
Explain the approach to budgeting and management accounting. How has financial practice within the organization developed over time?

Explain the approach to budgeting and management accounting. How has financial practice within the organization developed over time? How would you change the budgeting and management accounting processes to better manage the organizations overall financial position? Explain the financial tools and techniques adopted within your proposals and critically reflect on the use of them.

Describe the economic value of domestic and international tourism.

Assessment Brief

The British economy has been facing challenges, political uncertainty and the increased global competition means that the industry is having to look closely at its product offering. However, ABTA (2019) report that in despite of this the British demand for holidays still remains very strong. This resilience and consumers seeking more authentic experiences and niche trends are becoming more mainstream. This has ultimately led to the emergence of new destinations. This emergence can be a result of the destination becoming more accessible thanks to new flight routes, it could be that it is hosting a major event, or it could simply be that its time has come.

Every year ABTA publishes a list of key trends for the year ahead.

To view this source visit this link:



Completion of this assignment will address the following learning outcomes:


2 Define the different types of tourist attractions
(L03) Explain the appeal of specific tourism destinations to a range of different customer types.
(L04) Describe the economic value of domestic and international tourism.
(L05) Summarize the social and cultural features of a destination and or a tourist attraction.


Your task is to research and produce a report on Poland

“Poland has more destinations with direct flights from the UK than mainland Spain, and adventurous holidaymakers are increasingly using this exceptional connectivity to explore this country’s historic cities and often unspoilt and beautiful countryside. Poland is a large country with a varied landscape dotted with lakes, medieval castles, red-bricked fortresses and ancient wooden churches. Krakow remains the jewel in the crown, but other cities, which are well worth a visit, are the capital Warsaw, Lodz, Lublin, Poznan and Wroclaw”.

Source: ABTA 2019

Taking this into account the report must include the following:

  • An explanation of the destination including its location, development and appeal as a tourist destination (LO3) 
  • An explanation of the type of tourist attraction, the range of visitor types and their motivations to visit this attraction (LO3)
  • A description of the current economic value of the destination to the country and worldwide (LO4)
  • An explanation of the social and cultural features of the destination and a summary of the economic, social and cultural impacts of the destination/ attraction (LO5)

You will need to provide a reference list for your report

You may wish to attach a fact sheet to your report giving key data on the destination. Make sure you cite your sources and refer to key points within your report.




Banding Knowledge and Understanding


Analysis, Interpretation and Application of Theory


Quality of Research


Academic Writing


90-100% Exceptional knowledge base exploring and analyzing the discipline and its theory with extraordinary originality and autonomy. Makes exceptional use of a range of relevant techniques of interpretation, application and/or analysis, where relevant to the module learning outcomes. Demonstrates an exceptional theoretical understanding, where relevant, with appropriately selected theoretical knowledge integrated into the overall assignment tasks and all learning outcomes. Exceptional exploration of wider academic sources with a high degree of independent learning which exceeds the assignment brief. Sources have been accurately interpreted and integrated with flawless synthesis and evaluation leading to innovative and interesting ideas. Exceptional answer with coherent and logical presentation of ideas. The answer is clearly expressed with flair and originality. No language errors present and academic writing style was adhered to throughout.
80-89% Outstanding knowledge base exploring and analyzing the discipline and its theory with clear originality and autonomy. Makes outstanding use of a range of relevant techniques of interpretation, application and/or analysis, where relevant to the module learning outcomes. Shows a well-developed ability to compare alternative theories and apply them within the context of the assignment task and all learning outcomes, where relevant. Outstanding exploration of wider academic sources with a high degree of independent learning which exceeds the assignment brief. Sources have been accurately interpreted and integrated with a high degree of analysis and application, leading to innovative and interesting ideas. Outstanding answer with coherent and logical presentation of ideas. The answer is clearly expressed with originality. No language errors present and academic writing style was adhered to.
70-79% Excellent knowledge base that supports analysis and/or interpretation and problem-solving in theory and/or practice within the discipline, with considerable originality. Makes excellent use of established techniques of interpretation, application and/or analysis, where relevant to the module learning outcomes. Shows a systematic and accurate understanding of key theories, which are consistently and appropriately applied within the context of the assignment task and all learning outcomes, where relevant. Excellent exploration of wider academic sources with evidence of independent learning which may exceed the assignment brief. Sources have been accurately interpreted, integrated and analyzed, with an attempt made at synthesis leading to interesting ideas. Excellent answer with coherent and logical presentation of ideas. The answer is entirely relevant and focused. Minimal language errors which have no impact on clarity of expression. Academic writing style was adhered to.
60-69% Very good knowledge base that supports analysis and/or interpretation and problem-solving in theory and/or practice within the discipline, with some originality displayed. Makes very good use of established techniques of interpretation, application and/or analysis, where relevant to the module learning outcomes. Shows an accurate understanding of key theories, where relevant, which are appropriately applied within the context of the assignment task and the module learning outcomes. Very good evidence of wider academic reading which indicates an approach to independent learning. Sources have been accurately interpreted and integrated with some attempt at analysis. Very good answer with coherent and logical presentation of ideas. The answer is largely relevant and focused. Some language errors may be present but do not impact on the clarity of expression. Academic writing style was inconsistently adhered to.
50-59% Good knowledge base that supports some analysis and/or interpretation and problem-solving in theory and/or practice within the discipline.


