
How do these two articles support the nurse practice issue you chose?
- Discuss how these two articles will be used to answer your PICOT question.
- Describe how the interventions and comparison groups in the articles compare to those identified in your PICOT question.
Method of Study:
- State the methods of the two articles you are comparing and describe how they are different.
- Consider the methods you identified in your chosen articles and state one benefit and one limitation of each method.
Results of Study
- Summarize the key findings of each study in one or two comprehensive paragraphs.
- What are the implications of the two studies you chose in nursing practice?
Outcomes Comparison
- What are the anticipated outcomes for your PICOT question?
- How do the outcomes of your chosen articles compare to your anticipated outcomes?