
Does the book stress the dangers of the voyage to make it exciting? Does this work for you?

This is an essay talking about how do you think what the author think after reading the book. This is an academic essay.That means that you must argue your point using evidence from your book.

To present the range of things they can write about in their essays.
To present various ways of organizing their essays.
To present ways of evaluating the quality of their own work.
To establish procedures for proofreading.

Things to discuss:
PARA1: (~200WORDS)
1)The origin and background of the writer
2)Reasons for travelling to the new country
3)Is the writer to any extent an insider to the foreign culture?
4)Ways of understanding the new country.

How does the writer present what is strange and amazing? ( ~250words

1)Something better than at home.
2)This makes me appreciate my home country more.
3)Finding the familiar in the unfamiliar.
4)Would you criticize the writer for just presenting things as “weird,” without any effort at human understanding?
5)Does the strange and amazing become familiar to the writer in the course of the book?

PARA4 (choose one to explain ~200words)
1)How does the writer use previous knowledge of the foreign culture? Did s/he do research, or is previous knowledge just vague? How does previous (or subsequent) knowledge appear in the book? Why does s/he present it in a particular way, in particular place in the text?
2)Does the writer see something visible, and try to think his/her way into a larger understanding, whether it is historical, political, cultural, or whatever? If so, how? If not, would you criticize the writer for not doing this?

The writer as writer (choose 1-2 to talk about it ~300words)

1)How does the writer start and end the book? Why?
2)How does the writer start and end each chapter? Why?
3)Does this writer tell the story in the order in which it happened, or begin in the middle, and then go back? Or something else? Why?
4)Does the writer use metaphors to help the reader to understand ideas? How?
5)Does the writer use metaphors to make the reader feel something? How?
6)Does the writer ever use elements of a foreign language? Are they always translated? Why?
7)Is the book funny? How would you describe the humour of this writer? Give examples. Does the writer ever seem to be mocking the foreign culture? Does s/he ever seem to be mocking his/her own culture?
8)Does the book stress the dangers of the voyage to make it exciting? Does this work for you?
9)Does the writer use vivid description to make you feel that you are there? Is this successful, in your experience? If so, how did the writer achieve this?

What is the exposure in this study? How was it measured? Do you think this is a precise and reasonable way to measure this exposure?

EPI 630: Principles of Epidemiology

Our final project in this course will provide you with the opportunity to explore how well epidemiologic study results are conveyed to the public.  The steps to follow for this project are outlined below.

Step 1: Find a printed article on an epidemiologic study in the popular press such as the New York Times, CNN, etc.  For the purposes of this project, the study must be an observational in nature (e.g., cohort, case-control, etc.), not a randomized controlled trial or animal study.

  • Step 2: Locate the epidemiologic research article that supports the information in the popular press article. Sometimes, the original research article is included as a hyperlink within the news article.  Otherwise, use PubMed or another library database to locate the exact research article that supports the popular press article. Be certain that you locate the correct journal article to match your popular press article, as this is an important step in the project.
  • Step 4: Once you have received my approval on your articles, carefully review your popular press article and the corresponding journal article before responding to any of the questions below. Please type your responses to the following questions; use between 1-2 paragraphs to respond to each question.

Students will be graded on their ability to carefully review and critique the popular press and journal article and provide correct, thorough, and insightful answers to the project questions.

Citation for research article:

  1. As you read the popular press article, what were your impressions? Were the study

methods and results clearly defined?  Were any critical strengths or limitations of the study mentioned?

  1. As you reviewed the research article, did you come away from the study with the same impression as was conveyed in the popular press article? Explain.
  2. What is the exposure in this study? How was it measured? Do you think this is a precise and reasonable way to measure this exposure?
  3. What is the outcome in this study? How was it measured? If you were running this study, how would you choose to measure this outcome for this study?
  4. What study design was used? Explain how participants were selected and how they were followed. Do you feel this is the most effective study design for studying this exposure and outcome or would you propose an alternate design?  Explain.
  5. How might confounding or bias have impacted the study results?
  6. Summarize the major similarities and differences between the popular press article and the journal article. Do you feel the popular press article clearly and correctly conveyed these results? Why or why not?

Discuss the current processes, controversies, and ideas that dominate academic conversation in Political Theory.