Makes good use of established techniques of interpretation, application and/or analysis, where relevant to the module learning outcomes. Sound descriptive knowledge of key theories, where relevant, with some appropriate application.




Good evidence of academic reading, with some attempt at moving beyond the recommended texts. Interpretation of sources has been largely accurate, but there may be some instances of misunderstanding. Limited evidence of integration and analysis. Good answer with some attempt at coherent and logical presentation. The answer contains some irrelevant material and lacks focus at points. Some language errors are present which impacts on clarity at times. Academic writing style is not adhered to at all times.
40-49% Satisfactory knowledge base demonstrating comprehension and formulation of basic knowledge with some omissions at the level of theoretical understanding.

Limited ability to discuss theory and solve problems within the discipline.

Makes satisfactory but limited use of established techniques of interpretation, application and/or analysis, where relevant to the module learning outcomes.

Selection of theory, where relevant, is satisfactory but application and/or understanding is limited.

Satisfactory evidence of academic reading, with no obvious attempt to move beyond the recommended texts. Interpretation of sources may be inaccurate and poorly integrated. Analysis is unlikely to have been attempted. Satisfactory answer, however, issues with coherence and logical presentation are likely to be present. The answer contains irrelevant material and lacks focus. Language errors are frequent which impacts on clarity and academic writing style is not present.

(Marginal Fail)

Outcomes not or only partially met. Restricted knowledge base demonstrated.  Limited understanding of discipline. Difficulty with linking theory and problem solving within the discipline. Attempts at analysis, where relevant, and interpretation are ineffective and/or uninformed by the discipline. Knowledge of theory, where relevant, is inaccurate and/or incomplete. Choice of theory inappropriate. Application and/or understanding demonstrated is very limited. Limited evidence of reading at an academic level. Sources used may be inappropriate and interpreted poorly. No evidence of integration, analysis or interpretation. Poor academic practice may have resulted in sections of plagiarized material. Answer is attempted but limited. Poor coherence and illogical presentation. The answer contains irrelevant material and lacks focus throughout. Language errors are consistent and impact on the clarity of expression. Academic writing style is not present.
0 – 34% Little or no evidence of knowledge base. Little evidence of understanding of discipline. Significant difficulty with theory and problem solving within the discipline. Absence of relevant theoretical content and/or use of theory, where relevant. Lacks any analysis and interpretation. Inadequate evidence of reading at an academic level with poor application of sources and ideas. Answer is likely to include inappropriate references which are misunderstood and not integrated. Possibility of plagiarism OR no evidence of academic research. Answer may not be research based. Serious and fundamental flaws leading to an unclear answer. Very weak academic skills and writing ability. Poorly structured with multiple language errors.


Is there a statistical difference in the scores for saving energy and the importance of owning a computer in your sample?

Level 5 Research Methods – Case Study on Quantitative Data Analysis – Individual Project
Go to the NZ Census at School Website ( and download a 200 person sample of UK students (Random Sampler) from the CAS International database. Each of these will be a random sample so no two samples will have the same data so copying another person’s work will be obvious!!!!
You should complete the tasks below – please read them CAREFULLY (especially the HINTS) and only do what is required – anything extra will be good practice but will not get you any more marks!!!
Data Cleaning and Entry
The data is in .csv format that can be loaded into virtually any analysis package, however it has not been “cleaned”.
Task Output Required for Assessment Marks Assigned Clean the data by removing blank lines or lines with incomplete data, correcting obvious data errors and making sure all data is in the correct format. Enter the data into SPSS, making sure the data is coded correctly and appropriate labels are assigned .sav file or screen dump of both data and variable tabs 10 For each variable (column), generate one or more appropriate summary statistics. Word document 10
Data Display
Data should always be displayed in an appropriate format. To do this you can use any tools you have been given or know about – marks are awarded on the appropriateness of the graphic, its accuracy and information content.
Task Output Required for Assessment Marks Assigned For each of the research questions below, generate an appropriate graphic with an associated paragraph explaining your findings. HINT graphs should be different types for each part What is the age distribution of your sample, and does it differ between the genders? Image in Word File with brief text description 10 Is there a relationship between Height and Arm-Span and does this differ between genders? Image in Word File with brief text description 10 How does the Median and Range of Heights vary with age and does this differ between genders? Image in Word File with text description 20

Statistical Analysis;
Task Output Required for Assessment Marks Assigned For each of the research questions below, run an appropriate statistical test with an associated paragraph explaining your assumptions and findings. HINT there should be different tests for each section Is there a statistical difference in reaction time between genders in your sample?
Is there a statistical difference in the scores for saving energy and the importance of owning a computer in your sample?
Word file with details of the test used, justification of the test (based on YOUR data and findings) and appropriately formatted results of your chosen statistical test 20.
Is there a statistical difference between region of the UK with regard to the importance of reducing pollution, and if there is, where are these differences most apparent?
Word file with details of the test used, justification of the test (based on YOUR data and findings) and appropriately formatted results of your chosen statistical test 20.

Explain any relevant historical background that the reader might need to understand the issue.

English 102 Exploring a Controversy
For Essay 2 you will conduct research on the topic you wrote about for Essay 1 and then write a paper that reports on your findings. The purpose of the paper is to give an overview of the main arguments on both sides of the controversy. A reader should come away with an understanding of the issues and points of contention that are being debated by credible sources on this topic.
Developing Your Paper Present your findings in following format. Please note that this outline describes the four general sections of the paper. It is not a paragraph-by-paragraph outline. The essay should contain more than four paragraphs. It is up to you to decide how to organize the information logically within this general format.
Introduction: Introduce the topic by providing background information and context.

 Explain any relevant historical background that the reader might need to understand the issue.

 Establish the current exigency of the topic: Why is this issue important for the present time? What recent developments have put the issue in the spotlight? Word count target: 200-400 words.
The YES Side: Explain the “pro” side of the argument, the “yes” answer to your yes/no question. What is driving this side of the debate? In this section, be sure to present the best arguments for the yes side, and analyze those arguments using some criteria, framework, or classification system. For example, you might look at the moral and factual arguments separately; or, you might focus your analysis on the quality or character of the sources; or, you might demonstrate how each part of the argument boils down to some foundational principle. Write from an objective, third person perspective. Do not use first-person “I.” You are not making an argument. You are summarizing and categorizing the major arguments made by credible sources on this side of the issue. Word count target: 400-600 words.
The NO Side: Explain the “con” side of the argument, the “no” answer to your yes/no question. What is driving this side of the debate? In this section, be sure to present the best arguments for the no side, and analyze those arguments using some criteria, framework, or classification system. For example, you might look at the moral and factual arguments separately; or, you might focus your analysis on the quality or character of the sources; or you might demonstrate how each part of the argument boils down to some foundational principle. Write from an objective, third-person perspective. Do not use first-person “I.” You are not making an argument. You are
summarizing and categorizing the major arguments of credible sources on this side of the issue. Word count target: 400-600 words.
Conclusion: Briefly conclude the paper by summing up the most salient points on both sides. Word count target: 100-200 words.
 Write in third person (“Advocates of the Common Core argue that . . . ” “Critics of the Common Core point out . . .“ ).  Be objective; do not take a side.  Format the paper in MLA style.  Use a minimum of 8 credible sources. Minimum means that if you use fewer than eight sources, your essay will not receive a passing grade.  At least 4 of the sources must be from the Delgado Library. Permalinks from Delgado Library databases should be included at the end of the works cited citations.  Provide a functional permalink to electronic sources. Permalinks should be included at the end of the citation in the works cited. I must be able to click the link and find the source in order to check it, so make sure the link works. If the link does not lead me to a source, it will not count toward your eight required sources.  If you use print sources such as books that are not available online, scan or take a photo of the title page and the pages you cited from and submit with the paper. I must be able to check all sources.  Incorporate information from your sources using summary, paraphrase, and quotations.  Use a variety of types of sources (journal articles, books, credible web sites, etc.).  Be careful not to rely too heavily on any one type of source, especially Pro/Con sources such as Opposing Viewpoints, reference web sites, or other tertiary sources. You can commit structural plagiarism by following the structure of an article, even if you put the information in your own words. Your purpose is to synthesize various sources not just report on one source.  Only use sources that are credible for an academic audience. Wikipedia is not a source.  Correctly cite all information from sources using in-text citations.  Provide appropriate in-text citations for all source material, whether quoted, paraphrased, or summarized, following MLA style.  Properly list all sources on your works cited page. The works cited page should appear as the last page of your paper, not a separate document.  The works cited page should be formatted following MLA style.  A full draft is required on the day it is due.  Carefully proofread before submitting your paper.
Grading Criteria Your essay will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
 Clear and focused thesis statement.  Thorough, fair, and accurate portrayal of both sides of the issue.  Depth and quality of research.  Quality of sources.  Paragraphs fully developed with detailed supporting evidence.  Effective essay organization.  Clear and full explanation of both sides of the issue.  Effective, accurate, and fair use of sources.  Proper use, citation, and documentation of source material following MLA format.  Clear and precise sentence-level rhetoric (grammar and style).
Consult the assignment rubric for more detailed criteria.