Podcast Script: Trajectory of Political Science Subfields
Discuss the current processes, controversies, and ideas that dominate academic conversation in Political Theory. To determine the trajectory of this subfield of political science, pay careful attention to the discussion of research questions remaining within the subfield. Prepare a podcast where you examine the above points in light other information you have gleaned from this course.

Select the appropriate discrete probability distribution. If using a binomial distribution, use the constant probability from the collected data and assume a fixed number of events of 20.

For this assignment, your group will utilize the preliminary data collected in the Topic 2 assignment (see attached Excel workbook). Complete the following steps using Excel. The accuracy of formulas and calculations will be assessed.

1. Select the appropriate discrete probability distribution. If using a binomial distribution, use the constant probability from the collected data and assume a fixed number of events of 20. If using a Poisson distribution, use the applicable mean from the collected data.
2. Identify the following: the probability of 0 events occurring, the probability of <5 events occurring, and the probability of ≥10 events occurring.
3. Using the mean and standard deviation for the continuous data, identify the applicable values of X for the following: Identify the value of X of 20% of the data, identify the value of X for the top 10% of the data, and 95% of the data lies between two values of X.
Please complete these calculation for for median employee age, gender, salary and physical location. All data is attached in Excel workbook. Please attach these calculations to each page of the workbook.

Provide summary that includes the following.
1. Interpretation of various probability distributions that were calculated, including justification of the type of distribution selected.
2. Interpretation of the results of the various value of X calculations that were completed.

Have you provided a clear description of your proposed procedure? If your procedure has multiple steps, briefly describe each step.

Written Assignment

Imagine: You are a Human Resource specialist with a Fortune 500 firm involved in a variety of high-technology industries. You have been with the firm for 15 years, working for two subsidiaries that had unionized workforces. A month ago, you accepted a promotion to become Director of HR for a newly acquired subsidiary located in Houston, Texas. The subsidiary is a non-union environment. It is also involved in an industry that is highly competitive, especially in terms of dealing with low-priced foreign imports. Your company is a rather small competitor in this field; over the years its success has come from being the leader in technology innovation. Currently the morale among employees is terrible – absenteeism and turnover are both at unacceptable levels. The acquisition has them fearful about job security, the economy is unsure at best, and the employees are upset about some recent changes in their benefits package.

In 3 to 5 pages, design a dispute resolution process that you think fits the circumstances.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Have you provided a clear description of your proposed procedure? If your procedure has multiple steps, briefly describe each step.
  • Have you explained why you are recommending this procedure?
  • Have you considered the opposing arguments and explained why, in your view, these arguments are not persuasive?
  • Is information from the textbook and other sources, if applicable, integrated into your analysis appropriately? You must provide complete citations for all sources. I prefer that you use the APA style.
  • Is the paper professionally presented? It is important to present your information as clearly and succinctly as possible. (Do not sacrifice thoroughness for mere brevity.) Please proofread carefully for grammar and spelling errors. And single-space your paper. (Leave an extra line between paragraphs.)


Write an academic report that demonstrates your understanding of different areas relating to drama.

Write an academic report that demonstrates your understanding of different areas relating to drama.
Base your report on the one-act-play, “Permission to Cry” by David Campton. A copy of the script for this play is located in Assessor Downloads below.
Read the script a number of times to enable you to identify the key areas that you will need to write about in your report.
Watch the following video; this is one interpretation of this play, but may help you to gain a deeper understanding of the characters, performance and possible staging.

Your report will need to be divided into the following sections.
In order to demonstrate that you understand how an author creates a character, you need to analyse
the ways in which characters
• are defined by their language.
• are defined by their interactions with others.
• are defined by their actions and motivations.
Remember to refer to the different characters within the play provided. You should also refer to the
author’s notes that you will find on page 3 of the pdf.
In this section, you need to evaluate the effectiveness of a play’s division into acts and scenes. As the
play provided is a one-act-play, you should consider the benefits and limitations of the play not being
divided into scenes and acts. You should also suggest alternative formats for this play within your
The video clip of the provided play could be considered as being divided into scenes due to the way
that the production has been filmed. You should consider whether this could be effective within a
real-time, theatre performance.
Analyze the progress of plot with reference to appropriate concepts, for example,expectation, surprise, dramatic irony, climax and resolution.
This sections requires you to:
• Evaluate the relationship between language and dramatic action.
• Analyze the use of language to create mood and atmosphere.
Within this section, you need to analyse the issues involved in transferring a play from page to stage.
You must evaluate the potential of scenery, staging, lighting and costume.
You will also need to appraise the use of acting techniques including phrasing, timing and presence.
The video link provided will help you with this.
When writing this section, you must ensure that you give suggestions of alternative ways that
“Permission to Cry” could be staged. For example, having watched the video link provided how might
you do things differently and why? In Assessor Downloads you will find some production notes about
a different interpretation of the play that will provide you with alternative ideas for taking the play from
page to stage.
The report should be written using the recommended structure and format for an academic report as
outlined in the unit 3 (Academic Writing Skills) study materials.
Conclusions and recommendations must stem from your findings.
Relevant theory must be referenced where appropriate and you must provide a references list and
The report should be a maximum of 4,000 words in length.
This word limit is the absolute maximum you are permitted. If you are over the word limit for this
assignment in any way you will receive your assignment back without further comment or feedback.