Identify on a minimum of 2 (two) decision-making biases or errors might have influenced the decisions made (See Week 8 Lecture). What could have been the impact of these biases or errors?

Assessment Information Subject Code: MBA503
Subject Name: Operations Management and Decision-Making Models
Assessment Title: Organization Crisis and Decision-making Models
Assessment Type: Written Essay
Length: 800 words
Your task
You are required to select a crisis experienced by an Australian organization to use as a case study. You imagine you are an expert consultant who works with companies to improve their decision-making processes. You are asked by a company which has recently experienced a crisis to review the decision-making processes it employed and recommend ways in which it can improve in the future. In your essay presenting your findings to the board of the company.
Assessment Description.
An organizational crisis is a significant, essentially unexpected event which threatens the company’s reputation, financial standing and/or ability to operate. Examples of organizational crises include; natural disasters, security breaches, fraud, product recalls and environmental spills.
Assessment Instructions 1. Provide a brief overview of the company and its crisis (Approx. 50 words).

2. What decision-making models or approaches were used by the company when managing this crisis? In answering this question refer at least 1 (one) decision-making model which could have been followed. (The model must be found from the lecture slides that I had attached)

3. Identify on a minimum of 2 (two) decision-making biases or errors might have influenced the decisions made (See Week 8 Lecture). What could have been the impact of these biases or errors?

4. Make a minimum of 2 (two) recommendations regarding the strategies that could be put in place, in the future, to avoid your identified decision-making biases or errors.

5. A short conclusion (Approx. 50 words).

6. Reading lecture slides are the must before you start writing.

7. A minimum of 5 academic references should be used to support the statements made and arguments presented in this essay. 8. Refer to the Marking Guide below and try your best to follow up all the requirements.
Assessment Marking Guide Decision-Making Models (30% of total mark): Extensive, detailed, and in-depth analysis of the chosen DM model – limitations and advantages apparent. Connections between the context and the DM model thoroughly detailed. Academic research and sources skillfully embedded and support the arguments being developed.
Decision-Making Biases or Errors (30% of total mark): DM biases/errors thoroughly and meticulously analyzed. A deep, extensive and detailed connection made between the context and the bias. Insightful reflections made re the impact of DM biases/errors. Academic theory support and augments discussion.
Recommendations to the Board (30% of total mark): Discerning, thorough, precise and measured recommendations included. Strategies logical with strong likelihood of successful outcomes. Perceptive linkages between DM biases and recommendations.
Structure (10% of total mark): Excellent structure, clear and logical progression of ideas. Additional materials and qualitative reference used in the presentation support and augment the position being developed.

Analyze and critically comment on the role of effective marketing in order to achieve organizations objectives.

Assessment Brief

*This document is for CU Group students for their own use in completing their assessed work for this module and should not be passed to third parties or posted on any website. Any infringements of this rule should be reported to  

Assessment Type:


Assessment Number:


Study Mode:





Submission Date:

Click or tap to enter a date.