What is your proposed question? How does your research question build on the existing literature?

What is a research proposal?
A research proposal is a document that sets out a proposed research project. The purpose of a
research proposal is to provide the reader with a clear, well researched plan and justification for a
proposed project.
Assignment Brief
Your task is to write a research proposal that would be suitable for an undergraduate dissertation in
criminology. The proposal needs to be feasible, justified, and well researched.
We would expect the assignment to contain the following sections:
Give your proposed research project a name. What are the key words that are important for a
potential reader glancing at the title?
An abstract is a concise, 100 word maximum, summary that sets out the problem you plan to answer
in your project, and what methods you intend to use to do this.
Research Context.
This is where you show us the results of your literature review. Summarise the existing literature.
Tell us what research exists already.
Research Question.
What is your proposed question? How does your research question build on the existing literature?
Research Methods.
What are your proposed research methods? Are you going to do primary or secondary research?
Will your research be desk-based or will you interact with participants? What sources would you use
in your research? Who would you interview? WHY have you made these choices? It is important to
not simply list what your research methods are, but to also justify WHY you have chosen those
We will also expect to read what the ethical considerations of your project are. How are you going to
address any possible ethical concerns? You also need to be reflexive. What does your identity mean
for your project? How does being a young/old, white/ethnic minority, female/male/non-binary,
person impact on the research you do?
Reference List.
Don’t forget to include your references at the end.

Explain the concept of symbol and symbolism. What is the difference between symbol and sign?

AH 246/CEES 246 Final Exam

The final exam for this course consists of two parts. The first part deals with your understanding of the period as a whole, while the second part allows you to focus more deeply on a particular work or artist.


Essay topics:

Part 1. Choose 2 (two) of the following general questions and answer each of them in the form of an essay supporting your argument with theory and appropriate examples from the legacy of the 20th century “historical” avant-garde (roughly 1900s through 1920s). Each of your essays has to be 400-600 words long, font size 12, double-spaced, Times New Roman. Support each of your claims with ample examples.

  • How does the avant-garde (-s) change the status of art as an institution? Address Peter Burger’s theory of the avant-garde and discuss various ways in which the avant-garde artists move away from the traditional, representational, and illusionistic art.
  • Explain the concept of symbol and symbolism. What is the difference between symbol and sign? What common symbols are shared by Russian and French symbolists? Give examples and identify authors and works of art using these symbols. In which respect do Russian symbolists differ from their French predecessors? Although symbolism and decadence often coexist in one work, what are some criteria by which to distinguish one from the other?
  • How do various avant-garde formations activate, contribute, or problematize existing national, ethnic, and race stereotypes? How do artists reinforce and/or alter traditional orientalist discursive practices?
  • Relate the linguistic experiments done by Italian futurists, Russian “zaumniki” (trans-sense poets), and Dada poets to the Ferdinand de Saussure’s theory of language as a system. What kind of inspiration did the futurists draw from the Cubist painters?
  • Address the idea of organicity and organic architecture in the works of Tatlin, Khlebnikov, Polish and Russian Constructivists, and/or Bauhaus. Some questions to consider: how do Khlebnikov’s futurist cities and Tatlin’s “culture of materials” reflect the idea of the organic? What is the connection between the organic and organization?
  • How does the curriculum of early Bauhaus develop to transform artists into craftsmen? What is the main reason to abolish “easelism” (easel painting)?
  • Discuss various avant-garde attitudes to urban modernity.  Compare and contrast images of the modern city in various avant-garde visual and verbal texts.
  • Discuss the role of Freud’s psychoanalysis in the artistic output of the period, e.g. in French and/or Russian Decadence, German Expressionism, French Surrealism, in the works of Eisenstein, etc. Consider one or two of the following points: what is the main difference between Freud’s and the avant-garde artists’ attitudes toward the unconscious? Explain the main processes involved in “dream work” and show, using a couple of examples, how the principles of dream work are useful in the understanding of a particular work of art.
  • Explain the significance and elaborate on the major points of Viktor Shklovsky’s “Art as Device” (in another translation: Art as a Technique). What is the role of the ultimate goal of art, according to Shklovsky? What means does the artist employ to achieve this goal? Illustrate Shklovsky’s concepts of “estrangement” and “retardation,” and “laying bare of the device,” using a few examples from the course. Reflect on your own perception of a certain work of art in this course.
  • Describe various kinds of photo- and film montage and explain the propagandistic power behind them. Some questions to consider: how do photo montage, photography, and film allow the avant-garde artists to stay away from the representational, academic art, while at the same time serving the state and “the people”? What is factography? What contradictions arise when we apply the criteria of “fact” to the works of Dziga Vertov and Sergei Eisenstein? Why were the “Kinoki” attacked for their “formalism” by Marxist critics? What is “wrong” with helping the proletariat “see things better”?
  • Using a number of art works as case studies, discuss how issues of gender and sexuality inform the production of art across the historical avant-gardes.  You might also want to consider the work of avant-garde women artists.
  • What is the relationship between the avant-garde and social realism, according to Boris Groys? Agree or disagree with his position and provide your reasons for either agreement or disagreement.


Part 2. Choose one or two specific works of art belonging to a specific avant-garde movement or genre (e.g., symbolism, expressionism, cubism, dada, etc.) or one or two works by a specific artist (e.g., Malevich, Tatlin, Picasso, etc.) and write a comprehensive analysis, no longer than 1000 words in total, using the theoretical readings provided on the subject as well as your own critical judgment. (Attention: critical judgment is not to be confused with strictly personal, “naïve” opinion you were encouraged to use in the response papers).

Interpret and evaluate clinical information in order to formulate patient assessment plans using relevant theoretical and research evidence.

Summative Assessment

The summative assessment for this module will be in two parts:

Part 1 Written reflection linked to professional portfolio. 1000 notional words; This must meet Learning Outcomes 4 & 5; 25% of the overall module mark. In order to pass the module, both parts of the assessment must be passed (70% or above). It is essential that you follow the word c

Part 2 Discuss an issue affecting patient care; identifying and analysing decision making in relation to the chosen topic 3000 notional words; This must meet Learning Outcomes 1,2, 3 & 5; 75% of the overall module mark.

Use the reflection as the chosen topic in part 2. For example, part one I used a reflection based on someone having an Myocardial infraction. An example of this would be LO1 – Theoretical approaches example: who says we should take to PPCI. LO2 – Patient had chest pain and ST elevation, so we have GTN and aspirin, back up with evidence why we give it. LO3 – This one is similar to the last one but looking at both sides of an argument on why we do certain things for the patient



On successful completion of the module students will be able to:

  1. Examine theoretical approaches to clinical decision making and their effects within clinical practice.
  2. Interpret and evaluate clinical information in order to formulate patient assessment plans using relevant theoretical and research evidence.
  3. Critically discuss the application of clinical practice and management within the context of individual patient needs.
  4. Gather, interpret and reflect upon information gained from service users in relation to their care and experience.
  5. Demonstrate the ability to adhere concisely to the requirements contained within the assessment brief.

First part of the assignment is the reflection using the I.F.E.A.R model, this must be 1000 words and below is how the reflection needs to be done

Incident: 150 words

  1. Describe the incident; the emergency call
  2. Describe your part in it
  3. You might want to focus on a description of an experience that seems significant in some way


Feelings: 150 words

  1. What were your feelings during the incident/call?
  2. What were your feelings immediately afterwards?
  3. What made you feel this way?
  4. How do you now feel about this experience?


Evaluation: 300 words

  1. What went well?
  2. What didn’t go so well?
  3. What were the consequences of your actions on the patient and others?
  4. Did the patient have any unmet needs (PUNs)?
  5. To what extent did you act for the best and in tune with your values (ethics)?
  6. Does this situation connect with any other similar experiences?