Submission Time:




Assignment 1 of 2




The motor car sector has been facing viability challenges globally and particularly in Europe, mainly because of changes in regulations and consumer trend.  The share of diesel cars in UK continue to drop from 49% in 2016 to 31.7 % in 2018 (Statista 2019). The consumer appetite for cleaner electric vehicles in response to mitigating against CO2 emissions has had a profound impact on diesel and petrol cars sales decline. New regulations on CO2 emission reduction has challenged car manufacturing companies to be innovative in order to remain competitive. In a stringent monitoring regime, the VW Group was caught using “defeat devices” designed to circumvent emissions test in over 600 cars sold in USA in 2015, BBC (2018). McKay (2015) confirmed that VW’s admittance in falsifying diesel tests has damaged the diesel motor industry reputation amid global shift towards cleaner environmentally friendly cars.  The future competition in the sector lies in strategic innovative operations yet electric cars are still very expensive with the popular Nissan Leaf selling at £27,999 including government grant, Nissan (2019)


In this context, you work for Nissan UK and the new Head of Marketing Department is keen to understand how they can increase their market share in the electric car market. Therefore, you have been tasked to prepare a written brief to assess the sector’s current situation with regards to their approach in deploying an electric car marketing strategy.


This assignment provides an opportunity for learners to critical study marketing; that is, the application of a range of marketing techniques and concepts to a number of different environments within a contemporary organization.


Completion of this assignment will address the following learning outcomes:
1 Analyze and critically comment on the role of effective marketing in order to achieve organizations objectives.
2 Critically evaluate the organizations current markets and/or sectors within which it operates.
3 Evaluate contemporary marketing techniques and their use in Global and International markets.
4 Critically examine skills of a marketing manager and analyze their role in the effective management of the marketing team.
5 Critically assess the impact and value of a brand from a number of different stakeholder perspectives.
6 Differentiate between an organizations marketing campaigns in different international markets.



Your new Head of Marketing Department wants a better understanding of the electric car sector market and its challenges. They have asked you to assess the sector from a marketing perspective and they want you to prepare a Marketing Plan on the marketing approach required to generate more business.


Produce a 4000-word Marketing Plan which this should cover the following:


1.Critically analyze the importance of an effective marketing planning process in relation to Nissan’s context (LO1, LO2).

2.Critically evaluate needs and techniques for controlling marketing activities within the product area and justify areas for further marketing development. This will need to include a review and assessment of the marketing techniques and business strategies needed to increase sales internationally and globally (LO3, LO5 L6).


3.Examine and critically assess the skills needed in the role of a marketing manager and analyze their role in the effective management of the marketing team to specifically develop global and international business (LO4).


Guidance notes and considerations

Late Submission

If you are not able to complete your coursework on time due to extenuating circumstances, the ONLY way to receive an extension (up to 5 working days) or a deferral (anything longer than 5 working days) is to contact a Registry team member located at your specific CU site.

* Extenuating circumstances are defined by CU as ‘genuine circumstances beyond your control or ability to foresee, and which seriously impair your assessed work’.

* Please note that you will need to provide third party evidence to support your reasoning for requiring an extension or deferral.

* Your course tutor is NOT able to approve an extension or a deferral, if you have not completed the official forms and had your request approved your work will count as not submitted and receive a zero mark.

Plagiarism and Malpractice

* You are encouraged to check the originality of your work by using the draft Turnitin links on your Moodle Web.

* Collusion between students (where sections of your work are similar to the work submitted by other students in this or previous module cohorts) is taken extremely seriously and will be reported to the academic conduct panel. This applies to all coursework and exam answers.

* A marked difference between your writing style, knowledge and skill level demonstrated in class discussion, any test conditions and that demonstrated in a coursework assignment may result in you having to undertake a Viva Voce in order to prove the coursework assignment is entirely your own work.

* If you make use of the services of a proof reader in your work you must keep your original version and make it available as a demonstration of your written efforts.

* You must not submit work for assessment that you have already submitted (partially or in full), either for your current course or for another qualification of this university, unless this is specifically provided for in your assignment brief or specific course or module information.

Where earlier work by you is citable, i.e. it has already been published/submitted, you must reference it clearly. Identical pieces of work submitted concurrently will also be considered to be self-plagiarism.

Submission Guidelines

There should be a title page which clearly identifies the following;

* Student number                                  * Name of the module

* Title of the Assessment                       * Assessment number

* Word count

The word count identified includes quotations, but excludes the bibliography and unless specifically stated, encompasses a discrepancy of + or – 10%.

Banding Knowledge and Understanding


Critical Analysis, Evaluation and Application of Theory


Quality of Research


Academic Writing


90-100% Exceptional knowledge base exploring, critically analyzing and evaluating the discipline and its theory with extraordinary originality and autonomy. Demonstrates an exceptional command of relevant critical analytical and/or evaluative techniques, and the ability to apply these to new and/or abstract information and situations. Shows an exceptional appreciation of the limits and/or appropriate uses of particular analytical approaches, where relevant. Knowledge and understanding of theory, where relevant, is of an exceptional detail. High level of appreciation of the limits of theory demonstrated throughout the work, where relevant Approach to assessment task is clearly, appropriately and consistently theoretically informed across all relevant learning outcomes. Exceptional exploration of wider academic sources with a high degree of independent learning which exceeds the assessment brief. Sources have been accurately interpreted and integrated with flawless synthesis, leading to innovative and interesting ideas. Exceptional answer with coherent and logical presentation of ideas. The answer exhibits a clear argument/line of reasoning with flair and originality. Discipline specific vocabulary used with precision and academic style applied well throughout. No language errors present and referencing in the CU version of Harvard has been employed in an accurate manner.
80-89% Outstanding knowledge base exploring, critically analyzing and evaluating the discipline and its theory with clear originality and autonomy


Demonstrates an outstanding command of relevant critical and/or evaluative analytical techniques, and the ability to apply these to new and/or abstract information and situations. Shows an outstanding appreciation of the limits and/or appropriate uses of particular analytical approaches. Knowledge and understanding of theory, where relevant, is of an outstanding detail. Appreciation of the limits of theory demonstrated throughout the work. Approach to assessment task is clearly, appropriately and consistently theoretically informed across all relevant learning outcomes. Outstanding exploration of wider academic sources with a high degree of independent learning which exceeds the assignment brief. Sources have been accurately interpreted and integrated with a high degree of synthesis, leading to innovative and interesting ideas. Outstanding answer with coherent and logical presentation of ideas. The answer exhibits a clear argument/line of reasoning with flair and originality. Discipline specific vocabulary used with precision and academic style applied well throughout. No language errors present. Referencing in the CU version of Harvard has been employed in an accurate manner.
70-79% Excellent knowledge base that supports critical analysis and/or evaluation and problem-solving in theory and/or practice within the discipline, with considerable originality Makes excellent use of a range of relevant critical analysis and/or evaluative techniques, and applies these to new and/or abstract information and situations. Shows well developed ability to compare alternative theories and apply them to the context of the assessment task and all learning outcomes. Demonstrates a detailed, accurate, systematic theoretical understanding. Appropriately selected theoretical knowledge is integrated into the overall assessment task and all learning outcomes. Excellent exploration of wider academic sources with evidence of independent learning which may exceed the assignment brief. Sources have been accurately interpreted and integrated, with accurate synthesis of research leading to original and interesting ideas. Excellent answer with coherent and logical presentation of ideas. The answer exhibits a clear argument/line of reasoning with flair and originality. The answer is entirely relevant and focused. Discipline specific vocabulary used with precision and academic style applied well throughout. No language errors present. Referencing in the CU version of Harvard has been employed in an accurate manner.
60-69% Very good knowledge base that supports critical analysis and/or evaluation and problem-solving in theory and/or practice within the discipline, with some originality displayed.




Makes good use of established techniques of critical analysis and/or evaluation, relevant to the discipline. Shows a developing ability to compare alternative theories and/or analytical approaches, where relevant. Shows a systematic and accurate understanding of key theories, where relevant, which are appropriately applied within the context of the assessment task and learning outcomes. Very good evidence of wider academic reading and independent learning. Sources have been accurately interpreted, integrated, with evidence of synthesis leading to original ideas. Very good answer with coherent and logical presentation of ideas. The answer is relevant and focused with a clear argument/line of reasoning. Discipline specific vocabulary is used well and academic style applied throughout. Minor language errors may be present but do not impact on clarity of expression. Referencing in the CU version of Harvard is accurate.
50-59% Good knowledge base that supports some critical analysis and/or evaluation and problem-solving in theory and/or practice within the discipline.