Analysis: 300 words

  1. What did you earn from the incident or event?
  2. What could you have done better?
  3. Can you identify any practitioner (paramedic) educational needs (PENs)?
  4. Was there anything you did not know? Reaction:
  5. How will you meet the PENs?
  6. Do you need to chat to a colleague or mentor?
  7. Do you need to research something in books/journals?
  8. Do you need to ask questions?
  9. Do you need to read an article/book?
  10. Do you need to attend a seminar/session/course?
  11. How might you respond more effectively given this situation again?


Response: 100 words

  1. What did you find out in response to your reaction (educational needs?
  2. Describe your new learning
  3. What can you take forward and apply if faced with the same or similar incidents?




I have done a brief reflection, but it needs more work. This is the first part of the assignment. Use this reflection to complete part two.

A cat 2 job came through of a patient experiencing chest pains and was very clammy and pale in colour. I was two crew members one was the paramedic and the other was a EMT and I was the third crew member (student) A member of the public had made the call to the emergency service as he was concerned about the patient. The patient had been traveling to work when these chest pain came on, so he was in a public place.

We arrived at the patient and could clearly see he looked unwell. The member of the public was a taxi driver who stayed with the patient until we arrived. When looking at the patient he was alert and talking in full sentences he looked very clammy and pallor in colour, he was also holding his chest describing of a crushing heavy feeling. We assisted the patient onto the ambulance and conducted an assessment, we done a number of observations which included BP, HR, ECG, Respiratory rate, temp and BM we also got a full medical history at the same time. Although the patient had ST elevation and was very tachycardia, he had no previous medical history to suggest or make him a high risk of a heart attack, in fact the patient was a very fit person who cycled every day and has never really been the doctors

The patient observations were all normal apart from his HR which he was tachycardia and is ECG showed ST elevation, with reciprocal changes. This meant the patient was having a myocardial infraction. We had to act fairly quickly and get the patient to nearest PPCI hospital as he met the criteria and the local guidelines for this type of treatment. In the process of getting the patient to the local ppci hospital we had given the patient GTN and aspirin which again is protocol and also morphine was given for the chest pain.

As a student I mainly only assisted with the observations and reported them back to the paramedic, my paramedic what ask what my thoughts were and what I would do. The paramedic made all the clinical decisions based on what was presented in front of us. The other crew member also assisted with the observations and also transported the patient to the nearest ppci centre whilst me and the paramedic stayed in the back with the patient ensuring he was ok.

When the job came through from the call centre, I remember feeling apprehensive as you are never quite sure what you are going to walk into and not all jobs that come through are as what they seem. When we arrived at the job, I became very focused on the patient and ensuring I could do everything I could within my scope of practice. I felt an element of frustration as there were some aspects I couldn’t do yet, for example read the ECG or be able to cannulate. I made every effort to focus however on what I could do, for example taking the patients observations and communicating with the patient and help keeping him calm. Considering the patient was having a heart attack his whole damiana was very calm and not what I expected to see when someone is having a heart attack. This threw me a little and took me a little by surprise.


The whole experience itself was a good as the patient got the treatment he needed, and I was able to take a lot of learning away from it. I felt good that I was able to contribute to the patients care plan but at the same time I felt I needed to know a lot more and my knowledge held me back slightly.


The patient got the correct treatment plan which was in line with local policy and JRCALC.

Patient received high level of care.

The crew worked well together to achieve fast and efficient care for the patient and meet all the needs.

Because we were able to identify that the patient was having an MI we were able to give the patient the correct treatment which resulted in the patient making a full recovery.

I felt I was out of my depth in terms of knowledge and was unable to fully understand the ECG reading, this left me feeling frustrated.

Explain the importance of this database and how the DNP can help to encourage a hospital to participate in this program.

In this assignment, you will discuss additional quality improvement methods. Look at Nursing Quality (NDNQI) and review the available information on The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators® (NDNQI) which is a proprietary database of the Press Ganey Associates, Inc.
(1) Explain the importance of this database and how the DNP can help to encourage a hospital to participate in this program.
(2) Review the literature for two peer-review articles describing various aspects of the program.
(3) Reflect upon how you might be able to use this type of information in your capstone project.
My research is an educational intervention geared towards women of childbearing age about how undiagnosed or untreated subclinical hypothyroidism could have dire implications on the unborn fetus.