Good use of established techniques of critical analysis and/or evaluation, relevant to the discipline. Sound descriptive knowledge of key theories, where relevant, with some appropriate application Good evidence of wider academic reading and independent learning. Sources have been interpreted and integrated, with some attempt at synthesis Good answer with coherent and logical presentation. The answer is largely relevant but lacks focus at points. Evidence of an argument/line of reasoning. Discipline specific vocabulary is used and academic style applied throughout. Minimal language errors are present but does not impact on clarity. Referencing in the CU version of Harvard is mostly accurate.
40-49% Satisfactory knowledge base demonstrating comprehension and formulation of basic knowledge with some omissions at the level of theoretical understanding.

Limited ability to discuss theory and solve problems within the discipline.

Makes satisfactory but limited use of established techniques of critical analysis and/or evaluation, relevant to the discipline. Selection of theory, where relevant, is satisfactory but application and/or understanding is limited. Satisfactory evidence of wider academic reading, but with minimal attempt to move beyond the recommended texts. Interpretation of sources is acceptable, but there may be some instances of misunderstanding. Poor synthesis of theories and concepts within the discipline. Satisfactory answer with some attempt at coherence and logical presentation. The answer contains some irrelevant material and lacks focus at points. Some discipline specific vocabulary is used and an attempt at academic writing style is made. There is an attempt at an argument/ line of reasoning. Some language errors may be present which impacts on clarity at times. Referencing in the CU version of Harvard is mostly accurate but with some errors.
(Marginal Fail)
Outcomes not or partially met. Restricted knowledge base. Limited understanding of discipline and ethical issues. Difficulty with linking theory and problem solving in discipline. Attempts at critical analysis and/or evaluation are ineffective and/or uninformed by the discipline. Knowledge of theory inaccurate and/or incomplete, where relevant. Choice of theory inappropriate. Application and/or understanding is very limited.


Limited evidence of wider reading at an academic level. Sources used may be inappropriate and interpreted poorly. Little evidence of integration or synthesis of discipline specific theories and concepts. Answer is limited and lacks coherence and logical presentation. The answer contains irrelevant material and lacks focus throughout with no argument/line of reasoning. Language errors are present and impact on clarity of expression. No attempt at using discipline specific vocabulary and inconsistent application of academic writing style. Referencing in the CU version of Harvard is inconsistent.
0 – 34%% Little or no evidence of knowledge base. Little evidence of understanding of discipline. Significant difficulty with theory and problem solving in discipline. Lacks any critical analysis and/or evaluation. Absence of relevant theoretical content and/or use of theory, where relevant. Inadequate or no evidence of reading at an academic level with poor application of sources and ideas. Answer is likely to include inappropriate references which are misunderstood and not integrated. Possibility of plagiarism OR no evidence of academic research. Answer may not be research based. Answer is inadequate with serious flaws in coherence and presentation. Poorly structured with multiple language errors which impact on clarity. No attempt at subject specific vocabulary or inaccurately used. No evidence of academic writing style. Weak application of CU version of Harvard referencing style.

MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (PORTFOLIO): Prepare very simple Budgeted Income Statement and Balance Sheet.

Assignment Details:
This assignment makes up 50% of your overall final grade for the IY418 module.
It is a portfolio of work that you will complete with a final submission date in week 5.
You are required to submit a draft copy from week two.
You will receive feedback on your work from your tutor so that you can improve.
You have decided to start a new business, but the problem is that you don’t have enough funds to do so. This means that you only have very limited savings and your family and friends cannot provide you with the necessary funds either. You decided to consider external funding for your business idea as you think it is a very good business idea. You must write a Proposal Report about your business idea, your forecasted costs and budgets and how you intend to secure funding.
Report Structure
• Cover page with the name of your group • Table of contents • Executive Summary
Section 1
Business Idea (15%):
This section will introduce your business idea and should include a summary of the following key points. • What is your business idea? • What are the unique selling points of your product? • What type of business (legal type) are you looking to start, and what are the reasons for your option?
• What is the estimated general start-up cost? Provide a summary break-down of the key components. • Explain what kind of start-up costs will be incurred by the business. • What will the business capital structure be? (the combination of debt and equity). • If your business requires external funding, provide a summary of how much this funding requirement is. • Summarize the outline structure of your reports. E.g. this report is divided into 7 sections. Section 2 discusses the budgeted financial statements. Section 3 discusses the cash flow forecasts etc.
Section 2
Financial Statements (30%)
• What is ‘budgeting’? • Explain the purpose and importance of budgeting. • Define Budgeted Income Statement and Budgeted Balance Sheet. • Explain the purpose and importance of Budgeted Income Statement and Budgeted Balance Sheet. • Explain what your estimates are based on. • Prepare very simple Budgeted Income Statement and Balance Sheet.
Section 3
Cash-flow Forecast (40%) • What is a ‘cash flow forecast’ • What are the benefits and disadvantages of a cash flow forecast? • Identify cash inflows (money in) and cash outflows (money out) per year. • Prepare a cash flow forecast for 5 years and identify what your estimates are based on. • Explain any changes in cash inflows and cash outflows over the period of 5 years. • Analyse the closing cash balances per year. • Consider whether additional funding might be required in any of the years. • If yes, what funding would you consider and why? Alternatively, you may consider how the surplus of cash should be managed.
Section 4
Cost – Volume Profit Analysis (40%) • Explain ‘break-even analysis’ • What are the benefits and disadvantages of creating a break-even analysis? • Create a break-even analysis for your business – what can your business learn from the break-even analysis based on your estimated costs?
• Estimate the target profit for Year 1 (or Year 2) and calculate how many units must be sold to achieve this target profit. • What should be the sales revenue in order to achieve this target profit. • Explain ‘margin of safety’ Calculate the margin of safety for your business based on your target profit. • Discuss how changes in costs, volume and selling price may affect the profitability. Support the discussion with the relevant calculations
Section 5
Investment Appraisal (40%)
• Define investment appraisal and discuss its purpose and importance for the business. • Explain four investment appraisal techniques (Accounting Rate of Return, Payback Period, Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return). • Consider the pros and cons of each technique. • Conduct the investment appraisal using the following techniques: Accounting Rate of Return, Payback Period and Net Present Value. • Identify and discuss the risks associated with the above investments.
Section 6
Sources of Finance (40%) • List and explain various internal and external sources of finance that are available to the business in general. • Choose 4 possible sources of finance that you might consider to fund your business idea. • Evaluate the pros and cons of each of these sources of finance. • Indicate what is your preferred source of finance from the range of possible funders and why. • You must indicate and explain the costs associated with this choice and justify why it is acceptable and the most advantageous for your plan. • Explain why the other sources of finance were not selected specifically to this proposal. • Explain what the impact on your business idea would be if you don’t get the necessary funding or if you have selected an inappropriate form of finance.
Section 7
Conclusion (15%):
• You must end the proposal with a conclusion in which you briefly summarize everything that you have said in your proposal.
• Emphasize the potential of your idea and express the hope that you will be given the funding. • You must convince your potential financier of the success of your idea. • Group Reflection: a reflective discussion of the project work as a group (including the challenges faced and how you tried to overcome them) and what you learnt from the group project.
Section 8
• The list of References (part of individual mark) List all the references you have used in-text throughout the report in alphabetical order. • Remember to use the Harvard referencing style

Explain how those strategies support the current structure and contributes to organizational success.

*Assignment Details:

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapters 11, 12 and 13 of your text. Review the How to Strategically Align Employee Compensation with Your Company’s Objectives (Links to an external site.) article.

According to Stevens-Huffman (2012), “While compensation alone won’t ensure the attainment of the business plan, customized, strategic alignment of total rewards increases the likelihood of success.” (para. 2). Consider your current organization or one that you are familiar with and recommend two compensation and benefits strategies. Explain how those strategies support the current structure and contributes to organizational success. Your original response to this discussion should be a minimum of 250 words.


Make an appointment and attend a meeting with three rural health care leaders in a rural health care facility.

Items being graded on. Must include all of the following:

Make an appointment and attend a meeting with three rural health care leaders in a rural health care facility.

Develop 3 questions to engage the communication on inquiry of EBP in the rural health care facility.

Provided a detailed analysis of the meeting along with the completed RCRCPG tool, and reference form.

Discussed, at length, in writing personal knowledge gained from the experience and identified 3 things you may have done differently if you were one of the nurse champions.

Describe the application of statistics in health care. Specifically discuss its significance to quality, safety, health promotion, and leadership.

Statistical application and the interpretation of data is important in health care. Review the statistical concepts covered in this topic. In a 750-1,000 word paper, discuss the significance of statistical application in health care. Include the following:

1. Describe the application of statistics in health care. Specifically discuss its significance to quality, safety, health promotion, and leadership.

2. Consider your organization or specialty area **ONCOLOGY** and how you utilize statistical knowledge. Discuss how you obtain statistical data, how statistical knowledge is used in day-to-day operations and how you apply it or use it in decision making.

Three peer-reviewed, scholarly or professional references are required.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.